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Вступ в клан Sparta
NostradamusДата: Среда, 11.11.2009, 06:13 | Сообщение # 1
Michel de Notredame
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leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 09:15 | Сообщение # 5536
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 09:17 | Сообщение # 5537
Группа: Гости

This made me think about the dharma initiative

Hah, I like how that's worded in Italian. "Ho una brutta notizia," like "I have some brutal news..."
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

ward in Louisiana: 0.
2 orgasms in one.
Adlington Reddit

Yeah, I live in a small town. Unless you are a somebody, it isn't unheard of for the cops to beat the living fuck out of you for something like that.
Marijuana Policy Project
Oh, you have proved me wrong, have an upvote(event though I don't really agree with your game choice). I just looked at the picture.

Come on man, that's obviously the joke.
Military One Source - 1-800-342-9647

A Stray in a Manger – Free and Members
[deleted -

Its a metaphor for the struggle of the lower class against seemingly insurmountable odds and a system designed to keep their progress stagnant. Right?
New: /r/cringe
Still need more? See Reddit's best / worst and offensive joke collections (warning: some of those jokes are offensive / nsfw!).

red killed blue
Screw off America-hater, most of us are supersmart. I myself, can count to potatoe.
The pressure is on the inside, from the male officers and mysoginistic attitudes of the military and LE. That's where the change needs to be to relieve the pressure. You conforming or not conforming doesn't change anything, because you aren't where the pressure is coming from.

leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 09:18 | Сообщение # 5538
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 09:51 | Сообщение # 5539
Группа: Гости

The biggest 14 point swing of the Raven's season
Dat fender
Raven Bar/Restaurant List across the US

Where can I find good prices on gear?
the frakkin music is in the ship, it's in the frakkin ship.

This guy, with your quick and seemingly smart answers. I bet you're an excellent problem solver. I have deemed you PROBLEM SOLVER (WO)MAN
Don't post pictures of your books unless they are unique (e.g. autographed ones).
I imagine that's how my dentist feels too.

Think of the plot
Anyone know where I can learn to do this?

Don't know why you got downvoted, mallrats references are always funny.
I really wish washlets like this could make more headway into the US markets but we Americans have an aversion to any kind of discussion regarding our bathroom habits... so we continue to use a toilet model invented in the 1890s as the de facto standard.

Login does not count, because you only ever had to do it once. It would be sad if FB kicked you out after each time you closed your browser, they don't do it, we don't do it. You have a point with drag and drop, but thats a different desktop 'gesture' then general point, click, selection methods.

edit: le
We also support in comment champion pictures and in comment item pictures
He is in for a nasty surprise...

"I'm no weatherman, but I think you're getting a few inches tonight."
No Jon and Ego rule 34 images. Seriously.
That is indeed a wise man.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 09:20)
You have no idea how good this makes me feel! My legs were always so skinny that I was afraid to wear shorts. They have by far always been my biggest insecurity and that is actually the first picture I ever took of them.

Not if you never rested in Blighttown!... Oh, who am I kidding? Nobody does that.
Here you go.
so they pretend be a JB fan and then act like a freakin' retard about it?

NH state commission on the status of men
Altshuler LL, Hendrich V, Cohen LS. Course of mood and anxiety disorders during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 1998; 59:29.

After today Calvin is 181 yards away from breaking his single season receiving yards record. He only needs 90.5/game to break it.
It's freehand, which is why the robot-helmet with the red stripes for eyes came out looking pretty wonky when compared with what he's really supposed to look like. tongue Bro loved it though so I guess it's all good.
I see this term a lot. I don't like it. Some people have it worse than others. It's not a bad thing to point that out and have a conversation about why our society makes it like that and how we should fix it. "Oppression Olympics", as a term, just seems like a way to shut down dialogue.

For information on using kill icons in your comments, see this thread.
Captive Wildlife

Memes - Go to /r/AdviceAnimals or /r/Memes instead.
Gentle Animals
anyone know how you can find out when an app was released? and how are these people making money on this app?

sure we are. combine incompete data from various sources to make compete data

Benched him for the dud Scheffler...

Still less gay than twilight.
plates are from Virginia. This is north of San Antonio, Texas.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 09:23)
"I was in the pool!!!"
Don't make memes about your friends in real life. Ever.
I don't know. There could be implosion coming, depending on what current events play out like.

Ugh, I hear you on the needing happy lit. front. Lately I've been reading a good deal of Terry Pratchett. Not sure if you'd consider him "rubbish," on account of him being a fantasy author and all, but he's really funny and fun.
EDIT: Just wanted to add that I'd never hit the gym before, and just doing basic beginner exercises got me there in a short time. So yes, I tend to agree with the 'Fatloss happens in the kitchen first' theory.

/r/Pinsamt Like /r/cringe, only a lot more Swedish.
I would pay money to run there.

Rage comics - Go to /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu instead.
Pathfinder RPG
I would rather just have a single, really effective chest day though. That's really what I'm trying to accomplish here.

Do you literally believe everything you read, dumbass?
I now type with one thumb in portrait with the 4.2 keyboard as fast as I used to type with two in landscape with SwiftKey. In quite keen for SwiftKey Flow to be released. I can also type reliably without looking now due to the swiping of 4.2 keyboard.
No politics. Political videos (including ones related to current political figures) should be submitted to r/politics, r/worldpolitics, etc.

I live in a city in Sweden where 43% of all travels are made using bicycles.
Support Forums
a lone man stands in a parking lot, under the sole incandescent light bulb

You might also enjoy: Our Family
Why so serious?
I wanted to tell a short penis joke but everyone here already has one.

My tipping scheme starts at 20% and goes up or down based on how frequently you refill my drinks.
Personally, I would suggest keeping full coverage on your Ranger for two or so more years.
Just Cause 2


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 09:25)
No off-topic/inane posts.
Memes, gifs, and off topic posts need to be posted on /r/see.
Still need more? See Reddit's best / worst and offensive joke collections (warning: some of those jokes are offensive / nsfw!).

I concur...He might even kill people with guns.
I have an eye of horus tat as well

Seriously tho, I'd like to ask Mr. Pharmacist a question.
Rugby Championship - New Zealand
Pictures of just text - Make a self post instead.

Lies. That only holds true on thursdays, and today is most obviously a monday. So you're safe for now.
Please keep the 'advice' relevant to the character. If you're not sure, go to knowyourmeme.com.
Please post your team rules & settings!

DAE posts - Go to /r/doesanybodyelse
Seems comfortable in coverage
ShitPoliticsSays: A subreddit devoted to the idiocy and occasional genius of r/Politics.

A list of E-cig Mods
8) Posts or comments with offensive pictures or language are subject to removal at the discretion of the moderators. We are not here to police behavior, but content solely intended to inflame or offend will not be allowed.
You can, however, use apostrophes and not acute accents when writing "can't" and similar words :).

... It wasn't?

