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Вступ в клан Sparta
NostradamusДата: Среда, 11.11.2009, 06:13 | Сообщение # 1
Michel de Notredame
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leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 13:18 | Сообщение # 5581
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 13:39 | Сообщение # 5582
Группа: Гости

What about purchasing weapons in TF2? That's paying for a shortcut (to the weapons).
Space LightSelect ThemeDark
I remember using Nair on my legs when I was much younger, it smelled terrible and even the skin my legs was rather sensitive to it.

As long as they didn't get any benefits and negotiated their own contracts, sure they don't have to pay union dues. If however they got payed union wages with union benefits, which are higher statistically, I think they should have to pay the same amount as everyone else working there making the same amount of money.
Or some shitty video of a teenage kid or a twenty something year old mouthbreather playing with his action figures. "John Cena has Punk against the ropes! AND HERE COMES BATMAN!"
Pretty accurate.

What's wrong with K-PAX?
metro 2033 was far superior.

To view the Official Game Collection Gallery, please visit our wiki page
But here this guy is, shuffling slowly down the hall towards me, wearing pants that were literally sticky looking from being covered in blood. His hands were kind of pawing weakly at his chest, and when he got a little closer you could see that he had a pair of heavy duty kitchen shears embedded up to the handle sticking straight through his shirt pocket. He was obviously in shock, and didn't say a word, didn't make eye contact with me, nothing. He just stared down at these scissors sticking out of his chest and his eyes were wide open and his mouth kept making the shape a fishes does when it's out of water. Whats worse is that, as I said, he wasn't in any "high traffic" area of the hospital and he must have been wandering around looking for someone for the better part of 15 minutes (the loading bay was nearby and was the only logical place he could have gotten in without anyone noticing an injury that severe.)
Except from the brown hair and the glasses, she has nothing in common with Amy...

He looks like he could miss a meal or two!
Randy Mora
That's the "HEY, Y'ALL, IT'S RAININ'!" button. It lets other drivers know that you're an imbecile.

What is the most prevalent and important advice you would give to those unpublished writers trying to break into the publishing world? Some people have suggested you should write short stories to get your name established, while others have suggested going right for the novel and an agent to represent it. For most of us starting out in one fashion or another, the writing world can seem a vast and intimidating place. Even those of us who are published still struggle with the writing market and continuing to publish material. What advice would you give from your own experience that might help writers find success through publication venues?
Same difference. I'm sure it's spelled differently using the Cyrillic alphabet
Not sure if you realize but you can support gun rights and not subscribe to the stereotypical GOP platform. Chill with the strawman attacks there.

Do not spam your personal website or YouTube channel. More info here
at least this one tries to match the rhythm of the sound...
Recommended Sources, Subs & Scans anime

Feel free to downvote me, I know that didn't contribute to the conversation, but it had to be said.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:20)
Still need more? See Reddit's best / worst and offensive joke collections (warning: some of those jokes are offensive / nsfw!).
Furthermore, if major components of our logic-driven intelligence are weird consequence of sexual selection as has been theorised, as opposed to natural selection, then it's not necessarily that likely that there are many other entities that evolved the same intellectual attributes.

You'll have to let me know if you ever venture to the midwest.
Great movie! McConaughey kicked ass
And, it's a C-class. no biggie biggrin

Yeah I've had great luck with meet up. Met some really cool people.
The fact 'B' is lowercase against the 'A' 'Y' and 'X' really annoys me.
Tue.: AM: 7.5 miles: PM: 30 minutes rowing

Ugh. I am very sorry for your loss. Fuck that nasty shit.
Many models have been proposed to explain what caused this huge slab of rocks to start sliding and what allowed it to slide so far on such a low slope, fragmenting, thinning and extending as it went. Most geologists who have worked in the area agree that Absaroka volcanism played a role in the sliding and many suggest that a major volcanic or steam explosion initiated movement. Another model involves injection of numerous igneous dikes with the resulting heating of water within pores in rocks causing an increase in pressure which initiated sliding. Some geologists have suggested that hot pressurized water (hydrothermal fluids), derived from a volcano which sat north of Cooke City, Montana, effectively lubricated the sliding surface. Another possibility is that the once the slide was moving, friction heated the limestone along the sliding surface, creating pseudotachylite,[3 - which then further broke down to calcium oxide and carbon dioxide gas (or supercritical fluid).[2 - The gas supported the slide in the way that air pressure supports a hovercraft, allowing the slide to move easily down the very low slope. When the rockslide stopped, the carbon dioxide cooled and recombined with calcium oxide to form the cement-like carbonate rock now found in the fault zone. The consensus favors catastrophic sliding and calculations suggest that the front of the sliding mass may have advanced at a speed of over 100 miles/hour (160 km/h), meaning that the mountain traveled to its present location in approximately 30 minutes.[4 -

I don't think there will ever be outrages against video games like there were in the 90s. Too many adults play and are comfortable with video games. In the 90s they were SCARY.
Wow, beautiful.
Facepalm - Facebook Conversation Screenshots

Why does the idea of a uniform appeal so much? I have ways to go but I'd love that kind of contendness.
Please No:

I don't really like seeing Indiana lose because they're Indiana, I like seeing them lose because Vitale and everyone else in the national media has been slobbering on that knob for the last year when Indiana really hasn't done anything to show that they're really back to that IU-of-old level. It's the Tebow effect.
The newest harvest moon is really fun, FYI. It's not as in depth and doesn't have the classic mine, but it feels a lot less daunting when faced with the daily tasks.
There's nothing to get, it's a rich cat. None of them are jokes, they're all just statements.

Standard scoring, 12 person league. I'm projected to lose by 40 pts. Should I play Roddy White or Mike Wallace? I'm concerned about White's knee, and Wallace put up a solid performance last week.
Comment Graphics Available


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:21)
Make sure to check out the Super Special.
He's talking about the Diaz brothers...

Somehow I think terrorists have a lot more points against bus drivers.
If you can't see your submission in the new queue and think it has been filtered as spam, please double check that your new queue is ranked by new and not rising.
YoutubeHaiku of the Month! Submit Haiku <14 seconds

Virginia tech fan here. If this keeps up fuck it and put in Tyrod. Qb runs every play
The neglected TV flickered on and I noticed that Have I Got News For You was on, one of the only programmes I didn't hate. Maybe I'm just so dry I only find refuge in political humour? Who knows.
Before posting, please read the subreddit rules and the sidebar to see if your question is answered there. Note that you can either post a link or some text, not both. Server ads go to /r/mcservers. The button is under the search bar. When posting screenshots, use this guide. If you want to submit a bug, please put it on the Minecraft Bug Tracker instead. Lastly, here is a list of things we are asking you not to post, as they get posted all the time.

RF Tides of Destiny did some different things. Crop growth is determined by the creatures you have tamed and the world is all islands. Personally, I feel this creates breaks in the way the world flows. I also feel that npc quality kind of falls off after a certain point. This could just be my love of RF3 clouding my judgement of the game though. Fighting giant monsters is pretty cool and boss difficulty is certainly present.

The Office
(All that being said, I don't post, so I can't really take credit for adding any new dynamic!)
The Reddit Gaymers subreddit (/r/gaymers) is not and has never been affiliated with gaymer.org.

The Unforgettable Bands
Same with Necro minions where their utility let's admit it, is much greater.

Who the hell is called Bart?
Give her back you are a turtle

I have a bearded dragon named Draco (after the Dragon from Dragonheart, not Malfoy) I've had him since I was 10, so he's 9 now. I remember once I was letting him get some sun in the backyard when I was 14. He ran out of his enclosure and under out back fence. It terrified me because we live in behind a major street in my city. I grabbed my older brother and climbed the fence to find Draco had simply buried himself. I didn't even know Beardies did that.
Now that you understand the healing can begin.
Every christian thinks they're the "true" christian. That's why there are tens of thousands of denominations.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:28)
Rehosted webcomics will be removed. Please submit a link to the original comic's site and preferably an imgur link in the comments. Do not post a link to the comic image, it must be linked to the page of the comic. (*) (*)
Aha! Thank you smile
At this point, I darted for the TV plug. Just as I did, I caught glimpse of the camera swivelling round at an alarming speed to reveal something straight out of one of those screamer videos on youtube. Unfortunately, I remember the face too well. It was oddly shaped but could be closely described as an upside-down triangle. The face's eyes were amber and ridiculously small. The thing's skin was so shriveled up and wrinkly it looked like it was 1000 years old or something. Even the colour, a dirty, glistening, greenish brown looked age worn and ancient. and it had a moutht and it was smiling slightly but not too much just a little bIit. i saw it steeth andn nthey were so shapr and jagged and they just jutted otut of its mouth (remakrbale overbnite). I remember its neck tooo it was so small and thin and spindly and skinyn and it said something about "the truth" or somethin gi a dont know i managed to just turnr it aoff in time and it stoppedd'#

Oddly enough, the first one wasn't even built in Texas... lol
Also consider this: Say we are on the road to using up all the world's tin. As the supply of tin decreases, the price of tin increases. People who use tin start looking for substitutes for tin that are cheaper.
I've heard that after popping the tiny wax balls, you can either sift it through a fine mesh or run a credit card over the pile to try and separate the powder from the wax.

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?Direct? ?Background? ?Translate?
? Y2Gif Creator

Tron Related Reddits
What the fuck would a charlie even do?

But I get what you're saying :P
Best of luck to you sir.
Join us on matchday in r/soccer's IRC chat

Of* But have an upvote anyway
Today I F*cked Up

She really is a nice person though, it's just one of those "Wow, really?" stories.
She looks just like my dog! Same "what is this thing on my head" and everything
DDM Tuning

The moderators of /r/funny reserve the right to moderate posts and comments at their discretion, with regard to their perception of the suitability of said posts and comments for this subreddit. Thank you for your understanding.
Pandora's Aquarium and After Silence are other active online support groups to consider.
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Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:29)
Think of gravity more as a curvature of space than an actual force.
Have something that makes you feel comfortable no matter how odd it is and have it with you, for me it's a bottle of cherry Pepsi to drink. No idea why it can calm me down during a bad trip, I don't even usually drink cherry Pepsi but it works like a charm.
I still get nightmares sometimes.

..because a movie about a fictional species being sent on a mission ny a wizard should probably focus on being more realistic.
It's a sad state of affairs that neither party respect process, facts and professionalism. But why would they when the MSM won't call then out on it, especially with the likes of Gratten egging them on.
Bothered by this, I put on the 3D glasses again and it was a little bit better. I suppose they made it 48 FPS AND did it with 3D together, so watching it in regular 2D was sort of circumventing the point. Regardless, the 3D was only slightly less worse (not better, just slight less worse). That's not even describing what about the actual movie I didn't like, which was a lot.

Hello intruder.
Fell back in love with the guy who broke my heart 13 years ago. He confessed his love for me all those years and after I bought all his shit he turned around and acted like I was nuts. Feel like a total ass for that.
Funny Commercials

Sick. I actually thought Arkanoid would be a retarded map with all its gimmicks. Now I'm actually wanting it in tournament play.
This is more of a rant than an AMA.
All of a sudden, we the fans can influence company's decisions with what they really want.. Money, but at the same time, the companies can see people putting money where their mouths are and show, we will fund your development costs for coming to us.

Davos beats impossible odds to find Rickon, brings him to Castle Black, where Melissandre kills Davos. Melissandre then impersonates Davos using the finger bones in order to betray Stannis after he has defeated Ramsay. Finally she revives Jon so he can be King of the North.
As a resident of a supposedly civilised country where we put people in prison because we don't like the things they say on Twitter (the UK), you Americans should take a minute to remember how great, and relatively unique, your First Amendment is.

