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Вступ в клан Sparta
NostradamusДата: Среда, 11.11.2009, 06:13 | Сообщение # 1
Michel de Notredame
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ItachatheДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 00:07 | Сообщение # 5401
Группа: Гости

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allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 00:15 | Сообщение # 5402
Группа: Гости

Not really, was just weird to see people and knowing who they are but not being able to recall any memories of them. Apart from a scar on my forehead all is fine now smile
the camera loves you!
The right of everyone to bear arms? Can we put limits on criminals or the mentally ill? People who talk about using guns for malicious ends? What about people who just write violent fiction - can they be banned? Does it apply to foreigners?

"My first post and what a start" Really? Get over yourself.
I'm not the one who brought up race. You're the one who implied that all rappers who "say nigga, bitches and money" (which I would assume implies black rappers because what white rappers say nigga) are shit and then listed a bunch of white rappers as "the good stuff"

What restuarant?
I find most things turn bad if I put gasoline or some other fuel source in it.

Aww this is so freaking cute!!!!
/r/Outdoors < General "outdoors"

Edit: There will probably be a lot of swearing as this adds to humour of it all. You've been warned biggrin
Turning Tuesdays threads

69 lumens is a weak light. A bit of googling says that the 'flash' on a cell phone is typically in the 50-60 lumen range.
Cheers, Tony
Choose the correct breast shield/flange size to maximize pumping output

click here to request a new flair to be made

hopefully going to make it out west for a season in a few years can't wait. my only vivid memory of "powder" was a few inches in the woods, and even that just felt awesome, so floaty! mostly get man made/ice where I am.
It's exactly the same mentality. People gamble for the chance of a reward, no matter how little that chance is. It doesn't matter if that reward is money/items/a christmas ham. It's all relative and you're putting your personal feelings on the subject. You don't represent everyone.
COD Zombies


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:09)
Fucking Philosophy
I was wondering if there are more metal bands that incorporate the deep vocal style, whether the instruments sound doom-y, melodic, folk-y, etc. it does not quite matter to me. You are on the right track with the vocal style in your suggestion. "Castamere" was good but the other songs that The National perform are not quite my "cup of tea". Thanks for the help.
Olivia Munn

The queen doesn't carry a purse.
List of Episodes by:
Do not post "Brands" in food pics, we would prefer to see your home made creations.

But this is the first feature film that has been released in 48FPS... it's not really fair to compare it to a game (and people almost universally agree games DO look better at high framerates).
News for whats new with OpenGL, OpenGL ES on all platforms.
Carrying an inebriated teenager to the toilet, helping her to use the facilities then dressing her again, followed by having to hold her upright while she was passed out for a couple of hours, occasionally jumping out of the way of her vomit splashes. That or holding back a sick teenager's hair while she vomited in the bath.

4:00 PM Eastern
AFAIK there were legit politicians elected during reconstruction. Reconstruction wasn't, as a whole, a failure. There were blacks elected into office (in rural areas with poor whites and/or a high black population) and this only went away once Jim Crow began. Like other people replying to you, I'd like some sources for your statements.

However you primarily seem to care about making the users happy, but just keep it in mind smile
Fuck no, that's not how photography works.
I sell ice in the winter, I sell fire in hell

This is honestly the greatest thing i have ever seen.
A couple that was fucking on the floor in a relatively small club while Fear Factory was playing. Amazing concentration from that guy.

...I meant overlooked by the average moviegoer. They all know about the Hitchcocks, Kubricks, Coppolas of this world, not so much Kurosawa.
If your post is suspected fake and you do not verify proof, it may be subject to removal
soccer moms

If you're from there you need to stand up to these... pigs. Pun intended.
This deserves to be in /r/QuotesPorn (SFW) along with the other BDub quote.
Smart enough not to use Skydrive


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:10)
Can we not go back to the Apple Maps hate-train. Thanks.
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Captive Wildlife
G-League Season 2 | $42,000 | Dec 24th - Jan 6th

No posting memes you saw in real life.
The way I see it, the moment you dodge, you condemn 4 other people into the same dilemna. As another poster said, we don't negotiate with solo queue terrorists.
the point of the essay--the main point-- is to show us something that we dont know by looking at your application.