I Might Be Wrong
Excel: track exercise, weight, reps, and sets. Fitocracy is good for a temporary place to log numbers.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 09:26)
My sister's too. 12/21. Thankfully, getting my sister a card won't end in me sleeping on the couch. So my bank account will be glorious.
Most Recent Cubing Competition and Most Recent Contest Results

That's true. Or blowjobs.
It's different when you know the person. I don't know how or why, but it is.
YES! I posted that yesterday to a thread! I laughed so hard at his loose reasoning, it is sooo fucking crazy. A step into the mind of the self-blinded. "I believe" "It seems" "most likely", Oh, really? I am pretty sure the passage says, "LITTLE CHILDREN", you douchebag. (not you).

I'm sure they would if they thought of them as human.
That's phimosis, and no it isn't at all necessary as I've already pointed out.

I'm biased because of my flair, but still -- name a Stark who's still directly tied to the realm and can still directly influence it (Jon can, if certain things happen, but that totally depends on what happens). Name a Stark who's still even involved with Westeros (again, Jon could be, if certain things come to pass). Name a Stark who's handled various setbacks with grace and humility -- even Jon hasn't done that. Sansa has. I'd even say Sansa's been in more potentially-fatal situations than any of the Starks.
also the kennen M.D and the dr shen skins could go.
The panel was presented with confused and inconsistent understanding on the part of both professionals and young people of the concept of consent to sexual activity.

I had one, too. My father bought it for me after I asked him for an iPod. It was... heavy. The worst part about it was catching shit from people for having one. But I used it reliably for four years. smile
The best kind of wincest.

Channel: #thewalkingdead
Then why is the comic black and white?
Please keep the 'advice' relevant to the character. If you're not sure, go to knowyourmeme.com.

That would be a particularly shocking way to reveal a sex change to your Facebook friends.
(I'm actually pretty sympathetic - hopefully, the people who can explain what's going on when things like this happen are spending MOST of their attention on the actual game development and not hanging around watching the chatter on discussion boards. I have to admit that if it were ME, and after a day of hacking on the game I looked at the boards and they were filled with rage, I'd want to just say "forget it, I don't even want to touch it" and go back to hacking.
Picfoolery - Free iPhone App

I've known it's #1 on IMDB for quite some time. I just never sat down to watch it. I think my favorite movie is The Fifth Element.
Emoticons A B C E To use an emoticon, enter [ - (/xyz) x for the letter at the top-left cell of a chart, y for the column and z for the row of the emoticon. Full guide here. Alternatively, you can use the name. For example, [ - (/scootacheer). There's text often hidden in the ponymoticons! Roll over them with your mouse to reveal.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 09:27)
Does hank realize there is a giant dog on his lap?
God's plan etc.

Gotham City!
I'd feel amiss if I didn't suggest a glass or pitcher of punch...
No posts that qualify as /r/facebookwins material.

Ultra-new: /r/Im14andthisisWTF/
Wow. It's been a long time since I've thought about the large marge scene. I used to rewind the vcr over and over to see that face. Good stuff.

How many people can you kill per hour with an AR-15 vs a steak knife?
*Steering: *
It would be nice if Minecraft had some sort of system where texture pack items override default ones (therefore allowing new items to show as default textures until the texture packer gets around to updating it in their own style), but I wouldn't really expect Mojang to add something like this for years. If ever.

OPs girlfriend?
I think Williams is overrated, and I think Id take Irving over him, but Parker had a MVP-caliber season last year, and has played just as good this year.
Ok, I will. Cutler fucking sucks and hes a huge whiney pussy.

You might want to consider manually adding $0 data points for games like Portal, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, and Half-Life 2: Lost Coast which have been given away in the past bu will likely not be given away again any time in the near future. It also may be worth factoring in the price of very common bundles like the Orange Box.
Rehosted webcomics will be removed. Please submit a link to the original comic's site and preferably an imgur link in the comments. Do not post a link to the comic image, it must be linked to the page of the comic. (*) (*)
Use Imgur! please?

You'd have a point if the OP hadn't mentioned reproduction.
She was killed by a fucking psycho and that's sad.
I'm surprised he put up with it this long...

The FAQ has been moved there, and I've started a few new pages. I have not enabled editing for everyone yet but will do so eventually. If you have an old/mature account and wish to contribute to the wiki right now, message the moderators.
Yes, really went off on a tangent there, apologies


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 09:32)
[ - (/s "Vader is Luke's father.") It will look like... (mouse over it!)
I feel ya

you know you frequent /r/fitness when you recognize usernames.
Sometimes traffic blows its horns at me, but they understand why I'm doing it really. They'd do the same if they were me.
/r/Music is not American Idol

Wiki Travel
No reposts, if you didn't make it, don't post it.

Dan Harmon: AMA 1, AMA 2, Tw
The review board on one day asked for some records to be unsealed, the Mayor and Police Chief said they were vital to national security. A few days later the ones that asked for the documents were replaced.
Official Forums

Khazar Pride
Some of it. But he's right about the culture change-part of that is because of young voter participation like we've not seen before. And another part is the number of people who believe things like god smiting NYC with hurricanes because of "the gays" is rapidly shrinking-aka: dying off.
Yes, I fucking love Sam Keith's art for this series, I've always thought the first arc was the best arc. Unfortunately, he left because he didn't think his art was the right style for the series. I disagree, but what happens happens.

I would agree that it's refactoring, my disagreement is that you can say that there are no changes in external behavior
Image macros and rage comics are banned, as they can deteriorate a sub over time.
NEW! Links to tumblr pages are not allowed. Direct links to tumblr images are allowed.

The city wouldn't allow them a liquor license unless they became a restaurant. AMLI bought the land and put in all those bullshit apartments and retail shops. You can always count on reddit to mock things they never even experienced.
So do I! Isn't it fantastic?
Not a Trek Tree when you are mixing your si-fi....call it a si-fi tree then.

There are plenty of endangered languages out there, but I don't see this guy doing anything to change that. He would rather sit on Tumblr and spread conspiracy theories.
Memes - Go to /r/AdviceAnimals or /r/Memes instead.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 09:36)
Rage Novels
the surprise guest star in Zombieland. I had no idea it was coming, and it knocked my little socks off.

http://i.imgur.com/cIfVC.jpg Putin on the..
I think OP is just trying to xda up the comments.
I liked it better when philipatoz said it in the top comment on YouTube.

II. Titles
I loved this game when it came out. This game kinda pushed me into the Hitman games (loved the "just kill enemies/the mark" for points system).

I'm pretty sure it did hit his head, look at this, there's no frame of it hitting him but the angle seems right and his glasses suddenly dissapear: http://gif-explode.com/
No solicitation of votes (including "cake day" posts), posts with their sole purpose being to communicate with another redditor, or [FIXED - posts. DAE posts go in /r/DoesAnybodyElse. "Fixed" posts should be added as a comment to the original image.
Messaging the mods

I'm a huge fan of the styling of this car. It's damned sexy for a wagon -
But I wanted to kill him

Iomeme - URL based meme generator
All nighters are not fun or cool. That will be detrimental to your grades

meme was introduced less than a month ago

this site has some of the best type descriptions online
Edit edit: Main page post is up.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 09:37)
December 8th, 2012 - Japan
Fun fact: "potato" in French, or "pomme de terre" means "apple of the earth." Easy to remember when you know the meaning!
President's Trophy - Final TBC

Monkey troub[le - xDDDD
Only link to legitimate sources. Links to pirated content will be removed.

