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Вступ в клан Sparta
NostradamusДата: Среда, 11.11.2009, 06:13 | Сообщение # 1
Michel de Notredame
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allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 11:48 | Сообщение # 5566
Группа: Гости

2) Askreddit is for thought-provoking, discussion-inspiring questions. Askreddit is not your research source. If the answer can be googled, or adequately answered in one word, it’s not right for this subreddit. Rhetorical and loaded questions will also be removed.
Minnesota Twins

Stay out of Colby's room.
I don't get what's up with you guys. I don't let my mom use my computer. Get a password and use Windows Key + L

Same here...bitch was always droppin eggs like every day, but she sexed me up so it's all good.
Whilst you are welcome to post photos of setups you didn't create, if the photos are of your own work, it's worth including a quick write up of what's going on for those curious.

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Reddit only kills the things it loves.

EXACTLYYYYYYYYYYYYYY oh my god i thought i was the only one who felt this way. EVERY subreddit has tons of look what my gf/bf did!!, it makes me sick not only because im alone and wish i had someone but if your significant other was so great you wouldnt need to share it on the internet for karma so in reality us loners are being reminded of poor relationships that probably only stand on sex which of course we arent getting so in turn its very annoying seeing those posts, understand?
Today is Self Post Sunday
I... think I might have shed a tear.

Please read the FAQ before posting. Moderators will not be hesitant to remove inappropriate posts, and repeat offenders will be banned. Please report unsuitable posts.
But.. Hot girls D:
CFC Wikipedia page | CFC Premier League page

Really? They've made you afraid in your own homes
Android Developers: /r/androiddev
Urgot is definitely not a better champ than Corki despite a higher winrate. Olaf is not one of the worst champs in the game.

Steep cuts in exchange for something that will happen anyways? If the Repubs don't want any defense cuts and some entitlement cuts, they need to just accept Obama's proposal. Otherwise, I don't see a point in negotiation. Let's go over the "cliff". A 10% reduction across the board, including defense (hooray), is easier to bite than what Republicans are asking for. And I'd like to see the Republicans justify not passing the tax cut for 98% of Americans after running their campaign on lowering taxes.
I wonder if that would translate to SSJ3, like if Vegeta could reach it but only stay in the form for a few seconds due to how exhausting it is, while Goku uses less power to get there so he can stay in it for longer.
Ongoing OffTopic Threads


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 11:47)
And for the guys, are you attracted to women who remind you of your mother? And if you are attracted to people who remind you of your parents, is it more physical or personality-based? I have a great relationship with both of my parents; is it different for people who don't? Is it even something you are conscious of at all?
Hedgz, don't leave man. If all the people who embody what's good in this community left over this or similar incidents, we'd just be left with those who do things like that.
Precisely. Right after I'm done masturbating furiously.

Not hipster......When did that change?
Also, are you a wizard?!
If you still think it is in the spam filter, don’t delete your submission, message the mods instead. Deleting it will make the spam filter more likely to filter you next time you post.

Around 1:48:00
Used to drink coffee and eat mini-breakfasts and "god-sandwiches" in Beth's about 9 years ago. Bet you served me smile
Brilliant, I was curious what it was called too!

i hope it has app protection plan
It kind of does. While many government military forces have access to more types of ammo (like tracer rounds, incendiary rounds, armor piercing rounds), basic military ammo is hardly much different than what can be found on the shelf. A standard-issued military 5.56 round is nothing more than a cartridge, primer, powder and the bullet - no different than what I can go down the street and purchase myself from my local firearm store.
Wednesday: AM: 8 miles moderate, PM: 8 miles pretty fast

Two things:
No "general" URL shorteners (bitly, tinyurl, etc). Single-site URL shorteners (such as youtu.be or fav.me) are allowed.

How to order a gift from an Amazon Wishlist
Bob Ross sadly passed away 17 years ago. Unless you mixed pronouns and the second "he" referred to the guy that sounded like Bob Riss that ModernAlias described.
Posts must be directly related to League of Legends.

I remember being blocked into a gulch by a set up Sunderer and ours was full. we asked politely for him to move it a little, but he didn't respond so i yelled "YOU'RE IN THE WAY OF PROGRESS" and blew it up with C4.
I'll third this shit. Biggest bunch of cunts after Flamengo.

Spread that particular brand of love to the other 48
He's got that behind the back dribble then spin other way move down pretty good.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 11:48)
Assign your own flair
Well.. I guess her man can say "Get off my Kool-aid!" when he catches her in bed with a neighbor.
?Direct? ?Background? ?Translate?

Try being 50 in a PhD program.
Piracy (via file-sharing, unofficial streams or proxies)
Agreed. It doesn't help that mental issues are less tangible than more kinetic concerns on our bodies. We can all clearly see bruises, bleeding, and limps as signs of damage, but we don't have this same relation with mental disorders. Depression can just look like a bad mood, OCD or SAD as eccentric quirks, and some psychoses as just jerk-offs.

/r/Hijabis - A fun place for the modern Muslimah.
Dwight's cooler. Even if he is a fascist.
Threaded stock my ass.

Every Israeli student studied about Armenian genocide if he took extra credit in history studies for the bagrut test -
The Rage Maker
I like it when they are inside of me...

Han Woo Ri is the shit.
He talks about how amazing it is being white in like every single episode of his show
I'm going to be honest and say yes. Trashy tattoos are simply trashy to me and I don't like to look at them.

How do you measure out character movement on the whiteboard if I may ask?
posts with their sole purpose being to communicate with another redditor. Click for an Example.
Meanwhile I'll wait to see if any of these bills pass.

If you find the milliseconds gained from minifying are worth it in terms of conversion rates, fine.
shhh, EU is the best
I have 6down, 0.6 up and I was on 720p with no issues.

Much better dancer than other tree frogs.
No gore or porn (including sexually graphic images). Other NSFW content must be tagged as such


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 11:48 | Сообщение # 5567
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 12:15 | Сообщение # 5568
Группа: Гости


As for mixing species and diseases...the former is also seen a fair amount in nature between different non-human species. And diseases used to be a fairly significant problem (and is, I suspect, a large evolutionary part of why most humans are "squicked" by bestiality), but they're far less of an issue today, especially with healthy, well-cared-for animals. About the worst thing you'll catch from most domesticated animals is brucellosis; you're honestly in a lot more danger having sex with other humans! That said, certain activities are a good way to pick up intestinal parasites, but since I "no eat-a da poo poo", that's a non-issue here.
Joshwa? Is that really his name?
Do not ask for hookups (or advice on buying trees) nor meetups. It will get you banned!

im so uncool
Did this kid plan this attack? How much of a crime of opportunity was this (guns are immediately available so I'm going use them)?

"the best of them carried this." I love this quote- it reveals Jayne's sense of warrior honor, warped though it may be.
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Exceptions to the rules can be granted by the moderators; The moderators of /r/WTF reserve the right to moderate posts and comments at their discretion, with regard to their perception of the suitability of said posts and comments for this subreddit. Thank you for your understanding.

CCW- constructive criticism welcome
I hope the person who shat out all those bottles was okay.
What a funny novelty account

I live in this town. This isn't something the city enforces, it's more of a "suggestion" more than anything. Although I suppose at some level all laws are like that :/
Please PM me as well! I'd like one or two!
Feel you, my second battle with KV-5.. Up against 3 IS and one IS-3 though

If your submission appears to be banned, please don't just delete it as that makes the filter hate you! Instead please send us a message with a link to the post. We'll unban it and it should get better. Please allow 10 minutes for the post to appear before messaging moderators
Did anyone get a replay of the red card?
Yes. It drives my family crazy!

I have.
Free iPhone App
These are awesome! Thanks for sharing!


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 11:50)
My Scizor with bullet punch named James Holmes.
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Comment Sprite codes
Exactly. It's played off as some silly childish obsession with acting macho, when in reality your ability to act stereotypically masculine can be the difference between being alone (let's say you're a timid, shy, insecure guy who can't bring himself to ask women out; even if you can ask them out, being shy and timid is unattractive, which generally means the answer will be "no") and having many options for casual sex and relationships. It's like a man making fun of a woman putting effort into wearing make-up or a nice dress, when in reality it has a very real effect on the responses you get from the opposite sex (although I think this lack of awareness of what works on men is less prevalent).
'90s Cartoons

Edit: damn typos, one of my it's became "I'd"... Silly auto correct...
Do not advertise your server.

He did not "explicitly" state that the release won't be anytime soon, but I believe it would be a good thing to come out now and say:
Urban Mani Giveaway 12/20
Dogs are always proud of their people.

man this is highly relevant

A good kritz on a skilled demoman can do more work than the rest of the team combined could do.
Take that Magicarp! Pidgeoto's got you now!
Solicit uncompensated design work or professional consulting advice from the community. "It will be great for your portfolio!" doesn't fly here.

It seems to reflect the range of human skin colors.
In that case, screw the emblem editor idea and just give us a choice between camo paterns and let us mix up colors by ourselves.
Congrats to you! 90 lbs is nothing to sneeze at (: I lost 25 pounds mostly from counting calories and portion control in the past 6 months. Keep up the good work!

EDIT: That FFA was amazing.
I also somewhat addressed the Sea of Nurnen in my first post:


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 11:51)
Mens rights advocates out in full force.
It was because she was my best friend. She was actually found a way to combine parenting and friend. But at the end of the day she was mom. She was the funniest person. That's why I've been making comics about her.

Related reddits
why do I feel that anonymous would just respond with "go fuck yourself" if they even bothered to do such a thing
I love this concept so much. As much as it's love it's really horror more than anything. Having so much love to give but being so riddled with anxiety that it just stays bottled up and you can't share it. You really should just tell her, even if she says no you'll feel much better- plus there's always that chance she'll say yes. Obviously start out asking for a date- don't just tell her you love her. Also she sadly probably isn't everything you think she is- which now may seem like a scary realization but trust me a blessing, if she was everything you could imagine about her she wouldn't be real.

Guess I was wrong.
1) You must post a clear and direct question, and only the question, in your title. Any context or clarification should be posted in the text box. Your own answer to the question should go in the comments.
Deceptive links to shock sites, malware, et cetera

Incoming packer fans showing their true colors. Worst fans in the world.
Mission Statement

Follow the general Advice Animal format. Two line setup or a pinwheel background
Too much whining.
Very Punny

I have 3 sons and I've encountered issues with female middle school teachers with contemptuous attitudes towards boys, like your "wonderful" wife. Women like her are a major reason boys are having trouble in school.

[Techies OP - (/spoiler) Keep discussions away from League of Legends and Heroes of Newerth, this is a subreddit for Dota 2 discussion.

No personal information. This includes anything hosted on Facebook's servers, as they can be traced to the original account holder. Stalking & harassment will not be tolerated.
Pins and Needles by Billy Talent


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 11:52)
Because it's outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? The UN has declared it a right no less than three times. The WHO preamble also outlines the very same right, "highest attainable standard of health". I also believe in moral obligation
Tampa Bay Buccaneers Links
I was expecting the chain to snap and kill someone

The movie 'Zero Effect' with Ben Stiller and Bill Pullman was filmed here. Includes a scene of a city bus rounding the corner up at the Crown Point 'Planeterium' in the Gorge.
NSFW submissions and comments linking to NSFW content must be labeled. Please report any that are not.
Pretty hypocritical seeing as how they delayed the release because pvp wasn't working. I think whoever said that the design for D3 was good, and that releasing it as early as they did was allowed, should lose their job. At some point customer satisfaction needs to be a priority for game publishers.

That's awesome, I'm looking forward to more
Probably at the huge screen right behind them.

I just really like the ring to MARIO DUDE!
How much milk will my baby need?
Everett WA

Victoira Justice is the Starlet of the Year! Be sure to check out her subreddit! Submit A Link
No reposts, if you didn't make it, don't post it.
Awesome websites that offer a unique service. (i.e, rainymood.com)

Maybe the girl was taught simply that God is love and God is good. And THAT is the framework of her belief in God. This is simply psychology and it applies to everyone. People tend to think thoughts and accept ideas that generally fit into their frame structure of reality. Not a whole lot of people go out of their ways to search for things that will shatter their every day paradigms.
NSFW tags must be used generously.

i just don't know now if non-monogamy is more important then being with someone i completely trust and truly love
Yummmmm. I love eggplant.
List of Mini Episodes

It's no secret that the media is a breeding ground for infotainment, but it's also no secret that this is why you won't see the discussion happen forthwith. Look at Adam Lanza's brother, who was initially fingered as the shooter. When it came out that he was, you know, alive, it just got whitewashed. I saw no redactions, and if there were some, they were nowhere near as prominent. Then you have cases like the Duke Lacrosse "raping" where you have a ton of innocent men raked through the coals by national media and prosecutors even hiding evidence so they can play the national hero through the media.
TLC Discussion | Wreddt End of the Year Awards Idea Thread /r/SquaredCircle or simply Wreddit is a Professional Wrestling community driven by just that, the community. Come here to discuss Pro Wrestling in all its forms and factions WWE, TNA, RoH, Dragon Gate, CHIKARA, PWG, NWA, CZW, NJPW, that obscure long gone fed that was on UHF on Saturday mornings & more!
xposted to r/horseracing.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 11:53)
Find a Coach - Become a Coach
Came here to see if this had been photoshopped. Pleasantly surprised that it is real!
Post Self-Posts, except on Saturdays. On all other days they should be submitted to /r/PoliticalDiscussion.

If they have access to what the other side is saying, however, you'll have to figure something else out.

lol laughin in your face ya dumbass!
CSS - BritishEnglishPolice ©2011

"Fuck, I just wanted my goddamn bacon!"
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Your positivity here honestly made me smile! I'd give you a hug if you were nearby!
Not even twice bro.

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-Provide unique content, news, and discussion topics.
to make: Hodor theory

Shitty Social Science
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Oh, apparently, DEP (Data Execution Prevention) is fucking it up.