I'm pretty my copies were the one with the Alan Lee illustrations. My dad read them to me when I was so young and I still remember the images associated with each scene to this day
Arma II: OA Betas
In 2003, I saw the Locust open for the Dillinger Escape Plan at the 9:30 Club and the Locust were selling a custom made Locust Baby Crib at the merch table. That's another one of the weirdest things I've seen at a show. That band is nuts.

I haven't seen that. What's the premise of the show?
Thanks chief.
Seems that way to me, although the Greeks seemed to pay more attention to crazy bums than we do because they didn't have ipods or TV.

History of Rage Face Origins
I don't even know if I can believe that tail is real. It is just too awesome.
I dropped the sponge in the guy.

Harmony Central
Check the list of fantastic users to make this happen on the helpers page.

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pfft I think aristocat can afford heating.
No gore or porn. NSFW content must be tagged.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:11)
/r/dayztrade trade gear
I am somehow reminded of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwJaELXadKo#t=1m26s
God damn grammar nazis

"all that yoU see is coming from yoUr memories and sUbconscioUs"
How is this funny ? I don't get it, sorry.

I did, for a while, and then I noticed myself doing it on facebook too, and realized properly explaining my edits was becoming a problem. I needed to take my small edits back. I needed to do it for me. I'm not going to let some asterisk determine the alpha and omega of my changes! I'll play by some rules, Reddit! I'll verify that I edited, because you asked! But I won't always explain what I did to your pig power system! ATTICA! ATTICA! I DEMAND FREEDOM FROM THE TYRANNY OF EDITING DISCLOSURE! FREEDOM!
Watching this made me sad. Maybe it is just me, but I had the impression that the fine line between occasionally pranking and bullying/mobbing was crossed by Basses coworkers a long time ago. He just seemed too nice or helpless to make it stop, so he played along. If he told them to stop and that it was not funny, they would probably say "come on, we are just having a little fun, don't be so lame". But eventually they are having fun at his expense and they are making a profit off his behavior. They might not even notice, but I think Basse appreciates the pranks not as much as he tells them.
It is hard to lend any credibility to an article like this when the author is either a) woefully uninformed about her own topic or b) is willfully misleading the reader.

The History of the Scotch Pass
What is dark matter? We now know that regular matter (us, planets, stars, unicorns .... Ok, not unicorns, but definitely the other stuff) makes up just 5% of the universe. Dark matter and dark energy are the placeholder names for whatever the rest is.

One misstep aaaaaand you're gone.
#001: Look at all the fucks I give.

Read The FAQ
Gun advocates are such fools. Most of the US is already armed and it's clearly not working to promote safety. If it were, the US wouldn't have more homicides than any other first world, democratic nation. Why not try something different, something that seems to be working in every other first world democracy that has tried it; ban most guns.
Posts for the specific point of it being your reddit birthday.

..... Not all over the world, i cant speak for the rest of Europe but northern Europe is spared, so far.
No posting memes you saw in real life.
The moderators of /r/funny reserve the right to moderate posts and comments at their discretion, with regard to their perception of the suitability of said posts and comments for this subreddit. Thank you for your understanding.

Congratulations to all our winners and thank you to all our participants! We really appreciate it!
Los conscriptos: esto es lo importante, lo que mas me marco.
all for ground they're going to lose again


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:12)
Some ISPs, especially ones using mobile internet, will share IPs among its customers. In addition, playing at a Net Cafe or some other shared connection will guarantee the same external IP. As a result, a completely innocent person may be unable to play their faction if the IP lock method is used. Forcing them to log into their other free account is really the only automated obstacle to put against stuff like this.
I've not played with a gerbil before but I did hear they're not gonna win any prizes for the smartest wee beastie out there.
At the same time, we are also probably more specialized today than at any other point. Any given 2 people selected out of our stock of 7 billion may be less like one another today than at any other point in history. So, I can see why one might make the inequality argument.