And so it was for many more years. Dad got an XBox 360, I never saw any reason to play it at all, I started high school, and so on.
My hypothesis is based on economic supply/demand theory. Right now, Mexico has a huge supply of illegal drugs and the US has a huge demand. As a result, illegal Mexican drugs are smuggled into the US Correspondingly, the US has a huge supply of firearms and the Mexico drug cartels have a huge demand. As a result, US firearms are smuggled into Mexico. (That source states that 70% of firearms recovered from Mexican drug cartels originated in the US.) If suddenly firearms because much more valuable in the US why wouldn't the same cartels start selling them back at a huge profit?

I'll miss his cranky attitude towards Mayweather.

The original IBM PC had such a relay, and by doing OUT commands in BASIC you could make it buzz. It was the very first audio peripheral for the PC smile
Discuss or share some of your feels from today in our Daily Feel threads. We all know that feel.
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Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:30)
The fastest way to learn is to pick one weapon and stick with it for a while. m416 or m16a3 for Medic and m4a1 for engi are prob the best choices ( Aek971 is also really good, but slightly harder to control, has slighty worse initial spread, and its reload can be more diffacult to manage).
I think you can actually use Archie twice here.

Would it be theoretically possible that a rogue planet could end up in a Lagrange point between the star and the galaxy?
funny = 3 upvotes

Free health care? Maybe in the Big Rock Candy Mountain, but here in reality, somebody has to pay for it.
With that said, take the car to a trusted mechanic of your choice. Have him do a thorough once over. If he finds problems (he will), it's to your advantage. I would advise to always lower the price of the car rather than have the dealer fix any issues. It will give you more bang-for-your-buck.
Oh most definitely. I should have specified that it does not work in my leftist opinion.

Reek... Rhymes with seek
Babylon 5

Well that's just silly
Very Punny
Odette Annabale

humor for more in-depth stuff
Screenshots of reddit comment threads. Post a link with context to /r/bestof or /r/defaultgems if from a default subreddit instead.
My dream has killed a dream I dreamed

Submitter hasn't named the source? Try iqdb.
The main reason for placing him is so that he would always have someone that was awake and rested well enough to deal with him when he has his episodes. Having a 12 hour shift several times a week is more restful than living it 24 hours a day seven days a week.
Chrome users - Ctrl + Shift + W = Close all tabs open.

SRS and circlebroke both serve a very important function, albeit from slightly different directions.
Screenshots of reddit comment threads. Post a link with context to /r/bestof or /r/defaultgems if from a default subreddit instead.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:31)
It's this sugar.
FAQ and more info (Most info is here)
He leans over and whispers,"Because you're mine"

Had enough yet, World? Tell me it's different elsewhere with a straight face, you douchey, sack of shit.
treated with gamma ray technology!!!
So I worked at this restaurant awhile back that was next door to Chipotle. It sucked because people would always go to Chipotle and order food then come to eat it at our restaurant. Many of them figured it was alright because one person in their twelve person group had ordered a small salad from us and we don't mind cleaning up their shit. Of course, our managers wouldn't let us tell them to GTFO or ask them to not leave their trash.

TEST Outfit Field Manual / Newbie Guide v1.4
Team Liquid tournament tracker
There was no cringe here but it was pretty hilarious and 100% truth. You think you're going to be liked by fat people for telling them they need to accept responsibility for their weight?

I haven't been Chick Tracted in years. This Halloween, I was at work (grocery store), and a couple, both dressed up (he in some bizarre, short-shorts hunter costume and she in some "sexy batman" costume), gave me an anti-Halloween Chick Tract and said, "God bless you!"

No reposts, if you didn't make it, don't post it.
[deleted -
Wikipedia is some random person.

Stevan Ridley, Brandon Lloyd, Chris Givens, Antonio Brown, or Vick Ballard?
Spelling may be optional in most places, but on Reddit, it is encouraged.
humor for more in-depth stuff

Channel: #wow
Well. I suppose so.

More like the bus of loneliness
Ugh, damnit Trollmaniac, you just spoonfed him that answer! Who in their right mind wouldn't go with that explanation?
r/codmemes - The subreddit for Codmemes.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:32)
I wouldn't have noticed it if you hadn't pointed it out, but it's true.
The New Black Panthers and the organization that existed in the 60's are two separate entities. Unfortunately, the Black Panthers are commonly used as a "scare group" to stir up racial fear. The New Black Panthers are anti-semitic racist idiots who are media-whoring attention seekers.

How about you? What purchases have made you life significantly more awesome?
Also, all shortened URLs, links to images, and blatant blogspam will be removed.
Are you telling me... that your room doesn't look like that?

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Or buy it offline: Part one, Part two
Yes Dr., I concur.

Screenshots of reddit comment threads. Post a link with context to /r/bestof or /r/defaultgems if from a default subreddit instead.
Which kind of crash were you experiencing: just KSP freezes, and you can still alt-tab out; or the kind where it makes windows lock up and the only way to recover is to do a cold boot?
Centurion was great. Lots of cool warfare techniques plus it had Fassbender and McNulty. And the Pique girl was smoking hot.

The best part is that there's probably still things left to find.
Dammit. I go to work in half hour sad

It somewhat forces them to have a reason if they're not ok with your suggestion while making you appear receptive to their input.
Are you crazy? I found the movie the perfect lenght, remember FotR also can seem dragged out, but when you take a good look, everything fits really well and build up the story.
Looking for more non-art content? Check out /r/MLPLite.

/r/wicked_edge shaving razors
I'm a firm believer that what is lacking to societies all over the world, is and ever will be, love.
In case you'd like to make that statement again in the future but back it up, here is the science: Gender Differences in Receptivity to Sexual Offers. (Professors Elaine Hatfield and Russell Clark, PDF warning.)

Catch-22 is hilarious, but also pretty depressing.
Expect to receive feedback both positive and negative.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:33)
Except that dying is a pretty good way not to pass on your bad habits to your younger lot?
Map of Lingor
Label characters not from an established franchise as [Original - in your title and link to the artist's page in the comments.

I thought it was GIF too
Was your client Humpty Dumpty?

Where to find servers:
Outstanding resource! Through it I found PrepOregon.org. Love me some disaster preparedness guide.

Hell on Wheels

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Pfft! I use crunchy peanut butter every day! (Seriously, I prefer it on sandwiches--but there are other applications for peanut butter beyond the sandwich.)
That was a weird upvote..

The citizens are pretty equal in economy. The difference between rich and poor is smaller here in the nordics than practically in any other developed nation. There's no such thing as living on the streets as you'll get government money if you get that deep into financial trouble. School and University is completely free so no need to get into debt early in life. Taxes are high though, a $30K car in the US would be around €60K here in Finland due to emissions taxes.
Unhide spoilers mode

03:02:18 Red Hook Summer
Submit for feedback
The problem with your theory is that you assume we should all flintlock weapons. I believe Jefferson saw some massive improvements in his lifetime, and yet did not adjust his opinion on the second. So, the Constitution allows for weapons, and it is to assume "arms" can mean something that goes beyond old technology rifles.

New to Dota 2? Read these:
For donations and adoptions:


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:34)
Hell, I didn't even know it was a state by state basis. I thought it was just "good manners" to give two weeks notice.
Add your city to your username

Lol holding him up? Someones going to fuck themself up baaad, no 100lbs won't be bad its when people start squating 1.5 times their weight or more
Terrible mistake? That is the best Bearterfly tattoo I've ever seen!

But yeah, I sort of want to text her and say, "Listen, you're awesome and at the very least hope we can still chat. We don't have to meet up for awhile, we can do it when you're comfortable.". But, I don't know. Thoughts?
Making Memes Visit:

[Pikachu kills Dumbledore - (/spoiler) will become
I did read Accordion so I was really confused until I read the end of the title. English is my 2nd langage so I tend to read more carefully i guess.

I see what you're saying, but is it really hypocritical if you can get a prescription for it? If you need it see a doctor. That's not possible with other substances.

You may only post if you are funny.
You forgot...
How is Ed Davis not mobile lol, he's better than Amir at D. The only thing Amir does better is take charges.

No, they are welcome to use the daycare. However, they are pretty arrogant and self important to presume to tell other people what to do. If they don't want their kid learning about a "fat guy" (what they choose to call an imaginary character that the majority of kids love and believe in) then they need to remove their kid from the situation. Not bitch about, insult, and try to boss everybody else around. Majority rules.

They are 500x500 pixels, the standard size for iTunes album art. A multiply layer would lack texture and be boring. The image created was not designed to be scaled up beyond what iTunes needs.
But you cant see any of them.. It really sucks these changes. I want them as bright as the old ones please.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:35)
Follow the general Advice Animal format. Two line setup or a pinwheel background
unknown. If you think you know the source tell us.
Follow the general Advice Animal format. Two line setup or a pinwheel background

Yeah...fuck you. Totally hard and right in the tailpipe.
The current version of TeX is 3.1415926.
If you really want to stay hidden, go to an internet cafe, make a new email and skype account (the first call for a new account is free) and call them over a proxy.

cameldog? More like Can-mel dog. AMIRITE?
Paolo Bacigalupi - December 18th
But, really, I feel like the reason people post that stuff to facebook is because they have strong beliefs and want to soapbox to their like-minded friends, and it's difficult to get anything worthwhile out of that.

The beginning of SNSD. Created by Pulselol.
Canadian eh?

When posting GIFs, use [ASMR - and [GIF - tags. GIFs posted without following this rule will be deleted by the mod bot.
I don't think we were arguing. I think we were having a great conversation involving different gun control and mental health views.
Please also read the site-wide Reddiquette.

Breath from air pocket.
you have the weirdest boner right now
I remember reading an observation from 1800 by a enumerator in Kilkenny about how few other vegetables were grown alongside the then ubiquitous potato.

Still need more? See Reddit's best / worst and offensive joke collections (warning: some of those jokes are offensive / nsfw!).
Those are super cute. Where did you get them?
Thoughtful, Meaningful Content Posts are moderated for content according to the following guidelines (hit report on violations):

Raidcall League S2 | $10,000 | Dec 12th -
He was too busy elbowing GSP's head to break out the Jitsu.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:37)
Manipulate comments and posts via group voting, which is against reddit TOS - such content will be removed, and repeat offenders will be banned.
I think I've found Kevin Smith's reddit ID
You think small.

Kirk Douglas

[deleted -
I think this is cool. Well rendered, and nice color scheme. My only crit is that I don't feel like there's a singular focal point really, your brightness is fairly uniform. So my eye wanders over it constantly rather than being directed.

Please use the spoiler tag when appropriate.

Reading this drunk made me think that I was hallucinating what I was reading... nope.
Check in on the r/nfl chat: #reddit-nfl on FreeNode (open in browser).
Original source is allowed and preferred over the approved hosts. Please designate your original source with the tag [OS - in order to prevent mixups.

Not my friends at all. Just friend's of friends. A lot of them are dickheads (in my opinion) but my friends still like them. It makes me feel like a lunatic
Photoshop Battles
See a Post-Sega Consoles release list here

misc for anything else
Euro Conservatism
Your mom looks delicious.