Well when terrorist hijacked a plane, we put in place many policies top try and make it a lot harder to hijack a plane. Seems fairly obvious we should be thinking about making it harder for dangerous people to access guns. Not sure why that is controversial.
Maybe only your sightstone wards get other collor. Anyway I agree, there are other things riot should fix right now
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Добавлено (09.04.2013, 11:54)
FAQ / Guides / Tips for returning players.

it's because smoke follows ugly
This Club has DJ Craze playing in a few days aswell. I bet the same shit going to go down.
Read the Bodyweight Fitness FAQ (Backup)

I'll give it a shot on Razor/Viper today, then I'll count how many people call me a retarded noob.
poor lil guy
Seriously who are these people? Does anyone have any names?

Reposts and vague titles will be deleted at the moderators discretion.
Asult rifle is my weapon of choice I am a master at it
-Strange Shard of the Rift (Void Uncommon Weapon)

fair wages and equal career opportunities
Or a potato. Is sad.
Hi guys. I already watched a LOT of Dota 2 pro matches. To this point, my favorite matches ar from international 2 where NaVi played against LGD and IG. What are your favorite mathes? P.S. please post a link to the matches in english commentary. I will watch every single match that is posted wink (propably)

Angel Episode Guide
Politics - This includes the 2012 Presidential candidates or bills in congress. Try /r/politicalhumor instead.

Here's a user-created list of all "Seal of Approval" posts.
Posting article titles containing spoilers will incur DELETION or EXTERMINATION. Please indicate articles containing spoilers clearly.

Whoaa!! It looks like a turkey!!!
Appreciate the raffle!


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 11:56)
[Pics - - Progress pics. Tag (semi-)nudes as NSFW.
Rephrase your post title if the following are not met:
What would those words be? Just out of curiosity if you remember.

its super effective
What is this? Mambo no. 5?

Your wife blew the customer.. it was a happy ending
el ten eleven is fucking rad. i saw them in concert, they build all their loops live and it sounds just like the albums.
click here to message the moderators

My 96 was a police trade in I bought years ago, so I have no idea how many rounds have been through it. I have put thousands through it with zero problems. The only thing I have done to it is replace the springs. The 92 is newer, again bought used, and the only thing I did was replace the plastic guide rod. Both have been very reliable and will feed almost any ammo I use. Because of the weight, the recoil is very mild. The accuracy is very good for me, probably trailing only a Sig. I haven't shot my new H&K USP to compare it to the Beretta yet.

Links to other subreddits must be >24h old or have more than 30k subscribers.
3rd repost comment in a row.
Wow.. some people are real bitches.

No gore or porn (including sexually graphic images). Other NSFW content must be tagged as such
I like the new look. He finally found a hairbrush and a tailor.
Shock! You made your sister taste some saliva!?! I'm sure that has never happened once living together your entire lives. When I read "grossest" on reddit I brace myself.

Trouble picking a lucky giftee?
Inch it through bit by bit for 5 minutes and give up.

Interesting Discussions to Consider:


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 11:57)
No referral or affiliate links.
What you're dead on with, though, is the unfortunate way so many female characters become simply the love interest instead of remaining their own person. You can fall in love with your friend and comrade without losing yourself.

swap for Torres?
Post links from /r/SRSMen to show what kinds of ideas they have about masculinity.

Now you own a cat.
is there a "nailed it" subReddit?
I guess you could say

This, basically. You can say Angry Birds took from any game you want, but ultimately it's Slingshot Physics: The Game!
As a photographer and a cosplayer I agree. Being upset because someone took your photograph because you're in a costume is ridiculous. It's flattering if anything.
No blogspam (new)

Quite an old video o.o
Chip and PIN authentication, brother!
Guide to upvoting and downvoting

Yep I get sick of it too. My sister is now overweight to the point where we are genuinely worried about her health. We have to walk on eggshells around her constantly because she interprets every innocent comment as an attack on her weight. It's bullshit. Take responsibility. If you were okay with yourself, you wouldn't react that way. Do something about it.


FALSE: Currently 1/16" on the ground.

It's not meant to be offensive or exclusive, we Catholics believe that receiving the Body of Christ when not in a state of full acceptance of the church and free from mortal sin (which separates one from God until reconciliation) is a VERY serious sin, and so we are just trying to keep people from doing that. Even though those people who receive do so unknowingly and thus do not commit a grievous sin (you have to have knowledge and intent for a sin), any Catholic who knowingly doesn't mention anything about it is sinning.
I have found Concerta (very similar) to give a better experience. Adderal has had more negative side effects (more 'jittery', loss of appetite, and then have trouble sleeping that night (even if I were to take it early in the morning)). Concerta kept we awake &focused on my assignments without the loss of appetite and also did not ruin my ability to sleep those days.
Completely agree with this list!


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 11:58)
If it comes down to it, I'm fine pouring my Belgian ales into a wine glass. Is that bad?
Correia de Campos com 5.524 €
"That's just doing your job" Masthey makes a good punt that's what they say? Fucking ass holes

Fave Holiday Treat 12/25
Reddit, wtf, we need to have some new language/tool that will solve all of our problems!
Weaponwise, I would just go with the one you like best. Some will be better for some bosses, but the most important is that you know how to handle it.

Coming from someone that grew up in a father-less home, this made me cry.
Sorry kids, Santa's not coming this year. He has Jaundice.

what has more chins - handjob girl or the chinese phonebook?
If Kittens were a tribe, would you play them?
Compare: Shiv vs. PD

Totally. He has a penchant for writing some of the most hilarious metaphors. Plus his plot lines are super creative!
[deleted -
No comments or posts from bots.

I'm curious too. I'd love to play some ball just for giggles.
I've heard about Leonas Urbonas but not much.
Do not submit links to freebie aggregate sites or blogs - submit links to the freebies themselves.

Sorry for non-imgur link. But imgur is acting quite queerly and not letting me upload any images

misc for anything else
What about that tire that flies at the window of the SUV in the trailer, but not the movie?
Use link shorteners or redirectors, or use ALL CAPS.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 11:59)
To my knowledge the seat up/down issue is exclusively perpetuated by women.
The problem is that companies don't hire tech support people any more, they hire customer service people that they train to basically be an inefficient interface to their infobases.

I'm fascinated by the universe and everything in it. I like spending time just thinking about what we are, where we come from and where we're going. Do you think we'll ever find out what really happened at the very beginning of everything (if there actually is one) ?
Why don't you just leave your phone at home?

Yesterday I spent all day in bed watching movies not willing to get up, because I really had no motivation to do anything. Today I started the day the same way, although spending 45 min minutes sitting in the shower, thinking what a waste of my time the last few years were, with all the sacrifices I made to make her happy!
It would be interesting to see which country contributes what % to the global MU sum, judging from the intel map Germany must be top 3 easily.

Mitt Romney
Do not post untagged spoilers

Unclean: Saud Ahmed: (The Crimson Armada), Chris Motionless (Motionless In White), Mike Hranica (The Devil Wears Prada), Tim Lambiesis (As I Lay Dying)
The Gear Page

The news media created this. the guy was just a fuse waiting for a charge.
Actually I read the next sentence but it's too dumb to even comment on.
Edit: The only reason you would want a re-characterization is if, say, you had put $2,500 in one and $2,500 in the other, and you wanted to change what you had put in. Like, say, to $2,300 in one and $2,700 in the other. It's easy to do by telling the IRA fiduciary like Fidelity that you want to take money out of one and put money into the other. But trying to tell Turbo Tax that, made it want to recalculate things on several different worksheets and it just wasn't worth the bother of trying to correct the mistakes it kept making (like fields not being properly filled, or staying filled once you filled them, etc.).

No links to sweepstakes or promotions that contain tracking parameters.
Alternative Themes:
Hmm, that's something I'm not positive about. I assumed they'd sent you the tracking number in a message.

I jungled Sej, and the buffs are just ridiculous. Blue goes right into the boar, red is slightly bigger to go outside of blue, and baron is not even noticeable. :/
where is the iron chariot thing in the bible just wondering?
It seems much more unforgiving than 3G signals were.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:01)
DPadGamer's Let's Play
Subreddit Help - r/swtor FAQ

We talked about how cool that was for the rest of the night.

is that them on the floor?

Follow the general Advice Animal format. Two line setup or a pinwheel background

Regardless of whether it was the "right" or "wrong" man, since when has sodomy been considered a remotely okay method of interrogation?
Regarding reposts: it is not a repost unless it was posted to /r/EarthPorn less than three months ago, or if it's already in the top100 of all time.
Still need more? See Reddit's best / worst and offensive joke collections (warning: some of those jokes are offensive / nsfw!).

Creepy ...
You violated-- my sister!
exactly, so we're multitudes better! wink

you do know that CAPTCHAs are a derivative of Turing's work in artificial intelligence?
[deleted -
Yeah, with that attitude it doesn't surprise me.

If you have any questions check out the FAQ.

No reposts, if you didn't make it, don't post it.
Encore : Glass House


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:02)
? what's this?
I honestly think this movie was better than The Fellowship Of the Ring and was probably almost as good as The Two Towers.

Jesus man. Did I attack you personally? Don't argue like a child.
44. Above & Beyond - On My Way To Heaven (Original Mix)
I think this is a really cool idea for a server, and I would totally play on it if it came about.

I have one of mine set up with the DVI going to my computer, and the HDMI going to a DVR cable box.
Museum 2.0
I'm wondering why this is downvoted, but when that guy died driving and texting "YOLO", people cheering his death and going on about the Darwin Awards were consistently upvoted.

I dont know where the post went. A friend liked their friends photo so it was on my feed. I didnt actually comment on it either.
Enjoy the repost http://www.reddit.com/r/geek/comments/14wdjd/dark_side_helmet/
1st MONTHLY MIX 10-2011

Need sympathy or support? Check out /r/Mmfb.

Not in the plan.
Many thanks to gimpsamurai for providing us with the Mumble server.
All the neon in the world couldn't save you

Punk: "Can I wear your blazer?!"
He has to insert a catheter twice a day to keep his pee hole from scarring closed on the inside.
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Other Minecraft Subreddits
I think we just need to end marijuana prohibition, not the other more hardcore drugs. People may have their arguments about coke being "safer than meth" etc. but in my eyes its just as bad as heroin or meth, they have physical addictive traits.
24 fps here, I thought the CGI looked terrible. Sets too, very immersion-breaking.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:03)
crazy fans indeed
I think there should be some form of NPC in the ocean as well, like pirates or even underwater Ocean Temples... Like the water temples from Legend of Zelda with amazing loot inside but requiring something like a respiration enchantment on your helmet, which, in turn, would give that enchantment more of a use than it has currently.
The moderators of /r/funny reserve the right to moderate posts and comments at their discretion, with regard to their perception of the suitability of said posts and comments for this subreddit. Thank you for your understanding.

Corsets are cool, though. I like the one with little bows down the girl's calf.
During Mozart's time, it was commonplace for a well known composer to be supported by royalty or a nobleman, so it would not be out of the norm for him to have given free concerts, nor would it have been out of the norm for him to have allowed the uninvited in for a slight fee.
Self posting is turned on for meta discussion only.

The moderators of /r/Politics reserve the right to moderate posts and comments at their discretion, with regard to their perception of the suitability of said posts and comments for this subreddit. Thank you for your understanding. Follow us at twitter
I think you're just basing your argument of what you hear coming from a few talking heads saying both sides are to blame but let me ask you this; who keeps walking away from the negotiating table, Donald Fehr and Sidney Crosby or Jeremy Jacobs and Gary Bettman?
Clean Jokes

On War:
Quit being a retard.
I'm not sure. They could do it in two ways:

Which tablet to buy: Wiki
sorry, didn't realize there were comments here. the recipes are posted above now.
According to legend, he also later described Newcastle as “one long street, a graveyard at one end and, at the other, a gentleman’s club with no gentlemen in it.”

Watts. Power is the only reliable measure of progress or comparison between riders ( though then it becomes a W/kg or W/Cda comparison )
Edit: Found you an example
I refuse to even acknowledge that one as "fan" made. It goes against everything the series stands for.

Probably could have been In Home Alone
How come? I've never heard of this connection.
Circle of dick? Sounds like that one movie I saw...

I love my parents house. As a kid, I would jump out the second floor window when we were playing games to hide / get away.
/r/cannabis: For a more political and medical marijuana orientation than /r/trees.
Meet Derp 1 and Derp 2


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:04)
Its funny because it says penis... and Reddit likes that
I am literally wearing a Mossimo right now. I found them like a week ago and Im going to buy like ten more.
And finally the novelty of cinemagraphs will wear off.

This subreddit is all about the DayZ Mod for Arma 2.
The most likely (but still sci-fi) solution would be to discover or manufacture an energy of some sort that can travel faster than light & use it as a type of radar/sonar to detect what's out in front of you. This would also be useful for communications as it really isn't practical for even that to be limited to light speed. To put it mildly, we have a few mountains to climb before any of it is really even relevant.

Sugar free jell-o!

My beagle snores like a jet engine and is always hungry, but she makes up for it in sheer adorableness.
I run my own private Exchange mail servers, and auth relay through the company that provides my cell phone. I don't much care about LE because I don't do anything illegal or questionable with that email account, but I don't like ads and shit appearing when I browse, and I don't like the idea that keywords in my emails can be scanned and sold along with my country of origin, IP address or browsing habits. Therefore I don't mind that the company I relay through may see the headers in my messages (the bodies are encrypted of course).

Times of Israel
He's taking a test, then he gets Migraine, and then he realizes that he could get out of the test and from potential questions he can't answer, but the teacher finds a loophole, but in the end, he passes the test anyway.
24-hour Chat Help Line For People Freaking Out ONLY

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Shortened links (tinyurl, bit.ly, etc.) are not trusted by the spamfilter and will be automatically removed. Please refrain from using them.
Translation for the British readers: The aroma of a lift is different for midgets.

