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Вступ в клан Sparta
NostradamusДата: Среда, 11.11.2009, 06:13 | Сообщение # 1
Michel de Notredame
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allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 15:55 | Сообщение # 5611
Группа: Гости

Porkchop's Let's Play
Browsing /new makes catgirls purr.
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I have, yes. Also masturbated to pictures of women on facebook (because fuck monosexuality). It's not so necessary for me to be looking at the picture. I will say that I think I'm more inclined to envision scenarios than just stare at the picture (as it seems men do), if that makes any sense.
If you prefer not to have your picture taken then I don't suggest going to a convention in a costume. I consider any costume that I wear an automatic consent to having my photograph taken.

Looove those!! I saw that when you posted and that mani actually inspired me to buy a blue and green glitter polish today lol
AS OF 8/25, DO NOT post a link to an item or pattern for sale. The people have spoken, and everyone would prefer your post be a picture of the finished project, and then in the comments you link to where the item can be bought.

Gentle Animals
Usually photos never do it justice when I try, congratulations, upboats for you
/r/truegaming - Discussions only

01:56:16 Sound of My Voice

If so then thats an absolute joke. He does not deserve half of that.
Please do not editorialize the titles (especially Israel, Palestine or Middle-East news) or they may be deleted.

Rehosted webcomics will be removed. Please submit a link to the original comic's site and preferably an imgur link in the comments. Do not post a link to the comic image, it must be linked to the page of the comic. (*) (*)
eSports thanks you.
Probably because drone pilots leave their surreal "combat room", and then drive home to honey-boo-boo in the suburbs, probably picking up some KFC or Papa John's on the way. And the human brain probably has a difficult time dealing with those two entirely juxtaposed "worlds". Hence the "dreaming in infrared", etc.; what is missing is the sense of actual grit/hardship associated with actual combat.

I wonder what the hardness of fibreglass/resin drops is. I worked at a plant where we made flanges and pipe and you ended up with the resin and shit on your work clothes. So one day I had my phone out and noticed some smudges on it, wiped it on the front of my leg, scratched it all too fuck. It was an iPhone 3gs. Did the 3gs have gorilla glass?
Funny Commercials
Just pretend the bees are upvotes.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 15:50)
In a lot of the south they sell real bear and booze at gas stations.
I'm so sorry that must have been hard. And I know that sounds generic but I really am. Losing anyone is hard but someone that close. And then not being able to say your final goodbye . In a way you wanted it just a lot.

Weekly Episode Discussion: TNG: "A Matter of Perspective" Updated: Dec 10
You're missing my point.
yes. it's also the same moon they used in TDK. Nolan is such a genius!!!!!

People used to say it on Reddit all the time. Anything Reddit tries to make into a meme eventually turns into backlash due to people flagrantly spamming it for circlejerk karma. Same reason people are adding "le" to gem, people used to say "ME GOING TO LE MOVIES" in rage comics and shit all the time until it got mocked into oblivion.
Yeah, Gotta love FnD films too

Mississippi? So brave, man. So brave.
It's funny cuz it's a TV.

Shitty Rage Comics
EDIT: I'm getting downvoted for speaking the truth. Posting another thing about drone strikes on here, when they are well known about on here, isn't going to do anything. I'm not supporting them, I'm just pointing out how pointless it is - if you think they're wrong act on it.
That makes sense—once we started cutting our hair, naturally longer hair meant we could consciously choose to make our hair any length we want. Those who could alter their hair length to meet the changing demands of climate or fashion would then have an advantage.

OS X meme generator
Posts that don't correspond with these rules will be deleted
Artists The artists responsible for the images from left to right on the r/SpecArt header are:

Don't be afraid to ask, I'm sure there are plenty that are willing to have a educated conversation on it. To help further wean the uneducated off the problem. While its an artist that you may like and enjoy, you should be up for exploring the genre, up for the journey, and the unknown track IDs.
All matches are best of five
But I want to see them freak out. And you'll notice the scenario was very open-ended. Next session, I could have the "truth" plotted out for them, and give them a promising lead. And it's a good thing to wait, too, because one of the players' theories might be better than anything I could come up with on my own, and I might want to use that! (How cool does it feel, players, when one of your theories turns out to be correct for once?)

title comments points age /r/ Cake? 1com 0pts 11dys funny Surely it is a cake. 2coms 12pts 1mo funny Spare a thought for Kim Jong Un 24coms 373pts 5mos funny Now then. What can you tell me about this cake?? 537coms 1485pts 10mos funny This is an automated message. Not a repost? Powered by Karmadecay
No direct links to 4chan.org
You should try using the word "worse" in place of "better" so that you may get your second point across.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 15:51)
If I was going to buy one pre-built, I would go with Cyber Power PC. Now you're going to hear a bunch of people claim horror stories and what not, but I have had 2 friends buy PCs from them and had no problem. You can pick what you want in it down to every little detail. It's a bit more expensive, but that's the cost when having as large company do this.
Considering it is "Veigar's naughty list" it might have to do with the way you act in games with Veigar.
Wait a minute if these guys love school shootings then we all we have to is designate their church a school and then maybe someone will shoot them. It's a long shot but it's worth it.

I don't know but I'll upboat it
Well seeing as homosexuality has stopped being a felony in most first world countries and is becoming more widely accepted as homophobia (on a media and political level at least) is dying out. Obviously my hopes for society are too high.
I think That1guyjosh meant 180 degrees from one foot to the other, i.e. they're both pointing straight outwards.

When someone else does it... oh man. Only my sister and the guy who sold me my phone have ever done that to me. You don't know how long the person has been waiting for that moment themselves.
biggrin make my day biggrin

TIL a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up is pretty much guaranteed to get you laid
As someone who's been trying to gain weight for years this thread is so unbelievably depressing to me.I feel repulsive now.
Complete Collection of Rage Faces

No screenshots, or pictures with added or superimposed text. This includes image macros, comics, info-graphics and most diagrams. Text (e.g. a URL) serving to credit the original author is exempt.
Award Winning SF author Nancy Kress answers questions from the Reddit Scifi Community

the PM's are coming.
?Direct? ?Background? ?Translate?
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Clean Jokes
Please avoid multiple exclamation marks and CAPS in your submission titles.

So God damned true. sad
Santa Fe Brewing Co - Chicken Killer


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 15:53)
Follow us at .
If theres any tuba players out there, tuba christmas is great!
I've been looking at getting back into programming. Which language(s) did you start learning first? I started with java, but real world caught up and I want to get back into it. Also, what website (if any) did you learn from?

Personal information is not allowed and will be removed, repeat offenders banned
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snack nori


Now if we could just get college campuses to lift their carry bans, I would feel better about those populated targets.
Upvote for the Futurama reference!

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Always use the comic spoiler tag unless it's in a [Comic Spoilers - post.
Search first. Use the handy search bar to see if your question has already been answered satisfactorily, or see if a quick google search will answer your question. If the question has been asked but you don't understand any answers, feel free to ask again.

After reading the comments, I guess some redditors just want to watch the world burn...
Today I F*cked Up

I'm an Aussie and I don't get it.
Kansas City Links
Mod Announcement: All questions regarding the 21st have been asked. Please use the search box instead of posting a question about the end of the world. Join us in the AskReddit IRC!

Making Memes Visit:
No spoilers in post titles.
The reason a promo is at the end is to allow the operator to drop it or chop out to remain on time and not have to do a "make good" to a paid advertiser.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 15:54)
In many years of playing and watching football, I've never heard an outside of the boot shot called a sidefooted shot. From my experience, sidefooted shots are universally performed using the instep of your foot.
what the hell was that ponder
Yeah, Ryan was a great DC but not a great HC. I see Marinelli like that. Despite the way the defense has regressed (not coincidentally, it has happened as injuries have piled up).

Real-time in ~10 years.
C'est le coup classique parce que c'est la verite! Je ne m'en rendais pas trop compte quand j'habitais en France mais maintenant que j'ai vecu dans plusieurs endroits differents c'est devenu completement evident.
According to himself (AMA he did here), his spanish is pretty bad.

Who says it's more important though? I think that knowing the market for items is just as important.
i.n.v. - Strawberry

I wonder about things like this as well. Could the Borg assimilate, say, the Mycon?
I find it hilarious that disturbing as fuck (actually more disturbing than fuck) TV shows are allowed (Breaking Bad, for example) to air freely but the moment a barely audible "fuck" is uttered in a late night comedy show it's drama.
some would say you have a problem. I say you have a solution.

With that being said 1st and foremost CALL 911. Make sure help is on the way.
I would read the shit out of that.
Cute Kids

-Ricky, Sunnyvale Trailer Park
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Gaybro Map login: redditgaybros | pass: bromo4lyfe
It's real
By doing what? Grabbing his other arm that had a cane? Jesus.

I have taken hundreds of pictures of the Grand Canyon and they all pale in comparison to the actual appearance of the canyon. This over saturation may be the only way to show the viewer the way it 'feels' to be on location in places like this. I hope to use the saturation idea to improve the feel of my photos. I just have to learn how.....
She also very nicely counters people who think Darius is OP.
I really like how you applied the a retro Bat-Emblem onto a lean and modern looking Batman.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 15:55)
OS X meme generator
Personally I think it's pretty shitty.
Stunning pictures!

Early Americans actually trained these eagles to distribute freedom and take on terrorism, thus giving the United States it's national bird.
So here's the out-of-universe characters and references I've found:

That is so smart! I dont know if I upvote or downvote anymore!!!
childsplaycha-20 / Child's Play Charity

Redditunes, archives all of reddit's music
That's the way you see it in America. UK and Australia see it like this.
No posts asking for donations, sponsorship or adoptions (try /r/care or /r/assistance).

Hahaha. What a lad!
shoe margins > disc margins
Bull here, confirmed.

You're simply inserting a cookie on your machine that tells YouTube you haven't been switched to the new layout. They can and will prevent this from working as soon as they decide to purge references to the old layout, when they consider the transition 100% complete.
Agreed. I made a tarot style deck of many things for my games. things a barrel of fun
Ah, an inch is probably too thick. I would buy the pad anyway since it's awesome, then try to figure out what to do with it. I have a feeling the range is probably 1cm at most.

This watch does say "Waltham" so we didn't have that problem, but often we run into a watch where, instead of the name of the company that made it, we get the name of the store that sold it. In that case we have to open the watch and carefully compare the movement layout to tons of diagrams in reference books to identify it. (Hint: in the case of such a mystery watch, start the search at the "Illinois" section; the Illinois company made the majority of such watches in the USA).
How is he supposed to shave?
In the USA the government isn't just the people who have been elected to office. The government is every single person who votes, who writes a letter, who makes a phone call and takes a stand. Our politicians have to vote how we want them to vote or they will have a very short career. Because it is our government. They work for us. Even if they sometimes forget it. And when they do, we have the Freedom of Speech to tell them they forgot, and to get back on the right track.

Comprehensive list of gaming subreddits
The i3 is a dual core processor that behaves as a quad core. The key here is for gaming the single-thread performance, which it will share 1:1 with the i5 and i7. If you turn all the cores except 1 off the i5 and do the same with the i7 and the i3 at the same frequency, they will all perform roughly the same within 5%
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leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 15:55 | Сообщение # 5612
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 16:18 | Сообщение # 5613
Группа: Гости

EDIT: Wait, you just said what I said. I misread you. WHOOPS! Upvote
? Exquisite ReplyGif.net
No he's not, he's got 99 problems...

The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien
Well done. Kept it as respectful as it needed to be while thoroughly killing her 'argument'. Well done indeed.
On a related note, the 404 Page in the OP, if you scroll to the right, features a secret door. If you click the door, it takes you to the channel page of Siglemic, the best Super Mario 64 player in the world. See for yourself!