What is it?
The Doctor (as in just the person, and not the show) - Sonic Screwdriver
Good Guy Gregs check the new queue

http://taxi.trek.sk/index.php?p=taxi-forum&replyto=-1&_formData[guest - =deannacrype&_formData[subject - =steve+morse+genealogy&_formData[text - =http%3A%2F%2Fxxx-24.net%2Fuser%2Fytjmnttwbc%2F+%0D%0AThe+following+domains+should+be+considered+spam+by+default+and+can+be+reported+with+ex treme+prejudice%3A%0D%0APeople%3A%0D%0AI%27m+sure+all+here+are+in+disagreement+with+the+drone+operations+but+that+doesn%27t+some+how+even+ou t+what+happened+at+home+in+the+cosmic+sense.++You+need+to+be+able+to+show+empathy+to+connect+with+your+people+and+come+together+which+is+wha t+he+tried.++They+never+came+out+saying+gun+violence+is+the+problem+or+rhetoric+condemning+it+because+of+the+hateful+act.+I%27m+kind+of+taki ng+this+as+a+knee+jerk+reaction+to+the+POTUS+speech+but+there+should+be+no+threat+to+gun+ownership%2C+the+Democrats+are+coming+to+terms+that +there+just+isn%27t+the+support%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.kidsporalik.ru%2Fuser%2Fiqsqujwknq%2F+%0D%0AYeah+I+agree%2C+I+really+love+the+% 28Main+Street%29+bridge+and+Ive+always+thought+it+would+photograph+amazingly+at+night.I+know+its+crooked+%3A-%2F%2C+I+noticed+that+when+I+go t+it+on+the+bigger+screen%2C+but+Im+trying+to+get+my+technique+down+so+I+can+get+perfect+shots+without+any+editing+in+post%2C+so+Im+forcing+ my+OCD+self+to+just+deal+with+the+crooked+pic+so+I+can+use+that+annoyance+as+fuel+to+remind+myself+to+do+a+better+job+next+time.%0D%0ANo+slu rs+or+harassing+comments.%0D%0ASorry+%3A%28%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fbgwow.ru%2Fuser%2Fzxeqmstwqv%2F+%0D%0AYay%2C+we%27re+on+the+tree%21%0D% 0AWhile+it+would+be+great+to+be+able+to+say+%22nothing%22+and+actually+have+it+mean+that%2C+having+it+mean+otherwise+has+become+so+common+as +to+become+an+excepted+way+to+convey+that+something+is+actually+wrong.+So%2C+as+much+as+we+would+all+love+for+%22nothing%22+to+always+actual ly+mean+that%2C+its+just+not+fair+to+expect+everyone+to+be+on+the+same+page+without+discussing+it.+Unfortunately%2C+that%27s+the+language+we +are+all+using%3A+a+language+full+of+euphemisms%2C+metaphors%2C+double-meanings%2C+and+imprecision%2C+and+we+have+to+work+around+that.+If+it +takes+a+little+extra+effort+to+make+sure+you%27ve+assuaged+the+worries+of+your+partner%2C+then+so+be+it%2C+they+are+worth+it.%0D%0ADemotiva tional+posters+-+Go+to+%2Fr%2FDemotivational+instead.%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fbratzgamesland.ru%2Fuser%2Fdmmqvcnuxf%2F+%0D%0AFUCKING+SKYDIV E.+RIGHT+when+I+turn+18.%0D%0Apotstickers+wiht+a+lot+of+chili+sauce+mixed+with+a+little+bit+of+soy+sauce%0D%0ANashville%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A% 2F%2Fwww.starstudio.com.ua%2Fuser%2Fluogkcqpai%2F+%0D%0AThat+is+all.%0D%0AWant+to+listen+to+music+or+DJ+with+some+Redditors%3F++Come+join+th e+r%2FHHH+turntable.fm+room+-+Open+24%2F7%21+Weekly+listening+sesh+on+Tuesdays+at+8%3A30pm+EST%0D%0AImpressively+enough%2C+though%2C+Apple%2 7s+Maps+app+already+knew+about+all+the+shortcuts+that+I+like+to+take.++They%27ve+really+been+working+hard+to+improve+it.%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A %2F%2Fcs-gaming.net.ua%2Fuser%2Fkkdzxeapjw%2F+%0D%0AWould+you+bea+able+to+fill+a+month+in+each+place%2C+a+month+is+a+pretty+long+time%2C+an+ i+know+people+say+time+fries%2C+but+honestly%2C+i+have+no+idea%2C+what+how+to+fill+that+time%21+have+you+done+a+trip+like+this+before%3F+wha t+did+u+generally+get+up+to%3F%0D%0AI+just+finished+a+Natural+Language+Processing+class+and+this+is+the+first+thing+that+came+to+mind.%0D%0A FAQ++++Useful+Posts%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fdiacetic.info%2Fuser%2Fdcidbbgrzq%2F+%0D%0AThe+industry+is+alive+because+of+companies+like+Acti vision.+Same+with+EA.+They+tried+to+play+it+the+way+of+public+opinion.+It+worked+in+that+sense%2C+people+liked+EA%2C+but+guess+what%3F+It%27 s+driven+them+into+some+serious+financial+issues+whereas+Activision+is+riding+pretty+high.%0D%0AIndeed%0D%0AWe%27re+still+probably+going+to+ make+the+playoffs+as+the+sixth+seed+this+year%2C+which+puts+us+in+the+top+12%2C+roughly%2C+meaning+there%27s+20+teams+worse+off...and+this+i s+a+bad+year.%0D%0A+%0D%0A+%0D%0AIn+particular%2C+unprovoked+personal+attacks+will+warrant+an+indefinite+ban.+No+questions+asked.%0D%0ACame+ here+to+say+pretty+much+this.++With+link%0D%0ALSV%2C+I+love+you%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fmatrasy.com.ua%2Fproduct%2F684%2Freviews%2F%0D%0Aht tp%3A%2F%2Fwww.petmania.com.mx%2Fforo2%2Fmemberlist.php%3Fmode%3Dviewprofile%26u%3D85491%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Firidiumfax.com%2FBetaFaxForum%2Fi ndex.php%3Fshowuser%3D848158%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fforums.newquire.com%2Fposting.php%3Fmode%3Dpost%26f%3D2%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fmotoblok.biz.ua%2Fp roduct%2Fmotoblok_motor_sich_mb_4_05%2Freviews%2F%0D%0A&addpost&r=0&autolast

Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:39)
I believe it means Prince Blueblood. He's been putting on weight recently, and he does want to be the absolute sovereign....
There was no replay
Very. Elder Scrolls, Dark Souls, Metroid, Zelda, Dragon Warrior, MGS, and so on. I love game music.

any time an image like this or the 'hubble deep field' is posted, I like to link to this incredi

leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 13:48 | Сообщение # 5583
Группа: Гости




Hello World

Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:48)



Hello World

allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 13:55 | Сообщение # 5584
Группа: Гости

I think I actually read the abridged version shown here, about a decade ago. Geez. It was very underwhelming. It didn't have the story about Wukong pounding the Milky Way flat. Or...pretty much anything beyond character introductions and ending. Shitty abridged version.
Fill in the Global Drug Survey 2012
Episode 15 - Failures of NHS privatisation and the current government, along with the war on drugs. Our favourite cookies and Subways, with talks about Looper, Dishonoured, Castle Story and a new subreddit census.

You are welcome to link to content from http://didyouknowgaming.com if it has not already been posted.
Seriously. Everybody talks and dicks around on their phones during this crap.
Check out Suzie's anklet.

Stayed there for hours.
I can't wait til the next text only week...

Protip: Don't message like you've thesaurus-ed every fucking word.
humor for more in-depth stuff
I would submit this to r/bestof if I wasn't on AlienBlue.

This is a place for constructive criticism, if you have a question about the person or the post please be civil, this is not a place to put people down.
A Huge list of movie related subreddits!
Do NOT post anything that does not interest either pilots, students, instructors or other aviation professionals.

Word. When I bought my first replica belt it was the late 80's/early 90's winged eagle belt.
I counted 21 people on the first day. Our second project was a group speech, and I believe 15 people participated.
Do not submit a shortened link using a URL shortener like tinyurl.

You're right. I don't know for a fact that the wound grows deeper because of that. However I'm assuming using an educated guess. I don't know the velocity at which the earth rotates around the sun but I'm assuming it's at a fast pace. Does that make the earth not spin quickly? No.
LOL you haven't been looking. Sleep boners are obviously more dramatic in Speedos but any guy conked out runs the risk of showing himself off. =)
B.J Penn sad

Thoughts on peoples comments about CLG.eu being over confidently lately and Wickds small champion pool?
I just don't associate with such people any more. That was in high school over 10 years ago, the same parents that said that to me so long ago now encourage me to hit on white girls hahaha. The times, they are a'changin!

leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 13:56 | Сообщение # 5585
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 14:08 | Сообщение # 5586
Группа: Гости

Isn't most anime like, 8 frames per second, at best?
Join us on IRC

edit: 12/16/12 5pm P.T. - Had some good luck with recordings today. First up was the sound of goldfish crackers being eaten, and then me wrapping christmas presents, and just now the xbox controller has finished uploading. I also did manage to record a ~30 minute medium rain from within my car today .
"how I think I am vs. how I actually am"
Welcome to r/Politics! Please note: US politics, news only and no meme images. For a place with stricter moderation and civil discussion, please visit /r/Ask_Politics. For non-U.S. politics and news please consider:

Oh, I would take that Hammer and do some serious pounding...
-hug- Feel free to talk to me on Skype! I'll never not want to talk!
Pretty sure the idea is so they can rise up against a corrupt government. At least that is the rhetoric I get from them. I'd imagine this idea came from the war of independence.

Memes - Go to /r/AdviceAnimals or /r/Memes instead.
Our Community Policy contains guidelines to help promote healthy discussion and discourage trolling, please review it. If you are asking a question, be sure to check our FAQ as it may have already been addressed there. You should know that submitting links to other Reddit posts or comments is highly discouraged. If you do so in a way that raises drama, creates downvote brigades, or attacks other users your post may be removed at moderator discretion. The 'submit' button can be found under the search box in the sidebar.
American Airlines is garbage.

Captive Wildlife
IRC 5v5 for 21st December Signups
No reposts, if you didn't make it, don't post it.;u=332168
I am in the same boat - 4.5 is the maximum that I would buy.
It's probably, coz I'm a bit high.
In general, I believe (and take this with a grain of salt, my level isn't really this high) that ?-column verbs are more likely to be transitive and ?-column tend to be intransitive.

/r/TIG (Today I Gave)
So that pretty much makes you a wildling.

Learn all sorts of things that make you stand out in a way that makes people go "that's cool but why do you know that?" We're why! This is a place like a how to guide to teach or learn how to do everyday cool things. Like solving a Rubix Cube, pen spinning, or how to roll a quarter through your fingers.
No solicitation of votes (including "cake day" posts), posts with their sole purpose being to communicate with another redditor, or [FIXED - posts. DAE posts go in /r/DoesAnybodyElse. "Fixed" posts should be added as a comment to the original image.
Yay for sure! I love mine.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 13:58)
Yup, I have no problem buying keys for Dota 2. Got a courier in only my sixth chest.
They have the separate phonemes. I believe based on the TIL post the claim is that the underlying structure is different.

Become a parent. Then you get to go, "As a father/mother..." and make ridiculous statements.
The person that always complains about reposts? Check
I tested your witchcraft. You were correct.

Videos, collections, interactive images/websites, and articles are not allowed.
We have changed the rules.
I mean, I really don't understand your criticism. Are you saying that anime lacks diversity? What genre in animated media has more diversity? Or... what video genre in general has more diversity? Sitcoms? TV series?

No pepperoni?
Yup. That was a good one.
Circuit of Americas Sticker

Rage Novels
At least you got there! Has to feel good. Then again, you know you worked harder than most people to get there and it is going to be tough to get paid for BOTH, the college degree, AND the varied experiences you had getting there.
Imagine the implications of a GLOBAL power/communications outage. The grid would be toast. Generators would be fried. Satellites would not function. Most of the equipment needed to repair things would not work.