Took me 20 game hours. WiiU game stats app (can't remember the exact name) says I spent 30 hours on it tho.
I was looking for a clip of Royce Gracie and someon

leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 12:15 | Сообщение # 5569
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 12:17 | Сообщение # 5570
Группа: Гости

I still remember the Keanuzoic Era... Unfortunately, I wasn't around for the Narwhalic Era.
I do agree, snipers are amazingly awful, but they are also very easily circumvented.
Yeah I'm right there with you on that

Blaming smokers for getting cancer is still being a total poophead...
Either way, mandates are not the free market.

I'm happy to know I'm not the only one who thinks this isn't funny. It's so simple, you can see the punchline coming from miles away too.
I'm sure Sebastian Coe will be happy to collect another gong on his behalf.

Fixed flame effect on arrows when fired into a pressure plate and player immediately engages flight mode
When a couple of guys, who were up to no good
Of course our touchdown would be negated. Fuck this.


Wadimir. Warus. Wiktor. Wolibear. Weigar. Jarwan IW!
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Thank god I'm not the only one who thinks this.
Submission Rules

Schlafly - Pumpkin Ale
I wonder why.........

Just make a damn diva's divisions, I used to enjoy watching the likes of Trish, Lita, Molly Holly, Jazz, Gail Kim but now its a complete joke. WWE knows it can be effective and add to the show.
Oops, my bad. Could have sworn this was NDT. I'll just go sit in a corner now.
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Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:17)
That was a terrible call.
Froggen is hilarious.
By being assholes.

and acetone breath!
Enhance your pony redditing experience with these useful scripts!

Rule 3: No Hosers!
Rage comics - Go to /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu instead.
I agree. When I lost someone very close to me in a tragic accident that I witnessed, most people gave me the whole "He's gone to a better place, and you will see him again some day" spiel, and it really bothered me. I knew this was the end of him, that he was gone, and I was trying to come to terms with it. I felt like everyone was trying to minimize the gravity of what was really going on. I wanted to reach some sort of understanding with reality, and move on from this loss that was destroying me, and everyone was trying to shove false hope down my throat.

We have changed the rules.
Support Links

Yes. The US government has set a standard for what can be called a wing, and whatever these things are they aren't meeting it.
I read this as "Soulmate" and was like wow calm down the OAG
Google site:reddit.com/r/askscience search terms

I had a co-worker who was incapable of empathy, and frequently insulted or demeaned people, sometimes until they would cry, or leave in fury. The same guy would always apologize later, because he really didn't mean to do that. He is a true psychopath. Calling him evil is like complaining to a blind when he walks into you, or to a deaf who never listens.
If I had a lot of money, I would love to own something like this. If I couldnt afford to buy the real thing, then I would build replica of it. Would be totally awesome.
That's why I made this handy guide

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Congratulations :-)
Tejada, Murphy, Wright, Davis, D'Arnaud, Duda?, Nieuwenhuis?,OF, P

Freakin' adorable!! I can't wait to get my own!
Posts must include justice-- don't stray away from the theme. Fakes and posts without sufficient backstories will be removed. It should be a clear display of justice.
what was your thesis


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 12:18 | Сообщение # 5571
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 12:25 | Сообщение # 5572
Группа: Гости

I sent the pic to my cousins and said guess what you're getting for Christmas
Awesome, just needs a bow tie and it would be perfect. What a good dog to put up with wearing a mask.

IRC 5v5 for 21st December Signups
So why the insistence that they be male?
For an image subreddit with fewer restrictions, check out /r/misc! A place to share interesting photographs and pictures. Feel free to post your own, but please read the rules first (see below), and note that we are not a catch-all for general images (of screenshots, comics, etc.)

Cover Project - A large collection of cover scans, with tutorials on how to print out cover slips identical to the official releases.
Night - Elie Wiesel
See it here.

b-b-but you dont look chinese
Standing really close to them also helps. Although they can still hit you with the hammer's butt. Look up mace fighting techniques. It's basically the same thing.
Look at all the issues worked over on reddit. Look at the comments. How many of them does one really even need to read? Aren't the, in the main, very predictable? Not many really say anything new. The problems are churned over, with little progress.The language, generally weak and inadequate to the task of really making progress. I put that in italics for a reason: I view progressive politics (which is a leaning of many on here) as having an intimate connection with progress in discussion. And that progress appears to be significantly limited by the constraints of so much fucking "normalcy" in how we speak, frame problems, use words, etc. And rarer still than anything new is the genuinely progressive dialogue. It's a real bead on the general status quo.

Imma wreck you m8 i swear to my mums life, say this to my face
Rule 3) Down a glass of water every hour.
Don't make memes about your friends in real life. Ever.

But one day I had the best idea ever. I draped a sheet over my bed set up a back projection. Instant IMAX in your face.
Any side-effects of potential male birth control are not known yet, and may be just as bad or worse than the effects of female birth control. To want to make men take birth control, at this stage of its development, is purely selfish.
I actually did take a picture of the can before it exploded, I'm going to dig it out of the trash and snap a couple more of the aftermath then upload them.

So, nobody was fired for this?
South it is
I love QL so much, I made a reddit account just to upvote this! smile

The cat eats the food from the middle, and because of this there's like a crater of no-food in the bowl, since their face pushed the rest of the food to the side. The cat then meows because for some reason they act like there is no food there (or as others have said because it is difficult for them to eat it when it's all up against the side of the bowl), so we shake the bowl to make the food even out so they can eat it again. Cat is amazed at food wizard making food appear out of "nowhere".
Everything does not revolve around Facebook so I don't know what you are talking about.
This stuff truly is crazy hoodoo majik.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:20)
Betting Odds
No posting memes you saw in real life.

Please upload them to HotS. New game direction, new map direction. Double win.
Spoilers can be posted using the following formatting:
Rage comics - Go to /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu instead.

the point is that the weapon has more mass/inertia, and accelerates less

Cough cough torrents cough cough
Even if it removes everything, Google removes EAS at January 30.
and I've heard incredibly ridiculous shit uttered at footy clubs like "they're only gay cos they haven't experienced a good vagina yet", so it's no wonder there's such little understanding of the issues gay people face every day in this country

But if she doesn't even try, then she's being non-cooperative, and is ignoring his needs. That's not conducive to a successful relationship in the long run.
wat ..... wat? ..... ....lol. .... GENIUS
Weird. I've seen some exact quotes from this article being credited to Morgan Freeman.

As are poor font choices.
Things that make you go AWW! -- like puppies, and bunnies, and so on...

I think you're right about the Grunge world taking a hit with Kurt's passing, but to be fair, Nirvana became really big after he died. Let us not forget Pearl Jam and Alice in Chains. Or SONIC YOUTH! Particularly Pearl Jam. They still kick total ass!
Dat name...

Da, Moonrise Kingdom!
Cool. I want one.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:21)
Oh, Defoe. So single-minded.
No nice/naughty keys in the Mann Co. store: WAIT until Valve adds them in a future update
Who's this we you are talking about? I for one was never eager to give away my civil liberties.

Radio: 710 ESPN
From what I'm to understand, sunlight isn't a good thing for the roots.

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I don't think we did; just the aurochs and veg. Will ask chef to confirm later.

Honestly I don't think Sejuani is that bad off overall, and is just a few small tweaks away from being very playable.
Advice Animal templates

[deleted -

Even then, Tayto's northern counterpart are horrific!
Should be fine, then.

Red Gyrados, RaginBitch.
Merry Christmas!
While we understand not all of our subscribers are interested in the academic side of psychology, we ask that the posts here maintain a serious and scientific viewpoint.

I havn't played any new sandbox this year. But I think the best sandbox game is TESV, for sure.
Standing up is way faster. You barely have to pull your pants down.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:22)
Redditor Server List
Because every kiss begins with Kay, mothafucka!

Exactly. My son is 2 and he's almost ready to learn simple phrases like stop, don't touch, etc. When he's more mature he'll learn about shooting safety once he can actually go to the range.
Star Trek Books

Son, that's what separates a good videogame from a great videogame.
Usually if he's had a good first 10 minutes I see him snowball out of control and his damage and magic immune as well his general beefiness means he will take out a team mate before we can even stop him.
Urban Mani Giveaway 12/20

I didn't contain mine at all, and nothing bad happened. Don't worry!
Other reddits you may like:
Tried for an hour yesterday to get one of these going on the Dragonbrand BL(I'm Borliss Pass) yesterday. Had as many as 4 peeps try with me as maybe 20 more ran by ignoring us. Hmph. I might try again today but as I left this morning Dragonbrand hasn't night capped nearly as much as the last 2 nights. Maybe I won't need to. smile

That's a crazy notion! A 2v2 playlist? That would never work or be one of the most popular playlists of all time or surely 343 would have incorporated it by now. ಠ_ಠ
"I like hands." - Leopold II of Belgium
Yay! I'm a positive enforcement! :3

The complete works of Dr. Suess. They're deeper than you might think and often make good points, good food for thought if you will.
Ah, so you're one of those mysterious users without access to scripts they keep reminding us to be considerate of. Anyway, I made that sub. It won't bee too much longer and we'll need an /r/MetaHub and /r/WeHavetoomanymlpsubs just for the PLounge

I feel games like GTA should be called "playground" games, because you're given tools to have fun and a place to do it, like a playground. The term sandbox implies more around creation and playing.
Submit Something Else
To use an emoticon, enter [ - (/xyz) x for the letter at the top-left cell of a chart, y for the column and z for the row of the emoticon. Full guide here. NEW: Alternatively, you can use the name. For example, [ - (/flutterfear). There's text often hidden in the ponymoticons! Roll over them with your mouse to reveal. a 0 1 2 0 /ajlie /priceless /flutterjerk 1 /twipride /celestiamad /twicrazy 2 /lunateehee /lunawait /derpwizard 3 /ajhappy /pinkiefear /twibeam 4 /raritydaww /scootacheer /swagintosh 5 /ajsup /flutterwhoa /rdcry 6 /ohcomeon /ppcute /abbored 7 /raritynews /sbbook /scootaplease 8 /twiright /celestiawut /grannysmith 9 /shiningarmor /chrysalis /cadance b 0 1 2 3 0 /flutterfear /ppboring /rarityyell /fluttershy 1 /ajcower /ajsly /eeyup /rdsmile 2 /fluttersrs /raritydress /takealetter /rdwut 3 /ppshrug /spikenervous /noooo /dj 4 /fluttershh /flutteryay /squintyjack /spikepushy 5 /ajugh /raritywut /dumbfabric /raritywhy 6 /trixiesmug /flutterwink /rarityannoyed /soawesome 7 /ajwut /twisquint /raritywhine /rdcool 8 /abwut /manspike /cockatrice /facehoof 9 /rarityjudge /rarityprimp /twirage /ppseesyou c 0 1 2 0 /rdsitting /rdhappy /rdannoyed 1 /twismug /twismile /twistare 2 /ohhi /party /hahaha 3 /flutterblush /gross /derpyhappy 4 /ajfrown /hmmm /joy 5 /raritysad /fabulous /derp 6 /louder /lunasad /derpyshock 7 /pinkamina /loveme /lunagasp 8 /scootaloo /celestia /angel 9 /allmybits /zecora /photofinish e 0 1 2 0 /fillytgap /rdhuh /snails 1 /lyra /bonbon /spitfire 2 /cutealoo /happyluna /sotrue 3 /wahaha /sbstare /punchdrunk 4 /huhhuh /absmile /dealwithit 5 /nmm /whooves /rdsalute 6 /octavia /colgate /cheerilee 7 /ajbaffle /abhuh /thehorror 8 /twiponder /spikewtf /awwyeah 9 /gilda /discentia /macintears /fillyrarity /twidurr /amazingmagic /karmasalute /dishappy /karmastare Dancing Emotes ! /pinkiedance /scootadance /lunadance /raritydance /abdance /trixiedance /dashdance /sweetiedance /ajdance

Ex: Superman's secret identity is ! (Hover to view spoiler.)
die antwoord aint fuckin bad
Did you see the mythbusters where they bad a giant lego boulder and were gonna roll it down a hill into a van? I was so pissed when it broke apart half way down.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:23)
It was pretty awesome. A bit more light-hearted than the LoTR movies, but considering it's based off of a kid's book, I'm okay with it. They kept very true to the book while adding a bit of padding to make it mesh a bit easier with the LoTR movies, but everything they did made sense. They even kept (almost all of) the songs from the books, and considering Peter Jackson really hated adding any of the songs to the LoTR movies I was practically giddy.
I showed this to my dad. He said before he had kids, he drank juice. Then after, he drank beer.
It was getting in the way of my passion, which is music. I'd rather have all the songs I could ever dream to think into existence and be happy than have a head full of knowledge and no time for music until my youth has passed me by. You only live once, so I figure, whats one life dedicated to a love of art? Minimal, and its my life. I am so happy, yeah I wait tables, but instead of hitting the books in my free time I am truly alive through the music and get to play to people and share my experience. Its so wonderful wouldnt have it any other way

thanks, this is actually VERY helpful! smile
Feminists are terrified of this, because the cold reality is they are not in control any more, and they can't use any of the old tools to keep men and society under their thumb

Armour: 3.1
kmflmofo4862 is what I named mine.
The problem here is that the Mayans never said anything about the world coming to its end.

I understand your position, but continuing to leave them disarmed makes the schools a huge target.
humor for more in-depth stuff

This sucks, but it could be a lot worse. Wile has punted for Michigan before, and he has a strong leg. Obviously Hagerup is better, but Wile is a capable backup. I feel bad for Floyd because he won't be able to play in his last college game, but from a football aspect he's not a huge loss imo. He regularly gets burned by average WR's. I doubt that his backup will do much worse.
If it were me, I would just fill up enough to get to the place and then to the gas station.

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It's funny and way more personal than those one-minute stock generic cards.

