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Вступ в клан Sparta
NostradamusДата: Среда, 11.11.2009, 06:13 | Сообщение # 1
Michel de Notredame
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leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 05:46 | Сообщение # 5476
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 05:48 | Сообщение # 5477
Группа: Гости

I'm massively disappointed; for a few seconds I thought this was /r/cooking. But beautiful work.
Because science.
4.­ No [fixed - submissions unless you are creating original content. Editing a title or pasting a vector into a submission that already exists is not allowed. Recent reposts are subject to removal.

Posts for the specific point of it being your reddit birthday.
Want beautiful landscapes to go with your FWP? Try /r/FWEPP.

En parlant de se faire "encule" comme tu dis, les habitants de l'URSS, la Coree du Nord, Cuba et autres pays de gauchistes ont deux mots a te dire.
Oh yes, how could I forget!
Just tried cerulean -- I had to really pack it on to achieve this. Probably wouldn't work so well for a less pigmented color.

Publishers: Atlus | NipponIchi | Square Enix
There are exceptions of course, but in many cases :
I gave a handshake to Chris and got a hug from Chloe as they were heading out. It was pretty great.

Light Dark
At 2012-12-16 00:06:46 UTC, dominant_hand replied to "What you can get for 100 Billion Zimbabwe Dollars " [+91 points: +119, -28 - :
Few albums ever will be.

I'm guessing you aren't in America. Most of our restaurants use vinyl covering on our walls.

Links to sales or products that you do not profit from are OK. It is not OK to try to sell your own stuff here. Go to r/animebazaar or r/iamselling instead.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to put on a scuba suit and swim into a whale's vagina?

Here's a simple guide:
Well I usually wear nice kicks everywhere to be honest, unless I know they are going to get dirty obviously. I just had no clue a concert was going on so the bar was extra packed inside and outside.
Can't you post this crap in some creepy fan subreddit?


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 05:48)
Cheers, Tony
CSS - BritishEnglishPolice ©2011
No personal information such as Facebook pages, phone numbers, addresses, etc. Also, no witch-hunting or incitement to witch hunt. This means no demanding "Reddit justice" in any way in post titles or comments. Posting personal information is grounds for an immediate (and probably permanent) ban. Consider this your warning.

What would the lesson be exactly?
This is common practice now. I'm a Penn State alumnus, and when the Jerry Sandusky thing was going down, lots of reporters tweeted me and asked if they could interview me. I allowed one to do so, but I didn't really give him a great sound bite.
The internet.

Drop by for a few minutes, or for the full seven hours. Either way, enjoy!
Upvote for the Futurama reference!

you're not seriously suggesting that people use Visual Studio for their iOS dev, are you.
I'm just gonna keep upvoting him... for reasons.
As a former evangelical, I can tell you the writer's playing a few cards close to the chest. He even managed to get a few Bible verses in at the end.

No animated images. Please submit them to /r/gif, /r/gifs, or /r/reactiongifs instead.
Actually I believe "subordinate clause" is what Santa calls the misses while in bed.
and most of all, how easy he makes that shot look.

Tracing DDoSes in the hot sun...
I really enjoyed Perspective, I love that sort of puzzle game
Hover here to view our emoticons.

Pretty sure many pros in other countries have better game knowledge than him, you just aren't able to experience it because you don't understand the language.
Yes, sidebar gif!

actually if you look closely on the profile pic jax has the 5v5 or 3v3 (can't remember), ezreal has the soloQ icon
Next game Date: 23 December 13:30 GMT
I know that feel bro. You one upped me. I couldn't find enough time in my bathroom this week, so I jerked off quietly to anal porn in the work bathroom in between listening to other dudes poop in the stall next to me. How did I get here?


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 05:49 | Сообщение # 5478
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 05:52 | Сообщение # 5479
Группа: Гости

Lynx-O the night cat part 22 35 Jumpy jumpy jump

I dub this the "Coughlin Face"
I want to call him out in front of his peers, and tell them what he did. The attempts to kill me on numerous occasions, poisoning, stabbing, throwing fence posts at me and hitting me in the head, and the random beatings and constant emotional maltreatment. He created a monster within me that is just like those kids, and I want the whole fucking world to know it.
Halfway down the page there are some pictures of the magwell that show it is much smaller than a normal AR magazine.

Illiterate, are you? Or do you just lack comprehensive skills?
Ahh, the classic "Keep up negative pressure until they cave to your demands" trick.. someone else used to use that back in the day, too.
I'm not trying to tell you not to support the Sally Ann, because maybe they do good things. However, to me personally it is not okay for my money to be used to fight gay rights and to discriminate against gay people. As such, I will not give money to that organization.

Rules: Content must be Mindcrack related.
r/CFBMemes - Post your memes here!
There really is no legitimate way to use it all

Halloween Costume Competition!
Episode Discussion S03E08 "Made to Suffer" Comic Issue #105 Discussion Thread

Corki ... you want to use corki very passively until level 6.
And within a few years, every state will be like CO. Avoid the bandwagon of losers going there just for weed. Seriously. Stay where you are, the treez will come to you.
Sorry, meant Shouldn't

Comics   /r/comics /r/webcomics /r/vertical /r/f7u12 /r/ragenovels /r/AdviceAtheists /r/comicbookart Image macros Screenshots/text /r/lolcats /r/screenshots /r/AdviceAnimals /r/desktops /r/Demotivational /r/facepalm (Facebook) /r/reactiongifs /r/DesktopDetective Wallpaper Animals /r/wallpaper /r/aww /r/wallpapers /r/cats The SFWPorn Network /r/TrollingAnimals   /r/deadpets   /r/birdpics   /r/foxes Photography Un-moderated pics /r/photography /r/AnythingGoesPics /r/photocritique /r/images /r/HDR /r/windowshots /r/PictureChallenge Misc New reddits /r/misc /r/britpics /r/gifs Imaginary Network /r/dataisbeautiful /r/thennnow /r/picrequests /r/SpecArt /r/doodles /r/IncredibleIndia .   /r/timelinecovers   /r/MemesIRL   /r/OldSchoolCool   /r/photoshopbattles   /r/PastAndPresentPics Also check out http://irc.reddit.com

Of course, wouldn't want to export such an advanced technology just anywhere, now would we?
Your cat is on Boat-Trader for sure


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 05:50)
biggrin That should totally happen
Posts for the specific point of it being your reddit birthday.
I am weird like that, I just love the ME1 so much.