On a lighter note, really proud of the way Vick Ballard ran the ball today. He got stuffed a few times but bounced right back.
this shit is so fucking awesome!
Great pic! We were there all last week.

Polish ... "hotincleveland". Let's all pretend to be surprised there.
I'd say that's a really hard question to answer. The number of confounding variables would be... confounding.
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Bird: "what the fuck are you looking at"
Claiming compensation ad infinitum over what ever effect she "suffers" is scamming.
Say it.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:00)
From the Resteraunts I worked in when I was in college (only like ~6 years ago), the machines are just hooked up to these plactic bags in cardboard boxes with little plastic ends to hook the tubes up to. The companies don't service the machines, we just ordered these plastic bags every so often (well they might fix them or w/e).
I'd love to see that last punch in super-slow-mo like they did at UFC on Fox. Sick.
Translated Text: "CAAAWWW CAAWWW SQWAAWK!! Sqwak...sqwak... twirp cheep cheep caw."

if some person posted CP only pedos would know and it wouldn't spread to the populace.
Too edgy for me.
US Ent Reddit Wiki Page add yours!

Memes - Go to /r/AdviceAnimals or /r/Memes instead.
I think it would be cool if you could make them yourself for free with your own items. You can wrap up 1/9/25 of your items into the package and then unleash it into a game.
You appear to be perseverating on that.

Titles should be direct quotes of comments (NO EDITORIALIZING) followed by the number of total votes in brackets like this: [+30 - .
soul ring is a cheaper alternative
Or from the front page of r/atheism a week ago.

1) The cutscenes/loading screens. obvs.
If you'd like to use AdviceAnimals in your comments, here's how.

Maybe we should declare a War on Guns. Wars always work.
Am I the only one in here who actually bought Portal? Fuck me, right?
Hover over to read.

Rule #4 never post anti gun anything in an American centric thread. Circular American logic will dominate
The Big Lebowski
Multiplayer Moe Mumble on Saturdays.

Serious rage there, when they get that smug look like "why didn't you think of that yourself?"
Let's not forget about Wee Man running around in a diaper and getting overly angry at pranks being pulled on him.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:00)
I was once faked by the Onion... by "MacBook Wheel"
Could this be who you're looking for?
Team logos

/r/R3VOLUTION: Liberty Candidates
Yep that's the title. Good reading.
posts with their sole purpose being to communicate with another redditor. Click for an Example.

Rd Player Pos College 1 Bruce Irvin DE West Virginia 2 Bobby Wagner ILB Utah St. 3 Russell Wilson QB Wisconsin 4 Robert Turbin RB Utah St 4 Jaye Howard DT Florida 5 Korey Toomer ILB Idaho 6 Jeremy Lane CB Northwestern St. (LA) 6 Winston Guy DB Kentucky 7 JR Sweezy DE NC State 7 Greg Scruggs DE Louisville Related Reddits:
Messaging the mods

Why didn't OP get a job, if his/her family wasn't eating. I don't understand.
Only submit static images.
Ain't nobody fresher than the fresh prince of bel-air

Making Memes Visit:
Or any other type of safety gear.

Tales from the Perilous Realm
I'm just happy e-ink is getting some attention. I want an e-ink laptop someday but it seemed like people had stopped caring enough about the technology for companies to get interested in developing it to that point.

We have changed the rules.

Stories should be revenge-based. Someone has wronged you, but you got your revenge, oh yes, you got your revenge. (If you are planning future revenge and need ideas, might I direct you to /r/myevilplan? And if "the universe"/a false understanding of karma got your revenge, might I direct you to /r/JusticePorn?)
So, does anyone have any knowledge of how long it's going to stay like this?


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:02)
Edit edit: Go Pack Go
According to bin Laden, U.S. sanctions that killed civilians, every day, for years.

I'm not sure, but if you like that, you'll like this!
Comics   /r/comics /r/webcomics /r/vertical /r/f7u12 /r/ragenovels /r/AdviceAtheists /r/comicbookart Image macros Screenshots/text /r/lolcats /r/screenshots /r/AdviceAnimals /r/desktops /r/Demotivational /r/facepalm (Facebook) /r/reactiongifs /r/DesktopDetective Wallpaper Animals /r/wallpaper /r/aww /r/wallpapers /r/cats The SFWPorn Network /r/TrollingAnimals   /r/deadpets   /r/birdpics   /r/foxes Photography Un-moderated pics /r/photography /r/AnythingGoesPics /r/photocritique /r/images /r/HDR /r/windowshots /r/PictureChallenge Misc New reddits /r/misc /r/britpics /r/gifs Imaginary Network /r/dataisbeautiful /r/thennnow /r/picrequests /r/SpecArt /r/doodles /r/IncredibleIndia .   /r/timelinecovers   /r/MemesIRL   /r/OldSchoolCool   /r/photoshopbattles   /r/PastAndPresentPics Also check out http://irc.reddit.com
I'm actually much more comfortable with Kerry than Rice. Rice seemed to have a lot of vested interests wrapped up in her background. No doubt Kerry does as well, but he strikes me as a lot more principled.

Dolphins @ Patriots 1:00 EST
Only submit static images.
theres a concept in buddhist meditation where you simply observe inner phenomena (thoughts, emotions, sensations) and whatever comes up eventually passes and leaves. its known as the concept of impermanence and when you experience it directly you'll realize that the more you talk about WBC the longer they'll be around.

When I read it I was reminded of Faulkner's use of the first person plural in A Rose for Emily, where the idea was that the town was together reacting to the events of the story. I'm not sure whether Ferris was consciously using Faulkner as a guide but his author's notes led me to believe he wasn't.

I messed around with the doubler a bit and I think it's even better if the song starts at 2 sec. Take a look:
Ain't nobody got time to go get a tissue each time.
We'll take him

Is there an atheist society? Currently the population claiming to be atheist is less than 5% of the population. How can you claim what you have? There is no such thing as an atheist society.
[spoiler - (#s "X kills Y!") - You can add a prefix before "spoiler" if it is something specific.
Serious atmosphere, a chorus competition in high school. A volunteer was needed to hand out sight-reading music. Director chose one of two black choristers (of 50 kids) for the task. and I loudly exclaimed "token black". Heads turned and I blushed with shame.

learn to read, you retard. I didnt say anyone was victimized. i said it was icky, as in creepy. and it's not even my opinion. its america's social view towards this
You can tell it wasn't a Bank ATM, as the older bills are supposed to be destroyed.

America is to the middle east what Mitt Romney is to Joe the Plumber. There's no real difference between them other than blind luck granting one of them access to valuable assets.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:03)
You be the judge.
Track daily calorie intake with Fitday or FatSecret

I'd be very interested to hear reasoning behind it.
And the the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America's

Shreddit's favorite albums
It feels like quoting scripture, but here's more MJK: "We barely remember what came before this precious moment, Choosing to be here right now...This body holding me, reminding me that I am not alone". Parabola couldn't be clearer about MJK's opinion on the nature of the "soul"; Lateralus is more about embracing the human experience; that there are dangers involved in over-contemplation which can lead to rifts between the body and consciousness, that we have so much to gain by making things happen rather than sitting around thinking.

No "sad" content, such as pics of animals that have passed away (try /r/petloss) or sob stories (e.g. found him in a dumpster).
Official Sites Google Help Guidebook (PDF) LG Support
my innocence..

Let's go back to my place...I can tell you've got a big peanuts
Another Irish man here, nobody I know thinks any of this bollix.
Complete Liberty (free book)

A community dedicated to discussions and news for Doctor Who.
Good Guy Gregs check the new queue
Watch this be kwame's breakout game

No comics or captioned pictures (try /r/lolcats).
Backup FAQ

The wheel mount is solid. There's a little bit of play in the wheel that you can see from some videos online (Barnucles comes to mind) but this is more from the casing of the t500 than the obutto.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:04)
List of Previous Communisms of the Day
How often would he repeat "This is easy, this is easy, this is easy!" during training sessions?
Submit Something Else

same thing.
I met a good guy metal head who got knocked out of the pit and ran over a dude and accidentally spilled his beer. When the next band was setting up he mopped the floor and bought dude another beer. It was at a Cannibal Corpse show.
And for those not familiar with motorcycles, this is a Suzuki hayabusa. One of the most powerful bikes you can buy.

I agree with this point, but how would hell make god evil? Is punishment evil? I would say no. A indefinite term with no chance of appeal sounds quite unjust, but I wouldn't quite call it "evil". Hell seems especially more just with the people/friends I've heard (Catholics mostly, I believe) that hell is reserved for those who do bad (murder and all that jazz) whereas purgatory is reserved for the just-not-good (in terms of the Christian faith) people. And with the description of purgatory just being kind of just like nothing (but probably would have all my best friends, if it somehow existed) it sounds like a pretty swell place. Who needs heaven when you have friends.
Read about our latest charity drive.
Memes - Go to /r/AdviceAnimals or /r/Memes instead.

Be happy
Came here to say this. A great show, i didn't even realize it was Canadian for the longest time. They really didn't seem to mention the city they were in or even the country.
I feel like Gerard gets comics and delivers a very unique and "fun" read. Ba's artwork really gives the whole book a distinct style and feel. I also learned just today that there was a volume 2. Must get.

So in the "Foofed and crew" Thread, I overreacted a lot, and ended up coming off as an asshole to those who didn't have anything to judge me by before that thread. I also assisted in killing 2 people in the end. This was because at the time I thought that the end was a giant free for all, judging by the extreme griefing the place has undergone.
Mod Announcement: All questions regarding the 21st have been asked. Please use the search box instead of posting a question about the end of the world. Join us in the AskReddit IRC!
So I didn't know what the hell an oil rig or dabbing was before I read this thread. I'm really missing out living here in Texas.

TL;DR. Federal fraud and impersonation.
I'm sceptical as to whether you really upvoted him.

Love the horn armor too. Is this based on the comic book cover's armored Celestia?
EarthPorn is for natural landscapes only. If you are submitting an image of:
Season 6, Episode 7: "Who Got Dee Pregnant?"

I apologize in advance for not having a source, but I saw a picture like this on Reddit a while back, and a sports photographer pointed out that these photos are actually pretty common, but that a ball on the ground doesn't really look like it's "in action," so they're just thrown away.
If the US were to make itself completely absent from the middle east I believe without a shadow of a doubt that, except for those that seek vengeance, terrorism against the US would all but stop. I'm not advocating for this course of action however because other consequences are worth considering.
URL shorteners - No link shorteners (or HugeURL) in either post links or comments. They will be deleted regardless of intent.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:05)
Take note of what is more uniquely French, and work those structures more. It's one thing to be able to express yourself in French, it's another to do so in a typically French manner. I always lean toward patterns like "il n'y a que..." or "un silence se fait..." or "il me semblait que..." or what have you, because part of the fun of learning French is learning French French, not just how to translate English thoughts and structures into French. I'm a huge fan of having a relatively small, workmanlike, but extremely French set of tools, and the ability to recognize a wide range of material. If you only have a 2,000 word vocabulary, but they're all really good words and very French grammatical structures, you're going to sound GREAT, especially if you can understand everything else. My goal in any of my languages is a relatively smaller set of things in my active recall, but to have them be the best possible structures and words.
Unfortunately this is the first piece of evidence that came to mind, I think you can see what they're saying though about spreading the word of God and what not (love this interview too, Brand is just a boss).

Posts for the specific point of it being your reddit birthday.
This pointless insult was removed.
Sleeping with a stuffed animal isn't a bad habit though. I'm an adult and I still do it. It keeps me from sleeping on my arms/hands and cutting off circulation (and then waking me up in the middle of the night because my hand is asleep).