Swap subreddit (swap posts only, please no x-posting): /r/redditlaqueristaswap.
Add random traps to the coliseum, such as lava or pit falls.
edit: holy shit, I just wrote it at random.. but it does exist

Picfoolery - Free iPhone App
LDP announces "More of the same old ideas that never worked!"

Title: If only I could have been so successful in my academics

Boston travel guide
The moderators of /r/funny reserve the right to moderate posts and comments at their discretion, with regard to their perception of the suitability of said posts and comments for this subreddit. Thank you for your understanding.

For one second I was afraid Teemo might survive, good thing that fucker died!
Ent Music:
this should be first day on the internet kid

Who abandons a box of kittens though? Pretty sure you could take them to ANY vet or animal charity and they'd take them in, you don't just abandon them in a field!
You should come to grad school - I find myself writing that much every other day or so, it's great!
istiklal caddesi, walk all the way to the end and have a beer in Asmal? Mescit district


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 09:38)
This reddit community is dedicated to the game Grand Theft Auto. Feel free to discuss any aspect of the game you want. This is an open forum to discuss the current, as well as past seasons. Please use spoiler tags accordingly, see below on how to use them.
No politics / posts with political implications - Includes Activism, Call for public outcry etc.
OoOo I really need to try korean food, that looks yummy! Does it have to have egg on top?

Things that make you go AWW! -- like puppies, and bunnies, and so on...

No memes, captioned images.
before submitting, use: karmadecay.com/r/gifsound

The best Chinese food.
Hey! Listen! /r/gaming is for (almost) anything related to gaming! Check out /r/Games for more informative gaming content!

This is how I'm trying to see it anyway, I haven't had the opportunity to put it into practice yet so I can't speak for it's effectiveness, but it seems to make sense to me.
Bird Pics

December 18th - Noah Fried - MuggleNet Staff member
Don't forget regular nouns too.
Plan ahead

I happen to think that it wasn't really Peter Jackson's fault on the plot issue, that's gonna happen if you take a two hundred page book and make it into nine hours of film
[Generic Spoiler - (/spoiler)
same - back and stable. Awesome quality as usual

Almost all kids are huge dicks.
If you can't see your submission in the new queue and think it has been filtered as spam, please double check that your new queue is ranked by new and not rising.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 09:41)
It's a scorpion pepper,I know I need more fish, I'm getting them today, I just had to start small to get the water right for the fish. It's starting to get healthy again.
And at the price of the precut bits you may as well hire your own personal servant.

this question gets you added to our
Memes - Go to /r/AdviceAnimals or /r/Memes instead.

Yes, text figures.

Sometimes I use those previews just to have a bit of fun and see what different races will look like in a set before I invest time in leveling that particular race/profession.
Your Mom's site is incredible. I'm drooling at all these recipes and pictures. Can't wait to try some of them out.

(Conclusion reached entirely independantly.)
As a 17 year old shy guy: I should talk to a girl

Treyarch Security & Enforcement Policy
humor for more in-depth stuff

We have gay marriage here and we're doing fine :P
I would hate myself for liking Macklemore too, heh
"For WHOM"

Excellent photo
The amount of times we've had to re shoot scenes because people look at our camera in the background gets a bit stressful.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 09:42)
About: A subreddit for ads taken out of context.
Live streams & VODs
most of christendom does, actually wink

”Hmm this is a perfect blackjack hand..... Hey guys lets play blackjack!”
I'd have sex with someone just to obtain a coupon like that.
My name is Sam and it freaks me out everytime they say that

I really disliked Max Payne 3 on the grounds of the story making no sense if we are to accept that the Max Pane in MP3 is the same character from MP 1 and 2. Yeah, the gunplay was good and the physics was amazing, but I didn't like the story and the game just felt wrong. I probably wouldn't feel that way if I'd never played the originals, but it wasn't a proper sequel to Max Payne 2. Hell, it almost pretended Max Payne 2 never happened. At the end of MP2, Max had made peace with his wife's death, but Max Payne 3 ignored that and had him spend a decade drinking away his sorrows instead.
One very happy bot out there with 1600 more points.
Yes, a vas deferens.

TV Sub-Reddit List
Videos, collections/albums, interactive images/websites, and articles are not allowed.
Gentle Animals

Related reddits
I'm in constant search for these rare RCT1 files.
No gore or porn (including sexually graphic images). Other NSFW content must be tagged as such

I know you are getting downvoted, but if I had a soy and legume allergy I would have a very difficult time being vegan. That said, if you look at raw foodists, it is possible to do.
Montreal Canadiens aka Habs
And no one loot looted that day, motherfuckers.

EU - Community Tournament (Hall of Fame) - Stay tuned for future events.

Oh man I just saw one of those posts on Facebook. All I can think is, how can you keep God out of anything? Like suddenly God's out because the students don't pray during announcements. What a weak God they think of.
This was amazing
You tend to lose a lot of dynamics when playing through a computer, could lead to developing bad playing habits. I'd go with an amp that has a headphone output, but that rules out full valve amps


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 09:43)
That's what his wife said.
R (Glacial Prison) This is what makes sejuani playable at all, do not change her ultimate. The range is really nice, the utility is amazing in teamfights and in ganks. The AP ratio is very nice for mids but the ult really won't do much damage if your in the jungle. Maybe put an HP ratio on this? 2 HP ratios might be hard to balance on a champ with AP ratios, so maybe lower the AP ratio on the ult a little and give it an HP ratio to suffice. That way people can build full tank CDR Sejuani in the jungle and still do more than just be an ultimate and a slower in teamfights.
If you think your submission has been autobanned, please message the moderators.

MarCor is an abbreviation ooh rah
Inspiration Nails 1/1

Secondly, saying that IG is more effective in every scenario than Tri Force is utter crap. Tri Force wins undisputably when it comes to single target dps, is comparable when kiting single targets and gives you a good chunk of extra front load burst.
(760) 733-9969, Should we call it?

For a Wailord with 31 HP IV to survive it'd require at least 28 Sp. Def IV, considering the minimum damage of the random range.
slow clap

That was actually one of the scariest movies I've ever seen.
Yeah, the low angle doesn't help anything. Normally I'm always wearing a scarf but wasn't feeling like it today. With you on the glasses, thanks man.
Din aur Raat?

No comments or posts from bots.
works 2 out of 3 times
How did you like all the traps in Sens Fortress? The adrenaline you get by running past those swings, only to be killed by those awful snakeheads.. That made me rage more than anything at the beginning of the game.

That's insane.
A lot of this subreddit just seems to be minor machine packaging screw-ups. Isn't there more that's mildly interesting?

...now if you can do something about the healthcare system then I'm all ears wink
Oh dear God, that's horrible! What book was this in?
I'd like to add a few blurbs. I know we have a lot of SoCon fans here though.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 09:44)

The implementation is as follows:
This subreddit is a place for the entwives. Ents are welcome, of course, but any variation of "any single entwives in (my area code)" will be removed. We are not a matchmaking service. Similarly, any comments on image posts that would be considered hitting on the OP will be removed.