It was a good episode ^
Team reddit on folding@home
Yes, that's it! Thanks! Since I got an e-reader I've been confusing books more and more.

If you can't see your submission in the new queue and think it has been filtered as spam, please double check that your new queue is ranked by new and not rising.
Cue inspirational symphonic music.
Trifling, as in, mundane detail considering the bloke was attacked by three men and required surgery.

Your post just reeks of 1L, OP.
Those heels!! Brave woman!

Does dropping it make you lose ammo?
Advice Animal templates

Other sports
A: As of 11/25/2012, the Anime has caught up to Chapter 544.
And very curious. He likes to nizzle and cuddle up on people. He even loves strangers.

Thanks so much to the fitness network here: /r/fitness, /r/loseit, /r/progresspics, /r/bodybuilding, and /r/bicycling as well as the motivational network, you guys got me started on a new life that I absolutely love.
the only thing I'm seriously hyped up for is Da Capo III and Nekomonogatari... and that's kinda sad.

look away and get as far away from it as possible, that way it usually only lasts for like 1-2 secs and it isn't that bad
Only 3 of the 11 countries that allow gay marriage are not in the top 17 countries of the world, and that's including the fact that South Africa isn't ranked because of missing data. 4 out of the top 5 countries in the world (80%) have legal same-sex marriage. (That will probably soon be 5/5 with Australia). If the future of humanity looks good anywhere, it's in places that have legal same-sex marriage. For reference, America is the 23rd best country in the world in terms of human development (because of high income inequality).


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:15)
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ScrubsWatch: Catch up on all the threads and leave your comments!
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r/EDC For showing off your other tools and gadgets.

If I go to my browser and open a page, the bars will turn blue again and load the page. After I close it, they sometimes go back to grey.
Brought up the Widget menu for me

Or people didn't have bills but happened to have a specialized, tiny tIpped maker that writes on metal.
Reddit's Animal Kingdom
PSYCHIC!! You claimed you were quitting Reddit! LIAR!!


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I get what you're saying, but she also said she was concerned that lunch was the primary meal that child was getting, and that had she not done what she did the child could have been all but living on cheese sandwiches alone.
Submit Circle Jerk

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Inferences based on personal experience working in both law enforcement and military are far from assumptions.
Nah it was Brettina.


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 00:16 | Сообщение # 5403
Группа: Гости


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Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 00:18 | Сообщение # 5404
Группа: Гости

No memes, captioned images.
Ultimately, let folks decide how they wish to drink their beer. But I've seen many a person make the switch over to glasses this way.
Step 1: Roll distro. Step 2: Beg. Step 3: Profit!(?)

Please also try to come up with original post titles. Submissions that use certain cliches/memes will be automatically tagged with a warning.
They are seen as collaborators so are targeted to send a warning to others.
That and all the money that was raised for charity because people hated the ending.

Bullshit! Hair is FINE!
Also, "Crazy on You" by Heart. The entire opening, the Amin to F chord progression, the trademark riff. That's just a really amazingly put together song.
Full Table | liga stats

came here for this haha
Today I F*cked Up
if you're jailbroken, you might have a chance of watching it live through xbmc.

But... but all the watches... and the CHOCOLATE!
U serious bro?


You know, nobody actually believes that. You don't need to say "bullshit" or "/sarcasm" or anything like that. We all get the joke.
Add closure compiler to the list of minifiers to use. It has some linting capabilities and seems to perform better than uglify: Reported that raw was compressed to 91.6KB (33.17KB gzipped) on simple mode.
No, we can't convince you. You have two choices: either you trust science or you don't. If you trust science, then you trust that the experts in this field have done research that shows that the terms are meaningful. If you don't, nothing we can write will change your mind.