This was their endgame - Scott Brown gets another chance at the Senate.
I just finished my engineering project. I feel so proud.
but maybe just as in prenatal stimulation, it would be a better idea for the mother to sit on the egg, this is hypothetical of course, no one has laid an egg.

This subreddit is becoming ever so popular. It's only gonna grow, and bad habits will grow with it. Having threads about proper reddiquette is not gonna solve anything. Why not then, remove the up and downvotes and replace them with Like/Dislike and irrelevant.
You must be a U.S. citizen to work for NASA. However, you might want to check out this site if you would like a job that works in contact with NASA.
Messaging the mods

Spoilers can be posted using the following formatting:
You really don't know what you're talking about. Obama hasn't gone after any medical marijuana sellers or growers that abide by state law. I used to work in the industry and it's not nearly as bad as people like you make it sound. The growers and sellers I know that have been shut down were brazenly ignoring state laws and made no attempt to hide it.
So did you star in this porn, or we're you just filming a solo scene?

What's positive incest? Seems pretty inherently negative.
You gotta eat big to get big.
I have no problem with the fact Jews and Donmeh supported the young Turks, Jews generally supported secular national movements because it meant an upgrade in their rights but he drew a straight line between them and the Armenian genocide. Later he even claims Israel attempts to cover up the Armenian genocide (not true, it's mentioned in Israeli school textbooks as well as in Yad Vashem).

[text here - (/spoiler)
YoutubeHaiku is any poetic video under 14 seconds.



Добавлено (09.04.2013, 15:57)
You think kids just text the whole time? I am 16 and from my experience all they do is drugs.
Some people use different words than you to mean the same thing.
Nice work with the completely misleading title

Use link shorteners or redirectors, or use ALL CAPS.
I'm pretty sure that majority of people think that. No need for a confession.
i.e. /r/nfl shows a message at the bottom of the screen that reads "Please don't downvote based on team fandom"

Edit NSFW (sorry)
everyone has a price and in a world where private people are allowed to have billions any of these good people can be bought, threatened, or broken.
Yes! I wish every day was new socks day! I wish you a very happy day!

Politics - This includes the 2012 Presidential candidates or bills in congress. Try /r/politicalhumor instead.
Spider Mew, Spider Mew, does whatever a TM does.
[deleted -

I'm pretty sure Hester ran the wrong route on the INT.
Have fun.

It's not that they're gonna kill themselves getting onto the freeway at 20mph, it's that I'm stuck behind them and they're gonna kill me too!
MR SLIN - 14 viewers
I don't think its a given that he can repeat his 2012, but Dickey has been a good pitcher for the Mets for the past few years. He increased his K% this year by throwing the 80mph knuckler so I don't think his increase in performance is a total outlier.

Flair Legend Top Contributor
Best left to the professionals.
I can't wait for the police to pop his trunk and find two dead Thai hookers.

Buy you can write a version of it that corrects for spacetime curvature.
And people who just hate because they can.
Older women can get frisky in groups like that. Be careful!


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 15:58)
Post Flamebait. Inflammatory posts designed to alienate or insult a fanbase will not be tolerated and will be removed.
is this about any particular instance?

Louis Theroux did two documentaries on them for the bbc if you're more interested.

it is inane or of overly limited interest.
The moderators of /r/funny reserve the right to moderate posts and comments at their discretion, with regard to their perception of the suitability of said posts and comments for this subreddit. Thank you for your understanding.

I rebound U to Z, makes this really easy.
different shops have different rates. check the sites for them.

Late 2008 15" Macbook Pro. 2.66 GHz Core 2 Duo, 8 GB RAM. Upgraded to a SSD drive a couple of weeks ago. It is fast and I love it!
Publication des actions des moderateurs (pourquoi?)
Known Recent Game Issues

It's a beautiful season and 'happy holidays' includes everyone in your seasonal joy, how can that be seen as an attack?
Lip biting is really attractive, IMO.

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In the right order

Here's what you do:
and upload to Imgur
I just want to reiterate that this is not the case with Bukhari the most respected of compilers.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 15:59)
And act like you already knew about this and had "pirate" speak up for weeks. That way you'll look cool in front of your friends
I agree, but have a question. Why does atheism have to offer anything? It's really nothing more than lack of belief in God(s). Why do we not fill those gaps with other sources of tradition or customs?

Did I say that? I meant a pile of pills
Firefox 3.6? What is this, like stone age or something?
I maxed it long time ago.

Please, remind me who has gotten more action in your house out of the two of us?
i never said that gb, the us, and the like did nothing. certainly, by their presence in the war alone, they diverted absolute focus away from the ussr. however, the ussr did the same for the west. i wonder how long, for example, gb would have lasted against germany had they not been preparing for barbarossa. i wonder how american intervention in europe would have fared had germany focused solely on its western front. the soviet front allowed for just about all of the things you mentioned to occur

Ill say this one more time. IF YOU LISTENED TO WHAT SOE SAID. They discussed about doing a superman pose but it was ruined due to them having to hold the huge check so they could only use one hand.
r/RuneScape Secret Santa . Welcome to r/RuneScape. The r/RuneScape friends chat is RedditFC, and the clan is Redditors.
Congratulations, zep719 for winning the Second Annual Ski-It Photo Contest! Winners of the The Second Annual Ski-It Photo Contest have been announced!

It makes zero sense to kick someone off that you booked who is entertaining a crowd properly. That is lame, disappointing for everyone.
In other news, sky is blue and water is wet.
I want to be a writer

The meat is almost an afterthought for this dish, with the vegetables forming the main flavors.

NA - rCraft Open & KotHs - Check site for times and dates.
wat ya name?
Deal with it.

Great job. Keep it up. You look so much better.
Create a submission!
Heard about putting pussy on a pedestal before, but putting it in a Christmas tree? That's just madness.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:00)
Edit: Upon further inspection, it's actually a different photo. It just looks extremely similar. Still check out his book though. This is the one I thought it was: Link

Find us on ...
He means the boots.

Unless they opened the book and thumbed through it of course. No prison would ever think to do that!
It's only gay if your dicks touch?
/r/cinemagraphs (GIFs)

Look guns make it too easy. Anyone with a hot head can kill with a gun. When you make something harder to do. Peoples natural laziness is a great control.
Please keep the 'advice' relevant to the character. If you're not sure, go to knowyourmeme.com.

Yes, ignoring it instead of classifying them as a hate group is an infinitely better solution. First, ignoring them is a hell of a lot better than seeking out government intervention to persecute them. These people are assholes, but they don't pose a physical risk to anyone (as opposed to, say, the KKK). Getting the government to classify them as a "hate group" is putting us on the road to have the government deny these people free speech rights. There is no other reason to brand a group's protest action as "hate". I want the government protecting their (and my) free speech rights, not working to find ways to cheat people out of them on the basis of the speech being "hate".
What's with the hat?
I just decided today to finally get rid of them. Already had 14. I went to UESP and just wrote out the list of locations, checked them all in order since I can't remember where I've been for sure, 6 locations/2 stones left. Honestly if the game would've just put them in the inventory like "Stone of Barenziah(21)" like every other thing I wouldn't care.

I'd rather have presents
Moechat IRC.
/r/survival, /r/bushcraft

Anyway, the best reason to go DSLR is because if you do get serious, there's more options there than Mirrorless still.
I bet you lift.

and upload to Imgur
With her social awkwardness combined with her lack of opportunities to meet people, I honestly don't think my sister will ever meet someone.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:01)
Atomedge's Sharpening Guide
To be perfectly honest, you seem either trollish (my guess) or very confused (also possible, and likely a bit of both in any case). In one breath you insult "neomarxists", then present a wholly Marxist perspective on human achievement. In one post you tell a story of Depardieu as a crusader against an overbearing state (how dare they tax the wealthy progressively!) and in the next, you admit that it's not genuine, while insulting me for telling you a much more relevant and true story.

CSS - BritishEnglishPolice ©2011
Complete Collection of Rage Faces

Our Mission Statement
Cock , balls.
Don't forget also for windows phone 8. I put in $40, since I have been using vlc forever now and have never donated. This is for a good cause and will really help the new windows ecosystem.

But it's not most common hex. The article doesn't refer to that. The abstract regards a case in Nigeria and does a comparative with historical accounts in other localities.
We are always happy to help. Please attach a link to the comments of your submission and a description of the question/problem you are having.

Martha Stewart's Slow Cooker Recipes
Flex the bean a little after you cut it. That helps break the caviar up a little bit, so that over time, it'll fall out into the alcohol. This exposes the vanillin in the caviar and on the back inner wall of the bean; you can take them back out if you want to when you filter what you take out.

Try Irwin's naturals for men or women, depending. Check them out. They claim they are a whole food vitamin. I believe they also have an decent amino acid profile(fish oil I believe). They are cheap too, around 20 for a month and a half supply. I've never seen any specific difference from synthetic to whole food but whole food just makes sense to me. Anyways I wouldn't put to much thought into vitamins, which vitamins IMHO are not a replacement for micronutrient rich foods. Also check out black currant seed oil for the essential fatty acids. No mercury there. I'm quite certain the ratios are dead on as well
/r/care, /r/assistance, /r/rescuecats (also try your local subreddits! i.e. r/city or state)
[Spoiler goes here! - (/spoiler) This will show up as Spoiler goes here!

Dwarf Fortress doesn't have the elegance of monochrome.

So thats what champions do in their spare time now, they build snow man with all their bought items.
Yeah I hear you. In no way do I want to split them up, I just wish I could find someone with her attitude about going out. Until then, I will probably keep fancying her.
Very proud of you my friend!


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:02)
Sadly, they cancelled the series. And if porting can help them survive by reaching another untapped audience, well that'd be swell too :P
Video link.
You will treat other Fapstronauts with respect. No name calling, no insults, and no degrading comments for either male or females. In addition to this, no posting pornographic images, links, or text. Anyone who disregards these rules may find themselves promptly banned.

so you paid $450 to buy two cats and now you own them? or have you another arrangement with these cats?
in its raw form it looks like a shiny rock - it only "looks" like a metal after it has been processed and all other material separated from it
As has been pointed out by a few comments:

Hey guys, I was browsing around and came across this amazing looking make it yourself terrarium! I think this could be a great present that is not too expensive! Furthermore you could customize is accordingly!
Good read!

We are always happy to help. Please attach a link to the comments of your submission and a description of the question/problem you are having.
Android Developers SDK
Each piece is connected to another piece via wide part, which is always the same length

Oi To the World by the Vandals.

From the same ward, I'd be surprised if anyone there even heard of it (besides you)
"Public shootings are a contagion. And the media are consistent accomplices in most every one of them."

Do it. I dare you.
That looks like the Cistern at CofC campus. I'm assuming the occasion was College of Charleston December Graduation?
Unless I missed it from the OP, don't forget "There are many other forms of lying. When we speak untruths, we are guilty of lying. We can also intentionally deceive others by a gesture or a look, by silence, or by telling only part of the truth. Whenever we lead people in any way to believe something that is not true, we are not being honest." from Chapter 31 (page 181) of last years Gospel Principles manual.

The Harbinger > The Rest
Colton Smiths eyebrows have foreheads.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:04)
why are you so mad ? sad
delightfully chubby
You seem to be arguing about the cause of homosexuality. I and probably everyone agrees with you.

Well a decent bow and a large supply of arrows are effective enough.
You think that's bad, try /r/fearme...
You might also enjoy: Our Family

God I'm bored…
what do you really expect when you rely on eli
So, what you're saying is that Football Fans > Football Fans?