Only matchmaking.
Fast-track to today. Now there are soooooo many different fps games on the market that I haven't even played 25% of them yet. Having more options to run to when one game isn't doing so well means people don't have to be patient to see if the developer will fix the issues. By the time the issue is resolved, the player has already gotten used to the community of whatever game they switched to. In today's market it is a lot easier to lose player base than it is to gain it.
Agreed, and sadly it took an economic failure for people to realize this. Sadly, there's a large amount of people who are still in the dark with how much Republicans want to take everything.

I don't think that I am qualified to explain what could be improved as I am no longer a citizen.
Lettuce talk this out

Zip code + street address is all you need, the USPS database provides anything else if needed.
You can't actually have a meaningful discussion unless we all use the same agreed-upon terminology.
Loved the TV show? Episode Discussions on r/gameofthrones!

Another example is early color graphics with 3 bits/8 colors. You would often throw two pixels in a 8 bit data type (if that's how the memory is addressed, might do more or less for other architectures) with 2 bits wasted or storing something else.
Australian TV
With all that being said, I am enjoying DoTA 2.

Unofficial Wiki
Sure. Your daughter. And you had your camera ready to take a photo before they'd cooked even a little bit, huh?
Eat the elf and smash the muffin.

Or set your alarm clock to the sound of a baby crying
Wow. This just made a light bulb turn on in my head. I was about to post an argument in favor of pre-existence of the soul, but I found my argument to be inconclusive and ultimately dependent upon the question "When is Heaven?"
Upvote for cake day and not mentioning it in title.

I was very pleased, and thought it was wonderfully made, with most of the additions making plot sense.
NO PORN. Adult-related content is fine (discussions about sex, for example), but please no xTube videos or nude/explicit pictures.
The problem is a Godless society? By that logic the middle east is a safe haven.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 09:46)
This is an email I received from them :
Did you buy the domain through Google?
Any Ann shaggers here?
I don't post every little accomplishment on reddit cause I need validation. Oh, I won a race, I was on the front page of the newspaper, as a phd candidate...

Link directly to the deal (eg. iTunes Store, Google Play, App World, or developer site and put link to codes in the comments)
As a guy who just had his fiancee dump him, I have a similar feeling. Life sucks sometimes.
British spin on r/firstworldproblems.

Include the resolution in [brackets - in the title.
I like Lucas. I don't like Ethan, though.
This reddit community is for submitting your favourite digital or natural media creations of Sci-Fi and Fantasy pictorial art featuring robots, cyborgs, mechanisms, vehicles, spaceships, futuristic cars or other transport. No photos, please.


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 09:56 | Сообщение # 5540
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 10:14 | Сообщение # 5541
Группа: Гости

Labour vibes to you! Can I have some here too? I'm trying to avoid induction on Thursday. Good Luck!
Just saying. smile
CSS - BritishEnglishPolice ©2011

My two supervisors were pretty laid back so they were cool, at one point they put me in their office to watch over the dock in case there was a delivery while they left the building to grab something to eat. When they came back, Charlie covered the camera with his hand at the back door and impersonated a weirdo asking to be let in. I bought it and told him to fuck off via intercom. They had keys though so they just unlocked the door and went in where we all had a good laugh.
In your and my eyes yes, but others don't think that and as long as they don't act upon it, I could really give more fucks the way racist people think.
Related reddits

Lissa_morticia! Pm-ing you now.
Ughh idk if I should get it or not!!!
It's kind of strange to think about, but neither was big yet. Nevermind wasn't out yet, and Ten, which gained momentum slowly through 1992, wasn't popular yet.

If her feet are at the end of the bed how far do yours stick off the end?
/r/AskReddit - post a question for the reddit community.
Beach muffins are the worst, I'd rather eat a dick than a beach muffin.

are you my ex boyfriend?
I don't understand the batman one? Will someone please explain?
Irony is seeing this minutes before getting a call and being dumped by my girlfriend of the last 5 years. FML

You guys all have some problem cause anyone who think 20 1st graders being killed is funny have some issues and no heart this is a stupid subreddit!!!!!! Imagine if it was your family like a brother or sister even a cousin or your own child would you want to see this crap!!!!!
So if not paying his taxes is more important then that's up to him.
They are? I get them from the dry-cleaners every time.

I would have friends but most of society doesn't deserve me.
All her other emotes look like human female ones, though.
The thing that I'm trying to get across here is in line with what you have to say though I think. I'm all for changing people's minds as long as it's done in a constructive and positive way. We don't win over the hearts and minds of people by being angry and intolerant.

Brady Quinn
white people can be pretty awesome sometimes.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 09:58)
Spoiler code Please mark spoilers like this:
I absolutely love it and I'm not the biggest fan of pink. CG something sweet if anyone is wondering smile

Cuban refugees are exactly what one might think that they are, political refugees that risked their lives to flee an oppressive regime. A lot of the original refugees had their assets nationalized during the revolution; this is the same official reason for the embargo, a lot of US companies had their assets nationalized. They're generally granted political asylum and eventually obtain citizenship. This makes them a very powerful voting bloc that is heavily concentrated in a crucial swing state (Florida).
I always found what I was looking for in the end, but if we're maintaining resources and information nexi, shouldn't we be thorough about it?
Sam Shields has been on the bad end of A LOT of calls this year, he finally catches a break and Aikman won't shut the fuck up about it.

Please write a short blurb either in the submission title or the text if you do a self post to explain why this movie/show is worth watching.
Game 5;Death valley

$136 billion for "retirement and disability" benefits
...Silver's lovely complete sock class here
Oh shit!

Did i fucking say ANYTHING bad about yuengling just now? No, no I didnt.
No memes.
The depiction of Dale - I couldn't wait to see Dale and the Lonely Mountain - That part of The Hobbit has captured my imagination since I was little and The movie definitely delivered to those expectations.

Rehosted webcomics will be removed. Please submit a link to the original comic's site and preferably an imgur link in the comments. Do not post a link to the comic image, it must be linked to the page of the comic. (*) (*)
Its raining Geth haleluya its raining Geth
why were you in there in the first place?

Personally I would celebrate the fact they were gone. If something horrible were to happen to WBC I would feel all warm and fuzzy like justice had been served.
same kind of jokes when a) we were moving office, so I was making the list with the library stuff we would need, including an office trimmer; b) a samurai book I brought by mail arrived at office...

8th Round(win): Wind-Up Typical Wind-Up player who knew all the combos. Game 1, I stomped him by summoning a lot of big beaters after he Shock Mastered for Traps instead of Monster Effects. Game 2, he stopped his own strategies by siding in Messenger Of Peace. This is something that was in my side deck so I had no trouble getting over it. However, because he got 2 compulses, 1 solemn warning, and 1 solmen judgment off, I had no cards in hand and he slowly beat me to a loss. Game 3, I sat on a Royal Decree and a Tragoedia until I was ready to go off. He also had a messenger of peace up. I drew heavy storm and attacked him with Junk Destroyer and Tragoedia to get him down to 1200 life points. I set mind crush and ended. During his standby phase, I activated Mind Crush and called Dark Hole. He had it and scooped. He was not mad at all (phew).
Thats so close haha this is awesome we should try and organise a meet up!!!
Happens all the time in the magical land of photoshop.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 09:59)
Shortened links (tinyurl, bit.ly, etc.) are not trusted by the spamfilter and will be automatically removed. Please refrain from using them.
It isn't the teacher that I wouldn't trust with the gun, it is the classroom full of students waiting for him/her to turn her back...
Non-native English speaker here, and that raises an interesting question. How do you even pronounce Plounge? Like plunge? Plaunge? Ploungy?