Can't suffer alone, gets everyone to see it.
It's a joke. Everybody grows up...except bad luck Bryan.

I'm in a similar boat. Freeman, Cruz, Gordon, DX. Any of those guys have a decent week and i'm in the championship. My bench has like 66 points right now too so that does not help. If Welker scores less than 13 points tonight I'm still in the championship somehow.
Interesting, and thanks for your reply. I hope one day to explore mobile devices/games but for the moment consider myself lucky to have even an xbox since I'm an under-achieving penniless wanderer. Best of luck with Lady Shotgun!
/r/truegaming - Discussions only

I live upstairs from there! smile
Saying stupid shit or dumb flamebait isn't "accidental trolling". The very definition of trolling requires premeditation.
hair care products exist not just for women's hair... you know... but for all hair ...

i cry everytim i read dis =')
When some random kid tried to touch me inappropriately on the street. While I was walking with my boyfriend. Asshole.

I could never do that, had the balance of a dead fish. I've now got the urge to pick up my old hurl.
Marijuana Policy Project

I love that little "who does have hair" at the end. Perfect.
I wonder what would happen with Altaria


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:06)
4) Posting any identifying personal information will result in a ban without a prior warning. This includes for yourself or other people, and refers to, but is not limited to, phone numbers, email addresses, facebook or other social media accounts.
One of the absolute best books that was released this year was JOHN CARTER: THE GODS OF MARS. It's a five-issue mini-series, written by Sam Humphries, with art by Ramon Perez and colors by Jordie Bellaire. Basically, a collaboration between this past year's hottest new talents (Humphries fresh off of OUR LOVE IS REAL and SACRIFICE, Perez with the Eisner-sensation TALES OF SAND, and Bellaire's career has absolutely skyrocketed this year).
Goddamnit the Amish have taken over

I would not put them in class with SA or Miami but you specifically said GSW implying that the Nuggets are not in the same class with the warriors. Gonna have to disagree with you there especially since we are 2-1 against them this year.
Worst feeling is that I was born in 87 and just grew up knowing this always.. Never got to experience the shock value of it and I never will sad

I'll rent it
No it doesn't.
I personally just think it's because of the influx of new ents everyday, and that's a good thing, let the reposts come on in.

steam id:bioforge09 , thanks smile
Well guys, this series is finally over. I hope you enjoyed it. I will put some time into setting up a Kickstarter that I hope will be ready really soon.
Comic Software and Apps


Do not ask for proof.
Stop snoozing / setting multiple alarms. Snooze sleep is not worthy sleep. Set your alarm for the last possible time you can get up (I don't mean like "not even time to shower" but the last possible time to do your entire morning routine with a little urgency). Then train yourself to get up as soon as it goes off.

film is so not expensive. you can buy really nice B/W film for 2 bucks a roll on freestyle photo. and this roll is 36 exposure too.
Also: Try getting over it. The game is worth it. I'm also afraid of sharks. I couldn't go underwater until late in the game when I really needed that 4th slot. The game is all about scouting and looking for the best moment to catch your prey. Just do that with the sharks, don't go after it unless there are no more sharks around it. You could also use a boat.

Case in point, with all of the Affordable Care Acts changes in effect, to read a synopsis of the US system and that of the Netherlands they would seem pretty much the same, while there is a world of difference between the system of the Netherlands and the UK. Regardless, our politics puts the UK and Netherlands on one side, and the US on the other. Many of these places have public pensions systems invested in stocks and mutual funds, Denmark has 2/3rds of its fire stations run by Falk, a private company. Thinks just aren't so cut and dried.
But I killed the entire table and then went back to play cards the game didn't know what to do with me. Honestly, probably one of the buggiest games I've played on launch.

Today I F*cked Up
TIL Terran play hatch first. biggrin


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:08)
Ha OP drank his own piss yet?
My country (Brazil) has a ban on guns on federal level. We have 30,000 deaths by gun every year.
Gold selling, other WoW TOS violations

title comnts points age /r/ I know. 24coms 653pts 3mos funny Winnie The Poohdobear 5coms 48pts 9mos WTF Creepy Pooh 3coms 18pts 11mos funny Bringing r/wtf back to its roots 1com -6pts 23dys WTF Whoa, Pooh is an ASSHOLE [FIXED - 0coms -3pts 2mos funny Winnie the Pooh gives no fux. 1com 0pts 3mos funny Well that's a little disturbing... 0coms 11pts 4mos WTF Hey Pooh.. 1com 12pts 2mos funny Oh Winnie the Pooh your....wait.. what 1com 5pts 6mos WTF Not sure if posted yet. 5coms 10pts 8mos WTF WTF, Poo? [NSFW - 11coms 49pts 8mos WTF So my friend sent me this... 7coms 35pts 9mos WTF Winnie the pooh you sly devil! 30coms 464pts 9mos WTF Winnie the Sick Fuck 0coms -6pts 9mos funny Taking WTF back to it's roots 359coms 1341pts 11mos WTF Winnie the Pooh 3coms 14pts 11mos funny Right in the childhood 0coms -3pts 24dys funny What was the hardest part about seeing that child get hit by a car? 0coms -5pts 10mos funny So it's almost 12 o'clock and I just realized that its my cakeday, so because I'm a hard working person here's what I had saved in my phone. 4coms 11pts 1mo WTF This makes me laugh every fucking time I read it 0coms 22pts 2mos funny WTF poohbear? 32coms 605pts 3mos WTF I'd love to 39coms 427pts 1yr funny My childhood is in tatters... 10coms 302pts 17dys ImGoingToHellForThis Pooh strikes again. 0coms 4pts 19dys funny Pooh is such a good friend. 4coms 56pts 1yr funny Right in the childhood. 5coms 99pts 4mos WTF Childhood destroyed 2coms 10pts 1yr WTF source: karmadecay
is it just me or did goku get smaller in terms of bulk as the series went on?

If you manage to have alot of sex on mdma i think that sober sex might not be as good.
Dam there IS a subreddit for everything.
2012 Posting Rules

OS X meme generator
I ended up getting "Apocalypse" by Mahavishnu Orchestra as well since I saw it at FYE for five bucks.
Dog Pictures

I am commissioning into the Army tomorrow. Do you have any speech ideas?
If a bird pooped on it the owner could just say it was a galaxy
what am i doing with my life

Coolest thing I have seen in a while.

Meme: vicarious cat
Top 250
Not related to the Obama's relationship, but this image really shows how much four years as POTUS can age you.

We love you man. Keep up your dreams and I'm sure you'll reach them one day smile
Create Fantasy Football posts. Go here instead.


BruimainjusiaДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 14:12 | Сообщение # 5587
Группа: Гости


Вряд ли кто-то попытается поспорить с высказываниемо том, чтопокупка недвижимости – дело весьма серьезное, и к этому событию нужно подойти ответственно, взвешенно и продуманно. Для того, чтобы верно вложить средства и купить или взять в аренду недвижимость в Испании нужно сделать точный анализ рынка недвижимости, собрать самую достоверную информацию о удобстве и инфраструктуре районов, а также получить общую информацию о непростойпроцедуре сделки. Всего этого можно избежать, воспользовавшись услугами проверенных людей – нашей фирмы. Наши помощники составили наиболее правильную базу недвижимости Испании, в которой вы обязательно обнаружите то, что удовлетворит ваш эстетический взгляд и кредитную карту. Мы поможем вам арендовать или купить особняк, оформить визу и заказать билеты на самолет. Сотрудники нашей фирмы проконсультируют клиентов по самым актуальным вопросам – начиная от нужных документов в Москве и заканчивая русскоговорящим помощником, который поможет без ошибок оформить банковские документы в Испании.

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allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 14:18 | Сообщение # 5588
Группа: Гости

Please spay and neuter your animals! While your newborn animals are cute, failing to do this allows your little darlings to add to the population of homeless pets. Adopt pets from your local animal rescues, there are plenty of animals just waiting for a home.

we'd have a structured and polite society that is also very repressed
I thought Album Of The Year was really cool. King For A Day is awesome, and although Angel Dust is still my favorite, Jim Martin apparently had little to do with it, at least from what I read. Introduce Yourself and We Care A Lot (the first record) are great despite Chuck Moseley. The Real Thing is by far my least favorite.

Music On Top
OP, are you 13?
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If you come across any rule violations, please report the submission or message the mods and one of us will remove it!
Blatant fucking repost.
And cepelinai biggrin

Did you buy that paper at Target for $3.00? My cat did the same, btw wink
Yes, we could cope with more people - but not if we want equality. I'd rather have a lower, more efficient, healthier, smarter population than a massive mob of poverty and disease (all in the name of personal freedom)

Haha well now that you mention it...
what a le gem
the debris in the tracking station is a bug, it will be fixed in 18.2

No unoriginal or ordinary posts.
You might also enjoy: Our Family


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:17)
I also am using CodecROM after CheckROM and DarkyROM started lagging like crazy on my i9300. The only problem I've had so far is that Google Now won't pick up the microphone properly, and occasionally the Holo app drawer will crash, but apart from that it's the best rom I've used on this phone.
Fantasy Football - Reddit Style

That's a gator, silly! I live in Florida
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You absolutely despise the Giants. You hate them. We do not speak of their successes.
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Seven Samurai, I will and have dropped everything I'm doing and watch that movie.
Oh my god why

I somehow interpreted the thread title as saying that you cut off your hair so you could knit with it! Was intrigued to see the human hair yarn, but the cowl is nice too smile
So, you became an atheist because some people have a simplistic and wrongheaded notion of religion. You must know that most Christians would find the statement that you posted to be bordering on (if not completely) idiotic.

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Link directly to the image.
Welcome to r/Funny:

You've never had a PB&J&S sandwich? With their powers combined...

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And then just look really sympathetic, and maybe pat them on the shoulder. If they ask ask any questions, or try to clarify, just shush them and imply heavily to anyone nearby that they're somewhat retarded and don't know what they're saying.
And 308 likes...


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:18)
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Because you have like 0.1 turn-speed in HoN, so you can kite and deal damage constantly, while in Dota you are gonna stay at 1 place, because your turn-speed is higher than attack speed animation.
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TLDR: the GIL isn't going away.

you're fired.
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Please do not post Housing, Jobs, Items for Sale, or Missing Things.

I'm thinking of using that as a final "fuck you", but I want to get a good reference out of them so I can look for another good job. Also don't want to leave on bad times as I'm in the midst of applying to unis, and don't want anything to come back and bit me on the arse. Essentially stuck.
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I'm a real Kraken. Fear my Wraith!
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Yup. I agree wholeheartedly with you. The chances of getting something useless is so high that I don't even care anymore.
Try to submit the source of the story/image

Tried to squat using my brain. Last time I listen to a SQUID_FUCKER
That comment is how I found out about this subreddit. It is pretty cool and I like it a lot.
So basically pornography distracts people more than pictures of other things?

A Pessimist worries that the optimist is right.
Please, no self-promotion. /r/writing and /r/fantasywriters are great for asking for critiques. /r/SFstories lets you post your own stories and books. And /r/bookdownloads has free ebooks.
• One Y Chromosome


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 14:19 | Сообщение # 5589
Группа: Гости




Hello World
DonerdalaДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 14:19 | Сообщение # 5590
Группа: Гости

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allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 14:26 | Сообщение # 5591
Группа: Гости

Track Day Thursdays threads
Who says i only watch the English dub? I watch the English dub of Kai because its 10x better than the original Z dub, I watch DBZ in the original Japanese voices.
@PurrfectStorm - Margaret Krohn, Game Designer

THank You.
Trust them until you have a reason not to.