Photoshop Battles
Yep! The beginning of Season 5, episode 5.
i understand why that works thanks to my CS 101 class. i feel so cool

No comics or captioned pictures (try /r/lolcats).
CSS - BritishEnglishPolice ©2011
I agree - I've reverted that. I'll look into a way to pattern something in the title bar.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:24)
Not Syracuse NY. There is nothing interesting here.
If they were being given extravagant treatment, they should have known that it would cost their employers accordingly if those employers were going to be ethical. Obviously, they didn't care at the time.

Agreed. A friend's brother of mine went to Stanford and made good friends with one of his physics professors, since he was a physics major. My friend's bro was a brilliant guy, and easy to get along with, so his professor ended up recommending him to a friend of his for a job in his company. He makes six figures already and graduated from college last year.

edit: Yippy!!
Picfoolery - Free iPhone App
Baby gives thumbs up!

i feel you. i'd love to do that toooo
No memes.
Prismacolor pens

Gotta keep the karma addicts satisfied biggrin
This is the 3rd bathroom graffiti picture I've clicked on in a row

This guy seems nice and all, but he should not be allowed in traffic. Imagine if he's startled while driving a car.
Whoa. Before you said anything, I was completely oblivious to that. Damn.
Trees are all Eucalypts and rocks look just like my place - Picton NSW.

She looks like Tilda Swinton of Tilda Swinton was a Realdoll.
Of course, how did I miss it? The solution is to simply feel sorry for the victims, and wait for the next incident, not to prevent the same thing happening again.

anyone read it in the voice of dr evil?
Sounds like you could use a hand; right?


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:25)
For redditors:
humor for more in-depth stuff
I know, but it's just so hard to stop thinking like poor people! sigh I guess I just need some time to adjust.

Black Ops
Ask Relationship Advice
No gore or porn (including sexually graphic images). Other NSFW content must be tagged as such

Probably the only jungler that carries so much for a team at this level.
Downvote opinions just because you disagree with them.

Team @ Team Time Channel Marian @ Morningside 12/13 @ 5:30pm Mount Union @ St. Thomas 12/14 @ 6:00pm Valdosta State @ Winston- Salem 12/15 @ 12:00pm Bowls Week 1
there needs to be more Dinner for Shmucks references

All (& only) things that make you say WTF. The moderators of /r/WTF reserve the right to moderate posts for not being WTF and would be more appropriate in more relevant subreddits.
Yeah you've got a point. But the advantages greatly outweigh the small amount of circuits that require this setup.
More lists and viewers

Excellent plan!
I'm not completely sure what you're doing...there are two things that this suggests. If you want a "family tree", where you can only move in one direction down a path to some story conclusion, you want something like Choose Your Own Adventure...I'd use pretty much anything that can generate a webpage, or even plain HTML, and use links to hop from page to page. This is a pretty simple sort of game, basically a story that branches.

"Oh yes! Mr. Jingles!"
Alternative (old) Theme Version
November 2012 Adventure Time #10 January 2013 Fionna and Cake.

NSFW submissions and comments must be labeled
Please keep the 'advice' relevant to the character. If you're not sure, go to knowyourmeme.com.


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 12:26 | Сообщение # 5573
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 12:44 | Сообщение # 5574
Группа: Гости

But can she see why kid's love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
OMG I remember secretly recording Oz on vhs when I was a young teen because of all the full frontal nudity and gay sex....
A brownie filled with cannabis broke me down once. I could see duplicate version of myself sitting in mid-air, about a metre above my head. I kept pawing at the guy, hands in the air, trying to grab hold of him & merge ourselves together again. I think I felt like if I could absorb him, I'd get my faculties back & return to enjoying my evening. It didn't play out that way, the hallucinoganger floated off into the sky eventually.

Thanks for giving credit
My wallet.
I thought you had known that it was a stilton...tub? beforehand. I find it extra amusing that you brought the moldy butter to a cheese shop and had them taste it, too. Wait--did I read that wrong? Did you go to a cheese shop and taste their cheese to compare to your butter, or did they eat the moldy butter too?

nice save
Follow the general Advice Animal format. Two line setup or a pinwheel background
yeah i'm glad he do what he do.

Advice Animal templates
You're not very good at distinguishing the prescriptive from the descriptive.
There are multiple people at my job who do this at the front of the parking lot. A bunch of self important ass-hats. I be sure to leave a nice wad of chewed gum under their door handle every time I see it.

Maybe it's stereotyping. I was asked to take this test in my first year at Apple (late 80's). I refused, not liking the idea of being 'typed'. I was told it would never be used by managers or the company for any reason. I was told I might be let go if I didn't take it. I said that would make one hell of a class action suit and was never asked to take it again.
Hopefully, then he can see how kickass underwater is.

We are a couple who have been together for over two and a half years. While sex has been a part of our relationship for almost all of that time, there's one problem we cant seem to overcome. After reading /r/sex for a while we've decided that communicating with each other isn't enough. We need some direct advice that we can interact with and respond to. We'll label the start of any statement with "Jane" or "John" to identify who's typing....
Colors are nice, but I can't take anybody who wears a one piece as a jersey seriously. Even NASCAR drivers (although I'm not sure how much of that is attributed to the fact that they are NASCAR drivers . .. heh)
TEST Outfit Field Manual / Newbie Guide v1.4

Things that make you go AWW! -- like puppies, and bunnies, and so on...
No screenshots (e.g. Facebook, Youtube)

I know he isnt really an actor, but i always thought This Guy always acted like a deadpool kinda guy.
No cross-posting.
Does she still have a concealed carry permit? That's quite a feat in pull off in California.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:27)
from a hiring manager
No animated images. Please submit them to /r/gif, /r/gifs, or /r/reactiongifs instead.

Include [Request - or [Offer - in your post. This isn't a deal breaker if you don't.
Vaper Testimonials
Metro 2033

Combat Gym.
Thursdays 9:30/8:30c on NBC.
[UK - PS3 120Gb : ?150

Pikachu kills Dumbledore
[text here - (/spoiler)
Gotta say, I've built two computers for myself and owned a thinkpad, and this has to be my favorite. The Apple-tax is worth it if just a little bit of care and common sense offers so much in return.

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North American Motorsports
No DAE posts or solicitation of votes or views.

Religions would most undoubtedly be discovered. But while the natural that we know would be rediscovered, the story of Eve and the apple, Jesus Christ and rising from the dead, or any other religion would not. They would be replaced by an entirely different one.
Noninformative pictures.
WTF is a beach room? A room full of beach?

When people say that space is empty and cold, I usually respond by showing them a picture like this. It's a swirling ballet of light, with swimming, sparkling galaxies plunging through a sea of stars and gasses.
Videos, collections, interactive images/websites, and articles are not allowed.
Shit that makes sense...


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:29)
beliza_beth's Offer for Handmade Christmas Cards here.
Press subscribe! Join usss

typical /b/tard
For some reason, this was one of the funniest things i've ever seen in my life
Facepalm - Facebook Conversation Screenshots

Useful Links:
Zooey Deschanel
Would of liked to see their face when they got excited at the prospect of a crate and then to find it empty

I'm glad this sub is a closed space so members can concentrate on recovering and not weeding through trolls. Good job mods!
Like the myth that poverty cannot be solved. That shit grinds my gears.

Here is what the linked Quickmeme image says in case the site goes down or you can't reach it:
Don't take criticism personally.
Someone emptied out my purse in gym class in high school, They left my MP3 player and the $20 and took my pack of gum and a pencil.

I've heard worse prank stories since joining the navy.
film is so not expensive. you can buy really nice B/W film for 2 bucks a roll on freestyle photo. and this roll is 36 exposure too.
We aren't here to hold your hand, and censor you from anything offensive. If you want someone to do that, walk out of the basement and ask your mommy to install a net nanny.

Worldwide Ent reddits List add yours!
He needs to chill out on the capri sun, he may have been better off with beer.
"For a year"

You are reading it wrong. They feel our pain, as we WOULD feel theirs. In other words, we aren't aware enough of what is happening over there, if we only knew..
Free Android App
Where and how did you get these codes? Normally codes are given at events for skins of champions, but not normally the champion only. Not accusing, am just curious.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:30)
That's what this is for.

Well then, hello wink
Yeah I have no idea what OP is trying to accomplish.

Post anything that constitutes as Engineering Porn, CNC machinery operating, Pick-place machines placing chips, huge sawmills, time-lapse build logs, electric arc furnaces or just anything that looks pretty while operating and will attract engineers eye and mind.
6) This subreddit is not a replacement for legal consultation, medical or mental health consultation. These posts will be removed, as the qualifications of any person giving such advice cannot be verified. Contact the professional in your area for your needs.
Wanna meet up in a few months at Drew's house, Seattle?

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This guy.
I think it might be, I don't know haha.

Green verification check mark guide and verified users list
He could always hop in the Delorean, go back to 1959, and buy a white Cadillac Miller-Meteor. There's one clearly right there. Although, getting the Cadillac back to 2012 might be a problem... Oh well, for them to figure out.
No screenshots, or pictures with added or superimposed text. This includes image macros, comics, info-graphics and most diagrams. Text (e.g. a URL) serving to credit the original author is exempt.

Horus (which shares an astounding similarity with Christ… so much so that one might suspect Christianity was simply copied from it...) was foretold thousands of years earlier. So I guess this means you will give up Christianity and follow the old Egyptian gods instead?

Rage comics - Go to /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu instead.

I remember one of my english professors recommending the pickwick papers as the funniest book in the english language so I shall definitely check it out! I've read both wuthering heights and jane eyre but have never developed much of an affection for them. And I had never heard of Little, Big but having just looked it up it sounds really interesting and something properly different so I will also be checking that out further. Thanks again, I appreciate it!
I dragged myself away from youtube just barely long enough to talk with the mods and here's what they had to say about their helpful, fast growing sub:


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:31)
Very Punny
my sentiment exactly x 1 million

I think it's more supposed to be one of those "Play this for the experience which you probably have never gotten from another game" type thing. If you are just in it for the fun, then what's the point.
r/answers, for more concrete questions
<a href="https://www.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZisKC3o0weTQ_1mr78iBUsyFX6am9b6gjDtYEkHcHmndU30O3YgBnPgNzlCrqeGfuvlO1usk8txOrGJkEVfEUu_1VvzdvdrIVoXLEkk6uDY_134CICdT4AIgE 49Ai-cB_11lWW0SUq_17umqyqRk73Pz-ukwDDecG0KrdyFQyYkEmxQ4yahgvqAeF8EAY4bLIghHzi5jDY0M2ROhiOEdeAuKHx9_17tdpJlSLLif3c1pF7DmFzomlUWfBrzX02q8Yhx3m mne21p8vkC9c5dGReq1E8PWNDRFCPedq7E3JmFBpt4_1SAGMrdpfDFj_1Ea4_1uWVEn-SqFcCwFuG_1-w2uX8UDFgjshcN7hNzSMLcRAl9yrZaX3zlWo0nnh3xx8Xz7Wx4WAfZjL5wJi M4paWHdRKrycarn7kNu8vyEssW7GLfYy4HmCM5on9oeY7tBMLQ1WFdxIVO0jAEonR8RKJFY4dLkga0svObiQtD5SmnJSOALXzQbuEiX5O5nC4YFjQDY5-rc8Lxlsnwg3vNdSCl7uwXQy jWA9sR1ySdampRIFPXNPSjt07F_18JoAVrhoaSrzl4wo-P4SvaGAeOlofDwroYFauZpg-N7lHY9sD5EUAZ3Vsj-nNCeSg_1s3jDzmMbNLFZOP29jiqc_1ILkXhtfvPpF_19EPqSiyuBD GMr95Szkn8fN5IAlylpEB5bIJSd4xF5Ns_19N5k_1F2mADjGxQiPZoSyUbTe77c7CkTOHS3fbwvaw4r5-kirw-5GWEcGAZP4qJjvZcF8BS8LLOtMHeNeukL84khRITc1mgW6DF2HTMLE 3esiI1QVrqIm3F8VBDV-QFwn7BRh11RCJQA66wfpp7oAb80IS--30D21JxC5u0uEpb8xig1OQP75mZVAcDWXl-XdjjKdYI2OuPHuqoPfNxp5hIpC4yOir4yb7DtHuK7_1CB4PmYZswWy dbHqDFkDsPLt8fHwcwTcft7AQAoMA4xz10Xo-zgiFWC-b8iR9VCQfHsWqcZE7PemRDMsKbUvg0sxqjPCkFrvCqMzgEFRR4bpORWpsO-0ddcvSPLV7QV2IEK69GAE0g672rH_1J4TwanS y4NipIKhg3hO_18S7b0HxfoW4_1tuzGZv0ZBz4h-f_169jIlxLJDwJ4eqzMdPTYGrWoWEMep8YJyOFN38gTVHwMpuJLwZdU4X5Trtj7ERpMmVEmqhw-en0aKMPig2HTbu7DbsKt9pv1e WuiLQTqq4EDQpBAR-klC7n4CdSx-kdsTOmEgfRmBpG1jGji83MFAdbkvP3XjfroHWGKRVzEq-de00zyps1fKh8MD9NSXPtnsl0xyvrsuhN95860&num=10&hl=en&bih=706&biw=1304" rel="nofollow">google image results

Since the Bears can't beat the Packers, you have to take joy in the Seahawks doing so? Maybe you should be a Seahawks fan.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You are loved!
Why does everyone ignore the last ten years of his life?

1 upvote = 1 slap of a child
?Direct? ?Background? ?Translate?
Free Champions

Limit the use of jokes & memes.
yes, starting a war to get rid of Hitler SIMPLY BECAUSE WE DID NOT LIKE HIM would have been so objectionable as to justify a crass dismissal.
Don't see your community listed? Create a subreddit for it, feel free to promote the hell out of it in r/Linux and message the mods when it has over 250 subscribers, and we'll add it to the sidebar.