The downvote punch in the background makes it.
Messaging the mods
EDIT: I've enjoyed reading all of your comments, discussions, feedback, and criticisms. Many thanks to the redditors who gave me gold! I have received many PMs and am trying to respond to all of them. I gotta go to sleep now though so if I haven't responded to your PM, I'll get to it in the morning. Ciao.

One of the things i enjoy with NoFap and training/other self-improvement is that you cant cheat, you only fool yourself which is a good lesson to learn. Only dedication and hard work pays of in the end.
'i laughed about some asian dudes randomly and unwillingly doing something close to ze hitlergru? in germany. DAE go to hell for that le gem, amirite reddit? AMA!'

Individual gun ownership - even collective military action - does not deter a more well-armed and well-trained rival military. You'll die all the same. Give every resident of Hiroshima an AK-47, and the death toll would have been exactly the same.
No NSFW content.

Preferably a large person.

...the only non-military context in which a high-capacity magazine proves decisively useful for the shooter is one in which you are trying to mow down as many civilians as possible ...
Related Subreddits:
I thought I read that everyone was required to own a gun and receive training.

When are search site like Kayak include those extra fees on their price?. There should be a option to choose the amount of luggage you're planing on taking and calculate the price accordingly.
Every game designer needs a platform to publish on. It's like Fez and Super Meatboy both having contracts with Microsoft. Just because journey did the same with Sony doesn't make any less of an indie game. All indie games need backing of some sort. Whether it be from kick starter or a console designer is irrelevant.

The Men's Rights subreddit is a place for those who wish to discuss men's rights and the ways said rights are infringed upon. On the differences between the Feminist Movement and the Men's Rights Movement.
Fathers and Families
Then the teacher (who is a special ed teacher, one would think she would be somewhat more tolerant) looked at my boy and said "You're not a christian, you can't forgive people."


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 05:51)
That's why I play online. Mine only cost $2.50
Dez or Josh Gordon?
Jag baserar mitt uttalande pa flera aldre personers attityder runt politik och moralisk-ratt i allmanhet (mestadels utefter egna erfarenheter.)

Title: Aristocat uses the litterbox
Licensed insurance agent here. Three things go into creating the premium you pay for: your car, you, and the state and area you live in. The state minimum is different state to state. Florida only requires property damage and personal injury protection (PIP) but has some of the highest premiums due to fraud i.e people staging accidents to collect PIP and going to a fake doctor. $80 billion dollars lost to fraud and paid for the prosecution of these criminals. That cost on average every family in America $900 a year. PA and NJ has an option to give up your right to sure for pain and suffering to lower premium. Every insurance company is different when in comes to underwriting (or how long companies charge for an accident). General rule of thumb is about 3 years that youll see a direct increase on the policy. Time with an active license helps; the longer you're licensed without a suspension ect. 3 years of continous
Posting Rules

4) The National Anthem
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh these threats are never empty, and given we they got from Qadafi, it is only a matter of time before the north goes to shit again sad

A slow cooker. Uses so little energy, doesn't heat up the house in summer, and makes delicious food that requires little effort. I got mine as a wedding gift, but it's easy to find mint-condition used ones at yard sales and thrift stores.
Without any knowledge to 'enjoy' or 'not enjoy' any particular event, neither heaven nor hell would differentiate from one another.

Try to submit the source of the story/image
So - sure, upper echelons of business, politics, and military remain male-dominated. They probably will remain so for the foreseeable future. The combined factors (that are too many to list) are probably going to make sure that there won't be too many women in these fields - without prescriptive demands (quotas), that is. However, the disparity at these levels, which are unattainable for 99% of the population anyhow, is not really that much of a concern when compared to the reality that most of us face on the ground living in the real world. And in the real world - it's pretty much the same, give or take special cases (waitress/bouncer).

Posting Rules
Look on the horse. "Doggie Styles" Is the name of their grooming company. Sounds too much like doggy style (The sex position)

This is not for "disgusting" content, "creepy" content, or anything related to physical harm. Nor is it for content that makes you angry.
If I got that music plate I would have cried too... :).
Given the lack of a regional subreddit, it also covers most things in the Champaign-Urbana area.

TV Show Countdown
Request: Blair Walsh chewing on his helmet strap on the sideline
If you're linking to flickr please link to the VIEW ALL SIZES PAGE and not directly to the image. This allows users using RES to quickly see your image without leaving the page. (This is the page you should be linking to.)


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 05:52)
They will have to... So much character development
I'm going to Kill you- is also an "almost certainly empty threat" 90% of the time until one day some one means it.
At least they can keep losing in style right? LOL

Other reddits of interest:
Ha, I guess 2 maybes. If I was a third Tomohiro Shibuya I would get into game design as well and just claim some of the other guys work.

Well, on the customers my employer tends to work with, the idea is really to pay as less as they can, there is no willingness to do otherwise.
I used to go to Dr. Helen's blog at that time, who is actually supportive of men's rights, and there was a discussion about the incident on there.

Mumble (Subreddit Voice Chat) - Server: mumble.nerd.nu port 6162
I wonder if she's referring to S.C.U.M.?
Im not sure honestly. I havent seen them in forever.

Other than the occasional bratty kid and rude guest, not really. But some kids are just awful.
alright thanks, will send you a PM

Just watch the video. The guy explains why it's easier to make the API in Java. I promise, making the API in Java is easier and quicker.
Text-post Only Mode
click here to request a new flair to be made

I am glad that someone took the initiative to help out, because you two certainly didnt.
Check out our faq. It could use some updating.
Memes - Go to /r/AdviceAnimals or /r/Memes instead.

But he shall always remember the last words of his father.
It's painful. Especially in a 3 floor house.


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 05:52 | Сообщение # 5480
Группа: Гости




allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 05:55 | Сообщение # 5481
Группа: Гости

I'm flying with American on Tuesday. I booked the flight two months ago and the only available seats were "preferred seats." Even with a high mileage frequent flyer account I could not escape the $25 fee. I called them and the woman on the phone said to just get the seat when I go to the airport. If we all wait to book at the airport then the fee becomes irrelevant.
This is just stupid.
Once upon a time Low settings made cloakers just as visible cloak on or off. Now we are at other end of that spectrum, pure SOE style. No middle ground.