We tried re-installing several times and it just won't work, and I'm happy with IE so I'm not going to attempt anything else
COD Memes

Clean Jokes
Need more? Check out:
But lets not turn r/NFL into an RGIII circle jerk.

I was wrong about her ulti cd, its only 130 at rank 1 which I still think is too high given its other stats.
Dat waist!! You look awesome chica!! Keep it up biggrin

Answers citing established traditions
The Europeans that were complicit likely face trial, the CIA will finder it harder to carry out illegal operations within our borders and the USA has been found guilty of crimes by an official body giving China, Russia and whoever else evidence of their hypocrisy from one of the own allies.
Also, he's extremely generous on the field. Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C

God is responsible for everything, unless it's bad, then it wasn't god's fault. And prayer always works, unless it doesn't, then it wasn't god's plan. And god's plan is always what would have happened anyway, so don't pray for a soldier's missing limbs to grow back, he doesn't work that way. Unless it was 6,000 years ago and needed to use a rib to make a whole human being out of it.
Roger Murdock: We have clearance, Clarence.
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Good thing it didn't happen.
"Troll" remarks, such as "You'll regret that"
That was a better comeback story than Rocky II


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 10:04)
For the excessively paranoid. Are home invasions that common in the US that this kind of idiotic product is a viable money-maker?
No post titles asking for upvotes or approval, such as "any love for...", "what does /r/aww think of...", or "this didn't get much love on...", or "karma machine".

it is inane or of overly limited interest.
"I'm going to post a picture of this bitch on the internet to criticize her for not fucking me"

Maybe you're weighing the morals pros and cons, but let me assure you that OH MY GOD SHOOT ME IN THE GODDAMNED FACE!
Plus it's based on a book series that is still on-going, so unless it gets cancelled it's going to continue for a while.

No, but it's not exactly a good way to start a game in low ELO soloqueue is it?
NEW! Links to tumblr pages are not allowed. Direct links to tumblr images are allowed.
I think that the banana dessert looks wonderful, and I also think it was wonderful how you did a four-course dinner, at home.

Logo: zombiebenji
Going to an FCJ Meetup? Learn how to pack, teabags

Fidel Castro
Really though why would we want to be allied with france, all they do os start shit with the rest of europe
[text here - (/spoiler)

What about Starbound?
Luckily it's smart enough to remember the location when you hit the first button and doesn't wait until submit to gather that. Hit the button when you see something and take your (safe) time hitting the rest. When you submit, the original place will be marked.
Looking at it that way, I actually like the look of it now. It needs to be cropped, though. Badly.

"TIL how to ..." posts belong on /r/HowTo.
thanks everyone for the nice comments so far smile
5'11" 180 lbs with a 30" waist here. Plus I don't skip leg day, so I have giant quads.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 10:05)
I'm seeing her one last time tonight. We'll see what happens.
White guy here checking in, seems the "blame whitey" sentiment is still going strong. Everything seems to be in order, see ya guys later.

Rehosted webcomics will be removed. Please submit a link to the original comic's site and preferably an imgur link in the comments. Do not post a link to the comic image, it must be linked to the page of the comic. (*) (*)
Man that's like NBA Jam!

Nope, that was Pronger.
Wouldn't really reduce recoil that much. Would help with muzzle climb though.
I'd say Chrome running on ChromeOS is much more secure than Chrome running on Windows. 64bit or not.

Hoping to move there in the next couple of years
N. Carolina Gaymers
Fantastic! I just broke through the mile mark two weeks ago. I run through a form check and relaxation routine every few minutes, and just go every other day or third day. I broke 3 miles yesterday and I think I may have switched bodies, I've always been the fattest, slowest guy around. Keep going, and remember to smile and relax your face while you run, you'll work less hard.

Official Game Collection Gallery
Bent - Gary Willis.
A list of DOs and DON'Ts for messages.

You are automatically assuming that the parents cannot work to raise the child instead of doing nothing in the way of providing for and supporting him/her.

You're right! Man, what was I thinking about... Breezy! That's it.
Never rely on the LAST BUS Regardless of its the last mall shuttle, the "drunk bus", the last train, etc. Its always packed, and hell breaks loose. Be on the 2nd to last one when possible.
[Tutorial - - Posting a Tutorial

Alright fans. I'm rubbing my balloon REAL GOOD FOR YOU!
My sister and I are completely identical, even now we are in our twenties people still have a hard time differentiating us. Once, in high school, I wrote her music theory exam for her while she wrote my french exam for me. No one ever found out and we both aced our exams. Now, it seems funny, although at the time I was silently freaking out because I thought we'd get caught. It was almost not worth it, but we did get away scot-free.
Uncharted 3 by far looks the best where cinematography is concerned imo


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 10:06)
voted it up, but then I saw it was at 1234 upvotes so I couldn't xD
Mad Men
Before the change I used multiple accounts and refused to buy station cash or premium because of it. Now I feel comfortable giving them my money.

I read once that during basic training Hendrix slept with his guitar on his chest. Went to sleep playing and when he woke up he started again. Pretty amazing guy for having such a short life.
Edit: There's not a whole lot out there about it but I found a few things.

Please DO NOT post personal information. This includes anything hosted on Facebook's servers, as they can be traced to the original account holder.

Penis size/body type issues
Common tongue? It doesn't take that much effort to find out you're wrong.
Test PAC

Reddit search

Going over combat emergencies. Ie your battle buddy gets shot, you have to tend to the wounds, have someone post guard while you perform all these different procedures, then stretcher him to a safe location and call in a 9-line medevac. We deploy next December so they are starting to practice this stuff frequently
Event Advice

Check the new queue after you post a video to make sure it's there. If it's not, message the moderators to have it removed from the spam filter.
Rage Novels

3) Please do not post poll-type, survey, or yes/no questions. Posts like “highest vote wins” or of similar nature will be removed.
Or inner city folks killing each other with what are likely illegal guns, most likely fighting over money acquired through the selling of illegal drugs and other illegal activities.
Check out some related subreddits and links.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 10:08)
Do you just go find a cubicle and turn off all non needed electronic devices and just crank shit out? I think that would be the only way I could get work done. I just always get distracted and have to take a lot of breaks
Looking for off-topic casual discussion? /r/mlplounge
This tournament needs more teams. For example, Champion of Libertadores, Sudamericana, Concacaf, Champions Legue, UEFA League, AFC, OFC, CAF and host champion.

edit: They also have fingers too. But I've learned that people do what feels good. The act and the person matter, not the apparatus. With that in mind, there are most likely gay men that use pocket pussies and there are gay men that do not. It just depends on how they feel about it.
Hotel Rwanda