Being foreign doesn't mean you can't keep a beat.
We didn't you tell me this 10 years ago?!
If the ideas they espouse are evil and I can do it non-violently, I will.

Please Do Not

Squats, deadlifts and bench press all work large muscle groups and more so the squats and dead lifts, are full body movements. They work the largest muscles and cross more than one joint. If you are trying to increase muscle mass, they stimulate growth hormone and testosterone release. It uses the muscles the legs would use during most activities though it can train through a greater range of motion than is generally used during things like running or jumping
• Thought provoking self-posts and links are encouraged.

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Want that filter!
One of my favs

No personal information.
delightfully chubby

Troy director's cut is good. especially toward the end.
I don't know what DIY means.
Yep! And a matte top coat to top it all off. Thank you!

http://www.google.com/recaptc....AtO9SKO o0g-RNuN4AOhKHrhdP3WN1PT24X3NWXvJ-slEvbrae4S4gJ5DTgF8

Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:20)
Yeah, I had no idea either. I thought it was to teach people about personal space.
I can't wait to read this looks so good!! I dont have a kindle. Heck I dont even have a cell phone LOL But I will get this like we have talked about. Just wanted to say it looks so good!
Martial arts and gymnastics aren't that different, goal wise. It's all about the mastery of the body, the entire body.

And George Clooney, who is probably a vampire.
We are not here to fill your needs of a request. For .gif inquiries, please visit /r/gifrequests.
Give the funky builds a chance ! cry

Game Grumps Fans Steam Group
Fuck that fucking thing..... took me TWO HOURS last time to get that piece of shit untangled. Fucking goddamn fucking stupid fucking thing...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT_ZpHgiIKo Muahahaha

Since a jet can travel at the same speed, does that mean a jet could shoot one out of the air?
All blog submissions should be made to /r/sportsblogs. Blogspam will be removed.
Yeah, but, I'd certainly watch my spelling.

This rule is not out of bloody-minded elitism, but to prevent destructive hosers from finding places too easily and trashing them. Remember that reddit is indexed by search engines.
Fun fact: teenagers lie on sex surveys
Reapered just placed his team on his back and carried them to the promised lands.

The Rage Maker

God, that is so true.
There's some where I live too.
Welp, I'm convinced! Bring on the fence!

For general discussions related to Comic Books.
Lacking inspiration? Why don't you take a look at /r/PictureChallenge?


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:23)
No, not at all. I was really just teasing, but if you want to discuss this seriously, I will. When He multiplied the loaves and fish, it was in order to feed people who otherwise would have become weak. When He rose from the dead it was to justify His elect among other things. What would be the purpose of turning something physical into His own literal flesh and blood when He clearly says what we eat and drink is of no consequence since it just passes through our bodies? Isn't communion a spiritual benefit to us and not a physical one? Why would eating and drinking a physical thing benefit us spiritually?
better than xbox's 25 cents lol

We do not use NSFW tags.
Lucky.. Sask in winter is terrible.

I'm unable to comment because I've not participated in LSE's.
Also if you notice that the other team is awp-heavy, Kevlar might not be worth it since you'll probably be one-shot killed either way if you get shot.
Photographs and pictures must be original content (if you didn't create it, don't post it).

same place.
Thanks for the list man! I really appreciate...listened to a bit of Smiths before but not as much as I should have

The skipping of video ads is not automatic and must be enabled by the advertiser and/or the video owner.
I thought Refactoring meant "renaming variables"
Ahhh so they have no control of shoving carbs in their face.

Other fitness and health related subs
hope you guess my name...
Disables that goes through Rage/BKB is ofc helpful, especially late game

... wat? Getting rid of the random button only serves to stop people (however few they may be) from choosing random. It doesn't eliminate the issue of AFKs.
Seriously, what the fuck?

Logan Square NYE Party 12/31 7pm!
i cant even grow a goatee sad
Stop snoozing / setting multiple alarms. Snooze sleep is not worthy sleep. Set your alarm for the last possible time you can get up (I don't mean like "not even time to shower" but the last possible time to do your entire morning routine with a little urgency). Then train yourself to get up as soon as it goes off.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:25)
As a ManUtd fan - Smiles, all smiles through that video.
Came here to say this, I was beaten to the punch
Edit: disregard that, I concede. I'm not getting into a political argument about a joke in the comments section of another joke on /r/mylittlepony of all places.

Don't worry about it! Don't feel guilty, it's better to hold off than to do something you don't feel comfortable doing. Besides, he's okay with it, and if he wasn't, then he's not somebody to bother dating anyway.
Before you post, we are not going to kill it with fire, so don't ask!
I thought this was gonna be the video of the porn with the guy fucking her hair.

I'm getting really good at telling Thompson's and Grant's Gazelles apart.
For example, tribal societies have low population density but almost incessant warfare, with a much higher chance of people dying violently.
Player REC YDS AVG TD S. Rice 49 733 15.0 7 G. Tate 40 556 13.9 7 2012 PreSeason Schedule

Whynot Turkish backed? Isn't turkey putting in more work. But it's world news, gotta blame the US somehow.
Part of the Reddit Health Network

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JLA: Tower of Babel

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Things that make you go AWW! -- like puppies, and bunnies, and so on...
Why is the Jewish guy dressed as Liberace?

Too much soul.
Rage comics - Go to /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu instead.
EDIT: Also the structure is made of wooden planks.

Rage Novels
[text here - (/spoiler)
where is the iron chariot thing in the bible just wondering?


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:26)
I wasn't mentioning it as a definitive method to enjoy Windows 8, just as a compromise.
more confidence

2-0 for Spurs by 80'. Final score 2-2
I have one better the Porsche shop manual on PDF

Except Dark Souls isn't a puzzle game, you won't benefit having a journal and it'll just make the player spend more time in a menu screen.
But who wants to do the same thing several times per day every day for two and a half months anyway?
Holy shit, my bp rescue (who also has quite the scarring on her underside) is named cupcake. Until you explained the story I thought maybe you were my roommate or something.

Submit Submit a link or self-post Submit a new meetup Remember to read the FAQ and Rules before submitting. Find/Help Orange County Guides: (1) (2) Job Postings How to get a location/flair Giant List of Credit Unions Best of OC, as chosen by mods Meetups Date Time CSUF Reddit Club: Presents "A Halloween Pig Roast Meetup" 10/27 4PM More Meetups Add your meetup here Social Facebook Chatroom Twitter Google+ Calendar RSS Other subreddits (Suggest a link)

Our whole society, including of course our laws, are built around pleasing our instincts. Our mind is merely a tool for our body - we're just brilliant apes.
"McGregor also discussed his tendency to go full frontal in several of his films, including “Trainspotting,” “The Pillow Book,” “Velvet Goldmine” and “Young Adam.”
HD 4000 is enough for me, dunno if it is enough for you.

If you'd like to use AdviceAnimals in your comments, here's how.
People are such fucking sheep.
The NRA has fallen into the same category as the US Chamber of Commerce, just another branch office of the GOP.

English, people.
If only sad
I hate you, OP.

"how I think I am vs. how I actually am"
What do you think He'd say?


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 14:26 | Сообщение # 5592
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 14:45 | Сообщение # 5593
Группа: Гости

Please check when you make a submission that it hasn't been grabbed in the spam filter. Due to the nature of this subreddit, we'll be linking to some pretty awful and sketchy websites, so the spam filter's probably going to have a conniption. We'll do our best to stay on top of submissions that get flagged, but always feel free to message the mods if you don't see your submission show up.
Right back at ya.
My mom once worked graveyard shifts at the hospital here as the only tech support. During the days, she'd stay up with us and got really addicted to Super Mario World with us.

Its unfortunate that I do just the opposite.
WTF so just cause Im asian that couch ain't for me!


That was my boyfriends attempt at a door with a sliding lock haha. It's not as unstable as it looks (double sided, so much tape), i'm more concerned about the height.
To mark a spoiler as relevant to a specific game/topic, use the alternate formatting:

Well, my family has lived in Buffalo territory for a few generations now. I myself picked up my love of the Dolphins from my Dad, but my dad went against the norm picking the Dolphins. My grandfather was a Bills fan.
The lady in JFK hasn't proven she was stripped search, obviously a fame whore.
I'm unable to comment because I've not participated in LSE's.

This is actually a really unique way of handling trolls. Rewards instead of punishments. LoL kind of does it, where you get "honor" points for not being a douche. But the idea of getting customizable items is a lot more rewarding.
Spell Shield, Impetus, Refraction, Borrowed Time should make for one super tanky character.

Also, please contact us regarding spam, political or any other inappropriate videos, as this helps us remove them more quickly!
OS X meme generator
Sometimes counterintuitive advice sounds like it sucks because it really sucks. The part about telling your friend to screw off because you have to hit the gym is a dick move. Why would you treat someone like that?

If you'd like to use AdviceAnimals in your comments, here's how.
12 Days of Christmas 12/25


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:29)
there are disposable ones called Instead Soft Cups, I use them, and love them. I could probably switch to a reusable one, but the disposable ones are good.
what would happen if a person went to a gun convention and attempted a mass murder? would it be like a nuclear explosion?

Use "general" URL shorteners (bit.ly, tinyurl, etc).
Golden Retrievers

Deadlift story: Last week, I did about 110 and felt pretty good. This week, I decided to go ahead and push to my body weight and felt great. Friday, I finished a huge research paper and handed it in, then went to the gym. I hit my body weight and it felt really manageable, so I kept adding to it little by little until I could feel my form going. Felt like a fucking monster.
You want the federal executive branch of government to discriminate based on an unpopular groups particular belief in a deity? Sooo, when the next dominionist candidate for president wins at the polls, you want him to have the power to label atheists as a hate group as well?
Out towards the far west is a place called "Old Hroldan Inn" it's got a lot of elder scrolls history to it but there is a rumour of a ghost haunting the inn. You should spend the night and see if you can find the ghost!

I love getting an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts when I go back home to the mid west. Unfortunately I was so disgusted with the last one I had I don't know if I could buy another. What made it so disgusting was the ice. Each piece of ice had some nasty, gooey, stringy white substance in it. Please tell me you know what this could be...
How does that even work?

If you've been on the Internet for more than a day, then your childhood's already been ruined.
Top post on /r/horsemaskgw
Rumours circling around at the moment seem to say he'll be leaving Real this season should someone table a bid of ?160m. Ludicrous amounts of money, though I wouldn't put it past PSG or City to spend that high. City would probably do it just for another of their "victories" over us, though I'd hope Ronaldo's previously stated love for United would have him reject the offer in seconds I could only imagine the wages they would offer would be astronomical.

You're over simplifying it. Plenty of "indie" games get picked up by major publishers, just like many indie bands get major label deals. It's not about literal definitions, it's a mindset. If the game was made with the understanding that its concepts and designs were free of influence by the publisher or popular opinion, and is done by a small team, I would call it indie.
TIL the truth is out there.

Twilight Sparkle's car!
Anachronox is on sale right now on GOG:
No NSFW posts. This includes sidebars and ads. Please direct all NSFW posts to /r/ecchi or /r/pantsu.