I was sad when I first saw this, but now Im pissed off. Ramires and Luiz put their heart and soul into this game. The rest of the damn squad didn't even show up. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.
OPEN BETA Oct 29th:
No gore or porn. NSFW content must be tagged.

meh, most inventory is done digitally with stock kept in the database with the corresponding barcode easily manipulated to price changes... if you were a medium sized company that serves a large number in the bible belt or midwest, may not be cost prohibitive...
For an image subreddit with fewer restrictions, check out /r/misc! A place to share interesting photographs and pictures. Feel free to post your own, but please read the rules first (see below), and note that we are not a catch-all for general images (of screenshots, comics, etc.)

/r/ToasterRights: The true social justice battle begins here.
Now make a mask like Ironman's and then you'll have Wrapperdog.

So that's what those are supposed to be...
No "general" URL shorteners (bitly, tinyurl, etc). Single-site URL shorteners (such as youtu.be or fav.me) are allowed.
We're here to have a laugh, don't get too serious.

misc for anything else
Use link shorteners or redirectors, or use ALL CAPS.
Sounds good. And you're right: That introspective analytical mindset is great for solving logic problems and doing math, but it's waaaay too slow to come up with something funny to say while trying to flirt with a woman. You have to use your brain's semi-autopilot less-accurate saying/doing-whatever-comes mode--so that's what you want to train.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:05)
The chicken wanted to access something on the other side of the road, so he crossed it.
Other Subreddits
A severed foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer.

IRC & Chat:
I was thinking the same thing. Where is everyone in matching armor? and all the floating text!
Edit: I couldn't help but root for a new member of the soon to be bball only Big East!

“He said that the clock was…the way he put it, keeping you away.”
Need more? Check out /r/video
Had one; worth it.

This is my first iPhone/iOS device. And first time I've gotten such an alert.
Hopefully you can learn some capitalization too wink
tl;dr- Cena Punk face heel switch at Wrestlemania 30

Clean Jokes
Yeah, He went through a lot, I have a signed Calgary flames flag and also his book is signed.

Clean Jokes
Ps. I like the costume, and the hot blonde. Good work my tall brother.
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Where were you able to get the more uncommon ingredients? I've never seen python, locusts, or huge roasts of buffalo like that for sale.
EDIT: I recommend Otocinclus sp. as a addition to your tank. Not only because they are great algae eaters, but because do a splendid job of keeping the Bacopas clean. Often seen resting on the leaves.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:06)
I got the feeling the first time I read it that it relates to the ways when everyone worshipped the old gods and the Others were more then an urban legend. Like how the nights watch has an alert for the Others and although they hadn't used it in a thousand or more years it was still passed down to each generation.
For the love of all things Honda & Acura

You may also like:

Fucking false dichotomy. The fact is, humans are murderers, regardless of what they believe. Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin, arguably two of the most heinous mass-murderers in history, were atheists.

The old flair bot is down at the moment. For now, you may select your flair using the (edit) button above, next to your username. Currently, there are only enough slots for the first two generations of pokemon, from Bulbasaur to Celebi. (Column 1: #1-84, Column 2: #85-168, Column 3: #169-251)


Just like, why is it so hard to get the diplomas and certs on vc 2. Why.

Even as a Christian, I agree whole heatedly with this status. This had nothing to do with religion, only with mental health, and this is no time for a religious person to be pushing their agendas.
Problably the same now as it was 60-70 years ago, we just have better resources to detect/diagnose illness.
Perhaps the concepts of boycott and embargo are new to you, but yes, starving a nation's economy is an effective way of protesting murder.

I've never done it but have no doubt it happens.

Just making the point that it isn't the guns that keep Switzerland happy and safe, it's the Swiss people. This text appears below the linked video clip:
For so far everything is going according to plan, and the next week shouldn't be too difficult either. However, all the mileage I've run for so far on these new shoes were at a slow pace, and during the run today I wasn't really sure how my body would have reacted if I had tried to run faster, which I'll have to do next sunday (13 miles with 8 at marathon pace).

Hahaha that's fair.
irc.rizon.net / #gaymers


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:07)
[Troubleshooting - you are having trouble putting together or powering up your new build and need someone to assist you
Where I have personally drawn the line, is when people try defining Christianity in a certain way.

what haven't I heard?
A fickle beast
For the excessively paranoid. Are home invasions that common in the US that this kind of idiotic product is a viable money-maker?

Cheers. smile
Hey, look it's Enable.

Rothko wasn't famous when he started painting in this style. He got famous because he started to paint in this style and people appreciated it.
Use of the words "[le - terally" and "Mittler" are strictly prohibited.
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Various Liverpool legends
Terrible broadcasting, didn't even show what happened when a player got a red. And other times during the game they didn't show replays of some key moments.

baie mooi

I did not know that, thanks, I'll chech them (or him) out.
Submitter hasn't named the source? Try iqdb.

Cause it gets cold - below freezing - in the northeast occasionally during the period between the fall and spring equinoxes each year.
[deleted -
Post personal user information—it will result in a ban.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:09)
Well options=money and Satisfaction. I hope it turns out well for you.

I'm following this idea. Limiting my "fun" internet usage per day in the hopes of actually accomplishing other stuff. Thank you!
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But now I am with my current partner, and have every intention of staying with him for the foreseeable future.
So unoriginal. But I named my first Blastoise ever (evolved from my first pokemon ever) "Stoise". I have named every blastoise I have ever had Stoise since then.

Who controls the NRA facebook page if it isn't the NRA, and why would they take it down?
Is it bad that the very first second that I saw the doll in that position, my first thought was "Oh great, what's gonna come out of its vagina THIS time?"
Pull the other one, it's got bells on.

Christmas in Harlem - Kanye West f. CamRon, Jim Jones, Vado, Cyhi, PushaT, Big Sean, Teyana Taylor, Musiq Soulchild
I know your pain. I was an USMC armorer.
Anti-semitism was perfectly normal back then too. The whole point of this thread was that he had modern racial norms (at least for the jews).

Dota 2 Development Forums
i...i think i whooshed you...
The higher the initial velocity, the less velocity variation matters.

Episode Discussion S03E08 "Made to Suffer" Comic Issue #105 Discussion Thread
I never said anything about batteries.
Here, in Italy, it's reported on TV that England rejoices at the news of the royal pregnancy

Soon natural selection...soon
Please consider /r/offbeat or /r/WTF or similar subreddits unless your article truly reads like the Onion wrote it. This is highly subjective; you are encouraged to downvote articles that shouldn't be here, and upvote those that truly read like The Onion. I depend on the community to decide what fits (for the most part).
Jeff Fisher. Steve McNair. Eddie George. Bruce Matthews


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:11)
I defined sup bar pretty clearly above and I did not compare mechanical movements to quarts when saying it.
NL Teams
Respect: No hatred, bigotry, assholery, utter idiocy, misogyny, misandry, transphobia, homophobia, or otherwise disrespectful commentary. Please follow reddiquette.

It's only 8 AM but I'm seeing a DAHNATTADAHN.
Demotivational posters - Go to /r/Demotivational instead.
I've been trying to put EXACTLY this into words and failing. Thank you so much, from a fellow teacher, for putting everything on my overwhelmed mind into words so eloquently. This made me cry.

we at least share some views on it...
-Martin Van Buren
edit: I saw your ninja edit and preferred first version smile

I've got a thing for post-apocalyptic fiction:
Lasagna is very hot. Lasagna also has a lot of sauce and that's very hard to get out of pants. Why would you waste perfectly good lasagna?!
Everyone, remember to enter December's Bump Contest

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Please keep discussions civil and respectful. Know your reddiquette!
Dadadalun dun DUN

RIP Green Felt
Soundcloud group (music by ents for ents!)
If you're new here, please read this

Headphones don't impact battery life.
That is a strange way to rob a house.

Draw a dinosaur. Dinosaurs are awesome.

Last Months Winners


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:12)
Mega Video Collection K4L's video compilation for those too lazy to read.
That technique seems very wise.

But the x's are for "mark for spam". If it was really OP, then a pencil (for "edit") would show up.
Command hooks. I hang up my bras and a dryer bag that contains my socks on the side of my closet, so I have two more drawers for other clothing items (and my bras don't get smushed). I also hang my purses and towel after I shower. Ideas like this allow me to survive in a tiny room (less rent) without going insane.
It really isn't. At the end of the season, you guys are still gonna be in the tourney regardless.

Oh, so now only kids can be brats? Pull that stick out your ass please.
I'm Idaho!
I see your Secret of the Magic Crystal and raise you Legendary and Duke Nukem Forever.

So America does not have Employment Standards? In Canada, everyone (except for members of professional organizations such as engineers, lawyers, and doctors who get their own employment contracts) are guaranteed certain employment rights.
Raidcall League S2 | $10,000 | Dec 12th -
Rules DO

True story; my ex-wife played this for me before we divorced. She told me this was me to a tee.
CIN loss + PIT loss (WK 16 or 17)
Chinatown http://noirwhale.files.wordpress.com/2012....ess.jpg

roedtogsvart's PvP Character Build Guide
eCards - the poll result was 55.02% in favor of removal. Please submit eCards to /r/ecards

It's not that hard to pick up. If you don't have money or don't want to pirate shit get GIMP. start with the basics. Hit buttons randomly to see what each one does, think up ideas.
Rhymes can be quite nice.
Having a requirement like that just seems so self-defeating too... if you met the person of your dreams, yet he or she had a physical trait that wasn't your preference, would you just say NOPE, and throw away that potential great relationship? If so, that's....well.... sad.

Welcome to r/Politics! Please note: US politics, news only and no meme images. For a place with stricter moderation and civil discussion, please visit /r/Ask_Politics. For non-U.S. politics and news please consider:
The shirt is kinda long to wear untucked. The pants need to be hemmed, it would look better than cuffed. Are you wearing double hoodies?
All I got from that was "why a heated screwdriver?"


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:13)
I'll cherish it always.
I would rather come out on the other side than be pinned to a grate screen and drown.
John Stewart anyone?

The only problem with this though is when multiple people on your team have sightstones. Ya, you can mouse over the icon to see who placed it but it's a real p

leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 16:18 | Сообщение # 5614
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 16:25 | Сообщение # 5615
Группа: Гости

Yay, now we get 3 hours of playoff jokes!!
Depends who I'm playing, I really hate people that wait to pick last to counter as many people as they can. A good KotL is SOOO annoying, as well as undying. Tombstone so blah..
Bannon's death was one of the most moving deaths in a video game because he was actually sorry for what he did, and called his mother to tell her that he would later die

Mass Effect 3 logic (small spoilers)
ok. I wish it was possible. Right now I'm socially dying. No friends or girlfriends. I have no one. Its literally impossible for me to make friends or even talk to girls. I'd be more likely to end up president of the US than get a girlfriend it seems.
I'd like Jordan and Matt personally, but I'd love to see this too.

“Oh no mister, it was more than that.”
Demotivational posters - Go to /r/Demotivational instead.
Milk breast, the women who have these birth strong healthy sons. Romantic breast, the women who have these give birth to emotional, caring daughters. Sexy breast, shits fake, it's a TRAP! Also, no kids.

I think that we'll see a dragon type eveelution. It is the last remaining gen III "Special type" that does not have one.

Herstory of SRS
You mean you kill the main boss in a game? WOW WHAT A SHOCKER!
[meta - THIS HAD ME ROLLING [/meta -

Electric bikes

You might also enjoy: Our Family
Freakonomics did a fantastic piece on the family in their "The Church of Scionology" episode. They also followed it up with the story of the yuengling family. It's quite fascinating.