Your submission could be used for the latest r/trapmuzik mixtape, so if you post a youtube link don't be a bitch and try to provide a mediafire or hulkshare download link or an MP3 of some sort.
eCards - the poll result was 55.02% in favor of removal. Please submit eCards to /r/ecards

Please read the rules before posting!
It isn't much compared to Sword Shield, but thank you very much! I'll see if I can draw those two when I can.
The first time I ever played pokemon was on blue right when it came out. My first playthrough I got the masterball and figured "Hell I got one I'll probably get more" and used it on a Geodude. -.- I hate myself.

ah. sorry, being American I tend to forget other countries exist
Barbara-Thoroughly enjoyed this film. It's a tightly crafted East German drama about a doctor banished to a small town hospital. It delivers strong performances and late rewards. If you loved 'The Lives Of Other's' you'll love this too. 4.5/5
I remember seeing this video a few years ago on youtube...and the comments all kept asking if the kid died at the end. I know it was a ridiculous question and probably a bunch of shithead kids on the internet trying to be funny...but I'll be damned if I didn't laugh myself to tears for about 2 hours at the thought of the kid hitting that luggage cart and dropping dead.

Edit: I know what your saying though, they didn't even actually use tie dye in this video, just splashed paint on shirts
Connect to the IRC

That's a great story, except for all the people he hurt along the way.
Fuck it. Him too.

Apparently, the shooter got the Black Ops II double XP confused. The map is NUKEtown, not NEWtown.
HunterStarcraft's Speed Walkthrough


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 10:09)
Today I F*cked Up
"how I think I am vs. how I actually am"

Need inexpensive shipping options?
Nail Art Tutorials: Feel free to leave a suggestion for tutorials to add!
Japan is exactly the same, but damn... For all the 7-11s on every block, what's the point if none of them has a Slurpee machine?

http://i.imgur.com/ROzaW.jpg This is me trying to be political

Competition open to all gunnitors.
You know, these comics make me wonder if the artist is as much of a socially incompetent moron in real life as well.
Right, because guys are the only people that invent things.

You're a good person, I like you.
Why is everyone yelling in this thread?
Oh fuck this shit.

Sounds like the NYPD's stop-and-frisk program: do you have darker skin? Up against the wall!! And let's see some ID peasant!!
For some reason, started humming it in an exam a few weeks ago, went home and looked it up and haven't stopped listening to it since!
Exception: Some typos, bizarre values, and other things could be defects and the care is actually real (although things like glossy or too thin/thick paper shouldn't happen as it's all the same card stock)


Related Subreddits: Topics:
The barrel is free floated using a Armalite free float tube
It's going to be crazy.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 10:14)
Only upvote music new to you
Nobody will ever vote "you should refactor the code". What might be important might not be popular.

He missed today's game due to flu like symptoms.
Your active hours (in UTC): Chart #1, #2.
164.205 Definitions for ORS 164.205 to 164.270. As used in ORS 164.205 to 164.270, except as the context requires otherwise:

I must be in a dream bubble. Because Roxy in Mom's outfit?
No "transaction" posts of any sort: giveaways, begging, trading, etc.

You don't understand the legislative branch at all. David Friedman is a whiny, idiotic, overly-theoretical Jew.

Just another day in the hood...amirite?
2 The Dispossessed
But what about all them muslamics coming over to steal our jobs but refuse to learn the language?

Console Commands - Test Mode Cheats
this question gets you added to our
Feel free to post pictures, videos and stories of cute things.

This is what drone strikes are for.
I don't find obviously airbrushed photos to be attractive and I'm sure the fact that they may know this person adds to the allure, but yes, I would find that weird.
I uploaded my legit Celebi army from the Pokemon Center on the webs a while ago.

Walter Camp (He's credited with a lot of innovations that make the game what it is today, including yard markers and the direct snap from the center.)


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 10:15 | Сообщение # 5542
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 10:23 | Сообщение # 5543
Группа: Гости

You just discovered the perpetual energy machine
At the moment, 1g costs $0.81. So this would run $3645 as a starting point. Buying $3645 worth of gems in one go would push the prices up a bit too, so I think a fair estimate would be around $4,000.
Dont you just love humans?! Punching it to death, tying it to the back of a bull so it pecks the bull while the person fights the bull....only there to piss the bull off more. Humans disgust me sometimes

Yeah, he is gay. Unfortunately.
Submissions must link directly to a specific image file or to an image hosting website with minimal ads. We do not allow blog hosting of images ("blogspam"), but links to albums on image hosting websites are okay. URL shorteners are prohibited.
When posting images from a comic, include the title and issue number.

Please try to avoid the most popular songs of the most popular artists. We probably heard them already too much.
[SELFPOSTS - belong in /r/StonerPhilosophy or tweet your musings to @rWoahdude!
that... leads to... funnyjunk.

Why doesn't the fifth dentist like it
/r/lotr is 100% Meme-free! Tolkien Recommended Reading Lord of The Rings
I thought the Emma Watson one was the most noticeable, the lighting on her doesn't look right.

but why should anybody be offended by it? I don't get offended by pictures of people feeding babies from a bottle. There's no real difference.
Please No:
The moderators of /r/funny reserve the right to moderate posts and comments at their discretion, with regard to their perception of the suitability of said posts and comments for this subreddit. Thank you for your understanding.

I should add that our oldest daughter came out as bi a couple of years ago, and my wife was perfectly accepting of that. But my bisexuality was something between her and I, so I guess that was harder for her to accept.
Today I F*cked Up
Creepy or....has to pee.

No hair in food and you look like an idiot! WIN-WON!
The message is fine, do we really need to pick it apart? I know that myself, not being Jewish, would not be offended if a Jew told me to have a happy Hanukkah. Like the post says, it really goes to show that somebody is selfless enough to get out of their own damn head once in a while and wish somebody something. You'd be amazed at how much you could help somebody out, simply by wishing them a merry Christmas.
Player 1 wins

To do that, I will be seeking the office of mayor, and if elected will hold that position for two weeks. After that, I will resign and let the next great mayor take the reigns of the city I love. People have pointed out that the only power granted to the mayor is that of a census taker, that it is essential the position of a clerk. While that is true in one sense, in another it misses what the point of being a mayor is in Augusta. It means serving as a symbol of the city, to support your fellow citizens, to actively work to make it a better and safer place to live.
Related Subreddits
One where you go outside to nightclubs and talk shit.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 10:21)
Well there is a strong correlation between the introduction of mainstream video games and a decrease in violent crime. Violent crime has decreased year after year as more people play video games at home.
At this point, you have to. One is playing out of his mind and the other isn't playing nor do we know if he'll be himself when he returns.

Why is this so much better than a regular anti joke? Ya its funnier than most, but it isn't super awesome.
Nice to see him sober smile
Related Subreddits

I asked my Rohingya friend Aung Aung what he thought of the documentary. He told me that he appreciated it, but the actual situation is even worse now, with the entire Rohingya population now living under blockade without food or medical help and many now starving to death. https://twitter.com/Aungaungsittwe/status/278514182008221696
Seriously. I had to scroll far too far to find another like me.
According to my drug surveys, I did EVERYTHING - even drugs I had never heard of, and all of my friends were dealers.