Best Places to buy or download comics
Dancing gifsounds (no humor/irony) belong in /r/MusicGifStation. See below.
And it was awesome! It looks just like spaghetti. I haven't had pasta in a few months (there's around 200 cals in a cup, and it's so easy to over eat it, that I've basically given up on it) so with some tasty pasta sauce on top, it was pretty easy to mistake it for real pasta. Doesn't have a strong flavor itself.

The personal stuff-family and girl-would make the decision harder, and that's really more of a personal decision.

Why don't they ever release irrefutable damning info that may assist the people of the world? Every wonder that?

http://plavani.ub.cz/index.php?p=forum&replyto=-1&_formData[guest - =risfafjal&_formData[subject - =http+freepages+genealogy+rootsweb+ancestry&_formData[text - =http%3A%2F%2Fwww.forum.antikas.ru%2Fmember.php%3Faction%3Dprofile%26uid%3D82148+%0D%0ANone+of+these+were+particularly+funny.%0D%0A%2Fr%2FIW ishIWasThere%0D%0AKool-Aid+my+ass.++I+think+people+bitch+about+having+to+%22teach+the+test%22+because+they+can+longer+even+comprehend+what+a n+academically+rigorous+environment+even+looks+like.++The+students+should+have+a+level+of++mastery+of+the+material+that+allows+them+to+pass+ the+tests.%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fulet-kino.ru%2Fuser%2Fbxtpzqgzjc%2F+%0D%0AVery+Punny%0D%0AHmm%2C+apparently+we+won%27t+even+have+that+sl ight+satisfaction+this+week.%0D%0AThe+FAQ+has+been+moved+there%2C+and+I%27ve+started+a+few+new+pages.++I+have+not+enabled+editing+for+everyo ne+yet+but+will+do+so+eventually.++If+you+have+an+old%2Fmature+account+and+wish+to+contribute+to+the+wiki+right+now%2C+message+the+moderator s.%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Felquattro.ru%2Fuser%2Fqpkrmukcnm%2F+%0D%0Apunny%0D%0ASo+cute+the+one+on+the+right+looks+so+tiny.%0D%0ANew+to+Civ ilization%3F++Want+to+play+a+Civilization-style+game+without+needing+to+invest+money+first%3F%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fbritneyspears.fanzone .ru%2Fuser%2Fbmhlujeipc%2F+%0D%0AI+know+this+is+silly%2C+but+this+is+the+one+and+only+reason+I+ever+sometimes+wish+I+could+be+a+dude.+Becaus e+they+can+pretty+much+go+off+to+live+in+far-off+lands+in+shitty+tents+and+go+to+the+bathroom+in+the+woods+and+not+worry+about+any+hygiene.% 0D%0ANo+gore+or+porn.+NSFW+content+must+be+tagged.%0D%0ANo+5secondfilms%2C+HowtoBasic%2C+etc.%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.btvn.net%2Fforum% 2Fmember.php%3Faction%3Dprofile%26uid%3D59099+%0D%0AIndeed+I+do.%0D%0AThe+old+flair+bot+is+down+at+the+moment.+For+now%2C+you+may+select+you r+flair+using+the+%28edit%29+button+above%2C+next+to+your+username.+Currently%2C+there+are+only+enough+slots+for+the+first+two+generations+o f+pokemon%2C+from+Bulbasaur+to+Celebi.+%28Column+1%3A+%231-84%2C+Column+2%3A+%2385-168%2C+Column+3%3A+%23169-251%29%0D%0A%2Fr%2FShitRomneySa ys%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fsmex.maksnik.com%2Fuser%2Fhychejdwkz%2F+%0D%0AWith+that+size+tire%2C+the+curb+is+nothing+as+long+as+you+go+strai ght+over.%0D%0AThis+album+is+a+fine+example+of+modern+Extreme+Metal%2C+one+of+my+favourites+from+2010.%0D%0Aso+perhaps+in+many+cases+it+is+m ost+cost+effective+to+go+with+the+first+solution+that+is+designed.%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.tusovka.tv%2Findex.php%3Fsubaction%3Duserinf o%26user%3Ddujbftbzxq+%0D%0ANot+related%2C+but+friends%3A+EnoughLibertarianSpam%0D%0APeople+are+fucking+stupid+and+that+is+all.+Doesn%27t+ma tter+if+the+source+is+ThisIsSatire.com+or+anywhere+else.%0D%0ASo%2C+in+a+lot+of+cases+they+need+us%2C+more+than+we+need+them%0D%0A+%0D%0A+%0 D%0AThe+SFW+Porn+Network%0D%0AWords+like+that+make+the+Queen+cry%0D%0AFor+example%2C+Balenciaga+does+not+have%2C+and+will+never+have%2C+a+di luted+line+for+Macy%27s.%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fexotic.at.ua%2Fforum%2F3-9-176%233406%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fbody-forming.ru%2Fforum%2Fviewtopi c.php%3Ff%3D4%26t%3D100129%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fsro2.ru%2Fvopros-otvet%2F%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.baanusaby.com%2Fforum%2Findex.php%2Ftopic%2C837 43.new.html%23new%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.mpigre.info%2Fshowthread.php%3Ftid%3D78727%0D%0A&addpost&r=0&autolast

Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:32)
If your submission appears to be filtered but definitely meets the above rules, please send us a message with a link to the comments section of your post (not a direct link to the image). Don't delete it as that just makes the filter hate you!
No gore or porn (including sexually graphic images). Other NSFW content must be tagged as such
Throwaway. Let me first say, I cant even describe how torn up I am about the events of yesterday. I cant even imagine. I would not wish that kind of pain and sorrow on my worst enemy. and I give my condolences to all.

some club owners really suck ass.
Don't sneak in Aguero into this.
Hiking blogs

Do not post/ask personal information.
The Resistance is around $15 retail (currently $12 on amazon and $9.80 on Target). Is a good game of suspense, though the 2nd edition box size might be larger than desired.
Its about clarification, as I said elsewhere here, even the tone with which one says "I love you" after an argument can say anything from "I have to go to work now, we'll figure this out later, but I'm still right," and "I'm sorry about that, my emotions go the better of me, and I don't want to lose you."

Rage comics - Go to /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu instead.
Wow, douchebags!

Truthfully, If I let it idle for 10 mins it would foul the plugs and stall out. Two strokes need to rev.
youre a cosmic blow boy

This allows her to be more tanky while she sits on the enemy team and at the same time helps her sustain issues during her first jungle clear.
Equals* On phone can't edit.

They definitely are.
Choose a hero icon to appear next to your posts by clicking (edit) above and add your steam profile URL in the box that appears below. (Make them links!)
Shortened links (tinyurl, bit.ly, etc.) are not trusted by the spamfilter and will be automatically removed. Please refrain from using them.

Mav's Cartridge Cleaning Guide
Reddit Unofficial TF2 Servers:
Such posts or comments will be removed and offenders may be banned. This includes anything hosted on Facebook's servers, as they can be traced to the original account holder.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:33)
Mother of God...
Herb- a term for someone who follows trends, or just is a complete bullshitter. Someone who tries more than anything to be cool, to the point of ironic backfire...

I thought the strap looked like a tank top, personally.
Schlicking: The female act of masturbation
Whoever you guys are, I would bake you cookies.

i live so close to this, it'd be cool to check it out
you should have went to Jared..

while refactoring does improve code, it is also a sign of code less than perfect. Everyone should do it, but everyone should strive to not do it. got it? it is a zen thing...

Nah, mincing poodle this week.
Maybe, but I don't get girls that look like that that want to swim with me

Tired of having to pay for books? Go kill the author! You'll free the work up for everyone to use!
It seems that this commenter read his personal history into the story.
adcom may be protocol? as in they're just going through the swing of it, but nothing will come of it? there seems to be a lot of positive results coming from the past 6 months of trials, stemming from the fact that the drug was taking longer to work then they anticipated, so with a longer testing window, more positive results were garnered

TL;DR: Branding effectiveness inversely proportional to pre-purchase shopping behavior, which is rapidly increasing.
Is there any meaning behind this painting in itself, or is it only valuable because of who and when it was painted, without any intrinsic merit? Would be it be any less valuable if it were two triangles instead of rectangles? Or if the red were on top and the yellow on bottom?
Return of the Killer Tomatoes did that exact joke first. And Kung Pow did it better.

So which is it?
I wish it would embrace mine.
I'm just as frustrated as anyone else, and I know it's flaccos contract year. But it is what it is.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:34)
This sentence is backwards. Smaller number first, surely?
Wow this was quite possibly the perfect gif response.

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That had better come with Bluetooth.
I liked the movie only after having seen it in 2d

That was really cool to help me with, wasn't sure how I was going to do it alone.
Report a submission just because you don't like it. The report function is only for spam and inappropriate content. If you report something, please message the moderators as to the reason you feel it is inappropriate.

this is actual soccer practice
That place is a myth, it doesn't really exist.
"You're sexy" - If you wouldn't say it to your sister, it's probably not appropriate here.

I wouldnt say he is a Bear through and through, he has been on the team for half a year. I think he loves football and is through and through for his teammates and coaches no matter where he plays. I love the man, but Urlacher is a Bear through and through
I'm really impressed by that GPT. What is your secret?!
This would be so much better if it was in /r/askscience. At least the top 4 posts here are bullshit.

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Demotivational posters - Go to /r/Demotivational instead.

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Relevant: http://m.youtube.com/#....4&gl=GB
Consider posting constructive criticism / an explanation when you downvote something. But only if you really think it might help the poster improve.

A girl I know gets 100 likes in about 5-10 mins. 5 hours later, she has around 500-700 likes. Fuck.
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Spoiler code Please mark spoilers like this:


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:37)
In a similar vein, Tales of the Gun was a good show from about a decade ago.
Free association. Freedom of the individual. Frequently Asked Questions
Even though the word "genocide" was coined to describe what was happening to the Armenians.

"Can't have a float without flowers"
She says he used to be on the free lunch program, but language barriers got in the way of reapplying: “I sent them paperwork so that they could get back in contact with me, but it didn’t happen,” she says.
So many people have tried and failed on this thread.

[Player 1 wins - (/spoiler "Pong")

But which hue of Romney? Hispanics overwhelmingly approve of the Univision Burnt Crimson
They all are including the cover of The Hobbit I posted in comments.
All content must be related to Dota 2, and not solely in the submission title. (ex. How I feel when..., x in a nutshell, etc.).

No gore or porn. NSFW content must be tagged.
You don't want to know.
If you look at my post history you can see I was using [10 - Guy back in 2011.

Submit Rage Comic
I mean, if this exploit exists and that guy showed everyone how to do it, at least the entire world should know as fast as possible...

I would love to play Chicago again...

Pat Fitzgerald four times over, with each face being a different reaction to something.
/r/Cinemagraphs would love this
What's the deal with the Longboard? It's a good beer, don't get me wrong, but not really the same caliber as pretty much everything else there.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:37)
Complete Collection of Rage Faces
IRC channel #sweddit @ irc.freenode.net
Reddit Servers (Not for advertising)

Why is Reggie Evans on the floor on that last play?
What is your personal favourite picture that the Hubble Telescope has produced?

fuck the persian persuader
That's actually not a bad way to get rid of the dead skin. Maggots only eat dead flesh.
AMAs Should NOT Be About:

Yeah, I don't even.
Naturally , they all claimed that they could do it yet , for some reason , NOT ONCE in my years of doing shit jobs like that did I see a woman doing anything like what the men were tasked with doing.
If you didnt take it for 26 years, you probably dont need it. Doctors prescribe this stuff like candy.

Adorable Art

Never, I swear. It's just pure magic.
And sh*t-loads of bacteria, not to mention a fire hazard. Working at fast-food, it wasn't uncommon to hear about cases of equipment catching fire because of lack of proper cleaning and maintenance. The most common equipment to catch on fire? The deep-vat fryers, followed up by the cooking grills. There were even times when I came into work that fire-crew's were just leaving the restaurant, and cleaning up is no cakewalk.

Profile: Be creative and be honest about who you are! That's the entire point of online dating right? Not to put on a deceitful song and dance in an effort to attract everyone - but just naturally attracting people the way you are already. A lot of people seem to have a hard time with this (in my guess, probably because they want everyone everywhere to like them. For the ego boost).
Post a review! We can't get much information from just photos. Here's a good example.
/r/headbangtothis, our heavy edition

Its the power of the babe
Jesus. Her thighs made me wince.
Keep tips short and concise!


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:41)
Finally! Any news on the 900 yet?
I really like what you said, my mind can be consumed with thoughts of how to just stop this whole nightmare my life has become. I feel beyond weak, too weak to even do anything about it.

Pistol Match Winner clarke187
Pussy. Enjoy your legal alcohol poisoning then.

Shooting a half naked girl in the head. Hand is covering up her lady bits. Kinda hard to see, I know. Oops.
Call. The. Cops. This girl is being used and she is FAR TOO YOUNG to realise it. I don't even know what else you could do. Her mother will be mad at her, and maybe she (your friend) will be mad at you too, but it will be in her long term best interests to do this.
Wouldn't you get some triforce stuff?

and Friends
Not enough submissions today? Post one, check /r/LT, /r/IJ, /r/FFT, /r/E, /r/S, /r/P, /r/S2, /r/IS or go exploring.

Do not link directly to Facebook, please place links to Facebook in a self-post.
I will admit having had similar thoughts about my kid. It reads like tongue in cheek statements about how rough it is being a parent. Sounds about right to me.

Resolution and motion are two separate things, and it's the latter that some viewers are responding to. The "video look" isn't resolution, it's frame rate.
Anon already shut down their website(s) once. During an interview. Immediately after Shirley Phelps-Roper said that they could not do it.

Pretty Siberian. How is old she/he? I'm not sure but I think all Siberian's have blue eyes
Seems legit.

well I guess they weren't too useful for protection since she got her head blown off anyway
Yes but they have to be sold for profit and revenue.
Welcome to RAOC, I hope you are able to find the Santa's you are looking for there are many wonderful people here willing to lend a hand. Thank you for including a verification photo. = -


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:42)
Be a human - find a human.
Support SABnzbd by following this affiliate link
EDIT: Okay, so it looks like this douchebag got a hold of me. Not a minute after I posted this, I started getting red envelopes. All were from the same guy (or girl. No one ever said girls can't be sleazy assholes, right?).