Need more? Check out:
What do you think of an app used for finding healthy restaurant choices close to your current location based on how many calories you're looking to eat and what type of food you have a taste for. Basically the app would start by asking you how many calories you would like to consume, then it will give you different generic food options like chicken, beef, soup, salad, Mexican, burgers etc ..you choose one of these options (or maybe a couple of them) and the program then finds restaurants that serve specific food items that are served at restaurants close to you that fit these metrics. It will show these restaurants in a map(Google?) format and you will be able to adjust the radius that it will search within. Take for example if you type in 1000 calories, chicken, 3 miles... it'll pull up a map (google map?) with multiple restaurants(within 3 miles of you) that meet these specifications. You click one of the restaurants and a pop up will list the specific items served at that location that will be within your calories. Ok, so you have taken a look at 4 or 5 of the restaurants on the screen and you have decided to go with chick filet... you're given an option to bring up the directions to get to that specific restaurant (or GPS).
RPG Trade


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:21)
Since when is pointing guns in peoples faces and smashing shit with baseball bats considered casual? You do know that firearms make it possible to shoot lethal blasts of lead and fire, right? See, because, that dude had one. And he was pointing it in people's faces. Where I come from that's a Grade A Class 1 threat.
/r/SWIAmA Swedes asking Swedes. Swedish IAmA.
Pretty sure this is called a West Virginia gang bang.

I'm sure it's got 7 minutes of battery life out of the box.
In which we dedicate ourselves to the fine art and discipline of engineering the male facial form.

Read The FAQ
Pikachu kills Dumbledore
The Rage Maker

Monday: 4 miles
Fuck it, have an upvote for saying "Fuck it, have an upvote for saying Fuck it, have an upvote."
Picked up the size 12 Black Metallic 5's! I hope I did well on those, sneakerheads.

/r/gamernews - News
THE-CYBERPUNK-MARKET:$ books, movies, music, games, clothing, and more!

Nope, just use the RES to filter it out.
thats why you sneak in booze.
at least I'm really immature.

I think you may be high already lol...
I know, right? If there genders were reversed this picture would generate massive amounts of concern.

A champion I rarely see played is poppy... Her laning phase bad but she's really strong in team fights and overall straight 1v1. Great at running away too with that mini ghost (W) and a passive that starts cutting dmg, that would otherwise kill you, in half has come in handy many times. When ahead all she has to do in a team fight is ult the ad carry and go 2 shot it. When not so ahead ult something like the support or tank and try to do the same thing.
TLDR - Terrible mouse control, sluggish movement, unlimited repairs and an epic grind kill my current interest in Hawken.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:22)
Your first mistake was ordering mac and cheese
But he's not broken at all. The fact that he was able to make it through all this shows that he's quite the opposite.
No... No. How many times have I told you this? No.

I then started doing like i described and last night got back to master guardian and i now have 30 wins overall.
Their bill was 97.70, they left me 98.00. (So with tipshare they actually COST me money by eating. Don't care.)
I feel like I've seen this before.

This tool brings me shame. I only played 33.3% of my games. And it's not like most of them are shit, they're all good games deserving of my attention.
make the width 640 and height 1136 so that it fits on iphone 5, that's what the Evil Emu means, the ones you posted will be sideways on our phones, you are making yours landscape (like a desktop) while the phones need them in portrait
Mandatory 2-child per woman cap

The US federal reserve is owned by lots of banks not one of them controlled by the Rothschilds. Where did you source this your imagination?
Ok match by Alexis today. Some good, some bad. It's clear that he needs match form in order to play better. We've been so accustomed to see Iniesta/Xavi/Messi etc be back to their best straight after injuries.
I sharted so hard that I laughed.

No gore or porn (including sexually graphic images). Other NSFW content must be tagged as such
Check out the reddit-Pokemon IRC channel! #reddit-pokemon on Freenode.
i don't get why you post that on everything lately

Facebook http://www.facebook.com/Sweddit

Someone (username "GoodEatsComplete") has put every single episode up for viewing. There's 14 seasons with 10-14 epis per season. I highly recommend using the list of episodes on wikipedia to guide your searching smile
What's the more likely scenario here: Almost every guy that approaches her is creepy, or that she just thinks most guys that approach her is creepy, because they don't look like Ryan Gosling? Don't be so narrow-minded, spazorama. I know reddit is often sexist, but just because redditors are attacking a woman doesn't make them sexist. Sometimes they're attacking her because she's just wrong.

In soviet russia, THE BEER KEEPS YOU COLD!
Ha, no. The "Michigan left" is when you go past the road you want to go on, turn around at a divider down the way, and then take a right onto your desired street.
Yeah, and you keep using tap water to clean electronic parts mate.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:23)
The EP consists of 5 songs including 1 Christmas track
That's maybe 20 bucks at Market Basket.

For discussion related to cosmetic strategy.
Please No:
Some simple ground rules follow. Please read these before submitting your gem:

It really could be the kitten's father. I'd have to side w/ OP on using "its" to avoid from offending said parent.
After 20 minutes I still have not deciphered the captcha...

I'm exausted.
Is their an option that lets you do that? I was just at one a couple hours ago and didn't see that :/
This post was very Politically Correct as well.

someone's fantasy doubtless does
Further explanation: police officers can buy "off roster" guns in CA and sell them to any (otherwise qualified) person. In this way the private market has quite a few off roster guns, but they tend to demand a premium.

and Friends
I would do things to her.
If your submission appears to be banned, please don't just delete it as that makes the filter hate you! Instead please send us a message with a link to the post. We'll unban it and it should get better. Please allow 10 minutes for the post to appear before messaging moderators

Loving it. I pretty much only use my phone to read text on the internet, and the resolution is noticeably better than 720p for that. You definitely have to be in the market for a huge phone though. I was coming from a DINC, which was like half the size.

Concerned about international shipping? Here's an AMA by a customs agent!
-Don't worry if you climax quickly. It's your first time. Don't worry if you don't get her off with your tongue. It's your first time.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:24)
That kid could pull off an awesome Krillin
Chat (IRC) Connection

And it's less than ten years ago since we were allowed to actually climb it as well. The view up there is really good, giving a panorama overview of all the other major temples, so I hope they reopen it eventually.
This is great - mine is also my wife's birthday.
In addition to the audited financial statements, get a printout from their actual general ledger. Look through the accounts line by line, and make sure everything they give you ties to the audited financials. Then look through line by line and look for anything that's not at fair market conditions. If the business is paying lower rent right now because current owners also own the building, that will likely go up. If owners are paying themselves more than market salary, bringing that down to market levels will be part of the discussion. If the owners are not drawing a salary because the business isn't making enough money, the value of the business might be inflated.

Valve Store

I've been following your posts with interest and hope for you.
• Redditor for Redditor (Personals)

Go on...
Manage Devices
These...Are...Fucking...Awesome!!, make me some please?!

My last relationship basically limped along its last three months, and I know I tore her poor heart to pieces. However both of us wanted to remain friends. It took a good few months for me to not feel awkward around her, but now we're alright. It's not difficult to be around her.
add [PDF - or [NSFW - tags to your posts, as necessary.
If you believe that a team that drew 30,000 a game even with a shit team, in a stadium where everyhting costs more money than God, with a regional sports network, revenue sharing, and Citibank paying 20 million a year just to slap their name on the building, is actually LOSING money, then there is a bridge standing in the East River just waiting to be bought by you.

att informationen till manniskor som kommer till Sverige om var det finns jobb och bostader forbattras.
Boy nails if I ever did see them!
No verticals, staredad, or batman slapping comics. At all.

For redditors:
posts with their sole purpose being to communicate with another redditor. Click for an Example.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:25)
Why is Lil Wayne eatin a man's ass ?
As a fellow mod I actually find it surprising that there would be an argument over whether to delete the entire profile just because of some pictures that didn't show the user, and instead the argument would be over whether just the pictures in question should be deleted. However, I do like your approach and may start doing the same in the future.

f g h i f 0 1 2 0 #finnbl #finnfour #finntold 1 #Finnst #finngulp #finntys 2 #finnaah #finnjina #finnwaa 3 #finnangcon #finnmad 4 #finnangry #finnmmm 5 #finnarg #finnno 6 #finnbleh #finnoo 7 #finneeh #finnouch 8 #finnexplain #finnregret 9 #finnfff #finnshock g 0 1 0 #jakeaww #jakewuu 1 #jakeeww 2 #jakemhm 3 #jakejelly 4 #jakelaugh 5 #jakenoo 6 #jakeomg 7 #jakeomg2 8 #jakeomg3 9 #jakeroll h 0 1 2 0 #lsplump #marcyscare 1 #lspmad #marcyst 2 #lsprar #marcyugh 3 #lspwhatev #marcywhaa 4 #marcyangry #pbangry 5 #marcyboo #pbbleh 6 #marcyemb #pbgreen 7 #marcyhappy #pbreally 8 #marcylaugh #pbshock 9 #marcyno i 0 1 2 0 #bmocute #pggross 1 #flambono #pglaugh 2 #fpreally #squirlno 3 #kingwoah #wormhey 4 #ladysad #wormwo 5 #lemonow 6 #lemonrrg 7 #lich1 8 #pepevil 9 #pgboh To use an emoticon, enter [ - (#xyz) or
/r/firewater (Distillation)
misfits. you can watch it on hulu.

Domestic violence links
If you took the photo yourself, you can signify this by using the tag [OC - (original content) and after 24 hours you will be given special flair. If you don't receive flair after a few days feel free to message the mods.
Today I F*cked Up

Seriously, it's soda. I'm all about transparency, but I'm not asking for a press release whenever a recipe changes.
Posts for the specific point of it being your reddit birthday.

Spoiler tags are courtesy, not required. Unspoilered comments will not be moderated unless the title of a post specifically requests them, and spoiler tags are discouraged in discussions about individual books. Please use common sense if you're reading about a book or author you don't wanted spoiled for you.
"What is that short guy doing?"
I've never thought Pyro is the easiest class; Heavy is. That isn't to say that only bad players play Heavy, it's just that when a really good player goes as Heavy, you'd better watch out.

EDIT: Just wanted to add that I'd never hit the gym before, and just doing basic beginner exercises got me there in a short time. So yes, I tend to agree with the 'Fatloss happens in the kitchen first' theory.
Eric Holder is a god damned motherfucking criminal. If I could ask him one question, it would be "Why do you hate the freedoms that America stands for?"

Mass Effect
Then carrying all the groceries in would take more than one trip
Draftboard 2012 - Free Live Draft Board by redditor /u/weixiyen

Official Led Zeppelin Youtube account
My ex-wife recently discovered Doctor Who and my son has fallen in love. Playing with his hot wheels on the floor while watching End Of Time. Going to introduce him to 11 later, maybe watch Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. Little guy will love that episode!


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 16:26 | Сообщение # 5616
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 16:44 | Сообщение # 5617
Группа: Гости

The Americas:

The TeaHC Show

Rule ∞ : Don't be a jerk. Posts that do not meet these guidelines may be moderated.
Also karma plz.

We have changed the rules.
Previous AMA Sidebar
Good that you brought that up, I did not think about that. I will contact my college and ask them how classes are taught.

I think we should all take a moment to thank Senator Feinstein. More so-called "assault weapons" are about to be sold, and firearms owners are going to make a killing in the marketplace selling them.
Cat Pictures

From a purely alternative viewpoint, I'd humbly present the following:
Report spam, not content or comments you disagree with.

69-ing must be hell though.
Key to success: have zero shame, do not leave office after shitting.
They have flown people through EU countries without telling those countries they did so, but that is a legal grey area (since often they land in US airbases).

"You must have a really nice immune system"
She ok i guess, cant take my eyes of the redhead though.
Please post news items only.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:28)
Cody Rhodes accidentaly triggers a trap meant for Randy Orton set up by The Undertaker in order to groom the latter as his protegee. Each month builds up to "The Archangel" Cody Rhodes having to fight in a match that replicates one of The Undertakers famous wins.