Submission Rules

this reminds me when I was 5. Every kid in the class was assigned a figure or shape, like a star, a ball, the sun, a house... and being a kid in a boys only school, my symbol wasn't the best one given to me: a HEART. Every kid laughed at me (probably what made my confidence so low in my school life)
However, Megatron and Detroit's D may be able to save me with my opponent underperforming almost as badly.
meh, I kinda hate when riot is too harsh on nerfs but then again I don't know if they could've been softer. Just like Nautilus.. sad

And she said she never heard of a potpal before.
For unmoderated, off-site drama, check out /r/drama
In fact, my size is so weird that sometimes when trying on clothes in shops, L is too big and XL is too small.

As much as I hate to say it, Massachusetts people can be nice, but we are all kind of assholes. Hence the nick name Massholes.
what kind of jacket are you wearing in this video?
I realllly wanted to do this with mine! But my dad sent it back because safety concerns lmao.

I buy 1-ply, because my toilet has a bidet so I only need paper to dry myself. I also use the same length of paper out of habit, no matter how many layers it has, so I'd waste an awful lot of 2-ply.
They remain free to ignore him.
I knew this was going to be terrible when I heard the autotuned yeah yeah

don't care.
To add to that, the person who originally comes up with a term is often the last person to know what it means.
I'll send you a Lego architecture set if you will send me a Legoland nametag with my name on it (the kids with the minifigure). If you're interested, PM me.

My question is...what happens when you want to stop? I cant really see this ending too gracefully..
And says the shooter saw him, you mean.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 05:54)
If it belongs on /r/news or /r/politics, it does not belong here.
You're dad is Kevin Nealon in that last one.
So, it was never intended to protect different religions?

Old people died, I guess.
I'm sorry for your loss..... bet coffee and donuts will cheer you right up.

Spoilers can be posted using the following formatting:

Change those belts!
If not, they'll make another one, look at Armored Core. Who cares if we get a bad one? Another one is coming out next year

That happened to me with a frozen Coke it gashed my hand open pretty bad.
I don't get the mini-joke either.
Lost opportunity for a discount double check joke. Curse me!

Include the resolution in [brackets - in the title.
I take a large draw then I inhale it all and blow it all out. Every once in a while I will straight lung inhale in there is no throat hit at all.
So this is a really neat fact I learned in my Zoology course. The dinosaurs in Jurassic Park are actually all female, but because the spliced the DNA with lizard DNA, the females were able to choose their gender based on external cues. Science is neat.

Trading is all about negotiation, so if you've read Bargaining for Advantage or Getting to Yes, then you've got a good base of understanding to get your started (if not, I highly recommend reading those books not just for Magic but your life as well. Everything is negotiable!).
I am studying, while masturbating, it's not that hard with a good attitude smile

I'm really good at face swapping
Photoshop Battles
Don't knock it until you've tried it!


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 05:55)
Beautiful decoration on the rotor. I have a retro slava with the 2414 (handwind version of the 2427) and it performs quite well.
No gore or porn (including sexually graphic images). Other NSFW content must be tagged as such
Perfect example of what you said, coming from one another legend.

Nothing wrong with his initial message, your reply was unnecessarily hostile.
Cant argue that. I just like to give the benefit of the doubt, and also point out my outstanding Airmen that happened to be female. My biggest shit bag was a guy, holy fuck that kid was a soup sandwich.
Parker is heavily underrated, I say Parker is better.

He probably played for the Cardinals at some point.
Dude I like your idea. But you definitely missed out
Maybe he didn't see them wink

The bio is... interesting :'D
I just imagine someone finishing that, stepping back, and thinking "Mother of God, this is a masterpiece."
that mac computer looks heavy.

Aww damn I missed the meet-up. Where and when was it?
I thought dieing butterfly and felt bad.
Because linux is not RTOS (without patching kernel, e.g. for Xenomai).

List of planned additions to Minecraft
Wish we were having a better game man, but hey the second half is starting and we need to play our best ball and we can have a chance. Go Rams!!
It's not Kurt because everyone notices when he's on.

I've definitely seen a lot of bronies on TC, and there are at least two brony guilds on here that I know of.
it's a very good film. probably upsetting to a lot of people, but it's good.
Please read the rules and guidelines before posting:

Women in Film
Turns out the guy that called saying he was from the Sargent Zeno Pentagon was legit.


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 05:56 | Сообщение # 5482
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 05:58 | Сообщение # 5483
Группа: Гости

Pictures, videos, and stories about cysts and pimples.

Guys come on..! Not injuries and penalties already.
That's a good point.
misc for anything else

Home schooled, fox news propaganda loving, gun amassing, fearful, willfully ignorant, ignore the mental health system all together, tax avoding..etc.. how is it politicizing to say.. those are what the right wing has been doing and pushing for years now?
is this intended or a glitch/bug?

Hippos are considered to be the most dangerous land animal in Africa :/
Yes, but...

-Edit- I'm not trying to argue that the Mets should pick up Dickey's contract just because his offer is reasonable. Baseball is still a business, and if it's not the right move for the team they shouldn't make it. But, as you said, they shouldn't be fucking assholes about it.
Japan is making a new season! The wait is killing me.
The lower is "Kaiser Defense" very nice lower

avoid mobile versions of websites (e.g. m.wikipedia.org)
This is the 21st century. You don't need a gun in today's world. The only purpose they serve is to allow ignorant man-children to strut around pretending they've got a big cock because they're armed.

that is the question of instagram. Why turn a perfectly good photo into a shitty one for no reason?

I hope OP's husband laid other things in her.
You mean omega?
Well, these new buff particles kind of go against Riot's whole design philosophy, to make things clear and defined. Champions don't look like minions, every champion has it's own particle theme etc. That's what makes this game so watchable. And now we have these tiny buffs that could be mistaken for items auras, or missed completely.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 05:57)
Okay. Thank you
fucking balls! Is Rivers Cuomo wearing a Veracruz jersey?

I love advice that goes 'be happy with who you are, just don't be yourself if you want to be happy'.
URL shorteners - No link shorteners (or HugeURL) in either post links or comments. They will be deleted regardless of intent.
If an i5-2500 is produced and sold from the factory at $200 USD, for arguments sake, that is the price.

Just because your play of the sniper has been limited to simple shooting (if you have even played at all) doesn't mean that everyone is so uncreative. Many snipers play a critical support role to their team and are always a valued asset in my squads.
Starbucks UK and any other foreign Starbucks are completely different companies.
Free iPhone App

Logo courtesy of VulcanDeathGrip.
-Very easy to missplay.

damn, i want that poster size and framed also.
What self-respecting Brit doesn't praise the Satan?
Man: Murdered the owner?