WTF India
I'm so excited I get to see this in person in about a week and a half!

Lord of the Rings wiki
[Intentional - or [Unintentional -
Edit: well, my point is that the 3GS needs a paperclip as well, so the previous comment is incorrect.

Flood insurance, if applicable
Chat (IRC) Connection

If you're on IE, err, dunno, maybe?
Even then, the responsible party should be able to afford it too, I imagine.

? Y2Gif Creator
People have already pointed out that Morgran Freeman didn't really say this. Whatever. What bothers me is that this is just another highly-simplified, designed-to-make-you-feel-good little statement that is pretty much meaningless. We don't know why the killer decided to do what he did. We can't know that he wanted to be famous. I agree that the news coverage of this event has been fucked up, but we can't lay blame squarely at their feet. That's an irresponsible thing to suggest. Later on there's another meaningless little aside about mental health services being more important than gun control. Well, actually they're both important, and deflecting the debate away from gun control is just another cowardly move on all our parts. It's the thing we're afraid to talk about most in this situation. So all in all, I'm glad Morgan Freeman didn't say this because I would lose respect for the man if I thought he had.

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Rage comics - Go to /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu instead.

Aussie rules is what you get when Irish immigrants playing GAA and English immigrants playing Rugby decide to have a match together.
Dolls need to come from the same mold so they can all wear the same clothes (wouldn't it be annoying to have to figure out with outfits fit your doll?). If you look at other brands of dolls (American Gril, Bratz, whatever), they usually do the same thing.
Do not submit/use URL shorteners


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:44)
If only there were something stable to put all of this on, something with four legs and a flat surface. sigh
Screenshots of reddit comment threads. Post a link with context to /r/bestof or /r/defaultgems if from a default subreddit instead.
If you have a post in mind where you believe that someone was being casually racist towards whites, I will be happy to look at the post in question, please just send it to us in the moderator mail.

Don't make memes about your friends in real life. Ever.

I use Krenko. Double goblins all day is insane. There's a few artifacts that allow you to untap him and re-use his ability twice (or even infinite, but I don't do that for the sake of fairness) per turn.
unfortunately not although i think my friends have some videos. Just very quick shots
Vernon Davis or Dennis Pitta?

Not to mention AD and the health which is better than 60 armor on a squishy carry. Trinity force gives you higher single target burst too as well as movement speed.
Your italicized I looks like a / forward slash

Corporations behaving badly? that goes in /r/greed. not here please!
$200? Woah. Too much

No memes, captioned images.
Why are you guys paying so much? You need to shop around a bit more. I'm paying $160/year for my 2000 sunfire. Its fully owned, and I've had an accident. The minimal amount of collision insurance, because if I fuck up my car, its my fault, and I can decide if I want to keep it or get a new one. The car cost $1600.
Well on the upside no one was hurt and the Jeep will live again soon, right?

We're here to have a laugh, don't get too serious.

Chicago EDM
Am I the only one that really really likes the new buff particles? I think they are functional...and stylish. I mean... They're truly truly outrageous.


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 12:48 | Сообщение # 5575
Группа: Гости




Hello World

Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:48)



Hello World

allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 12:56 | Сообщение # 5576
Группа: Гости

Phillipines, Puerto Rico, Cuba. Christ, ever read about "Manifest Destiny"? We were an empire, and still are to a lesser extent, our conquests just lie more in the realm of corporate expansions.
Please also try to come up with original post titles. Submissions that use certain cliches/memes will be automatically tagged with a warning.

Yeah, not recommending leaving in the ladle while it burns.
Don't know if you want to buy a game?
ALL THE rage subreddits

/r/keto member sites:
A good song that exemplifies this is "The Attitude Song" by Steve Vai. The main riff is simply 5-4-3 on the low E string over and over, but he changes the muting and the harmonics each time.
• DeadBedrooms

I realize my answers were a lot more general than Cursance's, but I hope they help. PM if you have anymore questions or would like some clarification. Toke on brother!
Comics   /r/comics /r/webcomics /r/vertical /r/f7u12 /r/ragenovels /r/AdviceAtheists /r/comicbookart Image macros Screenshots/text /r/lolcats /r/screenshots /r/AdviceAnimals /r/desktops /r/Demotivational /r/facepalm (Facebook) /r/reactiongifs /r/DesktopDetective Wallpaper Animals /r/wallpaper /r/aww /r/wallpapers /r/cats The SFWPorn Network /r/TrollingAnimals   /r/deadpets   /r/birdpics   /r/foxes Photography Un-moderated pics /r/photography /r/AnythingGoesPics /r/photocritique /r/images /r/HDR /r/windowshots /r/PictureChallenge Misc New reddits /r/misc /r/britpics /r/gifs Imaginary Network /r/dataisbeautiful /r/thennnow /r/picrequests /r/SpecArt /r/doodles /r/IncredibleIndia .   /r/timelinecovers   /r/MemesIRL   /r/OldSchoolCool   /r/photoshopbattles   /r/PastAndPresentPics Also check out http://irc.reddit.com

That gives us a grand total of $15T + $3T = $18 TRILLION dollars.
They're both under Samsung Electronics, which is under the Samsung umbrella. Not sure beyond that though. Good point.
I can enlarge my penis NATURALLY by sitting in the bathtub

does that make it awkward -- oops
give this man a standing ovation

You're never too old to appreciate cheesy puns.
Yeah, but you're not doing squat in the playoffs with Ponder
Neat idea!

makes me laugh so hard
*applicators always go in the trash no matter what.
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Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:53)
suggest you delete account
Muzzle device: YHM phantom comp,

Despite all his rage, he is still fapping to Nichols Cage.
Good to see Flaccos one highlight. Color me disappointed.
I'm in Caye Caulker at the moment. Anywhere else I should visit before Guatemala?

Free iPhone App
Donate it? Give it to someone you know?
Facebook posts must be done w/ screenshot & blanked names.

Yay! I'm glad you like it! And you're welcome. biggrin
Kirk Cameron
Picfoolery - Free iPhone App

He didn't make this.
By the End of the Feud(s), both the new crowd and the old crowd get to watch The Rock with the title, and a glorious final match, while also enjoying a non-title, main event feud with The Next Big Thing and The Best in the World.
TL;DR:Mac's suck

Kingston HyperX

Post memes without considering this first.

It's ok internet citizen. Currently at 1 hour old your comment only has one downvote, and two upvotes. Plural is unnecessary. Sometimes it's just that people are uninterested in what you are saying.
and as if the speaker is missing his front teeth. "that'hs almosht as exshpenshive as me wife..shhh"
PJS Ref.201: 42mm case, 13mm height, 70g weight, flat sapphire crystal, three o'clock position for non-screw down crown, 22mm lug width, reflective blue outlined flieger hands, triangle replacing just the 12 numeral but NOT the hourly marker, slightly less space between numerals and hourly tick marks, contrast stitched Italian leather strap with butterfly deployant, 5 atm water resistance, $219 base price at $234 regular shipping or $250 expedited shipping pretty much anywhere.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:54)
Guilty as charged. Not much shocks and disgusts me these days.
There are just all kinds of racism generously sprinkled throughout this thread.
I have three that I can think of.

I remember having lots of those and fucking myself up in the night jumping out of my bunk bed.
posts with their sole purpose being to communicate with another redditor. Click for an Example.
666 Park Ave

This is just MORE proof that Hitler was right with all his eugenics ideas. Too bad the Jews had to make him look like a bad guy. DAE childfree?!
I know! If anything I should be paying $0.98 CAD
Games Never Played: 11

No comments or posts from bots.
I think it was $650 last time I checked.
For an image subreddit with fewer restrictions, check out /r/misc! A place to share interesting photographs and pictures. Feel free to post your own, but please read the rules first (see below), and note that we are not a catch-all for general images (of screenshots, comics, etc.)

Spoiler Guide

Manga Panda
I have no problem with this due to my Navy Reserve services, I know I have lots of information stored by my government.
[Player 1 wins - (/spoiler "Pong")

Congrats on the sex
yes, i think it should be punished again. I will gladly play with a teleport revive heimer to
You might also enjoy: Our Family



Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:55)
I dislike the Ku Klux Klan as much as any other guy, but it's sad that they weren't allowed to adopt a highway and lighten the taxpayer load just because of our intolerance for their bigotry.
Please click the link above for more detailed Rules
@RedditSide - /r/Planetside Twitter

Yeah, I hear since Harvard Universite is so close to Massachusetts Institoote of Technology, they work together on many projects!
Since everyone else is talking about safety, I'll tell you something to keep you frugal.
Not bad, the Hindus should get an Om sign instead of whatever was already on there

If i fit, I sit.
Muscle building is a slow progress, you're not going to rise at the same rate as you get older and as you keep increasing your weights.

As a tech who does after hours emergency on call, I will reiterate in case you need help in the future, many vets who are not 24 hours do still have an emergency line and will come in on emergency when needed.
If you need to do any of that it may be best for you to use the Run Pee App. Used it at the Hobbit. Was the best thing. It tells you the best times to go use the bathroom and how many minutes you can go. While you're in the bathroom it tells you exactly what's going on in the movie.

If you write: "John has shown great promise. In his economics class, he recently worked on a project with the goal to create an NGO to help the homeless in the greater Portland area. His teacher, Mrs. Chickenfoot, was delighted with his dedication in creating the promotional materials and called his work "largely superior to the rest of the class."
Pfft... next thing you will be telling me he's singing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

Leagues (1-8)
While I agree in part to your sentiment I believe acting in as close minded a way as you purport will only strengthen their mis-guided ways. I believe that being as close minded and bull headed as them won't actually help us bring enlightenment or the furthering of education and civilization.
Rage comics - Go to /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu instead.

click here to request a new flair to be made
WWE ppvs are 55$ now?! Holy shit. Do any of you guys buy them?

See here how to get a team logo by your username.
Oh nice, so my birthday might coincide with the cancelling of the season... ಠ_ಠ
avoid drinking caffeinated products after ~5-6pm


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:56)
More than one personal submission per week

CSS - BritishEnglishPolice ©2011
Feminist hater.
Oh man you just made me gag

No posts asking for donations, sponsorship or adoptions (try /r/care or /r/assistance).
I think that's enough Internet for me for about 10 seconds...ok I'm good.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in ( ?° ?? ?°), and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on ( ?° ?? ?°), and I have over ( ?° ?? ?°) confirmed kills. I am trained in ( ?° ?? ?°) and I’m the top ( ?° ?? ?°) in the entire US ( ?° ?? ?°). You are nothing to me but just another ( ?° ?? ?°). I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the ( ?° ?? ?°)? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of ( ?° ?? ?°) across the ( ?° ?? ?°) and your ( ?° ?? ?°) is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, ( ?° ?? ?°). The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in ( ?° ?? ?°), and that’s just with( ?° ?? ?°). Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of ( ?° ?? ?°) and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “( ?° ?? ?°)” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking ( ?° ?? ?°). But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will ( ?° ?? ?°) all over you and you will drown in ( ?° ?? ?°). You’re fucking ( ?° ?? ?°), kiddo

"The meaning of life is...." and then I'd have my last breath.
if you're trying to attract a frugal SO, it could work. but that's a big risk, my friend.
people love a good mystery, and don't like to be left wanting more

This is amazing.
Links If your post doesn't meet the above rules, consider submitting it on one of these other subreddits:
You may only post if you are funny.

which one
No posts asking for donations, sponsorship or adoptions (try /r/care or /r/assistance).

The most my sister and I ever did as twins was use each others IDs, but our husbands have mistaken us. My brother-in-law walked up behind me and slapped my ass. I turned around and he was mortified. My husband was watching and they had a hilarious confrontation where one was embarrassed and one was laughing.
Ask for or provide support with depression related issues.
And I realized that my daydreams all involved a)my own death; or b)federal prison.

I got to around 20 min left in the movie where i couldn't take it anymore. I had to shut my eyes and ask my friend what was happening and sneak quick peeks. I got so dizzy and nauseous


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 12:56 | Сообщение # 5577
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 13:15 | Сообщение # 5578
Группа: Гости

You still have 15 minutes! Got a link?
When apostrophe's are misused.

If you have standard 360 controllers that don't show any signs of wear or fingernail-damage, then you'll likely be fine with the onza. If you're the type of player who's rough on the controller, uses the sticks with their thumbnails (rather than the first knuckle, like I do), then the coatings may start to wear.

Politics - This includes the 2012 Presidential candidates or bills in congress. Try /r/politicalhumor instead.
Not having my skillset doesn't make people stupid. Not having the aptitude to learn some amount of my skills or port their own skillset to another similar skillset (called "adaptability") does.
EX: Gave soandso a tonka truck worth $30

He's forcing his beliefs onto the situation. Which is exactly what he was criticizing.
Sounds good
we still bring it up to her, she just laughs about it now.

Thats an access to the septic system. Go on down there to clean out all the doodie.
When I was six, we had just taken in my old cat ("M") as a kitten. One day I decided to give M "flying lessons", as my parents put to to people. I put M in an Easter basket and went to the top of the stairs. The staircases in my childhood home were U-shaped with a landing. I tied a long length of strong string to the handle of the basket and lowered it over the railing down to the stairs below. The drop distance wasn't that high, maybe six feet. M remained obediently in the basket. I repeated this several times until my mother walked by while vacuuming, saw what I was doing, and freaked out.
Remember that the next time you want to say our rights are not in danger.

Everett WA
?Direct? ?Background? ?Translate?
Everybody on your server gets a Christmas present! I can imagine everybody asked for Diamonds.