I wanted the lady in the door and the man more to the side to show him painting. http://www.flickr.com/photos/67542085@N06/8168497566/
What "ridiculous statement" are you talking about? I don't say these things to be a troll. I believe these things, but I'll admit that unfortunately the discussions often devolve into arguments over semantics. I had an interesting conversation that didn't. Did you see that one?

Copyright was intended to benefit society by giving an incentive to produce works but now it used to make corporations richer and lock away culture... Copyright has it's uses but has been twisted into "ownership" and thus property which it shouldn't be...
That's Rick Boer and his wife. I forget her name. He was verbally attacked by people saying it was racist to use dark makeup in his Connor cosplay. They forced him to take down his pictures on deviantArt and eventually delete his account.
edit: Done, and the camera is working fine. i9100p (intl) running CM10 latest nightly.

If your submission contains any spoilers, please consider tagging it with [SPOILERS - or [POSSIBLE SPOILERS - in the title, for those users who haven't played a million times.
posts with their sole purpose being to communicate with another redditor. Click for an Example.
These snow caves tend to form in narrow valleys with relatively steep sides. They also tend to melt out and collapse each year, so knowing the location wouldn't necessarily be helpful (that said, it's somewhat likely that a new snow cave would form next year). Timing is key, too. Caves can be relatively stable one week and extremely dangerous to be around the next.

TNT DramaVision
And what is wrong with being a feminist? Because yes you are a feminist. Asserting the equal humanity of men and women is pretty much the definition of being a feminist.
Come face me in a live debate you cowardly fucktard. I dare you to prove me wrong.

You are a brilliant individual and I think I love you a little.
Shitty Rage Comics


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 10:23)
this. with ziggs' crazy range, you should never be taking enough dmg that a dive looks like a good idea to enemy unless jungler is there too.
That's why you can never find unshelled cashews!

26,274 Seattleites

Show him this.
the emphasis on "The" by separating it with an underscore in her user name really sold it for me

Anything else? send a message to the mods to have it included here
No "sad" content, such as pics of animals that have passed away (try /r/petloss) or sob stories (e.g. found him in a dumpster).

Server: irc.snoonet.org
Rage Novels
i really like that first quote, i think it sums up what the real problem is - not that we talk about it, because we have to talk about it, but how we talk about it - we dress it up as an event, as something exciting and dramatic - a real life drama... it should be a grim introspection of the failings of society, a quiet analysis of the mistakes and misunderstandings which led to this point.

Maybe if you have 2 or more active redstone outputs going in to the lamp, it would get brighter.
"Essential" games for older systems

[TRADE - - Trade advice
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathmatics. These are college courses/majors that the government is providing extra financial aid for the purpose of boosting the amount of people working in those fields in the U.S.

I have one letter for this fight. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I assume you mean "clean of cleaners" as well (to be explicit)... hahaha
03:58:02 Bachelorette


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 10:26 | Сообщение # 5544
Группа: Гости




Hello World
aBrasiaMaf63Дата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 10:27 | Сообщение # 5545
Группа: Гости

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Интим услуги мегиона
То, что она видел в архивах секретных служб своей страны, занимаясь разгадкой гибели сына подтверждало, что мужчина, беседующий с ним при лунном свете, ни разу не соврал. Батя, служивший в Африке, рассказал ей немало удивительных историй о Бейруте.
http://atiqo.youdosug.cu.cc/#5766 - тут
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Верно, Бог есть, вот она и наказывает меня за трусость.
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Моментально захмелевший Дуб раз за разом требовательно протягивал наш стаканчик Максу, а перерывы между возлияниями заполнял вдруг напавшей икотой и бесконечным шекспировским монологом. Некогда всего тренер должен уяснить, что пунктуальность времени подачи подкрепления превыше всего.
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Из этой переписки ей стало ясно, что Зарудный сделал для любимой семь ангелов. Я взял револьвер, вытащил обойму, сунул ее в карманчик. Когда они спускались по Виа Толедо к морю, чтобы кинуть крайний точка зрения на град, Тонио нечаянно посмотрел на голубоватую вершину Везувия, посылающего в небосвод тонкую струю дыма.
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allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 10:38 | Сообщение # 5546
Группа: Гости

Dat patina.
Destroying small subreddits I like, one massive influx of noobs at a time.
Last few times on DayZ have been frustrating.. with me gathering lots of high end kit from heli crash sites, only to be shot in the back on sight near stary when all i was doing was looking to fuel a new hell.

What this picture doesn't show is that it was Jesus prancing about in the road that caused the accident in the first place.
TES Online

That's my favorite song by them, it's perfect.
MNSocial.com All MN Subreddits
Have an upvote

i have never heard of that before, makes me think that using maple bacon instead of regular bacon on a Canadian would be a good idea to.
Particles have two purposes: Make something feel satisfying, and to communicate a change in state.
me too, closest thing that happened hallucination wise on pot.

Yeah, I found a lot of people (mostly guys) seem to not want to hold on change
Sign up for redditgifts now and be alerted when new exchanges are announced!
343 please

If you think there is something wrong with the rules in any way, please let one of us (the mods) know... PLEASE!!!!

I was going to reply with exactly this. If you are legitimately someone's friend, male or female, then yeah, skipping the gym one night is the right thing to do.
Jim O'Heir: Twitter / AMA

i'm going to do nothing


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 10:33)
We hate the rowers getting in our way too.
The news is making this kid a folk hero.
Open to suggestions; Just thought the normalized circle would be cool for percentage comparison.

If your submission appears to be banned, please don't just delete it as that makes the filter hate you! Instead please send us a message with a link to the post. We'll unban it and it should get better. Please allow 10 minutes for the post to appear before messaging moderators
going to say the same exact thing
I don't think anybody actually gives a shit about filters. What I think people are really complaining about is "I can't use all the features of Facebook on my phone." And WP* does need Facebook. Even before they were bought out Instagram was the best way to share photos on Facebook. They're also a better mobile app than Facebook ever will be.

actually it was quite funny, specially the reversed vomit part
Came to post this which I'm using for my iPad lock screen. It's pretty damn sweet.


You may only post if you are funny.
No "sad" content, such as pics of animals that have passed away (try /r/petloss) or sob stories (e.g. found him in a dumpster).

I agree, this was probably the best year for indie games, and thank you! I do agree that Dustforce was good and didn't get enough attention, there were a lot of underrated indie games this year. It was really hard to narrow it down to the 5 I have, it was close but just didn't make the cut.
Obligatory link to the manga itself.

She does....just broke up with her boyfriend too...
Yeah, it's hard to look at anyone but Flacco. The fumble doesn't happen in the 1st quarter, then that's probably at least a field goal drive. So that's a 6 points swing. Then say that interception doesn't happen and the Ravens score a TD just before half time. That's a 14 point swing.
Comedy Central Video

Yes. He also has no CC, gap closers or escapes. He has no real burst and when he does it relies on being in melee range and having his ult up. But idc, he's my best smile
Homosexual? Really? What fucking era are we in?
Yeah, I dunno what that guy is talking about!