I didn't actually know Perspective was free until I read this, I got the impression you could buy it for something like ?5 off a site like Desura.
"Just be still for a sec! It's for the internet."


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:18)
This is now my go to phrase for my friends named Kyle.
Those are grotesques not gargoyles.

I'm offering up this ORLY Space Cadet/Liquid Vinyl French Manicure Set. Yes I'm even giving you the top coat! I have the little guide book and French tip guides that came with it. I'll dig those out too. I used this set one time.
[ - (//#bulbasaur)

You forgot to switch the view from logarithmic to linear mode. That’s why it’s so distorted. (Also, the top is probably cut off because it’s an MP3 or some other lossy/bad format.)
Bike specific subs
tl;dr There's no easy answer to this

Please note that this has changed recently.
More importantly, why did you still have sex with them if they weren't anything like the pictures they sent you and were "super gross, ugly, and awkward?" Really seems like you whored yourself out from r/GW

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I remember my first time using photoshop.....

For other rat-related forums, try Goosemoose, Rat Forum and Fancy Rats.
They better. They complained that they didnt release nidalee in the s3 patch because they wanted more time to work on her splash arts and yet only 1 has come out.
[NPC Spoiler - (/n)

Kurt Vonnegut and Kilgore Trout. Most interesting author/character dynamic.
High res photos with good lighting are greatly preferred to dim & blurry cell phone shots.

Please DO NOT post personal information. This includes anything hosted on Facebook's servers, as they can be traced to the original account holder.
Be respectful.


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 00:18 | Сообщение # 5405
Группа: Гости


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Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 00:25 | Сообщение # 5406
Группа: Гости

Theodicies are arguments to a fundamental logic-problem from the Book of Job. In the Book of Job, there are three statements that cannot simultaneously be true: 1) God is omnipotent, 2) God is good, 3) Job is a good man. The latter point is explicitly stated in the book (Job 1:1). The logic problem arises in statements like: if God were omnipotent, why didn't he stop Satan? Or, if he is good, why did he allow bad things to happen to Job? Eventually, this logic problem stems the debate for "why do bad things happen to good people?"
Vodka+Hpnotiq, Adderall, MDMA, Weed, Nicotine, Cocaine. New Years Eve 2012 was one I was glad I survived.

As a former shipping agent dealing with both FedEx and Purolator (Canadian XBox RROD fulfillment), I can verify that this confirmation has been corroborated.
We're here to have a laugh, don't get too serious.

...I don't speak football.
I took my last final on Friday and now I'm a college grad. That's pretty cool! I'm in quite the predicament with a lady friend at the moment though, I could use some advice. Here's the backstory:
Ned Flanders freaking out

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MP surfar pa deras ungdomlighet, miljofokus och modernitet, sa manga av deras aktuella frageinstallningar faller lite utanfor. De flesta som rostar Miljopartiet brukar, enligt min uppfattning, inte vara sa insatta i "smadetaljerna" utan nojer sig med vad MP konceptuellt star for.
First we get the syrup then the waffles.

Starlet of the Year: Victoria Justice
Oh ok, so because a Protestant believes they're just eating bread and wine/juice rather than the actual body and blood of Jesus it counts as being unworthy, and you have to go to a confession before you take communion so you're not in mortal sin?
So my future children will be able to play on the Hindenburg one...wonder how that will be designed.

They're all horrible people, that's why. It's tough to pick up on because there's a laugh track, but stay with me on this one.
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I'm a bad child. My mother and father are incredible people and have enormous hearts. However, I can't seem to please them by getting better grades in school. I feel like I come off as ungrateful to them but I'm anything but.
We also ask that you abide by the Reddiquette, and that you post original content whenever possible or attribute original content creators.
I think it's because this game is love or hate. D2 wasn't amazing. The PvP was terrible and unorganized. It took expansions to make it good. This game is already more fun than d2 imo.

discocunt tryouts
A school in my town got sued for having the same logo/mascot as a college. They had it for like 15 years until the college caught wind of it. I can't remember the specific university at the moment... Nighthawks was the mascot I believe.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:20)
Mine was only connected to the 7-segment display on the front (I opened it to check). When you pushed it the number changed from 133 to 166 or something like that, but it wasn't connected to anything else so it was just for vanity. I've heard they used to do something for older machines though.
What exercises help with snowboarding?
Anime does not run at 24 frames per second. It looks more like 3 frames per second in some scenes.