"A tarpaulin, colloquially tarp, is a large sheet of strong, flexible, water-resistant or waterproof material."
She changed artforms.

This team wants to make a statement
My grandmother only ever gets me to play this. Over and over and over and over and over and over.
Full Subreddit Guidelines

Community Guidelines:
You dont understand that people who own guns legally are dwarfed by the people who own guns illegally.
I kill the friendly rebels now. =/


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 05:58)
No porn or gore. There are many other subreddits for such content.
Its just a Mexican guys...

No he said some people remember things about D2 things that never actually happened someone made a post on the US forums awhile back, that essential outlined how cheating in D2 is what made the game fun. This was back when people complained all the time about drop rates, and he mentioned that a lot of people traded for grinded and then traded for great items that were duped and thus they had the feeling that they actually earned these items. It seems like the original post has been deleted but it was a great read for someone like me that never played Diablo 2 and I assume it was true because several veteran D2 players backed up what was written in that post.

Worked quite well for North America over the centuries.
yeah that's also true, but what I said is true too
Um in my post above*, I said the problem though would be you could still pass these test.

Follow Reddiquette when posting/voting.
- Steam Groups:
Okay fine. May I ask why you don't allow them into your home?

Merry Christmas!
Dat kid on the far right
In NO way similiar to this...

Got robbed at gunpoint, and the only thing I had in my wallet that they could use is a pack of rolling papers. Hope you can roll joints, assholes
somebody call michael shannon and tell him he's fucked

I still read this in his voice.
Traction control, pfft. I make do with a solid rear axle and open differential. (That is to say, I usually get a ride, or call in sick.)
Videos & Live Streams

Her W... I dunno man. Maybe it should have another damage boost for if a target is permafrosted. I see a lot of people saying that it should get an armor/mr boost, apply her passive, or something silly like that. She doesn't need a damn defensive steroid, ffs. The only defensive steroid Amumu has is that he takes 2/4/6/8/10 less damage from autoattacks. The only defensive steroid you could possibly give her without making her incredibly strong would be to make Nothern Winds give her something like 2/3/4/5/6% (numbers don't matter) damage reduction from permafrosted or frosted targets.
Yes sir! It's my friends (on the left) dads pipe. We had some homegrown 'half ling weed'.


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 06:00 | Сообщение # 5484
Группа: Гости




allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 06:04 | Сообщение # 5485
Группа: Гости

But it seems as if Raj Bains is the author.
Fire weapons seem to work on a lot of enemies like in bl1.

Technically this is about the shooting, so by your logic...downvote?
I love Tim and have been following his stuff since he released the 4 Hour Workweek (amazing book btw) but he largely exaggerates some things.
1996 had 354 homicides, 1997 had 364 homicides, 1998 had 334 homicides, 1999 had 385 homicides, 2000 had 362 homicides.

I'd say most people do give a fuck about the royals, unfortunately.
ie [S1 E5 - Gun Fever -

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The official "Game Grumps should play..." threads: 1, 2, 3 (newest thread) PLEASE PUT "WOULD YOU GUYS LIKE THEM TO PLAY THIS GAME?" POSTS HERE.
Blake shelton wants you to know he still loves you.

did the falcons just stop a 4-1???
I laughed
Yes, I've heard you've been flying around on passenger planes hoping they'll crash. That's dark, sirprizes, very dark.


Rescue Network
<a href="http://www.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZivDA_1ejL_1t9LWGDsfu2viGUOMDffn3iAcmu58wzlMoq1OR1OgqqKx3REyblDkE6IJuamdBcF0VpeHvrjGB9GNxImBK3VjNDgbN-wlzDdoiByJRQKHCrcGX eDZvL3bBpqsxGpYrFXR3YOv1gpgFIhWAOJfS76y-khE1YGy3qU4lVlv92SZozyZC40CMYhVUqCe3MHtYQgt76Da0BRpPCmgp9sj-lbJgFExBuDe9d7t0P5yZ8V7sh0cXqE5IBbfOCEn0 jfeXip-3XzsLIB1sYVCEZbwIZhasHr1nlEG4ZsYFqX-X3K8DbRASlyzDp8gBsFvOdsuhAAx0D4Ggh_1UQPezdgCHosT0E3O4aeKHOiZHdJRgT6PByzFwPchdVJlmmwzt_1L3yMvjgOCH W63MPEhnQKGVSVqoTpyVLJsk_1lWYB9q_158eUd--pkYPRrfD-P1xJwKd5fmyyqZOOPhMMgq73ZxosziOj-IpUAmit4AE8JcLqAd4G08KOdtYacuuWCDhVZcAllbrIVWwsc7xNL-THXQ Iokm9E-9Aswe_1tz_1FlnXa7fBdMzRNHfr3yaLTvlHEEtk1H3-ekcxPgaJtYmQ1Tvq0QjQaM65R4woqN16ZSQc_12BdSxixL742RnfuKDGgQosnh0AWgtOttONo2nG4KMHPLhfMYulhs AeP8bkp86Wa9E-ylEaObYiDmwOOI3ROeBWvW_1W-kKgxtSOyoZcMEHRyGjs-UssIr2k9l9M9an0lHwafVj8P8mD-te6h8c1dy-aWVYrYBF1Jp6dk0jUx2hmSYeLY2NjPmKacxreeKob0 82iDKKoBhdgJX-n-U-rBVCejOmr_1292KJmRYRiMtWaY2IaQgWj5GzgciVMpOR8q9yJscQTWzHisB3ypmFHwgkpYghWJ5ZbODF20PeHNg3kOBWl7VCMM1s5JchrRbN71jkyt7w67DsvX 2XpyKDpg_1O8DC8AbXL2hn1Yht7rUWxNXH2x8m93kJ9x60UiHZzulVZneluvBsdc9RceG3JWliTm_13HGU6Ht1E-B4M3ROgKB5hUb1rhvgTB5dqsJxNI9KF9QMPF2vEoTLkSe1ZIF6Nw ghlHktLOi6SDmeTTHf-Pu5O8o7dxKtqsEqVwPvUiyiVFpIqaqbnyJ03jFotWRC0hpKtq7xpHPLQYI7xk91Op8NV2WuOjoIsL5qDkL_1RNK19CtBNkvisOieV-kRCHgPZ9zybkvBrRttU cY0T4K4VLqq1mF0yWT-JXDcys-jqkSvXjQRIFLncIyXWgya5jHXhhee9pKbbIJpe5kDWQfBqGoqVVTv4FDA">Google images
CSS - BritishEnglishPolice ©2011

Shortened links (tinyurl, bit.ly, etc.) are not trusted by the spamfilter and will be automatically removed. Please refrain from using them.
It's a safety cone for head-banging cats!