Planetside Universe
this question gets you added to our


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:30)
Well done, Reddit. I feel we're evolving.
this car is an Audi

The radiation will only create a new mutant breed of giant spiders bent to overtake the world.
DotA (WC3) subreddit

Capri Sun was such a disappointment. You start enjoying it...then it's gone. They need to 2-liter bottle that shit, or sell it in powder form like koolaid
The Stallman Subreddit

I play my N7 Soldier very similarly. But the difference is a few of the evolution choices, such as Weapon Accuracy and Damage Bonus in Destroyer Mode, and the rank 5 of Force and Damage for Multi-Frag Grenades. I use the Prothean Particle Rifle with Magazine upgrade with either Extended Barrel or Piercing Mod (depends on if I use Warp or Armor Piercing Ammo). I don't like using Incendiary Ammo because I never know when to stop shooting at the enemy to let its DOT kill it. Also, I use Warfighter Gear because the AR damage bonus is only slightly less, and this allows me to have 4 grenades, just like if I had taken the Grenade Capacity Upgrade at rank 5.
More Chapstick
Summary of Posting guidelines

I will join you, earth cannot hope to stand against his nut-shot of death.
This is childish lol
/r/cringe is the place for those videos you see that are too embarrassing to watch all the way through.

Admin: /u/Beaupedia
Rage comics - Go to /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu instead.

Scandinavians have perfect English because their education system is good and has a strong emphasis on language learning (Swedes start learning English at around 8), they generally like Americans and want to practice their English, and most importantly, they subtitle American tv and movies instead of dubbing it.
We have highlighted the usernames of those who have routinely made positive contributions to CB by changing the font to Helvetica. Users who have flouted the guidelines in some way or another have been flagged with Comic Sans.
the gay dude gets it.

In my defense you said European captain, you didn't specify Russian.
Nice vague Seinfeld reference!
Gore and Porn are not by default WTF, consider posting the more extreme stuff to /r/spacedicks


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:31)
If you think your submission has been autobanned, please message the moderators.
Had Freeman and Eli. I figured Freeman would have a decent game. At least I went with the guy who sucked less. cries
I really enjoy original cake ideas, and enjoy even more couples that don't feel compelled to conform to "tradition".

Why just for firearms people should be able to buy anything. It infringes on my rights! /s
It's not about the ELO, it's about sending a message

It's such a nice little Macbook, I got a new battery a few months ago and it completely rekindled my love for it, after being cable-bound for years. But it struggles to edit video and music now so time for upgrade. Amazing 15" retina is same weight.
FYI, the nice thing to do was to link to the original in the comments if you repost someone else's content.

Good for you.
Help a Local Developer Beta Test

More violence has been committed for oil more than any other commodity.
Moderator Picks (Unrelated):
My dad called just as I was reading this, coincidence? I think not. He is turning 77, fuck yeah I answered that call. Had a manly 1h 45m talk.

This post is for all games, all teams, and all formats. Please try to refrain from making new posts every time a player goes off (or doesn't), and keep discussion here.
If you come across any rule violations, please report the submission or message the mods and one of us will remove it!

Not to mention thats not even close to what a real biblical angels looks like.
Matt Donkersloot and Taylor Lindsay
Related Subreddits:

Mercedes-Benz Superdome, New Orleans, LA
Screenshots of reddit comment threads. Post a link with context to /r/bestof or /r/defaultgems if from a default subreddit instead.
Rule 4: All spoilers and NSFW material must be tagged. Seriously don't be a fucking prick about it.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:32)
marketplace features hand-picked, reddit-friendly merchants with all sorts of interesting products.
In fact I'm so cheap, that I use stability enhancers to gain several meters of altitude for free.

The Rage Family of Subreddits
Countless times have I been side swiped by a careless teammate in a ghost, a mongoose, or a warthog and had to hide under cover for a few seconds to wait for my shields to come back.

EU Writer of the month!
I feel like Notability could be great for some whiteboard like functions. Also Alien Blue and Jasmine, which are some great Reddit and YouTube clients, made by the same guy.

Not "wrong", just not right for you.
The International Hedgehog Association
ArmA 2 Official Website

Don't be Walter. Conversations and explanations are much better when you do not come with a strong opinion already established and simply ask, "am I wrong?"
The western part of Russia, including Moscow, has always been considered marginally part of Europe. It's certainly not Asia.
You think you can protect yourself from your Government with a few simple firearms?

Nothing "unsportsmanship" about this one. Test runs are gold.
Very good, thanks
Hopefully steveOsupremeO was being sarcastic, but yeah it wasn't any kind of controlled demolition. A fucking Jet plane flew into the building.

Ah, the healing powers of a Logitech Wingman Formula GP, Dirt 3, and Dr. Pepper.
That sounds awesome.

Yeah, I'll bet you do.
Hover over to read.
Gore and Porn are not by default WTF, consider posting the more extreme stuff to /r/spacedicks


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:34)
[deleted -
"DAE like my le Minecraft movie???"

RIP Phil
You're welcome.

What are the real questions? Gun control, care for the mentally ill, economic oppression? Because my facebook page and the reddit frontpage are drumming with these questions, always with a link to discussions of these issues and some obligatory comment akin to "Why are people ignoring these issues?" When these things are ignored the media is blamed for being silent and ignoring the big issues, and when these issues are raised the media is accused of jumping on a bandwagon or sensationalizing the story or giving too much attention to the accused. Do we ignore the problems or do we fall into the negative feedback of the Streisand Effect?
I saw this one yesterday.

Report any excessive reposts or posts that violate subreddit rules. Also, use the 'message the moderators' function next to the MODERATORS box and send a reason for the report and the link.
We try to do that over www.dota2alttab.com smile
You forgot to say "Go Buckeyes". Go Buckeyes.

He/she looks just thrilled to meet us.
SURVEY RESULTS ARE IN! Come check out the results, and take the Great /r/Pokemon Survey Part Two!

As another example, imagine you were a partner at an engineering consultancy and the managing partner (ie the head honcho) said "do this work for free" Now rather than going through any of the internal stages or reviews, you bang out a document on how to build a bridge, slap your companies logo on it and then intentionally don't put it in my file. Would you say thats something a person with a decade+ experience in that industry would do?
But my much, but I'd say yea, they are.
You're completely right but with how Tice has called games this year I would pine for anyone but Shoop or Turner.

Only because of helms deep
A subreddit for Forever Alone.

Too many? :-)
Isn't this the first major international LAN that Koreans have won?
The Benders vs. Bronies Charity Challenge Final Results


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:35)
Week 3: Entertainment & Hobbies
Greetings, friend! I have some questions for you!
Man why was Vaas not nominated...

It's a fair comment to make, beta or not.
• Polyamory

Advice Animal templates
I've seen that configuration stock on several tandems.

I get this so completely. Thank you for sharing.
We also ask that you abide by the Reddiquette, and that you post original content whenever possible or attribute original content creators.
If your submission appears to be filtered but definitely meets the above rules, please send us a message with a link to the comments section of your post (not a direct link to the image). Don't delete it as that just makes the filter hate you!

Star Trek
I would like some moa pie please!
I think this sums up Twitter nicely. A whole year with millions of tweets, and you managed to find 16 which were mildly amusing.

Unfortunately he is preaching to the choir(everyone who doesn't own guns).
Great comic, though I could easily imagine Derpy fitting this build as well!
Bird Pics

Actually, it's quite the opposite ...
Be creative.
"how I think I am vs. how I actually am"

I can't fault him for using his talents as best as he can, but I sure as hell won't be entertained by it. I think he could become a good fighter if he expanded his skills. However, it doesn't seem like he will reach that point because he is committed (from an interview I saw) to his military obligations. He has impressive cardio and what appears to be solid wrestling (it's hard to tell if he is that good or his opponents were that bad). I don't understand how you can't submit someone when you have his back for almost the entire 15 minutes and they are exhausted. He was constantly "working" but doing nearly no damage and applying his submissions very poorly. Ricci also was doing a terrible job offensively and was focusing entirely on defending the RNC rather than also trying to mix in some elbows or something to get Colton off his back. Horrible black mark on an otherwise very entertaining card.
You have an upstairs, that's not a flat.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:36)
The media definitely hypes any crime that happens to white people, so I agree with you there. There is some differentiation, even outright racism.
@RedditSide - /r/Planetside Twitter
Missed the best of Reddit yesterday? Catch the daily recap and best links at /r/tldr

C'est un debat completement different. Je ne dirais pas 'non merci', mais ca ne veut pas dire que c'est une bonne chose qu'on m'en prenne plus de 50% non plus. C'est bete de dire que c'est soit 85% de taxe soit pas d'argent du tout.
Because self-post karma (which doesn't exist, but looks good)

Remember bungie will never ask for your info to give you recon.
Kaien is the number three prodigy. It goes: Hitsugaya, Gin, Kaien. Plus he can blast Kira with water. I would think that Kaien is more skilled then Kira.
NOTE: To mark your submissions "solved" please click the flair link below the submission and select "Solved". Click here for more info.

So you want more realism in a game but yet the ability to pass through other without trouble?
Please add your Ent-reddit to the New Ent-reddit LIST
/r/aihub (NEW)

Mothers letting their adult kids live in their basements.
Titles should be direct quotes of comments (NO EDITORIALIZING) followed by the number of total votes in brackets like this: [+30 - .
Platoon Subreddit

On a non running related achievement, I graduated from college! Woohoo!
Think of the character in this scenerio as a phychiatrist instead of a boyfriend. Is it reasonable for someone to call a doctor on their day off because they're having a shitty day? No, with the exception of extreme and rare cases where they are needed RIGHT NOW, they can wait until their appointment to talk about it. A friend setting that sort of boundry just like a doctor is not being unreasonable, even if lifting does sound frivolous, because the wants of others do not trump your own except in rare cases. You need to set boundries, and break them not often, not never, but RARELY. One should also realizing comprimising when someone needs you (helping them later then they want for example), is not rude or selfish, but fair. This doesn't make you a despicable person, this makes you a passionate person.

Minecraft Wiki
I always thought they should have made a Forge Master. Someone kind of like Yorick, except completely dependent on the things that he creates. His ult should drop a giant anvil that stuns and knocks back all enemies in a small area and while he's in its range, can instantly use his Q, W, and E with no cooldown or casting time.
Legasia's Christmas Celebration - 12/24

Add the price.
Onoki - Flying is never a bad thing.
She made my sausage stand up


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:38)
Also, wouldn't the most important anti-Semitic text be Martin Luther's On the Jews and Their Lies?
Same here
I hear that there is a good hotel there.

No more rhymes now, I mean it!
Feeling Down? Need Support? /r/MyLittleSupportGroup
Creation's Journey To Life!

Subreddits we like and you should like:
A Doctor Who .gif!? My night is now complete.
Also, am I the only one that feels that the death penalty for breaking into someones house is extreme? There is a possibility that someone will break into your house to kill you and your whole family indescriminately, but isn't it far more likely that in the off chance someone does break in, wouldn't they most likely be there for petty theft? I guess Im being awfully Canadian here, I just feel that the mentality that I will shoot and kill anyone who dares set foot on my property is sheer barbarism...

The lyrics on this one...

Related subreddits Visitors

No source for this, but I think this is more cultural. The factors which are considered "attractive" for men and women differ, and for men many of the attractive factors are those which are intrinsic - for example skin blemishes (like scars, etc) are considered attractive on a male, while on a female not as much. Hair is another big difference, many male hairstyles by their definition don't require upkeep, while female hairstyles, long hair especially, requires work to keep it clean and furthermore, attractive.
...and you want all those ships on Jita undock, or the huge battles to sync up all those (potentially tiny data) individual ship colors and textures. Split the appropriate things client/server side, but that's still exponential data to sync between a lot of clients in many cases. I just don't see it not overtly effecting performance as you add more ships to a grid... It would be cool if it didn't introduce lag, but personally I'm glad CCP has been focusing on finally fixing the spaceships themselves.
/r/truegaming - Discussions only

On topic
Rifle Match, Iron No Entries, continued
Also, ApprovalJunkie is more of a reference to this quote/scene, and it refers to the "craving" of the approval of others.