I tie it up like you would make a spiral or bullet pattern for tie-dying and spray it with bleach water. Its kinda a combo of tie-dying and the bleach stenciling on this subreddit smile
Neil Patrick Harris and Elmo
man... if they were as famous back then as they are now they coulda got their groupies to go out and fuck for drugs and spent that extra $2000 on funky hats. they coulda changed the world.

humor for more in-depth stuff
I'm not sure I understand. If I don't fill my lungs with air all the way, I'll be able to float better? But doesn't breathing shallowly cause you to have to breath more often?

For an image subreddit with fewer restrictions, check out /r/misc! A place to share interesting photographs and pictures. Feel free to post your own, but please read the rules first (see below), and note that we are not a catch-all for general images (of screenshots, comics, etc.)
I fukkin love walk off the earth. Anybody know where I can find their song Revolutions? I can't find it.

Thank you
That's always what I've assumed, at least.
gl?delig jul!!

READ THE FAQ BEFORE YOU POST. Album of the Week - December 10th. Everything hip hop! The latest mixtapes, mp3s, videos, news, and anything else hip hop related from your favourite artists.
exactly as you should do.
Mine and the janitor's worst nightmare.

IRC 5v5 for 21st December Signups
Join channels "reddit" or "reddit noobs" in-game

Should have referred to them as honkeys
Please no sharing/requesting/linking ROMs! Emulators and discussion of game emulation are fine, but please don't share ROM files.
Thanks for doing this man smile


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:29)
Check the list of fantastic users to make this happen on the helpers page.
Photoshop Battles

I have a pair of brown brogue boots, and it's the pair I use most (besides my everyday shoes).
Feels good, friend.

I'm pretty sure this is a legit thing. This isn't the first time I've seen something like this; there are apparently all sorts of forums on this kinda shit online...whether it's true or not, idk, but the magnitude of it online seems to be legit?
macbook pro 15-inch, Late 2008. just replaced the battery and put in a new HD. So it's about 4 years old and still working just fine.
Listen to Jesus, Jimmy!

Second to last, because my focus increased, I started doing more, but my medicine wasn't meant to make me a machine. I had to keep in check what I wanted to do and what I could do, and my medicines limitations.
They are both amazing games.
Did they? I play almost entirely as an infiltrator and I didn't see any difference.

[X Kills Y - (/spoiler)
rikkunes has BLOW UP since he started this project. I really wish I would've stayed with the project.
We got the same cakeday. Have an upvote biggrin

Congratulations! On another note, I thought your title said "wheel of excrement".
Something about that perfectly cut grass against a ruin.
Skip the charity. A lot of them would see your 100 dollars as a drop in the bucket (literally). Find a needy family with kids, and go get them presents. It's what my family and I did this year for Christmas. Ask around, I'm sure you will find a needy case within a matter of hours.

Question: never being out side of the USA are the rides in English or is everything in their native language ??
But we rallied and figured out how to make me cum faster -- we discovered that if he puts his pinky finger in at a certain angle while he's giving me oral, I can cum in a matter of minutes every time.
or use

Full exotic temple set, I mean, but you get the point.
There's nothing sexier than material falling of a woman's shoulder.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:30)
C'est pas minable, c'est un mec qui decide de fuir les insultes et toute la culture de l'envie bien francaise.
Some friends of mine decided for a senior prank they would all shit in a book and put it back in the shelves. Unfortunately, when the last one came out of the bathroom the librarian was waiting for him and asked why he brought the book into the bathroom. Watching the librarian's face when she peeled the two pages apart is something I'll never forget.

Watch Steam all the sudden get 10,000 compliments in the next 5 hours.
Although not perfect, the Mental Health Systems Act responded to these problems. For the first time since the National Institute of Mental Health became part of NIH in 1949, mental health was front and center in federal policy.
Well this game looks awesome. I got chills and felt awful when Boromir was dying and called Aragorn his king, and then I laughed pretty hard when the boat got stuck and make the plinko sounds as it was falling.

No rage comics
One anecdote I hear is since Adam's mother was a teacher the principal must have recognized him and buzzed him in, but now we know that his mother hardly had any ties to the school. Not only that, how could he have been granted entry while carrying a rifle? How did he get inside with that thing???
Please do not directly link to images and instead add information to a self post which can include the link, or alternatively directly link to the image source.

r/EDC For showing off your other tools and gadgets.
connect to:
You took a risk with that one.

Unless you're using an old version of RES, you can view albums too. I didn't have to open a new tab to look at it.
sister subreddits:
Unfortunately your insight will not get to the top here. The euro-americans are busy circlejerking. I am from Malaysia and have talked to a few people from that region who are working here, and all say the same. It is the drugs trade. The warlords keep the area unstable so that nobody bothers them. So that's my anecdote.

So any contribution automatically in your mind becomes about karma?

But with loved ones, you often gain the benefit of the doubt.
Make them descriptive, concise and specific (e.g. not "TIL something interesting about bacon").
Anxiety is a very real and sometimes very debilitating thing. There are plenty of resources out there to help you learn to deal with it and drastically improve your quality of life. Best of luck!

Her Q (arctic assault) - I think this is her most "fun" move overall. With so many mobile champions now a days, its far too easy for melee to get kited without some sort of gap closer. This move is great, its fun, and fits her kit very nicely, my biggest problem is 19 second cooldown at rank 1. Even at rank 5 its still 11 seconds. If you want sejuani to be only in the jungle maybe this is a fine cooldown but its kind of forcing her to build CDR at the moment if she wants to be mobile in team fights, or even small skirmishes.
Great shot! Just wish she didn't have the phone in her hands.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:31)
And lemme guess, if you fail, he tries to arrest you? Ungrateful bastard
Thanks BHSPitMonkey for the Climbit Logo
Never been abroad. Forever UK unfortunately.

The closest thing to what you seem to want is Inform 7, but then Inform 7 can run your adventure so you don't need Python. Also, have you read the theory?
Posts of women that are fit are highly encouraged.

Responsible disclosure would have been to tell Samsung, and explain that you're going public with it in 30 days, and work with them if they have a good reason why they won't have it patched by then.
Bobby Brown
Links If your post doesn't meet the above rules, consider submitting it on one of these other subreddits:

The media*
I'd say this is one of those instances where the burden of proof falls on the believers.
LoL just had the biggest prizepool tourney ever with 4 million, thats fucking unheard of.

What? Once again, what does this have to do with Adam Lanza's situation? Why are you bringing up random topics unnecessarily. He was mentally ill. A mentally ill person's threats are totally different from something a stable person says in jest.
Up your payment and save some interest.

So fake. His controller isn't even on.
I've been with my boyfriend for five years. I've noticed which birth controls drastically change my sex drive and emotions. You obviously didn't understand what I said by your answer because I said that I relate to the girl in this story, meaning I'm the one with the lower sex drive now. Everybody's different, sometimes the guy loses the sex drive, sometimes the girl does, but it definitely doesn't only result directly from cheating. I know for a fact my partner is not cheating on me and I'm not cheating on him, sometimes shit happens but I'm working on finding ways to get my libido back.
Now you're thinking about boobs.

FFA is rather appealing...
Why isn't my comic on the "new" tab? Give it a second. It was probably caught by the evil robotic spam filter, but we've created an even more powerful robot to save everything from the filter; it just can take a couple minutes. If it still doesn't work, it was probably removed for breaking a rule (read them!). Can I be a moderator, too? As much as we love when community members want to help out, we can't accept requests for becoming moderators, or we'd be overwhelmed with nothing but such requests. Therefore, requesting to be a moderator will actually result in you getting banned instead. When we feel we need more moderators, we recruit from a list of people we have identified as being helpful and positive role models for the community. If you want to be a mod one day, that's how you'll go about doing it How do I get flair? If you ask for flair, we will never give it to you, no matter how many blowjobs you offer More links

haaha South Park came to my mind
Those shoes are sick. If NIKE releases a Mid-top blazer of a similar design, I'd buy them day 1. My last 3 pairs of shoes were Mids.
I don't do it cause it smells like them, I do it cause it irritates her and I feel like I'm being a badass by breaking "the rules". Plus it just feels more comfortable, I always think her pillows are softer, even thou they are the same kind. She hates it cause I have gel in my hair and it gets all over "her pillow"!


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:32)
TL;DR - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sa641Awmj0E
We're here to have a laugh, don't get too serious.

I never had trouble with this until I upgraded to iOS 6. I wonder if its the latest version of Safari that's mucking things up?
Please do not:
PEDs aren't just limited to steroids that turn you into the hulk. For example, adderall has received a lot of attention recently as a stimulant,. HGH is another example. Despite its name, its primary use is in aiding muscle recovery. Several studies have shown it has little or no impact on muscle mass. Hockey players would benefit from both of these drugs, in addition to many others.

being a model is definetly not intense...it's actually pretty boring

Gives her a good amount of time off to start campaigning for president again. Can't do campaigning or duties as secretary very well if she is doing both.. That's my thoughts anyways.
Someday. We have hope.

Character roster and stage additions are confidential. But we decide based on the balance of current universes within the game, and any new characters that show up.
Titles must begin with "TIL ..."

No offense, but so what? As a parent, you offer guidance to your children. You don't personally craft their personalities and thought patterns. They'll do plenty of things that you in no way gave them the slightest hint of acceptance about.
what does stahp mean?
"Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way..."

So when someone blows up the Statue of Liberty I can be freaked out about it when I watch Planet of the Apes? Because well-known landmarks aren't used frequently to represent the scale of a catastrophe in theoretical situations, right?
No memes, captioned images.

It's okay. I don't think he likes pussy either.
link to the appropriate start time when referencing videos (e.g. on YouTube)


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:33)
I love the looseness of the sticks, and the short-throw mouseclick style buttons. I hate the shitty DPAD which is good for nothing, and the fact that after a while of what I would call normal use, the triggers start to fail regularly.
Oh my god yes I know how you feel
Why is it I feel that there are actually people out there actually waiting for tragedies to happen so that they can reap as many likes about it as they can on Facebook?

So awesome!
If you think your post is stuck in the spam filter, send the mods a message with a link to the comment page of your submission. We try hard to keep the spam filter clean of legitimate content, but it catches a lot of posts.
We encourage high-quality content.

kyrie ended up with 46 and deron ended up with 51, i think the next highest scorer on either team was like 6. it was a really fun game
Tell him to tell the media he bought all of the "Train Simulator" games.

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HOA + Property Tax
Jesus, get off the drones.

my friends leave their facebooks logged in and their housemates write something funny - they claim "frape" everyone laughs at them.... this makes them assholes?
Are you saying Reddit has a Napoleon complex?
I think that prisons should not be a punishment; how does it make sense to pay tens of thousands of dollars a year just so someone can rot away in a concrete box doing nothing productive with their time, for the sole purpose of making them feel bad?

If we don't do anything to mitigate our destruction of the natural world we are deciding to kill many of the existing species and maybe create room for new ones that may or may not be beneficial to humans, if decide to counter and possibly reverse our destruction then we have a chance of keeping these existing creatures which are beneficial in our ecosystem, so in both cases we are making decisions on what species goes extinct or never comes into being.
To come is ??. (The Japanese don't "come," they "go." Which kind of makes more sense when you think about it.)

I played a big screen version of this game a couple nights ago at a Dave & Buster's. It's harder than I remember!
Who makes this happen?
I've been on and off a dozen different pills and medications over the years because of addiction, but I got started because my parents wanted me try something for my concentration. I didn't want any meds, I didn't think there was anything wrong with me, and I can say for sure that far more harm than good has come from my life because of them.