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 06:02)
Shitty Ask History
My point is this: Service ideally should be faster (standard gauge), with higher throughput (double deckers).
You may only post if you are funny.

Self posts will be removed on sight unless they are discussions based on this subreddit and this one only. Do not link to your own comments please.

not to sound racist, but man his voice is annoying
No screenshots, or pictures with added or superimposed text. This includes image macros, comics, info-graphics and most diagrams. Text (e.g. a URL) serving to credit the original author is exempt.

The FAQ has been moved there, and I've started a few new pages. I have not enabled editing for everyone yet but will do so eventually. If you have an old/mature account and wish to contribute to the wiki right now, message the moderators.
Firebellies are fun little frogs to watch, it's nice because they are quite active during the day.
Smart idea? NOPE

/r/punk, never left the garage
Edit: I forgot to mention how much better going through security is once you have a half dozen beers in ya
While she improves the level of security in the school, she would unfortunately be the first target.

The camera has been known to steal souls, I should have anticipated it would siphon off some Christmas magic as well... Blast.
...this has got to be the most manly logo ever. can you possibly distill manliness into something more pure than a penis with a moustache?
Im saying that a good double entendre can be interpreted two ways. This can only be interpreted one way, therefore its a bad double entendre.

Related Subreddits
No problem in invading anyone, as long as it's done right.
Original source is allowed and preferred over the approved hosts. If your submission is not on the list of approved hosts, but it is an original source, please use the tag [OS - so your submission is not removed in error. If your image is rehosted from another approved host it will be removed.

I think it had 2 effects. It makes the shots harder. It also looked like Mitrione got nervous all of a sudden. He knew Roy was gonna pounce and he did.
7) Soliciting money, goods, services, or favors are not allowed. They will be removed
We all know, dude


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 06:03)
Anyway, to illustrate more deeply. A crazy man isn't going to try and shoot up a police station for this reason, he chooses places where people assume they are (to their own fault) safe. This discussion is far from idiotic in the reflection of an event such as a bunch of students and their teachers getting gunned down. 6 teachers wasn't it? How far would the gunman have gotten if those 6 teachers had guns? I doubt as far, at least. Think it through and pretend you were one of those teachers.
Smoking cigarettes or just smoking?

/r/Serendipity - a meta-subreddit meant to broaden the perspective of its subscribers. It takes a popular entry from a random subreddit and posts it every few hours. If you want to increase your exposure to niche subreddits, or just your perspective on things on the web in general, serendipity might help you do that. But it might not. It's a bot, after all.
When I was little, my friend and I licked all the peanut butter out of some nutter butters, stuck them back together, put them back in the box, and gave them to our younger sisters.

And what I meant by misunderstanding time is time isn't a room you can occupy or not. It's a measurement of the rate of change in position, distance, velocity, and state of matter or energy relative to other matter/energy. There's no in or out about it.
Digital storm is o.k.

Good on you for giving this adorable kitty a great home smile
Be contrarian.
NEW! We've changed the rules about posts! We will be removing Facebook wins, which should be posted to /r/facebookwins. We will also be removing posts about like whores and posts about misused memes. There wil also be no totally age based facepalms, see link below for details.

If I remember, money was burned as fuel to heat homes because it was cheaper than wood. I think it was like 1 USD = 450 billion (German monies).
Why yes!! REALLY!
Waiver Wire

IRC: #r/leagueoflegends
That place is a clusterfuck.

Prescription sunglasses stolen out of my car at night. Been fifteen plus years, still irritates me knowing they probably got tossed the next day.
Tristana has the longest basic range in the game at the end. Kog'Maw out ranges her when W is up.
don't know, but it is.

If you have an entry being oppressed by the evil, fascist spam filter (AKA "The Man"), send a link to the comments section of your submission to the moderator inbox and we'll sort it out as soon as possible!
I had my car broken into whilst visiting a friend in L.A. Anything of value was locked in the trunk or I brought it with me up to her apartment. The thieves managed to steal a jacket with a broken zipper and various street maps from different states that were in my glove compartment.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 06:04)
It was enlightening to say the least.
/r/AskReddit - post a question for the reddit community.
Please report spam, inaccurate or otherwise inappropriate posts by messaging the moderators, as this helps us remove them more promptly!

Fucken Cat in the most endearing way
Exclusive rage faces to use in comments!

The Red Diamond would have held mortal souls bound by that same blood of Imperial Dragonborn, rather than the soul surrounded by dovah sos of Nordic Dragonborn.
Book reviews

r/meditation <-Clear your mind
I think there is a big difference between taking adderal daily and occasionally. A friend of mine got ritaline for a long time and sometimes we shared. After about 6 months all he got was a suicidall productivity buzz with a massive suicidal comedown, while I was still getting shivers down my spine mumbling bullshit (but accurate and on topic) to my teacher...

Reminds me of Portal 2
Except for the bird poop on Radagast's fact--that would not have happened to a wizard. Ever.

Need help? If you have any questions or concerns, simply message the moderators!
None of these are nice places:
Scaring people within the context of RPG's is very very possible, but it is very different from standard RPG fare. Also it's pretty ephemeral, it requires pacing, forethought, mystery and rising tension all applied with a careful hand.

Agreed. But let's also give Brad and Hugo props as well for being class acts.
Quick edit: thanks for reminding me of this awesome song.
All I can say is a can of hair spray/axe and a kitchen lighter, flamethrower that motherfucker

Either from an IV or from getting a little bit of blood for a heartworm check. Probably would've shaved more for an IV.
Batman: The Man Who Laughs


talleytugДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 06:05 | Сообщение # 5486
Группа: Гости

Hello! Recently I came across http://www.tilephonika-kentra.com - telecom parts. Have you used it before?

Any feedback? Is it worth to use them?
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 06:15 | Сообщение # 5487
Группа: Гости

Holiday tree, gotta be respectful to people wink

Emboar white kyurem shiny rayquaza golurk Victini
Shout out to:

source: http://assets.diylol.com/hfs....63b.jpg
I was quite shocked myself.
even as a clg fanboy, shen raping chaoxspecial was painful to watch.