CCW- constructive criticism welcome
"Think with the head on your shoulders, not the head on your dick."
7) Soliciting money, goods, services, or favors are not allowed. They will be removed

I recently learned that my friend and her boyfriend have broken up roughly 3 weeks ago. Between the last update and now, things have transpired that make me not want to be friends with her.
I'd prefer Corvo Attano as president smile
Read about it here


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 12:58)
Most of the stuff that causes gas is in the liquid.
biggrin Does it blink when you bend your elbow?!

Kog'Maw has ridiculous range. You'll want to avoid team fights pre-six and he isn't a very strong 20 minute champ. You find his best games are the ones that go on longer than 30-40 minutes.

I always thought GAs were poorly designed to begin with, this doesn't help.

This only works for comments, not the submission title. Use the link flair for titles.
If you'd like to use AdviceAnimals in your comments, here's how.
You can kill as many as you like in those walls, you can do whatever you want.

No personal information. This includes anything hosted on Facebook's servers, as they can be traced to the original account holder. Stalking & harassment will not be tolerated.
Why do you freely admit to reposting? Shame upon you!
I don't disagree with your sentiment... When phrased that way, it made me think about the opposite extreme: 2 wars, prepaid for. Unclear which would be worse, pre-meditated war or war in response to an event(s).

Everybody knows that eggs are basically the same thing as "menstrual fluid".
You can do light drawings with a bright LED flashlight or sparklers or glowsticks. Sparklers work great for this - they make a njce crisp line when you draw. Glowsticks don't do as well for drawing but are still fun to photograph while twirling or throwing around. Google "light drawing" for great ideas.
Reddit's Animal Kingdom

I dream of a world when religion has faded away
Is it just me or did this sound like yishan wong threatening the fempire "buy reddit gold or else?"

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The animal subreddit list!


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:00)
I like you.
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New to r/MensRights? Check out these links first!

Fair enough. You would have gotten my upvotes anyway.
Tip #7, I thought as long as it is within range you can access the care package? I've stolen enemy ones through walls, and ones that were on roofs.
Important Links

What if I said there was this BRIGADING problem and this BRIGADING problem would be solved only if the admins stopped being chickenshit and finally banned all those SRS feminazis?
Edit: damn, broken formatting
Spoilers can be posted using the following formatting:

If you use the furnace with the ID 62 (the one that burns infinitly) there will be some smoke!
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NEW! Links to tumblr pages are not allowed. Direct links to tumblr images are allowed.

Anxiety disorder is harsh, I dated a guy who suffered from it. Congrats to you, and best of luck in all that you pursue!
That song might be the best Christmas present I get this year, thank you.
This weeks favorite is the Detroit Lions, coming in with a spread -6.

Content must be related to Halo without the use of a submission title
Here is what the linked Quickmeme image says in case the site goes down or you can't reach it:

Another Smithie here! As another benefit, I'll add that if you have any interest in pursuing math or science, I would give serious thought to attending a women's college. In high school I noticed there were fewer girls in AP science and math classes than there were boys, but did not think much of it. Now I realize that for many complex reasons, women are often discouraged from pursuing math and science in coed environments. I have noticed this as I have since spent time in science departments at other colleges and universities. I'm in a field where women are very underrepresented. I don't think I'd still be in the game if it weren't for Smith...
*Full body endurance sports.

My mom had that... And I say 'had' because they had to remove her stomach, and it's kind of hard to have paralysis of the stomach when you have no stomach. Just curious, are you diabetic, by chance?
She does not say 'no'.
I love that he says this, and then the remaining members of his band go on to produce a brostep track with Skrillex. Which was the first track that the Doors had made since before Morrison's death.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:01)
Cup Progress Stage Next Game Opp Group D eliminated Round 3 Jan 5 Watford Round 3 eliminated Winners 3-2 Chelsea League Form Last 6: WDWDLW
Higher resolution images tend to attract more attention.

You should try rocking a tricorner
I'm not so sure. That doesn't look like any mixing board or midi controller that I've ever seen
? ReactionClips; a new site for searching for ReactionGifs by name.

Cheapest Delorean I could find = 1981 DeLorean
But Wildfire gets edited out. Not cool.

Though I'm contracted 12 hours, I typically work more like 30, spread out over 7 days
Stone Cold Feel
posts with their sole purpose being to communicate with another redditor. Click for an Example.

Zombie is a top 10 90s song.
How does this apply to your business, are there any hidden costs or volume discounts involved?
thank you also lovely lady

I actually saw this dance and thought it was the Napoleon Dynamite dance.

Snoop lion
|Lol. This is near perfect ammo to combat those ignorant people.
Graphic Design

Chicago Area Credit Union Info
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http://taxi.trek.sk/index.php?p=taxi-forum&replyto=-1&_formData[guest - =deannacrype&_formData[subject - =steve+morse+genealogy&_formData[text - =http%3A%2F%2Fxxx-24.net%2Fuser%2Fytjmnttwbc%2F+%0D%0AThe+following+domains+should+be+considered+spam+by+default+and+can+be+reported+with+ex treme+prejudice%3A%0D%0APeople%3A%0D%0AI%27m+sure+all+here+are+in+disagreement+with+the+drone+operations+but+that+doesn%27t+some+how+even+ou t+what+happened+at+home+in+the+cosmic+sense.++You+need+to+be+able+to+show+empathy+to+connect+with+your+people+and+come+together+which+is+wha t+he+tried.++They+never+came+out+saying+gun+violence+is+the+problem+or+rhetoric+condemning+it+because+of+the+hateful+act.+I%27m+kind+of+taki ng+this+as+a+knee+jerk+reaction+to+the+POTUS+speech+but+there+should+be+no+threat+to+gun+ownership%2C+the+Democrats+are+coming+to+terms+that +there+just+isn%27t+the+support%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.kidsporalik.ru%2Fuser%2Fiqsqujwknq%2F+%0D%0AYeah+I+agree%2C+I+really+love+the+% 28Main+Street%29+bridge+and+Ive+always+thought+it+would+photograph+amazingly+at+night.I+know+its+crooked+%3A-%2F%2C+I+noticed+that+when+I+go t+it+on+the+bigger+screen%2C+but+Im+trying+to+get+my+technique+down+so+I+can+get+perfect+shots+without+any+editing+in+post%2C+so+Im+forcing+ my+OCD+self+to+just+deal+with+the+crooked+pic+so+I+can+use+that+annoyance+as+fuel+to+remind+myself+to+do+a+better+job+next+time.%0D%0ANo+slu rs+or+harassing+comments.%0D%0ASorry+%3A%28%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fbgwow.ru%2Fuser%2Fzxeqmstwqv%2F+%0D%0AYay%2C+we%27re+on+the+tree%21%0D% 0AWhile+it+would+be+great+to+be+able+to+say+%22nothing%22+and+actually+have+it+mean+that%2C+having+it+mean+otherwise+has+become+so+common+as +to+become+an+excepted+way+to+convey+that+something+is+actually+wrong.+So%2C+as+much+as+we+would+all+love+for+%22nothing%22+to+always+actual ly+mean+that%2C+its+just+not+fair+to+expect+everyone+to+be+on+the+same+page+without+discussing+it.+Unfortunately%2C+that%27s+the+language+we +are+all+using%3A+a+language+full+of+euphemisms%2C+metaphors%2C+double-meanings%2C+and+imprecision%2C+and+we+have+to+work+around+that.+If+it +takes+a+little+extra+effort+to+make+sure+you%27ve+assuaged+the+worries+of+your+partner%2C+then+so+be+it%2C+they+are+worth+it.%0D%0ADemotiva tional+posters+-+Go+to+%2Fr%2FDemotivational+instead.%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fbratzgamesland.ru%2Fuser%2Fdmmqvcnuxf%2F+%0D%0AFUCKING+SKYDIV E.+RIGHT+when+I+turn+18.%0D%0Apotstickers+wiht+a+lot+of+chili+sauce+mixed+with+a+little+bit+of+soy+sauce%0D%0ANashville%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A% 2F%2Fwww.starstudio.com.ua%2Fuser%2Fluogkcqpai%2F+%0D%0AThat+is+all.%0D%0AWant+to+listen+to+music+or+DJ+with+some+Redditors%3F++Come+join+th e+r%2FHHH+turntable.fm+room+-+Open+24%2F7%21+Weekly+listening+sesh+on+Tuesdays+at+8%3A30pm+EST%0D%0AImpressively+enough%2C+though%2C+Apple%2 7s+Maps+app+already+knew+about+all+the+shortcuts+that+I+like+to+take.++They%27ve+really+been+working+hard+to+improve+it.%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A %2F%2Fcs-gaming.net.ua%2Fuser%2Fkkdzxeapjw%2F+%0D%0AWould+you+bea+able+to+fill+a+month+in+each+place%2C+a+month+is+a+pretty+long+time%2C+an+ i+know+people+say+time+fries%2C+but+honestly%2C+i+have+no+idea%2C+what+how+to+fill+that+time%21+have+you+done+a+trip+like+this+before%3F+wha t+did+u+generally+get+up+to%3F%0D%0AI+just+finished+a+Natural+Language+Processing+class+and+this+is+the+first+thing+that+came+to+mind.%0D%0A FAQ++++Useful+Posts%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fdiacetic.info%2Fuser%2Fdcidbbgrzq%2F+%0D%0AThe+industry+is+alive+because+of+companies+like+Acti vision.+Same+with+EA.+They+tried+to+play+it+the+way+of+public+opinion.+It+worked+in+that+sense%2C+people+liked+EA%2C+but+guess+what%3F+It%27 s+driven+them+into+some+serious+financial+issues+whereas+Activision+is+riding+pretty+high.%0D%0AIndeed%0D%0AWe%27re+still+probably+going+to+ make+the+playoffs+as+the+sixth+seed+this+year%2C+which+puts+us+in+the+top+12%2C+roughly%2C+meaning+there%27s+20+teams+worse+off...and+this+i s+a+bad+year.%0D%0A+%0D%0A+%0D%0AIn+particular%2C+unprovoked+personal+attacks+will+warrant+an+indefinite+ban.+No+questions+asked.%0D%0ACame+ here+to+say+pretty+much+this.++With+link%0D%0ALSV%2C+I+love+you%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fmatrasy.com.ua%2Fproduct%2F684%2Freviews%2F%0D%0Aht tp%3A%2F%2Fwww.petmania.com.mx%2Fforo2%2Fmemberlist.php%3Fmode%3Dviewprofile%26u%3D85491%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Firidiumfax.com%2FBetaFaxForum%2Fi ndex.php%3Fshowuser%3D848158%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fforums.newquire.com%2Fposting.php%3Fmode%3Dpost%26f%3D2%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fmotoblok.biz.ua%2Fp roduct%2Fmotoblok_motor_sich_mb_4_05%2Freviews%2F%0D%0A&addpost&r=0&autolast

Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:01)
I had been on Adderall XR, brand name for about 3 years, since 2007. I self diagnosed myself with ADHD but that is only half the story. I had been depressed and hoped that ADHD drugs would be the thing that "fixes" my issues with depression because my Mom had been unsuccessfully treated with SSRI's and various other anti-depressants to no avail. In addition to that, we've all heard the horrid things that those type of drugs do so I sought out help from Adderall. It was popular and let's face the truth of this; Amphetamines have been used for a century or so now, so there is a lot of data from it's use where as anti-depressants have only had a bout 30-40 years in existence. Initially came from another ADHD drug that hasn't been prescribed for awhile called Pemoline. I initially titrated from 10mg to my current dose of 20mg once daily. Again i'm on XR so there is no need to keep taking more and more. However on days where I want to play video games or be really alert, like say after an all-nighter, I will double up on a dose by taking two pills instead of one but I do not consider that abuse because it is infrequent. Off of it, I feel like i'm in a haze or a cloud which is why drug breaks are reserved for the weekends. However, being on Adderall for so long during the week can have a self-inflicting depersonalization effect on yourself. Perhaps by the second or third day I already feel like i'm a robot and lack a certain amount of my personality. It's as if parts of my personality are inhibited and becomes psychologically distressing as time goes on.
Good Example: "This is a song I made"

Include the resolution in [brackets - in the title.
Stupid sexy Flanders
No this was the official

NSFW titles or content.

I love it
I think his name was candle jack or something. One of your cousins maybe?
reddit is pretty liberal huh

As a relative of Johns, I can assure you, he wasn't from around here.
If your submission appears to be filtered but definitely meets the above rules, please send us a message with a link to the comments section of your post (not a direct link to the image). Don't delete it as that just makes the filter hate you!

I wonder if the thinking re:Rudd as foreign minister was similar, at least in the sense of getting him out of the country.
As someone who is new to Black Ops 2, can someone tell me what a Diamond Pistol is?
How would this be anti-semitic? I'm sure Jews put kippot on their cats and play dreidel with them.

Rage comics - Go to /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu instead.
this link has been updated on 12/10/2012
About this big

Rhaegar + Lyanna = Jon
List of Essential Skyrim Mods
I've never been more excited than when I found a hippo.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:03)
The friend who had been smoking that shit for months at that point decided he was quitting. He had to go through two rounds of detox on two separate occasions. He was still vomiting and having withdrawal symptoms. I think he went to AA meetings, or something similar, to remain sober.
lol let's not tarnish the good name of "esports"

Shortened links (tinyurl, bit.ly, etc.) are not trusted by the spamfilter and will be automatically removed. Please refrain from using them.
He should unretire right?
posts with their sole purpose being to communicate with another redditor. Click for an Example.

Hover over to read.
That's scarily detailed, I'm guessing this actually happens in places?

Marvel Reddits
All 170 people who disliked this died on? the rebel cruiser
Soo, does that mean we're screwed?

I'm going to toss my vote in for FTL: Faster Than Light.
Yeah, I used plotz as a guide. What's the problem? And as Riiju said, I mined all the stuff myself.
nope...other than an expletive, sexual language, or horrible grammar. it's happened before.

Even professional psychologists dive right to probable diagnosis instead of spewing out a dozen questions to reporters and ask them to go research. Dim.