The moderators of r/Canada reserve the right to moderate posts and comments at their discretion, with regard to their perception of the suitability of said posts and comments for this subreddit. Thank you for your understanding.
? TrueGif Labeled Reaction Gif Generator
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Fuck yeah. Charleston.
*Nettleton (now incorporated into Jonesboro) used to have a sign openly displaying "Nigger don't let the sun set on your head in this town"
Like Ursa - Naix hits like a truck, late game they can both kill all your supports in seconds. To deal with this, like you mentioned, your team has to kite them around, forcestaffs, ghost scepters can do the job.

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I am not sure if you have seen this series or not, but Terry Jones from Monty Python did the BBC series "Medieval Lives", and one episode was on the Philosopher. I was wondering whether or not you agree with how he tends to classify them in the episode, or how accurate he was.
Too soon.


Welcome to r/Funny:
It doesn't quite bother me although I'd be better off without it. I just find it interesting and I want to know for how long something like this goes on. Like, does it go on for "ever" if i squeeze them a few times a day or is it just a hormonal period of time that will be over soon?

Lvl 34 siren here thanking you for the tip wink


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:21)
I was reading Cosmo once just to see what they suggest. One of their tips involved 'Roughly pressing a fork against his shaft. Make sure not to break skin!' I blanched and am now terrified that my SO will try that on me...
[ - (#name of emote)
good idea, the army would be a really cool concept.

I really like the event.
It's a safety cone for head-banging cats!
Aye, Friends of Mineral Town was a remake with a few changes.

Another provider here who went to UAlbany, took my EMT in Colonie, participated in Five Quad and now work in NYC. As opposed to mrnewwave, I don't work full-time in NYC, but part-time as an EMT for one of the 911 participating hospitals. Work full-time out of EMS.
Spice is to marijuana what rat poison is to Steak (or Tacos). Please do NOT think this is a marijuana substitute. There is solid science (not reefer madness) regarding the health risk of spice. Marijuana: = no harm Spice = harm

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The REAL TwoXChromosomes
PMO: Porn/Masturbation/Orgasm

What we ended up with in my opinion was essentially a B movie slasher film that oddly had a AAA budget and cast.
First, Ravage's travel speed is now significantly lower, so Force Staffing out of it is easier - not easy, but easier. It's not all that hard to compensate for the changed speed (CM, Centaur, Veno, even Warlock can do it), but it turns him down from number-one-initiator-in-the-game to really-good-initiator.

The 2nd amendment is is outdated and should be overturned.
which will turn out like this: text here
edit; I've always been bad with grammar.

They even have people's date of birth!!!
Welcome to r/Funny:
/r/Preppers New

Huh? Back in the late 60's early 70's it was the place to cruise (show off fast/cool cars). If your history only goes back to the 90's then yeah, long history of whore.
How is that relevant though, when the subject is gender discrimination? The reason there are more "deadbeat dads" is because men are unfairly discriminated against by family courts to begin with. If custody were given on a 50/50 basis to begin with the total amount of deadbeat moms would eclipse deadbeat dads.
Eventually our editor bailed and the director and myself took up the task and spent the summer/fall working on it. We screened a copy on 1/1/2011 to about 800 people in a local theater and then started submitting to festivals. At this point the film was about 120 minutes long. So, after that spring semester wrapped up we decided to focus on really streamlining the edit. So we spent the next 4/5 months really tweaking the edit and brought it down to just under 100 minutes with credits for a 104 page script. So, we started sending it out to festivals again and then school started up.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:23)
No posts asking for donations, sponsorship or adoptions (try /r/care or /r/assistance).
The interview he did with Shannon Sharpe in today's pregame show just exuded baseless arrogance as opposed to confidence or a chip on his shoulder.