It simply uncomfortable. Not only it attracts creepy stares, but also you have to check if its okay or not, since with big enough cleavage there is a chance for boobflash.
No memes, image macros, or posts not related to KSP. They will be removed. Post Memes to /r/KSPMemes and other space posts to /r/space, /r/spaceporn, etc! See this post for more information.
Legit reason. I might actually try this later to get my Lib piloting down. There is one problem with the problem, though: why do you need to be on the same server to practice?

No trolling, baiting, harrassment, etc.

Vivid dreams are merely a side effect of your machine not [REDACTED -
Yeah, where else would we hear about UFOs, how Obama is going to enact martial law through his cybersecurity directive or through the National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order, or hear Alex Jones' reporting about internment and reeducation camps in the US.
Most states require you to pay to learn how to drive or ride a motorcycle these days. I see no problem with making someone take a $100 course before they can purchase their first firearm.

Sorry you are getting down-voted into negative, I don't want this place to be r/politics.
Exclusive rage faces to use in comments!
Links to other subreddits must be >24h old or have more than 30k subscribers.

22:20 for mobile phone users
Recently she put out a free report of her "Top 10 Things To Know About Living Gluten-Free", thought I'd share it with you guys on here:


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 06:06)
No slurs or harassing comments.
The moderators of /r/funny reserve the right to moderate posts and comments at their discretion, with regard to their perception of the suitability of said posts and comments for this subreddit. Thank you for your understanding.

This looks like the surface of the moon
Internet campaigns/national tragedy tributes aside of course.
I think feet and inches are British enough, it should let you choose to leave them be.

Those things always piss me off!! Well done!
I think it all depends on the type of person you are. I was sure to respect her and try to make her feel as comfortable as possible.
Never had to deal with "the naked phase" thankfully.... But the "not going to cooperate.. Not even for a little bit" phase... Had that a few times.

Custom Xi1 and Ventura Cigar
Make sure your image is hosted by an approved host.
Sweetest shoes ever.

Well, this is just about the best flirt attempt I've experienced (which says a lot about me)...
Hall of fame
-She has had some hormone issues since she was a teen. Her parents put her on birth control when she was 15 when they caught her having sex with her then boyfriend, but she has also told me that the doctor put her on it because she has issues with hormones. I don't know if it's possible that that is a factor in her low sex drive (even though she's been on the pill for years), but I suppose that could be a reason.

Facepalm - Facebook Conversation Screenshots
No comics or captioned pictures (try /r/lolcats).

Exactly, I'm sure the CIA doesn't give a tenth of a shit about the ruling either, it's window dressing.
VSTi Plug-ins
I'm skeptical as well and I don't think they would do it directly for game sales, but it would give them good publicity and they would get more comfortable with the platform. After that it would be easy for them to push Linux versions of their future games. I would be more than happy if CoH2 came to Linux.

College Sporting News
I feel like the time management issues really had to do with the coaching staff getting the call into Cutler, and didn't really fall on his shoulders
Phew. I was... so rattled...


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 06:07)
Spoilers can be posted using the following formatting: [Your Spoiler Here - (/spoiler) ex: Your Spoiler Here
/r/Drugs' psychedelics FAQ

Alice in wonderland(the old cartoon version) and spirited away are my absolute favorites to watch high. They just take you away.
I wish I was taller.
yeah nothing on the TP just the sigil itself which obviously comes from drops but it seems to be really rare, everyone i asked about it didn't know that sigil existed. There are other sigils that cant be crafted either so i guess its just 1 of those. Just bought myself 1 to replace my purity sigil biggrin

I've read a lot of masters theses and PhD dissertations, and I've yet to see one over 25 pages.
Keep a food journal. Write down everything you eat.
If he can get 100 against the Texans he'll need 194 against the Packers to break the record. Considering the Packer's run D combined with their clinched playoff spot that's not impossible for AP. He got 210 against them last time, and he didn't get a touch in the 4th quarter (GB had an 11 minute drive in the 4th).

Planet Tolkien
Aikman and Buck need to be fired. Helmet to helmet hit on the QB. And they say they don't think there should be a penalty!
I think your girlfriend has Pinterest. Good gift though!

I think gaining a little weight would probably be your best idea. Increase your carbohydrates while making sure you continue to get enough proteins and fats. Or, if you feel like gaining some muscle mass, increase protein significantly and start an exercise program that is focused on bodybuilding.
Subreddit Rules

The Walking Dead blog on AMC
Without personalities SPORTS would be nothing

Its a repost:
Compare Arkas' skins here and here. There is our ghost.
I don't always ask political questions, but when I do, I do it in /r/Ask_Politics Welcome to r/AdviceAnimals Sound advice from animals anything! Rules

It's a regular sized chair! He's already self conscious about his size!
Introduction /r/NoFap is a venue for Redditors, male or female, to openly discuss the many tangible benefits of NOT masturbating for a period of time. Whether your goal is to casually participate in a NoFap week or monthly challenge as a test of self control, or if fapping has become an addictive problem in your life and you want to quit for a longer period of time, you will find a home and friends here.
How do you think he caught it?


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 06:08)
The memorial is massive and consists of the land where the towers stood. The surrounding land (which was occupied by low rise buildings) is the area where the new towers are rising.
Ban Appeals
as a bonus if they lose their shit over this you can avoid them in the future, probably dodging a bullet too

TIL how to read Wikipedia
New to Dota 2? Read these:

"Do you mean the Church of England?"
The salt in the water would draw excess liquid out of the beans by osmosis. Perhaps it's to keep the beans from becoming mushy.
You are missing Corner Gas and the Red Green Show.

A valiant effort, but that's what my friends are for. It'd be rude to go without them!
None of these are nice places:
Oh dear lord. I've pulled a DUI van out of a house. A lady was driving home drunk and thought a space between a couple of parked cars was her turn to get home. Hopped the curb and drove into someone's kitchen.

darkfall darklfall darkfall.
Paper Mario for N64 hands down some the best and catchiest battle music around
Thank you, it's always good to know the story behind the stats.

Free iPhone App
I will be here. Augusta is a diamond mine <3 from your damn miner lastsheep
Yes and no, at 33m there is not much light getting through to begin with, so a red filter would darken the shots even more. The better solution is to have proper strobes for under water use and combine that with a camera that can use a high ISO with a reasonable amount of noise.