Shitty Photoshopy
They are dropped from the gifts yes. My guildie got one from a "Large" Wintersday gift.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:35)
My Dad watches Ace of Cakes and although the stuff they make looks incredible, I can't help but feel eating a slice would result in all of your teeth melting away in your mouth.
We will have no quarrels within our ranks. If anyone sees communications between soldiers that are unpleasant, please report it to your superiors (mods) immediately for further action to be taken. And be assured, further action will be taken.

This is the first I've heard of the "Fiscal cliff"
I bet any redditors who were close to the victims, are having a really hard time going on reddit right now.
Read about it here

Yeah, it's a mattress on the floor. But it's a really nice mattress!
FYI league of legends is the most played and registered game on the planet.
06:19:14 Dark Shadows

Um character names, nothing is true everything is permitted, what you already have, revelations, free run, bleeding effect, animus, tomahawk, Mohawk, sword, city/location names, assassinate, important quotes, etc.
I just love that these guys would have been vikings about 1,500 years ago.

If your submission appears to be filtered but definitely meets the above rules, please send us a message with a link to the comments section of your post (not a direct link to the image). Don't delete it as that just makes the filter hate you!
Another orange weapon...
Still need more? See Reddit's best / worst and offensive joke collections (warning: some of those jokes are offensive / nsfw!).

you accidentally a word
Thanks to licenseplate for the excellent logo & thanks to humansmartbomb for the previous logo
EDIT: I'm not justifying it; just not surprised by it.

That's probably because the cat was watching you.
This is wrong. Premium compact cameras - try the Canon G series - have had full manual control for years. I have a Canon G3 from a decade ago that's completely manually flexible.
Hell, if Amazon did this Amazon would flip shit, that kinda stuff doesn't fly there.

Don't forget regular nouns too.
8) Posts or comments with offensive pictures or language are subject to removal at the discretion of the moderators. We are not here to police behavior, but content solely intended to inflame or offend will not be allowed.
Join us at our chatroom!


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:35)
Hahaha so happy
I'd be a bit depressed if I suddenly had to deal with the fact that I killed more people then some wars did.
Official Subreddit IRC Channel - ##/r/sysadmin on irc.freenode.net

Probably also made horrible decision in every case where a woman was involved. I imagine they're nothing but property to him, with a small sprinkle of rights.
?Direct? ?Background? ?Translate?

No links to reddit
basically what the other guy said. you can sell something for whatever price you want. good luck finding someone willing to pay for it though. Most card shops sell cards at -20% value and buy them from you at -40% value, in my experience.
Social Events Check out our Birthday Calendar!

I don't even.
Somebody get this lady (hopefully) some yoga pants! No woman should have to go without.
He's not doing the full range of motion.

What I see is a neon green doughnut. I'm quite curious as well.
Same here, only they said she left it on my nightstand like I was some 3 dollar hooker. That's when I lost faith in a higher power.

I'm not sure specifically to what duties you are referring, could you please elaborate?
That's what we're already teaching them now, that you can vote to make people "give" you things and do things they do not voluntarily want to give or do. Or even worse, asking them "what would you do if you were President?" as if they could be dictator tyrants. That's what our school systems are teaching grade schoolers.

I have binders and hard drives full of them :\
Parents don't want to raise their kids.

It's more of a home rule issue that rattles people around these parts.
Damn, played him in my flex. Leshoure, Shorts, and Ballard all did 10+ ea. Up by 16 with my opponent with Stevan Ridley yet to play. Danario Alexander+Bryce Brown, don't be my season ender.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:37)
I always liked understanding the garbled bits of Italian they'd throw about in ass creed II
The FAQ has been moved there, and I've started a few new pages. I have not enabled editing for everyone yet but will do so eventually. If you have an old/mature account and wish to contribute to the wiki right now, message the moderators.
Please check the new tab before posting breaking news.

titanium backup - backup apps/settings
Rehosted webcomics will be removed. Please submit a link to the original comic's site and preferably an imgur link in the comments. Do not post a link to the comic image, it must be linked to the page of the comic. (*) (*)

9-0 would be an impressive shut out score...if it was baseball
Allison Scagliotti
If people don't want to give you money in exchange for your service...

I have a Cambodian friend named Princess. Facebook wouldn't let her use her real name, because they said it wasn't a real name.
/r/heraldry <-- This is where you should submit crests and whatnot.
I have read up as much as I can...is it possible that I could run the software multiple times to see what it finds, clean up my inventory, and then run again? Can anyone describe the process better for me?

Holly crap, 10 people in pathfinder... that must be a slow moving game.
Why do I have to reload an imgur page 2 or 3 times to see the pic. >=(

Doggit, the community for dog-people on Reddit. Pet-owners, breeders, enthusiasts, cynophiles and all other canine lovers are welcome!
Requirement for sidebar listing: 1000 subscribers.
Styfe Life Coupon Code "GUNNIT10"

Follow the general Advice Animal format. Two line setup or a pinwheel background
not that my opinion matters to the owner of this car anyway sad
I didn't really think about that. My apologies to all of those who aren't familiar with the show.

Does she seem afraid of him to anybody else?
Re-post of a re-post... come on people. They're all still on the first/second page!
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Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:39)
Right. Its not putting down gay men. Its just putting down the act of giving oral sex to a man. Because its totally fine to be gay, its just not okay to suck a guys dick or put yours in their butt. Y' know, love the sinner, hate the sin.
DAE posts - Go to /r/doesanybodyelse
INBF Central USA, May 11, 2013, NACHOS_4_ALL

Forum francais
you question "Dezember" but not So-Mo-Di-Mi-Do-Fr-Sa?
Links to facebook are not allowed

[deleted -
In July 2004, then-Governor Romney signed legislation into law that made Massachusetts' assault weapons ban permanent and not reliant on a federal ban that expired at the end of 2004. The state issued a press release at the time, in which Romney described assault weapons as "instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people."

The Reddit Beginner's Guide to Modding Oblivion
What can I say? I sell these for the people more than myself!
If you have a youtube video of a full ad just add #t=123s after the link to show just a PART of the video. This lets people watch the full video if they really want to and still keep your post an "ad out of context".

It's going to destabilize and weaken severely, to the point where it may not even sustain cyclone force winds any longer. Unlikely to cause nearly as much damage in New Zealand as it has in Samoa or Fiji.
#RPG on irc.snoonet.org (+RPG bot)
BuildaPC Parts and Reviews Database

What county is Soe from?
Is he Canadian?

Going to Green Bay? Check Out Our Community Guide!
Congratulations and good luck to M5, they certainly are one of the most exciting teams to watch with their aggressive but methodical play style.
You were very forward with your comment, and I'm going to be very forward with my reply, so sorry again if I come out as a total asshole.

You working on any new vids for simmie or curry?
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Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:40)
I don't have a problem with the title since it accurately reflects the Politifact article's title and conclusion.
Young accounts are given no tolerance.

h7u9i did specify monitors... but congratulations on your TV purchase.
Feeling generous or wish to gift someone, post here: /r/randomactsofpolish or /r/RandomActsofMakeup/

Name That Ammo #21
A Huge list of movie related subreddits!

Now days (in most western cultures) its a little get together after the funeral for people to chat and share stories about the deceased and celebrate their life. The origin is a little more interesting:
My roomie says it rains a bit more, and is also more cloudy during the winter. I think the rain and clouds are easier to tolerate here being a more mountainous climate than London. The clouds can cling to the sides of the mountains sometimes and its absolutely stunning. Temperature wise its about the same. Rainy days make the coffee shops on every street corner a treasureable experience in themselves. I kind of love the rain here though, its less rain and more of a light drizzle that never seems to stop.
and somehow they all told me it provided no coverage. LIES!! thanks for sharing!

There was a post earlier about setting up a commodities market.
The Hobbit

Or a privately held one. The government did not give these guys a grant, they gave them a long term loan. This set the stage for Daewoo to come in and say "hey we can build a better road between Daegu and Busan and cut 30 minutes off the travel time". They went to the government, got a similar long term loan, and built a road integrated into the toll structure (enter highway, take a ticket, exit highway, they calculate your total bill). The beltway around Seoul is also mainly privately built, as well the road immediately heading south from Seoul was so over-congested, a private company came in to build another one.
I have no idea why I laughed so hard at this.
Also, raising awareness of mental health issues associated with this tragedy can not be under estimated.

I just tell my family (mostly my mom) I dont have one. Im a terrible liar and she knows from seeing it (the profile pic) but I still deny it and she still leaves the subject alone more or less.
I can't help but notice that most comments ignore the fact that you're talking about buying a condo. They talk about yard expenses, roofing, landscaping, concrete work... Simple fact is on a condo all that stuff is handled by the hoa.

Wicked Edge
Did anybody else notice that Bilbo's jacket buttons magically came back at the end after having ripped them off escaping from Gollum?


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:42)
Before posting, please read the subreddit rules and the sidebar to see if your question is answered there. Note that you can either post a link or some text, not both. Server ads go to /r/mcservers. The button is under the search bar. When posting screenshots, use this guide. If you want to submit a bug, please put it on the Minecraft Bug Tracker instead. Lastly, here is a list of things we are asking you not to post, as they get posted all the time.

If your submission contains gore, please check out /r/gore instead.

Doctor Who
A lot of very wealthy people would be leaving the UK if we ever did something as silly as to return to a 75% tax rate.
X-posts for the sole purpose of promoting your giveaway in another subreddit will not be accepted unless you intend to give away something within RAoG.

Cyrillic Script was actually invented by only two guys, Saints Cyril and Methodius.
03:05:11 The Amazing Spiderman
With regard to wait times, there are usually client-side ways to reduce the time to manageable levels, but it might take some initiative. For example in Australia and New Zealand, we started a group to add each other and make lobbies of 5. I've made 3 lobbies of 5 at one time using the group. It's grown to 180+ members now: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/matchmakingcsgo

It's progress, at least.
URL shorteners - No link shorteners (or HugeURL) in either post links or comments. They will be deleted regardless of intent.
03:19:20 Stolen

No reposts, if you didn't make it, don't post it.
“That’s about as much of my time as I’m willing to give you,” the man said obviously losing his patience.
You might also enjoy: Our Family

Wanna hear a bad joke?:
i'm so high
People who say they don't care are either spoilt fans of big clubs, or fans of clubs that don't participate.

Justin Amash
Put some clothes on that cat! For God's sake think of the children!
NSFW posts must be tagged or they will be removed.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:43)
/r/LoLFanArt (and Cosplay)
Here's google's definition of religion:

This is a complicated question for me. My dad hasn't really been in my life, and so I've had to figure out exactly what I want from men and how I should be treated by them on my own. Unlike those who had fathers in their lives who were positive or even negative, I had no measuring stick to apply at all. So for much of my life, I've been floundering in the dark searching for what I think I want from men.
It had been shown that people scroll through Reddit literally only clicking imgur links.
If Justin Bieber would like to go to sleep with a propofol drip hanging above his bed I can happily pop into work to supply him with the necessary items.

I miss the spiky baron D':
Posts must be directly gaming-related. Thus, "generic" image macros/memes (where the character itself is not related to gaming) like Scumbag Steve, Good Guy Greg, etc. will be removed. Something that "reminds you of a game", or "looks like something from a game" is also not an appropriate submission; similarly, reaction GIFs are also not appropriate as submissions.
Gallery 4

Do not post "Brands" in food pics, we would prefer to see your home made creations.
Can't wait for the game!
Posts about youtube itself should be posted in /r/youtube


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 16:45 | Сообщение # 5618
Группа: Гости




Hello World
leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 16:45 | Сообщение # 5619
Группа: Гости




allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 16:48 | Сообщение # 5620
Группа: Гости

Reddit Unofficial TF2 Servers:
I honestly think this movie was better than The Fellowship Of the Ring and was probably almost as good as The Two Towers.