Dubstep vs Drumstep: A basic guide to telling the difference
1150 elo supports dont know sightstone exists. when i finally told my team's support about it, he says, at the 30 minute mark, 'im working on it'.
Read our updated and expanded guidelines. The goal of this forum is the promotion of political knowledge by disseminating knowledge of law and policy considerations that drive our representatives and other government actors.

Yep. I got that wrong. Edited the original post for truthiness.
It's an added step at the end of the production line. This means more research, machines, consumable products and employees.

Free Android App
liltommyj never disappoints. This remix was worth the wait.
Theme Days:

Looks a bit long on top IMO
If a post would fit better in one of the related subreddits, it may be removed
Sneak sucessful!

What kind of blind is "Daredevil" ?
Bowl Pick 'em

They are calling out for the murder of these people not because of what they are saying but because of what they are doing.
YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary

Please also try to come up with original post titles. Submissions that use certain cliches/memes will be automatically tagged with a warning.
[Companions Spoiler - (/c)


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:25)
Somehow I knew it was on the ceiling before I even clicked
NO hostility in the comments. It can really harsh a mellow. Take it to PM, or better yet, drop it!

Do you think this method- and particularly the publicity of it- will lead to changes in the system?
8) Posts or comments with offensive pictures or language are subject to removal at the discretion of the moderators. We are not here to police behavior, but content solely intended to inflame or offend will not be allowed.
Aww, Frankie has been practicing his Christmas wrapping

Well I guess I should show my OC.
Do not post spoilers in the submission title.
This is the worst flow chart I have ever seen. Not only is it impossible to follow, it's trying WAY too hard.

Nikon D800.
Why are you in /r/teenagers in grad school? Also, I actually like the writing process, and I'm planning on majoring in English. I'm not a huge fan of writing about history, though. I mean, it's thoroughly interesting, but the amount of footnoting as well as the daunting task of researching for an entire paper makes the whole experience pretty unenjoyable. I've been researching for this paper since early October and have only actually been writing it since last Tuesday. I'd rather it the other way around, with more writing than researching. I'm pretty learned on the subject now, which is nice.
[Build Help - you need help deciding what parts you should buy

? SearchGif
Merry Christmas!
"forever alone dog" meme?

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Want to play online in a dead gaming community? Start a multiplayer request. eg.

Almost forgot.. that base armor.. that base armor

If I were Curiosity, I'd touchdown in your crater. wink
Atlanta Falcons
If KIK had 2-00 they would have a total of 6 points. If they had 0-10 they would have a total of 10 points.


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 00:26 | Сообщение # 5407
Группа: Гости


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Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 00:47 | Сообщение # 5408
Группа: Гости

Sounds like you got yourself some malware :/
Matt Wenning

They were probably bought out by Mom
eCards - the poll result was 55.02% in favor of removal. Please submit eCards to /r/ecards
That's existed for a while

Bill Nye the Science Guy
Christianity? Who wrote the bible, who wrote the New Testament, Q the earliest gospel, the homeric epics and the gospel of mark, A history of god, religion explained
I swear at first I thought that hand was a dick at first.

Pipe giveaway
Short for agricultural and the mascot is a bull. I know, it's wierd.

[deleted -
Is your post not showing up? Do not delete it. Wait 5 minutes to give AutoModerator a chance to look at it; it approves most submissions automatically. If it hasn't shown up after more than 5 minutes, simply message the moderators and ask us to let it through.
Fire and Rain has the line "...flying machines in pieces on the ground."

Community Guidelines:

yea that wasn't fully baked as far as plans go
Alright, now see, that's the type of response that make people think that all gun-owners are nutcases. There needs to be a certain moderation in everything. I'm a proud gun-owner myself, but I don't feel the need to wave the muzzle around proclaiming where I'm going to put my next bullet.