Some group shots that can be used as wallpapers would be nice.
add [PDF - or [NSFW - tags to your posts, as necessary.
“Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe.” - Senator Dianne Feinstein, Associated Press, November 18, 1993


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:39)
Let's stop the superiority circle-jerk right now. Before any of you comment on this, google "define endowed." endowed past participle, past tense of en·dow (Verb)
Posts must be directly gaming-related. Thus, "generic" image macros/memes (where the character itself is not related to gaming) like Scumbag Steve, Good Guy Greg, etc. will be removed. Something that "reminds you of a game", or "looks like something from a game" is also not an appropriate submission; similarly, reaction GIFs are also not appropriate as submissions.

So considering there is simply no time to give people in-depth knowledge and explain the intricacies, some things must get cut and simplified. Sure, a lot of important things will be lost, but the essence of it is the point, and you can get that through.
Thanks for not posting this in /r/WTF. I know the temptation was strong.

A list of DOs and DON'Ts for messages.
Thanks for all your supportive feels.

Is that the Pink Panther?

"how I think I am vs. how I actually am"
fired all of them should be.

The interest rates for every country that can print the money it borrows have follows the exact same path. Not a reflection upon fiscal policy but rather purely upon economic conditions.
Really? I thought rifles/shotguns thay,were cut down couldnt be under thay,limit.. huh. Learn something new everyday.
Source: I'm a Communist.

I'm dumb.
Not everyone is a special snowflake like you.
Negative, Tuxie. A friend posted it, saw it this afternoon.

If someone recently asked the same question, you won't get much response. Or we might get cranky.
Post pics and reviews of your favorite beers.
Report spam, not content or comments you disagree with.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:40)
Looks like its probably a Bengal
Do not submit:
Need more? Check out:

I just can't even explain how baffling this is.
2. Freedom for Hamza Kashgari
I don't have a military background, but it's not at all difficult for an instrument pilot to extrapolate ICAO-compatible procedures onto something like DCS. The differences should be minimal. Where it really diverges with regard to ATC protocol isn't even implemented in DCS anyway. It would be like doing an approach at an uncontrolled field.

Derrick Rose= Michael Jordan's second coming


Could be a belt he won from podracing?
if yoiu're talking about....bending it up in the middle, i do that sometimes. for no reason. it feels good. no crack noise though

Demotivational posters - Go to /r/Demotivational instead.
the flash point of that wrapping paper is WAY above the temperature a 120 - 12v transformer reaches.
You dummy!

String cheese. I fucking love string cheese.
(Repeating myself x2) No one is able to say where the laffer optimum is so I have a hard time taking seriously anyone invoking it. I was watching an economical debate the other day and one or two of the invited speakers where agreeing on the fact that it's probably quite high in France (where public transports, hospitals, schools, etc. are not so bad after all).
Futurist Politics

[Video -
don't panic. Wildcard hopes are still alive. EDIT: Division hopes are also alive if Dallas loses 1 of the next two and beats Washington in Week 17.
1) Upvote!


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:42)
Rumble, Singed, Mordekaiser, Diana, Akali, AP Rengar, Malphite, Fizz, Cho'Gath, and Evelyn are a few that I can think of.
What is HSBC?
Det ar ett parti grundat av nazister och fascister (http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bevara_Sverige_Svenskt) det ar bara att grava djupare sa kommer du att hitta, jag hoppas du faktiskt inte ar dum i huvudet och blunder for allt som hant kring detdar partiet.

I know what I'm gonna be playing next game.
You can tap the first suggestion, which is always the word you tapped. Still annoying sometimes, but it's decent. Especially because it will even remember it if you put another few words in.
Battlefield 3, Portal, Minecraft, All the Half Lifes, and GTA 4 and the gif http://i.imgur.com/8HmK0.gif

Long Island
Nice, thanks!
Kerry Bentivolio

Other sites:
Why not fly the "don't tread on me?" Symbols stand for whatever their context dictates in contemporary society. Historical context and contemporary interpretation (by a majority) determine meaning. It's racist. Get over it. Find another symbol for your agenda.
Kate Upton

Making Memes Visit:
Clean Jokes
so atheists need to speak out.

God dammit, this franchise is so inept.
We're here to have a laugh, don't get too serious.
No matter how /r/formula1 is pushing their favorite drivers (KOV, KOB), Romain is still in pole position for that spot. I think Lotus will give him at least another half season. If he doesn't improve his race discipline and awareness in the first half of 2013, he'll probably get the boot for Kobayashi, Senna or D'Ambrosio.

nethack.org - free game download
Thirsty Thursday (Homebrewing & Drinks)
Justice League

He chose...
/r/photography Mentors


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:42)
We're here to have a laugh, don't get too serious.
Politics - This includes the 2012 Presidential candidates or bills in congress. Try /r/politicalhumor instead.
It's also a reason to avoid servers that let people pay for admin privileges.

I'm quitting WoW posts
Don't be a dick
I always love watching my roommate go into conniptions when I use this excuse. I just hate seeing her get her way all the damn time.

It's not socially awkward, it's Fleet Doctrine.
Pictures of just text - Make a self post instead.
I agree with Hydra. While the dialogue of Before Sunrise perfectly captures the knock out feeling of meeting someone and being infatuated with them, Before Sunset provides characters older, maybe a wiser, they've come into their own. I love how they have both been haunted by this night, dealing with it in their own ways.

needs more dawn
I hope it is, because it looks like shit.

That said, what REALLY gets to me is that now I want some Honeycomb Tim-Tams.
[text here - (/spoiler)
I see

Related reddits
/r/armchairexplorers (if it's related to exploring from your chair)
Curious, how did birdman serve you?

The Rage Maker
The best guess I can come up with would be Pyro's mask.
It sounds like you love this guy, but you're not emotionally mature enough for this type of commitment. You've been together for 4 years, and maybe you're realizing this relationship has the potential to go to the stars... and that terrifies you.

Prank 1: How to make your friends choke on the lid of a pen
EVE is a game for the 'hardcore' - there is so much to learn and you keep learning even as you approach 100mil skillpoints. No other game comes close. Any other thoughts from the community why you continue to play EVE?
I've never been able to figure out what he says.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:43)
Ernest Hemingway and anyone of Morgan Freeman's characters, cause I actually just want to meet Morgan Freeman.
Aside from a massive stack of regular presents, I ended up with:
Pipe giveaway

According to the report GENERIC medicine is on average 2.7 times more expensive here than in England..
Style Advice Threads:, make sure to include information about type of hair(curly, wavy, straight), condition (dry, oily,etc), thickness, preference of styling(air-dry, blow dry, etc), face shape and length desired.

Do not post/ask personal information.
00:12:12 Skyfall
Did I just get tricked into having a dog steal my soul? Because that's what it feels like.

I High School it was TV, Atari, riding bikes, and the worst offender of all brain would not stop daydreaming about girls.

What else does it require?

I'm 20 as well, and same situation here, except I live with my rents, so it's kind of a 24/7 thing. I just remain silent anytime religious shit is brought up, and agree with everything. sometimes, where appropriate, I'll change the subject abruptly.
The Mecca is still open.
Moderator Picks (Unrelated):

Intermediate Strategy
This is an American website. You're dreaming if you think pro-US sentiments don't prevail every single time.
The making of one of these follows a fairly predictable formula: white male + the privilege of never having lived in poverty or been exploited= ideologized lack of empathy (FUCK you I got MINE).

I don't always ask political questions, but when I do, I do it in /r/Ask_Politics Welcome to r/AdviceAnimals Sound advice from animals anything! Rules
Did you see his face when he was coming on? Shaking his head, looked gutted he was only coming on for 15 mins. Also, Piazon should have been on there
Mr. Rogers.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:44)
man, this happens. pretty slick trick too.

leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 14:46 | Сообщение # 5594
Группа: Гости




Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 14:48 | Сообщение # 5595
Группа: Гости

The basic rules are:
Ok, three things:

Edit: someone went through and down voted all my posts lol. Guess someone doesn't like curry!
For anyone interested in film, watch this (Amadeus). It's one of the best films yet made in my humble opinion.

Regarding reposts: it is not a repost unless it was posted to /r/EarthPorn less than three months ago, or if it's already in the top100 of all time.
Went ahead and commented on a few pets that I enjoy. Fingers crossed! Loving the site by the way. Feels kind of pokedex-y, I think. I like it.
i.e. They've created a system that's easier for a computer to detect than a person.

4: Please do not post direct links to torrents or downloads of copy write material.
No Jon and Ego rule 34 images. Seriously.
No less than 6 sets??? What, you mean I have to bench more to get good at it?! smile

"Where am I?" or "What is this place?" Well, that is a little harder to explain then my vocabulary is able to do good, so feel free to make a post about it! Everyone has their own opinion on the matter, really.
brb finding out what this place is and the quickest way to get there
Mindcrack Fan Art

If it was what you said then we'd be in agreement. However, labeling organizations as 'hate groups', monitoring them, characterizing certain topics/words/etc as 'hate speech' is a direct attempt to limit their ability to speak.
I'm always wondering how breakups and living a life are even remotely connected. You weren't pursuing a fulfilling life while you were in a relationship ?
What chrissilich described is the suggested procedure for lay rescuers who don't have any sort of BSI. They wanted to overcome the whole fear of mouth-to-mouth and encourage people to do something to help. Compressions alone do provide improved survival over no intervention.

humor for more in-depth stuff

Bay of Plenty
Hedgehog Welfare Society
Luis Moncada (Marco Salamanca)


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 14:48)
I have a very simple example here: smcamerons-python-adventure
My younger half-sister has experienced something similar to this. She grew up in an unstable environment. Her dad was an alcoholic who would occasionally physically abuse my mother. He recently passed away. She had trouble in school and was constantly teased for things. Often she would come home and have violent tantrums, threatening to kill herself and my mother. She was even sent to the hospital a few times for that. So, my mom made a smart choice and decided to send her to the same masonic village that she grew up in when she was younger. My younger sister has access to education, health care, and many other services there. When she first came home during break from the masonic home, I could notice that she was a much happier person. She is now involved in so many volunteer programs helping out others and you can honestly see a huge change in how she feels about herself and life in general. When I talk to her about the things she's involved in, I notice that she feels a sense of purpose in society, and I think that's also one of the things that helps children who have problems similar to this. Although her situation is not as extreme as this, it certainly does prove a point.
As if the two opinions were somehow equivalent...

Wrong. This is how they grow the new tower, this one is only 2 months old.
Videos, collections, interactive images/websites, and articles are not allowed.

Do not put spoilers in the title of your posts! To make a spoiler post simply include the word "spoiler" somewhere in the title.
Colt HBAR upper with muzzle brake, Trijicon front sight post, mostly got it because it was a little wider than stock FSP, and the white circle surrounding the tritium makes it easier to pickup in daylight as well as night.
Posts for the specific point of it being your reddit birthday.

Gentle Animals

Jesus, that's a great idea. But, that's all I need, another way to waste hours online.
Legendary, Episode 24, 13:15, (Tries to take chest but TNT trap underneath)

OMG... The plane isn't damaged looking, in fire or even slightly exploded. Good fucking landing pilot! I mean that in an "oh shit the plane stopped working" kind of way. If that plane had nothing wrong with it then.... Just wow.

FiMFiction: Probably the best site for MLP Fanfiction (other than here)! Clear, easy to read stories, and lots of them. Easily the best publishing platform for your fanfiction.
So, what's your car look like?

Rage comics - Go to /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu instead.
The title of it is "Porn Tech Support", and it's a collegehumor video, so it's not that bad haha
It's a really poisonous process that has ruined many a subreddit. What we have learned is that unless you have a very clear vision of the kind of subreddit you want to have, and moderate accordingly, you will eventually end up with a memebin.


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