Love. This. Thanks for the pic.
If your image has been removed you may find it listed here
Sorry son, your ball is gone. Forever. And it will just be destroyed by the flames anyway.

I could totally understand if they didn't give the "Legend of" hint, but seriously? Legend of Donkey Kong? He only gets a pass if he and his kids (assuming he has any) have never touched a video game once.
Man this is fucked.
Conservative Ladies: This subreddit is for issues concerning the female gender - but from a conservative view point! Let's have fun! No heated debates, please.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 06:09)
Check your messages.
That scenario is the reason I got a password protected picture app.
Check out some related subreddits and links.

Also, I feel like as long as people are thinking in terms of "the better way to do violence," we may forget to remember that there are other ways. That's my real objection, in the end.
chat.freenode.net / #r.trees

Sorry for the long post, but TLDR build your own PC, you can use it for everything.
"I don't want to go."
People should just blatantly say it. "I like this game because it's fun to me" or, "I don't like this game because it's not fun to me." It's all subjective. Trying to justify it as some kind of logic or reasoned decision is crazy.

[Imperial Legion Spoiler - (/i)
They were the most prominent in the 1970's.

If you'd like to use AdviceAnimals in your comments, here's how.
The moderators of /r/funny reserve the right to moderate posts and comments at their discretion, with regard to their perception of the suitability of said posts and comments for this subreddit. Thank you for your understanding.
It's even worse when you go to unlike something, but it tells you the page no longer exists, so it just sits there...

This really looks like a movie poster for some reason
I'm not really stressing about it. I'm more concerned about what the hell compelled me to correct someone's grammar as an opener. The fact that she actually replied and flirted back was kind of shocking.

You seem confused. Hostage situation is sadly part of NJ EMS curriculum.
You can put any warning-text instead of the word Spoiler, to preface the spoiler or give it context. Examples:

I am a pious idiot, guess I misjudged the voters in thinking that they are more like me.
Am I missing why this is necessarily a bad thing?
No, these people are selfish. I am a male, I love boobs, I don't stare at them in public, WOW THAT WAS SO HARD. WHAT THE FUCK.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 06:11)
Edit: where's my thanks for thanking those who thank the thankers who thank the updaters?
And if you have boots that you leave outside spiders will hide inside them and bite your feet.
You may only post if you are funny.

If your submission doesn't show up, message the mods.
"When is it OK for anyone to lie to me?"
This is a really nice compilation, thanks.

This only gave me half a chuckle.. sad
Thats exactly what Cyde is trying to say.
It's true, I made a post a few months ago about this. Online play is something I've been looking into for quite awhile. It needs to be done right so I cannot made any guarantees of it appearing in v0.9. However, if things go well you could very well see online mode become a reality by the time the full game is released.

There** according to that last fb poster
For donations and adoptions:
Posts for the specific point of it being your reddit birthday.

Dont get me wrong, I love weed, but when I want to make interesting shit happen, I drink.
Sofia Vergara
No post titles asking for upvotes or approval, such as "any love for...", "what does /r/aww think of...", or "this didn't get much love on...", or "karma machine".

Remember, this is not 4chan.
Back in the days of FreeLion they were the only alliance with no one in the top noob-killers list and were know foe being good sports.
I don't think that's what he meant, I think he's trying to tell OP they broke the rules. Leave it in the comments section.

you definitely shouldnt dual mid him, dual safe lane him or off lane either way you have more trees to use.
Ah ok, was going to say if you were 17, just get over it.
So he dreams of mass murder in a way...

My hometown favourite is "Gay St and Bowcock Rd "
Overly sexual remarks towards posts/pictures.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 06:12)
Keep your posts relevant to trance
No solicitation of votes (including "cake day" posts), posts with their sole purpose being to communicate with another redditor, or [FIXED - posts. DAE posts go in /r/DoesAnybodyElse. "Fixed" posts should be added as a comment to the original image.
As long as it is related to Led Zeppelin you can't go wrong!

Pancakes of Hanoi.
Those are big if's, The Skins need to keep it up just to make sure they don't fall out of the playoffs just as quick as they found themselves in.
/r/gaming - Absolutely everything

According to those yankees across the pond who are taking time out of their busy schedule of making moonshine and going to firing ranges, they submitted an article...
Candy bars?!

6) engine catches fire if the body is suddenly moved in some way. if the engine catches fire, shut the hood start the car and rev the engine. make sure heat and ac are off because the buildup of co2 and co will put the fire out naturally. once again dont worry if you smell burning its expected.
Baltimore Beat Down

despite the recent tragedy, support for gun control is on the decline among democrats and moderates; and across the board in general.
This was maybe an hour after they got up this morning. I shifted the blankets a little and got two huge groans in protest. POOOOOOOOOOR weens. Such a hard life!
Six Updater

IRC: irc.esper.net #darksouls http://webchat.esper.net/?nick=&channels=darksouls
Also - I was going to make a post but I'll just say it here: I've been pvping constantly pretty much for the last week and I've only faced a single hacker in all that time - so I think the hacker plague is finally subsiding on pc, which can only be good news. smile

The downvote button is disabled until further notice. Too many newcomers were having their posts downvoted into oblivion. If a post doesn't belong here (rage/meme comics, blog spam, etc.), please use the "report" button.
General Discussion (W/Su)

Or just give some love to those poor souls without their own r/, such as:
A new Demotivational creator!
1) No place in the world cares about your bird until you have it under your control. They will not do anything for you until you have capture it.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 06:13)
Took me way too long.
It's been in the store for a year now, thought it would be nice to give it away for free for a couple of days.
You were on vacation that one time? Oh yeah, I remember that.

Cute Kids
Heh, my immediate reaction to everything I've read on DSII is panic, but I will still give them the benefit of the doubt, so unfortunately even if they crank out a hunk of shit and name it dark souls II, they'll get my money. They'll lose it for future games, but this next one I'll buy just out of gratitude for demons souls and dark souls
Still need more? See Reddit's best / worst and offensive joke collections (warning: some of those jokes are offensive / nsfw!).

Dahmer's problem was that he just had this incredible lust/fetish for rape and murder. It brought him so much pleasure that he ignored how evil it was.
Links & Information:

.....That's what the tribunal sees/does/contributes to normally. In soviet russia, you ban tribunal.
It's a complex process that is totally 100% reliable. Trust me.

That's close.
Seahawks (8-5)
Unofficial S3E5 Discussion Thread!