I've completed it twice and you've made me realize just how little I pay attention to game details these days. I noticed the detailed environments but missed pretty much all of those more physics based things you just listed. I might have to put it on easy and go back through a third time just to check out all of the finer details.
It will probably be eternal. The season we go 14-2 i bet every thread will be of comments like "Okay guys, we will be expecting to get our coach fired because we are already 14-2 and on the Conference Championship" Or also "Are you ready to see Kaeding pass the torch and see Novak choke on us in the playoffs?!!!!"

Yeah, I too get tired of people taking instagrams of their meals.
CSS - BritishEnglishPolice ©2011
When you're in the middle of nowhere and someone's stranded, it's a bit different than if someone's stranded in the city. Why would you camp out a hundred miles away from the nearest town to "get gas" when that $20 is going to be spent getting back home?


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:04)
Watch: #/r/atheism on reddit.tv
Always link to the original source.

Palmer Scott

Is your sister my sister? To this day I can't stand having my head covered by a blanket, or breathing in steamy air in a shower or a sauna because of the times my sister would cover my head with a blanket and sit on me.
Find/List more servers here

Well, it's not even the political party so much as the proxy service. For sure the proxy service itself can be run by a corporation...

Other Subreddits
"Oh this? It's nothing. Move along..."
Also I just want to say this before I accidentally say anything that might offend you, I appreciate your civility in discourse and engagement of the topic. A rarity on the internet so thank you for that.

Come chat with us here!.
I own it, and I played it for a bit..., but like I said I never warmed to a tower defense game other than this and Dungeon Defenders :P
It's actually closer to real life than you think. Many, if not most, women will feel more loved if you give them small gifts more frequently. Of course, finding one that is receptive to your gifts at all can be quite a challenge.

Hilariously bad removed comics
I don't give a damn about politics, or journalism, or the politics that come with journalism, or even telling someone how to do his job right. All I see in this picture is yes, a simple, artistic ( and how is this explicit?) attempt to tug at heartstrings. Is it cheap? Well, maybe, maybe not - I don't know this guy personally and I don't care. I'm appreciating this picture for what it says to ME, and I'm trying to defend this kind of optimistic interpretation. I prefer not to see the cynical side to things when I don't have to.

dude nature is way fucking cooler than magic
I feel the same way, especially at the part in the mountains during the storm. However it is a children's book if i remember correctly.
No posts asking for donations, sponsorship or adoptions (try /r/care or /r/assistance).


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:05)
I think a lot of redditors are young with a ridiculous sense of entitlement and complete lack of business knowledge -- and what it means to be an adult.
Pretty sure that is not good for your stylus (unless you have a dj cart)

Reddit's Animal Kingdom
I hope no Christians decide to start a petition to get Atheism removed from all public office, due to their dangerous immorality.

Too soon, man. I'm still bitter.

[deleted -
No game or product giveaway of any kind

Posting Rules Allowed:
Yep, that was my bad. I've gotten lazy at checking my Swype lately. Probably because my friends have kept me up 4 work nights in a row til 5 am, playing Cards Against Humanity, and many people cannot fathom how busy a Hallmark store can get at Christmas.
But I have just enough downvotes for you.

Oh haha. Hell if I know.
Feel free to post pictures, videos and stories of cute things.

Pictures of just text - Make a self post instead.
The moderators of /r/funny reserve the right to moderate posts and comments at their discretion, with regard to their perception of the suitability of said posts and comments for this subreddit. Thank you for your understanding.
General Asshattery/Derogatory Language/Racism/etc. in chat is the only rule he broke. This is his first offense, that should be temp mute. And about this rule. Chris and every chris friend was breaking this same rule. I'm going to go back and say something when badlion left the server for the first time and it nearly died. We ask for consistency, and their is none when it comes to us.

Fire hazzard?
Oooooh yeah, I forgot about that.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:06)
I have to the edge to the absolutely insane front end that the Angels have thanks to the addition of Hamilton. Gonna mash at historic levels.
Where is the funny? Ohh I see it now its when the paper folds. That is so fucking funny. Oh my lord I am in stitches.

NEW! Links to tumblr pages are not allowed. Direct links to tumblr images are allowed.
4chan used to do that using the Time Square cams. Good times were had, but now it is overshadowed by the war against the card stand.
I can't love Mistborn enough. I think I might be rereading it soon. I can only listen to the Dresden Files audiobooks in preparation for Cold Days but so often.

No reposts, if you didn't make it, don't post it.
Casual Friday?
I've known who he is for a long time. Being in the same division as the Knicks, I see him play a lot. Calm down, Lakerzfan.

I'm sure I'll get down voted for saying this on Reddit, but in my experience college aged tenants tend to be just as bad as kids. They tend to be excessively noisy all the time, haven't quite figured out that they need to be considerate of others at all times, noisy late at night, leave trash around, etc. I would prefer a child free 25+ complex.
delightfully chubby

That last line was brilliant! Thanks for sharing the story.
*Black Ops 2 Tip #14 - If someone is killing you with a killstreak such as a loadstar or vtol warship, watch the killcam and look for the green diamond. That is where thay are and you can easily take them out ending their streak!
Politics both in the United States and Worldwide

I hate this meme.
"Green Oprah! Green Oprah!"
/r/Minecraft Rules

original reason I? subbed.
On average, there is about one star per cubic parsec (1 parsec is 3.26 lighyears, or 31 trillion kilometers) in the whole of the Milky Way. However, at the galactic bulge near the center of our Galaxy, this number jumps up to near 10 million stars per cubic parsec.

What are your strengths and weaknesses? A. Sometimes I can watch a rock for hours. That is a strength. My weakness is trying to carry all the rocks into my house.
Where it's at


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:09)
I like raspberry Pie

Is that better or worse than Day of the Triffids? Oh hell, I've got time over semester break, I'll read both.
Rage comics - Go to /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu instead.
You'll see that on your bill. $2,000 rehabilitation aid.

This is a kaleidocycle.
Yeah; both solo and coop.

Listen, I know the sequence of events. I've read the OP. Reiterating it won't affect my argument. I'm saying that there are more factors involved and some pause would do everyone some good. Y'know what? I know relationships that survived far past some random misguided one-night-almost-cheat.
No comments or posts from bots.

Not unless it was a 5 hour hotbox with continual smoking.
Merry Christmas!
Adorable Art

OH my god he is an absolute beast... his suplexes and takedowns are friggn nuts.
Clean Jokes
/r/Assistance - When you are looking for charity.

Subreddit Features:
The beauty of PnP rpging is that you can do whatever you want. In a videogame, you would have just loaded a saved game (which you can do in tabletop by playing the adventure with your previous characters from some point in the previous adventure) or started over. But since the DM is a sentient human being, your options are so much more open than they would be in a videogame.
This is why I hate it when people compare Napoleon to Hitler. Napoleon gave the Jews rights Hitler killed them. Napoleon fought others to give the French a free country with rights Hitler had a fascist dictatorship.

Cat Videos
The guy could have been terminally ill and in a lot of pain, death may have been a relief for the family..... Or maybe Scott was a huge asshole.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:10)
As an "older" person myself, I see this with alcohol as well. 20somethings gettings shitfaced 3+ days a week, not a big deal, they all have jobs and are generally happy with friends and a normal life outside of it. You see a 40 year old getting shitfaced 3+ times a week and they tend to be a very unhappy person with major issues.
The Dog Days are over

Clean Jokes
or use

With a why, the couple has something to work on. This flat out "no end of story" crap is ridiculous.
90's Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QD5n98R_nk
No comics or captioned pictures (try /r/lolcats).

Winter is Coming
On the other hand, what justification allows you to demand that people who studied and worked their asses off work for you for anything less than what they decide their labor and expertise is worth? Why can't they do the same thing to you?

All posts must be related to 4chan.org: either a screenshot of or image with a direct relationship to 4chan.
We are cosplayers from Toronto who also vlog/do videos at cons : -
I think if the original intent is kept and proper topics are chosen,

Oh wells, they be grumpy grumps!
I facebook share, more views more chances of gronk showing up

Holiday Nails 12/21

Hopefully it's not some ice beam, like that fool Johnny Snow.
Jeremiah Bitsui (Victor)
[deleted -


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:15)
Why yes Virginia, those things do freak me the fuck out.
Rehosted webcomics will be removed. Please submit a link to the original comic's site and preferably an imgur link in the comments. Do not post a link to the comic image, it must be linked to the page of the comic. (*) (*)

Wake me up when September ends: 6
I bought it and the connection kept going out, so now I'm looking for a torrent.

i literally play the same hours (east coast) play with a lot of polish too.
This should be the real Gentleman Zombie.

Help improve this list by suggesting more resources!
And thanks for filling me in, I was really confused about them being "not pants". But the double pants because it's cold thing makes sense. sad

Detailed recommendation requests that have the potential to initiate a discussion are allowed, but please use the resources below for general recommendations.
Now all I see is Aang in a Sailor Moon skirt and top.
As an elementary school teacher... that sounds about right.

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You are clearly a very angry man. Look at the amount of posts you've made with swear words.
By thegleaker

Join us on IRC
It made me feel old actually, I can't keep up with the new fangled technology.
Im sorry but fuck that lady. She is the one who took her own life and to pin it on the radio dj's shows what kind of person she is.

You're going to make some children cry.... and a lot of adults also.
Why? ? More Info ? AMA: Bot, Human
Isn't SRS getting pretty slow in general? I haven't really gone there too many times.


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 13:16 | Сообщение # 5579
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 13:18 | Сообщение # 5580
Группа: Гости

Check your Bears card at the door, it will be punched with a circular hole like a drivers license in another state, and we'll give you a Hawk card!
hopefully this pic works ornaments Bed and Breakfast same here would love to find an old house and renovate it and open a bed and breakfast up!!! I didn't do a tree this year, hubby's not home so didn't feel like it. I just finished making fleece blankets and pillows, and also I do rag wreaths and garland. So much fun got the ideas of pinterest and I roll with it. I would love to learn how to knit but don't know if I have the patience
Missed the best of Reddit yesterday? Catch the daily recap and best links at /r/tldr

A: As of 11/25/2012, the Anime has caught up to Chapter 544.
The post should have been deleted once he posted an edit at the bottom which no one was going to read. At best he should have had the warning about the rest not being true at the very top in bold if he really wanted to keep the original text intact.

Also more likely to die by coconut than by shark.
Can you back it up or is it literally just a random guess, because it doesn't feel like something similar could happen in the real world?
Memes - Go to /r/AdviceAnimals or /r/Memes instead.

I'm not quite sure what happened with Yak, but he's pretty much exiled from our community.
If you come across any rule violations, please report the submission or message the mods and one of us will remove it!
Love spinning, dyeing, fondling? /r/YarnAddicts

Writers Group
No verticals, staredad, or batman slapping comics. At all.

Answers to all were no. I completely understand that he felt helpless after such a bad experience, but I just couldn't see how, in the same circumstance, him carrying a gun would have made anything better. (It also might be relevant that his personality was very meek; he was a quiet goofball whose actions were hesitant even in nonthreatening situations.)
I'd love a source on that.

Reddiquette Still Applies.
Penner looks 20 years younger now than in FTC.

I'm not a fan of the tower hitting creeps. Yes, technically a good player will be able to last hit under the tower, but it's definitely harder to do and you could be tanking creeps needlessly. Plus, tower hitting creeps messes the creep equilibrium and is an unnecessary variable. See point 3 about keeping the lane just outside of tower range.
ITT: Lithuanians.
As a black man living in Georgia... they're still pretty relevant to me.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:17)
King For A Day is so awesome. One of the most bi-polar albums I've ever heard. Jumps from some extreme form of Metal, and right into some smooth Jazz Fusion, and then some alternative rock. Album of the Year, on the other hand, pretty much sucked.
Hover over to read.

what a goal... against madrid
Be nice! We're here to learn and have fun, not to tear each other apart.
I'm a graduate student getting my Ph.D. at a university. I work on wide-field optical follow up on X-ray surveys of the Galactic Bulge, trying to find new neutron star and black hole systems. The X-ray part of the survey tells us where in the sky X-ray emitting objects are, then I and some other people get optical data on stars near the X-ray source and try to figure out what it is that's emitting the X-rays, and if it's something interesting to us like a neutron star or black hole, we also try to figure out things like their masses. Even just knowing how many neutron stars and black holes there are in binaries in the Galaxy is worthwhile though, because it tells us about how stars in binary systems evolve.

Seems like a reference to the DC sniper a few years back. IIRC he was black and ex-military. I don't recall it being spun as 'because he's black'. I think that's the point of the reference
All they gave were fucks back then.
Worth considering.

After the halloween jumping puzzle, this one is a walk in the park. I got it on my 3rd try biggrin
Forward her family the keylog results.
No selling accounts/skins.

I just started playing this and I love it
It sounds harsh, but what else is to be done?
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Grande Paolo


The base is China Glaze, Fast Track. I am in LOVE with this polish :). My cuticles are horribly dry, damn dry winter New England air!
Nowadays? Urinals.
Network Discussion


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:18)
Kill one of them (let's say Beitild) and just return
Hey, I'd rather be socially retarded only when I'm smoking than be socially retarded the other 80% of the time! Just look for the positives smile
Rage comics - Go to /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu instead.

Captive Wildlife
Youtubehaiku of the month!

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FAQ unfinished
swansea for - against

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Shit I still don't get it.
I think the bigger factor is the fact that Fort Knox has regular army troops guarding it. Not to mention the difficulty of spending fifty pound gold bars.

Fact: 50% percent of all pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion.

NSFW posts must be tagged or they will be removed.
Thanks for the response!

How does one assure that no gun owner is sharing their weapons with people with mental illnesses?
Not mathematically yet.


Форум » ОБЩАЯ » Приём в Клан Спарта » Вступ в клан Sparta (Здесь принимаються заявки на вступ в великий клан Sparta)

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Кого Вы считаете лучшим?
1. Критовик
2. Смешанный
3. Уворотчик
Всего ответов: 18