Pretty much a win.
I must be in a dream bubble. Because Roxy in Mom's outfit?
A few things for you to think about. Do you know this guy? Have you met him? Has she? How much do YOU really know about him? Do you really believe he would try to do something he fully understands will get him locked up for a very long time if he were caught? If we assume he knows what will happen and goes for it anyway, that says to me he is a very dangerous person. He might be planning on abducting her or even killing her. If he is willing to commit statutory rape there is no telling where he would draw the line.

Why did we not throw 25 mil at Greinke a few weeks ago and keep out high end prospects? Opportunity cost...

I'm not really seeing a mermaid villager.
I think Sanchez should get an extra category added into his graphic: "Butt Fumbles". It also should be in a bright fucsia so it goes noticed every time.
"how I think I am vs. how I actually am"

Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Why has this not been adapted to a screenplay yet!? This story has been done for almost 2 minutes! Awesome story by the way, keep up the amazing work

No game or product giveaway of any kind
Or what's your best idea as to why it's like that?
Jose get the rebound!

Aunt Bethany wrapped her damn cat again.
Or close it, or click a link, or enter a different address in the address bar, or anything other than scrolling past it.
I bet he had one more layer, just to be sure.

America is the reason that Molson Golden is still brewed up here in Canada. High five that man.
For about half a fucking second. That shit is worse than useless, it's a cocktease.
more like a poke in the eye


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:46)
Dunder Mifflin
He means getting 250 of the same mini, so that you can't deposit it. I have to question the economic sanity of such a plan though...
She almost definitely blew the guy.

Apple basically RodRolled us.
Also: He didn't cry while playing "To the moon", fuck that guy.

If you're coming over from cigarettes you're going to want something high in nicotine. Burley and Virginia tobaccos have the most. IMHO if you're looking for something relatively cheep and packing a punch I would try Night Train. Less than $30 a pound makes this an awsome deal. Being a Marloboro Red man it should be an easy transition. As an ex-cigarette smoker myself, I wish I had found this tobacco when I quit. After a year it's still my all day smoke. I hope this helps. Welcome to the club my friend!
Memes, gifs, and off topic posts need to be posted on /r/see.
Marc Levy, reside au Royaume-Uni

Where does your son currently sleep? If he's used to sleeping near/next to you, I would start by introducing him to the crib for naps. Play with him while he's laying in the crib at the end of naps. Get him to associate happy things with being in the crib. Put him in the crib often throughout the day since it is a safe place. Let him sit there for longer and longer periods of time so he becomes comfortable with being alone in the crib.
Only 2 sticks of ram? Also, two words: Cable Management.
Farming Simulator is not as disturbing for being here as WoW:MoP is.

he is just fun, and always comes to fight. i dont think we will be seeing any running from now on. call it a hunch.
Impressive where is Fido LTE?
Submit a book review

He unloaded it, shook has much water out of it and dried its exterior has best he could.
Funny, that's the same force that propelled our glorious revolutionary rocket last week.
Proof of what? It's incredibly hard to deconvolve the various effects that go in to crime data. Britain is interesting because it was such a drastic ban in such a short time period. What happened in Australia?

They always say faggot silly them were not bundles of sticks

Advice Animal templates
Posted to TOMT? 24 hours later and still no answer? Try submitting to /r/TOMTcoldcase


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:48)
Original post: http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/14xtza/forward_human/
List of Games in Progress & Finished games

That's the worst thing iv ever heard come from a Rioter, what if the enemy team didn't have vision of baron dieing? What if someone new to the game starts playing I highly doubt they know its going to last 4 minuets. This game has grown so much its not very "noob friendly" so for them i'd say yea a big ass purple ring around them is pretty helpful. The reasons behind the buffs being so small is just not making much sense to me and I also don't understand what the problem was with it being so big. So the achievement for changing the buff was? Can't really say its visual effect is better because you have to be able to see it to make that decision.
Please No:

Please explain. What are the consequences of gay marriage that threaten peace and justice?
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

Please keep the 'advice' relevant to the character. If you're not sure, go to knowyourmeme.com.
I know what you mean. A little part of me dies every time I see my old Golf Wang socks when I open the drawer. God damn it
This is the key feature of publicly funded health. It isn't just about helping the individual, it is about helping everyone. If someone is sick they can be infectious. If someone is mentally ill, they can become dangerous. Not just to themselves, but to their families and their community.

Columbia player here, will definitely try to make it out if I can get off work early.
Images of r/conspiracy(New!)
Scammers' addresses

12 man standard scoring-Flex 1 needed
I am not sure how google docs works, but it was displaying the names of people who "last edited" the sheet... in other words, your name will display to other reddit users which could potentially lead to a situation in which you lose your anonymity. Also, I chose not to list the actual marathons I am running because someone could potentially narrow down my actual identity based on this information. In other words, dont get too specific for security reasons. EDIT: Seems like once someone else edits the sheet, the name at the top changes... so there shouldnt be a need to worry too much if a continual stream of people update the sheet http://support.google.com/drive....s_users

You must come up with 5 questions that are specifically related to the topic. Those 5 questions cannot be general questions that anyone could answer, like "what's your favorite color?". Those five questions must be posted in the text of the post. If not, it will be removed.
Mother of God.
If he stands in LA only people in that instance at that moment will know.

The Simpsons
never mind found it after about 3 minutes of googling
* [FP - = Finished Product


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 16:48 | Сообщение # 5621
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 16:55 | Сообщение # 5622
Группа: Гости

Posting article titles containing spoilers will incur DELETION or EXTERMINATION. Please indicate articles containing spoilers clearly.
What works for you may not work for someone else. Your G5RV might be great for you, while my loop might be better for me. The key is don't be afraid to do a little research and try different things.

? Gifsplode, a chrome extension for bookmarking and managing reaction gifs, created by joshu
Flu shots are offered to high risk students in several Irish universities I know of. I'm not sure if they choose individually to offer it or if all universities do it.
IRC & Chat:

Type: [Spoiler here - (/spoiler).
Follow Redditquette

Ent Music:
Good call, I was thinking it was a PN Dance Piano 2k7 preset. Mostly because of the pretty colors that plugs into the silver thingies.

Too soon, Asshole.
However, I find that really flimsy.
I will forever think it is unnatural to see the soldiers eyes.

wtf are u talking about you fucking faggot
No memes, captioned images.
"I'm Jarvan. I'm HELPING"

This is the official subreddit for all meta posts concerning /r/anime
Only the "front" guy does that to me. The rest seem fine, but he's like Freddy from Scooby Doo.
Her ult is one of the single best initiation moves in the entire game. And it has a free 3-second, 70% slow follow-up. She can single-handedly change the course of teamfights.

Flip pages fast for high frame rate version.
Batman: A Death in the Family
Civilization IV


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:52)
Please read the Conduct and Posting Guidelines before submitting or posting comments on /r/hockey.
It's worth noting that the next game they made on the engine, Dawn of War 2, didn't have this "feature". It DID have Games for Windows Live unfortunately, but they did away with that too in the most recent standalone expansion.
Ach, jetzt verstehe ich. Sind Sie jetzt froh?

I think this might be a problem for our conversation because we do not agree on what absolute means.
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Sebastian Janikowski
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I would really like a new, hostile water mob. I was thinking that maybe sunken ships would have a mob spawner in them, that spawn sharks or piranhas or something. It would be like an underwater dungeon. Maybe they could implement a spawning system for them like they did for witches.
If your submission appears to be banned, please don't just delete it as that makes the filter hate you! Instead please send us a message with a link to the post. We'll unban it and it should get better. Please allow 10 minutes for the post to appear before messaging moderators
I have discovered that every time I have a decent team comp where everyone gets the role they want, some guy on my team will get mad and dodge about something like our adc picking Ashe instead of Ezreal (that actually happened)

It's actually kinda true.
Photoshop Battles
'Cause it was good.

That's pretty much the best review of The Usual Suspects- remove the twist and you have a funny first ten minutes, then just a stock crime drama.
Sure but we need someone to bring juice boxes.. ask your mom to get apple juice.
People love finding anything they can possibly bitch about

She could also probably nab another NFL player with even more ease.
I didn't want to visit for many years for some strange reasons. When I lived in Australia, I heard lots of "tales" about Lithuanian visitors who were ... changed ... by Soviet rule. They would come over and expect to be given lots of money and presents because "everyone in the West is rich". Which, as you know, is not the case. Every Lithuanian I know has one of these stories to tell - but in some cases it was the one person who kept moving around the whole Lithuanian community causing trouble.
[Player 1 wins - (/spoiler "Pong")

US Army slaughtering the natives
Unless the enemy used halberds, large axes or hammers, thats what could kill a plated knight. And very well placed stab attacks, yes, but it was hard to do so with a medieval weapon, but possible, and I am sure many knights died with a simple stab from a peasant dagger.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:53)
I mainly do it for design mods. Percent battery mods etc..
Making Memes Visit:

03:56:06 A Thousand Words
If you're talking about a spoiler, use spoiler tags!

My House Rabbit
That's way too much of a stretch for me to believe, It's bad enough that they dragged 10's regeneration out so much, but visiting every companion would take hours and hours from the Doctor's perspective.
Edit: Hey guys, sorry I've been away from my computer for a while after posting this. The ticket was claimed. I'm sorry to all of you who wanted to go, but I hope you still have a lot of fun watching it.

12/5: Rock Bottom Bar Trivia
They don't need supercomputers as much as they need databases. They aren't running simulations. They're compiling data.

I suffer from back pain too, hmm intredasting.
Chill. (This one is for you guys, not the tea)

Who to add, drop, start, sit.
It is god damn hard to go to space, and there's really nothing out there.

Seeing how well hes played this season (when starting), probably
Netflix Best Of
Just doodling around? Why not share it with the doodlers? /r/doodles

how are they useless on an ipod?
This happened in England too during the Industrial Revolution. London was known for having fog as thick as "pea soup." There is a story where the advisor to an Indian maharaja went to meet with some people at the East India Company in London and was absolutely horrified by what he saw. Reading him reporting back to his king makes it sound like he went to Mordor.
Just because she chooses to wear a hijab yet not practice other aspects doesn't mean she's any less muslim. Plenty of people don't adhere to every single rule in their scripture.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:54)
ABC News should write an article on this.
To discuss spoilers in comments, use the format:

good job, young jason segel!
I have Special Eyes...
Plugins allow new things to happen, sort of like multiplayer mods. It would probably limit you and force you to work.

If the interest rate was at it's natural rate or above, why would the Fed need to expand it's balance sheet. What would be the point of QE?
As a cat, i don't give a fuck. Feed me and smell my butt.

SpaceX is knee deep in the planning stage. I am rather optimistic about this coming to fruition. We have the resources, we just need to get our tech to match our needs, and we're not too far off.
Ask A Shitty Philosopher
I'd rather spend the time and money to get a network set up right at the start, and enjoy sub-100ms pings and good bandwidth afterwards.

Germany here. We only got Rod. I'd rather have the drum machine.
Yes, and they are. Which is sweet if you work there. But they also give more to charity. The basically try to run a profitable company but then dump the profit at the end of the year. Upper management makes a grip of cash.

It's always better to wait. prices only go down, plus you can catch some really good sales. if you buy your parts within a span of about 3 months, you can save like 150-200$ by catching good deals.
He didn't "kill" him. They both made a bad decision and paid for it. It isn't like the son was innocent or played no role.
It appears to just be some crazy guy with no teeth.

They are only required to stabilize you for the time being. They don't actually provide any treatment for what you are suffering for until you can show them you can pay with a loan or proof of insurance.
Game Grumps Store on Shark Robot!