Oh, this is interesting. So you use "suck a dick" as an insult, which means that you probably think that this would be a great punishment, having to interact with a penis. Did you have any homosexual interactions as a young man that brought on deep, internalized shame?
1) a character you care about
May she fall off of that bike for ruining a perfectly good Hayabusa.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:28)
I'd rather have my gun.
Posting direct links to comments or posts (instead of self-posts or screenshots) may result in your account being banned from r/politics.

The comment isn't explicitly sexist because it doesn't mention sex, but it does have a somewhat sexist connotation. In general, it's very hard to have an SO playing in a gaming group because there are all sorts of pressures, which is what I think mapsmith73 is saying here. I think mapsmith73 is addressing OP's problem, by telling him that maybe his staunch commitment to keep girlfriend in the game at the expense of the rest of the group is not the best idea.
I would buy "Fruit Poops" cereal.
Wir sind nicht lustig.

Interested in modern history? Check out /r/NewsPorn! Submission Rules
I see what other people are doing, but have you really tried busting Rakdos's ability in half?

Leaving disappointed.
This is the third one of these i have seen today.

I also located the dining hall next to the studios/classroms, and near the stairs. I wanted the dining hall to be less of a cafeteria, and more of a very large cafe. The dining hall is to be a meeting place before and after class, for faculty and students.
Enough of my thoughts on this. Hope you're recovering well and sharpish, OP.
Alright, it's 11:17pm and I finished editing it. Not sure what's up, my histogram only shows a very small few flecks of clipped shadows and this screencapture is even a bit darker than what I see, but when I upload to flickr or 500px, the line of trees lower-left to 2/3 of the right frame virtually clips completely to black. I'll have to troubleshoot this in the morning, because it's bedtime.

I can't actually touch the entire screen, but I can use one hand and adjust enough to reach the majority of the screen, with the Galaxy Nexus (and larger phones) there are parts of the screen I need a second hand to reach.

I'd like to claim that I, as a grown man, would not have broken down into tears in the same situation. But we're talking about 15k Top8 here. That's a lot of money. Tears are justified.
Marilyn Manson: I wouldn't say a single word to them I would listen to what they have to say, and that's what no one did.
On Marcher, on Shooter, on Fodder, on Minion!

See Alt-Text Without Hover
Bird Pics


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:29)
He is supposed to look like Orochimaru here.
I'm fine with casual sex, though the well in my moderately sized city is starting to dry up. That doesn't mean I am opposed to relationships. At all actually. I just have ONE guy in mind, and I'm going to fuck every body I can until I stumble into him.
Aw, I thought you drew it or something. It's still a good idea, I might even do this myself. Thanks for the idea, as a token of my gratitude I'm going to upvote every comment and thing you have ever made ever.

Don't be afraid to resubmit discussion threads with certain topics. As our community grows people join who might have missed out the first time around.
Sorry /mu/, if you wanted to make fun of f7u12 users, you shouldn't have put in 2pac, Radiohead or Daft Punk, your average f7u12er will think that electronic music is blasphemy and that rap isn't real music.
Met another girl, two dates...she likes me, but I also told her it wouldn't work (not you, it's me excuse), because we don't have much in common, and I felt both dates were forced and were not fun (my gut after date one said not to see her again, but I did). Listen to your gut feelings!

Please spay and neuter your animals! While your newborn animals are cute, failing to do this allows your little darlings to add to the population of homeless pets. Adopt pets from your local animal rescues, there are plenty of animals just waiting for a home.
FAQ: For new members and community information
last.fm group

Go in peace. But mainly, go.
uhh gold farmers?

Sigma chi fraternity brothers at PSU, they did this for frat formal Friday
That's just a CPU bottleneck the graphics card still matters in ARMA.

Are you kidding me?
It's Spanky from the Little Rascals.
I can summarize for you: the Bills lose.