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 10:38)
To each his own. I know of people who used opiates for almost a year every weekend without it becoming too much to handle. They did decide to quit though because they though it did become quite a big part of their lives.
Next time you have a good play record it at live speed once, then like this the second time, then put them both one after another in a video so you can watch it like it was real time but also in slow mo if there's something specific you want to see.
Broken headstock on a Les Paul. Sounds about right.

I second giving Feliway a whirl. I have a cat who is a notorious pisser and the feliway seems to work wonders!
I really want to believe too...
Meme: First World Problems

"You sure like stealing our snacks Rutherford..."

Looking for a low cost spay/neuter clinic?
Just remember everyone...it only works once.
Want to know how an autoexec work? Take a look at this.

Good Guy Gregs check the new queue
Quick! Slide down the window and run.

That is true. The roads are in superb shape, and must be kept that way!
Where have you been?
Okay, I rooted. Now what?

You might as well be speaking in Catalan because I have no idea what the hell you just wrote.
Spelling Nazi*

C'mon man. Look at the ceiling. How far down does your peripheral vision extend at 15 ft (5 yds)? 12(4)? 9(3)? If he has to concentrate so hard on catching the ball that he doesn't see the people in front of him, that's just another mark against him.
Politics - This includes the 2012 Presidential candidates or bills in congress. Try /r/politicalhumor instead.
It was a joke, crikey that one got under the radar.


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 10:44 | Сообщение # 5547
Группа: Гости




allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 10:45 | Сообщение # 5548
Группа: Гости

Result: X Kills Y.
This guy gets it

I can't find the console tab. I use Chrome. Help?
EDIT: that's on a full out road bike, by the way
In high school, you could get decent grades by just showing up. Not so in college. It's up to you to keep yourself on track. (Especially if your professors don't actually give you homework assignments, they still expect you to know the material.)

yes, it is super manly to do a dick move strength demonstration, in the middle of a street. two sarcastic thumbs up.
I watched the clg.eu games at a friends house (we had a little lol party) and I think clapping for ward kills is hilarious.
/r/Serendipity - a meta-subreddit meant to broaden the perspective of its subscribers. It takes a popular entry from a random subreddit and posts it every few hours. If you want to increase your exposure to niche subreddits, or just your perspective on things on the web in general, serendipity might help you do that. But it might not. It's a bot, after all.

I haven't seen this before! -not a single person.
... not sure I agree with the analogy but I absolutely love that movie! smile

The one dog looks like a shark
Thanks for the update, I updated Wikipedia with the new info. Cheers!

Bicycle culture
You sir have an impeccable mustache.
I'll let you decide.

Who even gives a shit Edit: really
Are you looking for hi-res images to use with your gift?
Early 2011 MBP. 2.7 GHz i7, 4 GB RAM, 128 GB SSD. She still runs like the day I bought her.

Let me give you a list of reasons:
her other hand of out picture
Tea snobbery is possibly the most British of all British problems (maybe tied with the weather and foreigners not knowing how to queue correctly).

leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 10:45 | Сообщение # 5549
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 10:47 | Сообщение # 5550
Группа: Гости

You wear glasses over your mouth?
Look at him, all green and shit.

Yea, well sadly he did die from Brain cancer. However, the psychedelic usage had nothing to do with it. In actuality many forms of natural psychedelics are being currently researched to help stop/prevent cancer.
Named after the first governor of Connecticut.

\ this would cost protection firms money in the long run, so they would have incentive to stop it. Yes yes. Perfectly clear. Corporations will stop child abuse in order to maximize their profit!
Follow us at .

If you ever do get laid off good luck trying to collect any of that money you paid in to it.
Huhy - 31 viewers
Students for Sensible Drug Policy

What are bootloaders? Find out.
No content linking to personal social sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

Puppies need to get out a lot (our four month old had to get out about seven to eight times a day for small pees and little poops). After every meal, after every drink. If you have a yard, use it to train your dog in both doing his/her needs outside as well as adressing when (s)he needs to go.
Just that he has a bankai. No specifics. He still doesn't like using it because it takes a while for Hozekimaru to wake up.

Please post your team rules & settings!
Bloody sportclimbers!
Facebook friends making you facepalm?

Gentle Animals
Got a great schematic looped? Need your crash fix fixed? /r/physicsgifs/
DAE posts - Go to /r/doesanybodyelse


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 10:47)
Fuck that guy. Dick
I think the clone saga was just not what people wanted it to be. It was more like a giant arch they kinda tried to fit in with a bunch of other stories at the same time. Ive recently read a few of the clone saga volumes and some parts are really good by themselves. Its just the whole picture kind of became a jumbled mess and never really feels coherent. I have only read the spider island stuff since slot took over and I found it actually really flat and hokey but apparently everyone really likes it. I guess its just a matter of opinion. I cant imagine marvel has not come out with worse material.
Edit: to clarify, I mean to me it seems like Walker's policies were an 'about turn'; he decided, "The old ways just aren't working", it's time for drastic changes in policy. Personally, I just do not feel that way. Things were good. They still are pretty good, but they seem to be worsening, and I just question how much damage Walker's policies could do in the < 2 years they've been enacted (meaning I fear worse to come)... it seems like the change in course is not making things better. I honestly feel like he wants to turn Wisconsin into Mississippi, or Alabama, or some other stereotype redneck dunghole (my apologies to those who live there and disagree with my view of your State) - and I'm just sitting here trying to reconcile why someone would want to do such a thing.

This is also James Bond's shower routine from the books
/r/moderatepolitics - similar, but less shouting
On his first week, the collector picks up over $40,000. He gets greedy, decides to keep the money and stashes it in a safe place. The Mafia soon realizes that their collection is late, and sends some of their hoods after the deaf and dumb collector.

Because it references 'snakes on a plane' not 'snake (is) on a plane' which has no meaning.
Hey, Mike.

Timing pickups in Quake is strategic, not tactical - it's counterpart in CS is economy and preventing your opponent from getting a full loadout at the start of the round, giving you the advantage. Economy is only one aspect of strategy that is present in CS, where timing pickups is pretty much the full extent of strategy required in Quake.
Hover over to read.
Reminds me of this BLB meme I saw a while ago. Still puts me in stitches.

That is beautiful.
I had all the Dragon Ball movies before because they cost only 2 bucks where I live. And I bought like one each day when I was younger sadly my mom threw them away. ;(
In an effort to not be disgusted by photographs of myself, I spend as much time as I can staring at my doubly flipped image in these types of medicine-cabinet-mirrors and try not to use normal mirrors. Now I've grown accustomed to photograph spy_dr and I like the way I look.


Can someone explain me why some heroes are not available in CM?
Get Your Own Flair!
Well nice goalpost moving. I'm not suddenly gun violence isn't a homicide or a violent crime. Of course when you take those out of homicide and violent crime counts the numbers of homicides and violent crimes doesn't go down.

Reach of Idiocy would then be the area between the upper and lower limits of Celebrity.
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Highly suspicious edit


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