Facepalm - Facebook Conversation Screenshots
...but....but... random banning is so much more fun!
Once reinstated though that doesn't mean we won't still be watching if you post something infringing and I can't guarantee anything get's reinstated.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 16:55)
Is it perfume from a dress that makes me so digress?
RPG gamers
Please spay and neuter your animals! While your newborn animals are cute, failing to do this allows your little darlings to add to the population of homeless pets. Adopt pets from your local animal rescues, there are plenty of animals just waiting for a home.

[deleted -
Or, you know, buy a graphics card from the past 5 years.
UGC - Competitive HL/6v6 League

Really, the whole "why aren't you paying attention to all the bad shit these guys are doing?" is a poor argument. Obviously, we should be
TooSoon death watch:
Thats spectacular. Good game to watch too.

Obviously I'm a homer, but I totally agree. Unfortunately, I think it will foot Brady or Manning.
IRC channel (106 users)
Some phones are supported while others aren't.

Short For:
O2 already do this, I've found a few perfectly non-adult sites that they've blocked. It's a pain.
or you could get over yourself

3) Be excellent to each other
Do not post about deceased loved ones, please note this includes pets.

Check out the reddit-Pokemon IRC channel! #reddit-pokemon on Freenode.
I'm 14, I like to think of myself as mature, I do what reddit tells me. But then there are people in my year that still find immature things like constantly disagreeing and saying obviously fake statements to teachers, once I heard someone say they were allergic to walls to the teacher because he wouldn't stand against the wall he got a detention before we entered the classroom and another when we were in there, in year 9! I hate our generation! But yeah most of our age that use reddit are fine smile

We also won WWII and stopped Nazism.
Do you have a PayPal? Redditors could get in little by little.
The main thought I had about this while reading it is that people who oppose(d) feminism just don't understand what women have had to put up with, nor what in many ways they continue to put up with.


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 16:55 | Сообщение # 5623
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 17:13 | Сообщение # 5624
Группа: Гости

They were still putting 8 in the box after that.
Eating (insert food here) will put hair on your chest.
The last sentence confuses me.

No political/religious posts. Anything that is political, religiously offensive, or has devolved into political or religious debate will be deleted.
You could spell Moxas for a good amount of points. it looks like your best word there.
When I got a tattoo in that spot (/r/rebilpar's friend here, she totally god the idea from me wink ) they wrapped some masking tape around my t-shit and bra to hold them out of the way and taped them to my upper arm, didn't make me take them off all the way.

Lol, this game is so bad that Tampa Bay is favored to win.
Gun forum nuts are being told to come here, join, and downvote.

I don't know for sure what bird it is but it is definitely not a killdeer.
To make a spoiler comment use:

Yes, my way is not legal. But, neither is his. It's tolerated, but it isn't legal.

It would appear you have lost something as well. Luckily for you I've found it. You can have it back, just be more careful with it next time. Here you go: ?
Why? ? More Info ? AMA: Bot, Human
OMG you just blew my mind. Everything your saying is so right and it perfectly explains spooning.

Check out the new comment faces
To be fair, there is nothing to say you couldn't get jumped while stoned...
No dont watch KI and if you do make sure you watch DBZ first.

how reddit works for new people.
She's not livestock, she's a person. She doesn't belong to you. Yeah, sure, it's hard for you, I'm not saying you're stupid for having feelings. I'm saying that she if she hooked up with the dude AFTER you broke up, that does not make her a scumbag in the slightest. You're allowed to be sad, but there's no need to act like she's a whore.
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Добавлено (09.04.2013, 17:00)
Why we are called r/entwives
Series: Shin Megami Tensei | Final Fantasy | Phantasy Star Online 2 | Tales | SaGa

If you are creating a thread about an issue other than automotive please include in the title.
Peter Schiff
If only I had an idea that would revolutionize some field of science....

I don't know a single person interested in a Raspberry Pi that doesn't have a spare HDMI cable, SD Card and micro usb cable.
She made my sausage stand up
The fact that I have fresh, running water. I have the freedom to log onto the internet and post this comment. I'm not necessarily proud of my country, because I, as an American, I realize that we have made our mistakes.

Need to rehome your rabbit?
This article was from 1991 concerning his doctoral dissertation. Since the plagiarism was confirmed some 23 years after his death and 36 years after he wrote it, I'm not sure it is that noteworthy.

A googolplex = 1 with a googol zeros after it.(this is the second largest number with a name)
BANNED LIST: The GIFS or sounds below are banned because they have been over-used and worn out. Lets keep this sub fresh. It is about quality, not quantity. [Send a message - to suggest a ban or request a ban removal.
whats important to note hereis the date. that was the very FIRST day of the war. he wasnt jumping on the band wagon. had this uprising been shut down, he would have been remembered as a terrorist. those first men and women who stood up to tyranny were the bravest of all.

Maybe, yeah, but I find the outline-thing more important, you can always sell the blurriness as an artistic choice, as trying to convey a particular emotion and such, but the outline-thing looks too much like an error to pass as something intentional. I guess it's best to look at eyes on a lot of other Madoka art and see what the ones that look good have in common.
Same thing
I will slap you in the butt.

Why does it looks like someone actually bothered to try cleaning the snow off the side of the plane there?
Good thing I have a backlog.

I'm a senior. I decided to go to my school's homecoming for the first time ever this year. I was on the verge of tears the entire time. I realized how much I really didn't like not only the music they were playing, but the way people were acting and dancing and I just felt so out of place and it just totally freaked me out. Something about it just seemed so...fake. Like it was a show or something. It was so unreal. Maybe it's my social awkwardness acting up, but it really just wasn't my thing. I don't regret going, however, because I learned something that day. I have a very, VERY strong dislike for Nikki Minaj, Lil Wayne, Rhianna and other artists from that genre. The only good part of the night was when they played Mambo Number 5. And then it remixed to the Black Eyed Peas. Never again!!!
Korrekt. Men da jeg allerede har haft en konto pa den danske version med mit kreditkort og email, og sa bruger dette "Media Hunt" i en incognito-browser, sa skifter den fra den amerikanske version til den danske lige sa straks jeg har betalt.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 17:03)
Do not post anything directly from Facebook.
Just roll with it, that's what I do.
It looks like Cthulhu's head running along to re-join the rest of his body.

No screenshots, or pictures with added or superimposed text. This includes image macros, comics, info-graphics and most diagrams. Text (e.g. a URL) serving to credit the original author is exempt.
Stupid hollywood myths
No comments or posts from bots.

This one always makes me laugh.
Li river*
This discussion is definitely flawed and very incomplete, but I hope it helps illustrate why this want just a hack saying "ain't these colors purdy", and why some people may think it's quite valuable.

Denies hipsterism. Confirms hipster.

Not commercially - just at home, but I've learned it's basically the same process, they just can everything in the sealed cans and it's flash-cooked. It's time-consuming and smelly at home.
You cited dogbite.org an openly biased website. Look into actual police reports and do your own research. Labs account for more fatal bites than pits.
Even later in life, I give no fucks.

Join our mailing list at lifeprotips.com
I'm really surprised that people don't already do that.
[deleted -

Nothing ventured nothing gained though. The alternative to this is not having this girl, not having any sort of sexual experiences, and not getting out of your comfort zone. If you don't do this now, it's gonna be kinda new to you again the next time something like this happens and you'll be right back where you are today.
Other Communities/Mediums
As much as I love trees, it is for a different reason than why I enjoy alcohol. Alas my answer is alcohol, purely for the social aspect I associate it with. When alone, however, I prefer trees.

All tampons...all white, self observed, cunts....and the DBZ characters are all Asian.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 17:06)
Please downvote.
They don't allow dead lifts at Planet Fitness, but they do serve pizza.
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FA- First attempt (cut them some slack)
Abe Vigoda

Do you think that it's feasible to change that? Could we live in a meritocracy rather than a beaurocracy? I believe people WANT that kind of change.
Edit: Be warned, below me is a dark abyss. Comment if you dare!!
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Nike Air Max 1 OG "University Red" - $110
Stands on her own!
They would "patrol" that place on their morning walks, and if I so much had a small plant in the front yard that looked like it was dying, I'd get an official warning to replace it or they would replace it for me, with a fine.

it's so strange that you posted this! I've been using hair removal creams for years and today for the first time I wound up with a chemical burn on my thigh. Mega bummer. :-/
Mr. Rogers.
I miss my 1st generation iPhone so much. It felt so much better in my hand than my 4, and I feel like the design was a little better. The upgrade was necessary.

Spoiler code Please mark spoilers like this:
First law of feline fluid dynamics: puke always finds the nearest carpet.

I always hated this episode. Jerry was such a mean fucker. Poor Tom...
No trivial or obvious facts (e.g. "TIL the sky is blue"), or facts that appeal only to a narrow audience, specifically no software/website tips (e.g. "TIL you can click on widgets in WidgetMaker 1.22").


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 17:10)
Official BIS/ArmA Forums
No begging for upvotes
Attempting to bring attention to the fact that OP is happy with his current hairstyle, and asking the same question of him as you have of me.

Pretty sure the umpire at Edgbaston knew exactly what was going on. He gave it out immediately. It's just the batsman who didn't realize.
I actually can't use Google+ at all, because you can't stop people from putting you in their circles, so I can't be any me but teacher-me on G+, so I just stopped using it except for using hangouts occasionally.
That never ultimately happened because of the "Switch In Time That Saved Nine." Van Devanter retired, and FDR replaced him with Hugo Black. Owen Roberts switched his vote to support New Deal legislation in the West Coast Hotel Co. V. Parrish case.

They were 9 bucks at walmart a few weeks ago, got one for my daughter. Castle one looked cool too... just saw some similair Crayola 3d wall art on clearance down there as well, swooped up the t-rex for 2 bucks.
4th pick: I'm smurf I go mid sorry

LoL eSports Calendar
It's not mentioned in the patch notes, and there's no sane reason it would be changed. It's a very useful feature now missing from the game, so I'm reporting it as a bug. I'd suggest y'all do the same. smile

This is a good life tip. The results of a meeting of acids and bleach are less than optimal for your, and really everybodys health in the building.
Also known as the Handlebar Crab

The word is "spatter"
Henry Cavill
its not a password its an email signup

Any you too! Thank you.
Funny how pissed of the Dems are at this, yet don't shed a single tear when Obama's drones kill innocents in other countries. Dont' give us your fake pity shit, you just want to follow your warmongering pseudo-jesus obama. If you had a real heart the killling us innocents BY US would piss you off more.

I've seen that in Turkey they censor anything to do with alcohol and cigarettes. But the funny thing is when they are blurred out, it gives the impression that everyone is holding a dick to their mouths!
delightfully chubby


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 17:13)
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Star of David
My personal favorite is still "League of Ladies" The beat and flow on that song are just amazing.

That was hilarious have an up vote.
Use spoiler tags.
Dog Fort.

They consume a lot of phosphorous, topsoil, fossil fuel and fossil water to do it though, and none of these can be easily replaced.
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will we just go ahead and keep calling ourselves Ploungers, or how about Plizzards? thoughts?
worth it, besides who's that fucking lazy, where you have to change a disk every, say 10 hours
I felt awkward... in the butt

Funny Commercials
The biggest thing for me has been the music. Its just... Its not right. It doesn't sound like ME music.
I didn't compete; I only discovered this when it was halfway through. But watching everyone's completion pics as they roll in has been inspiring, to say the least, and I can't wait for the new year's first challenge. I want to participate!

How am I insulting the Irish language? Because the general population doesn't know how YOU spell something? That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Why do you still have internet explorer pinned on your taskbar?
I've been trying for days now. I hope yo achieve it sooner rather than later

Warthog Gear - Holsters Coupon Code "Gunnit"

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leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 17:16 | Сообщение # 5625
Группа: Гости




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