For a PPI (Private Property Impound) that means that a private person who is authorized by the property owner (manager, owner themselves, employee, tenant, etc) wants a vehicle towed from their premises. The state has said that we can charge ~$200 for the removal plus applicable fees. For instance, storage, or if someone wants to come get their vehicle out of impound after-hours there is a ~$100 fee called a "release fee". Again, state regulated. People get mad about the release fee, but it's similar to the surcharge you would expect if you call a plumber at night or on a weekend.
One thing I'm iffy about is the large stove in the center of the room, I might have to just get in the game and check it out for myself but it looks out of place and in the way on the screenshots.

Buicks, toyotas, and any RV is always slow and annoying. Not necessarily crazy, just annoying. BMW and Audi drivers are traditionally (and in my experience) just assholes. A little evidence
What if he's a bottom?
I think Aranae is a better analyzer than a player.

Moral of the story is everyone needs to work, a job may not be your ideal one but sometimes you need to do what you can to live.
He doesn't seem to care about his appearance as he doesn't even bother to groom himself.
The navel (clinically known as the umbilicus, colloquially known as the belly button, tummy button or umbilical dip) is a scar on the abdomen at the attachment site of the umbilical cord. All placental mammals have a navel, and it is quite conspicuous in humans. Other animals' navels tend to be smoother and flatter, often nothing more than a thin line, and are often obscured by fur as well.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 06:14)
|-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-| ^ And after seeing that video:
Give them doppelgangers, and give them hints of their existence. "Back so soon? What else do you need?" when they have entered a store for the first time. Wanted posters with one of their faces on it, when they know for certain that the person didn't do that. Their own grave with their own mother crying at it. Split them up, run a mini-adventure for each one where they change a slight bit. A new wound, new prominent item, etc. Bring them back together and subtly suggest that maybe a doppelganger is now in the party. (There isn't one.) Combine that with the incorrect memories of places, and fun will be had.
The whole thing is on an articulating arm so it moves out of the way or into an excellent position for typing and mouse work.

Beatrix Potter and Bugs Bunny. She needs to know the truth about rabbits.
Just because something is true, it doesn't mean someone will accept it. Look at all the theists who don't accept evolution.

RULES: Please read before submitting 2012/10/06
misc for anything else
are you saying that...

That's awesome. And silly at the same time.
/r/AskHistorians is not here to confirm your biases.

This is a painting from the german Michael Fischer-Art and it sells for hundreds of thousands.
Not necessarily Virginia but George. He was at the helm when Angelo was fired so the power shift has shown the Bears are making people accountable despite the relationships previously there.
9) If you think your post has disappeared, see spam or an inappropriate post, please do not hesitate to contact one of the mods, we're happy to help.

/r/DepthHub (insightful subs)
and it's jolly, fa la la la la, la la la la.

Valid but obscure point. However I don't think this would work with any kind of scale.
True. If you look at the items for sale from reputable booksellers online they often come with a good provenence. I'm pretty sure OP has a facsimile.

No, they just sort of make it much slower fall. You can jump off a tower and drift for a long while in one direction, but not jump up in the air and go forward. The way I read FrankManics point is more that he wants to jump more like ^ followed by >. drifter is > with a very slow V.
No hateful speech or witch hunting.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 06:15)
Which one of the guidelines did I break?
That's what I edited my comment for, since I was at -2 a few minutes ago.
In 1987, the first Rugby World Cup was held in New Zealand. Shelford played in five of the six All Blacks games and was a member of the team that won the final against France 29–9. He was involved in an incident during the semi-final match against Wales that saw Huw Richards become the first player to be sent off in the tournament. Richards had punched All Black lock Gary Whetton after a loose scrum and Shelford reacted in defence of his team mate, landing a blow that knocked Richards to the ground. Shelford escaped punishment while Richards left the field.

Hey, fellow is350 owner here, and is in starfire pearl!
I have lived in Blacksburg, Virginia my entire life, not a lot of people know where it is unless you mention that it's the town where Virginia Tech is. Every damn year for the entire week or even weeks around April 16 the news channels will feature interviews and footage from the tragedy. IT HAS BEEN OVER 5 YEARS since it happened. I'm fucking sick of the media milking it for all it's worth. That was a gut wrenching day for everyone in town and the surrounding area and no one needs repeats of that day filling their television screen. I'm 17 now but I was 11 when it happened, I had to sit at school all day long watching the 24 hour coverage hoping to hell that my mom would be there when I got home because she worked in the building next door. No one needs that.
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That's a really difficult way of going about it though. The Single Shot Exemption is much easier, although still expensive, and you have to find a shop that is familiar with the process. Basically, if you want an off-roster pistol, expect to pay from $100-$300 over retail to get it.

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I think the people of the world are paying attention to and knowledgeable about taking care of the environment now than in any other time in recorded history.
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None of which apply to a condo owner... (well, except a cheap washer/dryer.)
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Wow, I seriously had no idea that this post would come to this! >.<
With some practice you'll be able to draw an arch in your own home.
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And a damn good dawg!
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I think people are actually going to get hurt this time...

I've never noticed it... hope i dont!
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Player ATT YDS AVG TD M. Lynch 271 1379 5.1 10 R. Wilson 78 402 5.2 3 Receiving


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 06:15 | Сообщение # 5488
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 06:17 | Сообщение # 5489
Группа: Гости

You can now set your own flair!
i always thought it was more Ford Explorer Exploder
Mostly for the stability of the country as various people across the board (black, white, whatever) have made statements about national violence when Mandela dies (this goes years back). Also after the latest round of strikes, party infighting, corruption scandals I could see why Zuma would want to keep a lid on it.

Well, he doesn't explain it in that article, and it seems weak. Correlation does not imply causation and post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacies.
Houston Culture

Not sure if trolling, or serious...
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I dont understand why crs don't just have a b team..

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Congrats brother on achieving the rank of Eagle, I hope the rifle always reminds you of this achievement!
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I just realized where this pic comes from. The Bjork video for Triumph of a heart

[deleted -
posts with their sole purpose being to communicate with another redditor. Click for an Example.

I was on that thread my sides did not recover until now, and alas they be hurtin again
edit: nvm he's still a beast
So did you get the parents permission to post a picture of their kid for thousands to see?

Sounds like he's worth keeping around for awhile
I don't see Kingdom Hearts 3 here.

onediseemizДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 06:18 | Сообщение # 5490
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