Not even our police carry guns normally, if a situation gets out of hand like possible hostages or drug busts then guns are carried. Also the police around airports carry rifles.
Female sexual pain
you took the time to type up a paragraph, coming off like a complete ignorant asshole about you and your 'buddy'. How about you watch the interview, as it will answer your question.

What did I miss with this hashtag /meme?
Then you're blind, or delusional. The only category they're even CLOSE is texturing, and in a lot of cases for skyrim that's only because of obsessive modders. Planetside's lighting, effects, and shadowing are all phenomenal, and there are still some bells and whistles that aren't accessible yet, like the PhysX effects.
im not aware of the particular crime it would be, or even if it would be a crime. but these type of crimes (if they are made a crime) would be a statutory crime. that is to say that it would be whatever crime the statute that was enacted makes it to be.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:30)
URL shorteners - No link shorteners (or HugeURL) in either post links or comments. They will be deleted regardless of intent.
Buy you can write a version of it that corrects for spacetime curvature.
Incredible, I had to zoom in to make sure it wasn't a black and white photo.

Please group multiple images into an album.
It's beautiful, in it's own unique way.
God speed Gerrey!

??,??????? :|
Include the resolution in [brackets - in the title.

I like how she parties at like 3pm in the afternoon
The German Christmas town sounds interesting. I'll look it up. Thank you!
Haha yes. I'm so excited about losing weight and getting healthy. I can't wait to see more progress.

Use "BREAKING" in your titles. (*) as they will be removed
It's a Chinese video with English subtitles. Basically it talks about Loda's peak in his career with SK Gaming, but mostly how his hero gameplay have changed Dota to what it was today.

It was around 4 a.m. when I was watching this episode. This scene happened and I just yelled out, "WHAT THE FUCK".
No verticals, staredad, or batman slapping comics. At all.
Today I F*cked Up

Are you telling me to buy some scented gloves before I read it?
Fucking internet has ruined me forever.
I think sometimes you learn more about someone during a breakup than you do during a relationship.

"I don't care what you think! The physical, financial, and emotional distance between me and this situation have nothing to do with my detachment from reality. I've been entitled all my life and no one has ever challenged my desires or said no to me! I say what I want! This sort of thing will make me money in the future, and that's all I care about!"
"You can't smoke pot all the time. Do you think the Red Hot Chili Peppers do drugs??!"
Compilation of r/MR related links


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:31)
Official Mojang Blog
Unlawfully held guns cannot be counted, but in Germany there are estimated to be 17,000,000
Nah man you're good. smile

Zyzz was the best. Aware
the survivers! and we are the zombies =O

Get access by making a submission here at /r/JerkTalkRequest telling us what your favorite Snoop Lion comment is.
I did this last month and showed it to a buddy... should've thought of reddit first.
OS X meme generator

So we hear. And yet people got rich selling content even before the advent of copyright.
Do not post about deceased loved ones, please note this includes pets.

Do you sell your work?

Agnostic ?
I still have yet to finish that quest. The most I've gotten is 20/24.
He did play for SQ in Halo 4 MLG Dallas, took 2nd place to Warriors.

Conceptual or coming soon items are not allowed.
Check Roxboro, NC. They have guns up here, not sure about the 10/22 though. There is also a gun shop called The Arsenal that is very close to Wal-mart that you can check while you are up here.

if the teachers can pass an extensive psychological examination prior to carrying a concealed weapon and a permit to do so, I think it's rather necessary in the world we live in right now. Extra precautions would obviously need to be taken, what if 1 of those teachers had a way to defend themselves who is to say that the shooter would have even made it out of the first classroom? Gun control is only a bandaid to the mental health conversation. Of course this is just my opinion but I believe there are solutions past just the band aids
Cat Pictures


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:32)
Live laugh love amirite?!
Here is what the linked Quickmeme image says in case the site goes down or you can't reach it:
02:46:18 The Amazing Spiderman

I want you to know how I touched I am that you shared this with me. I'm the first of my family to have it and I certainly don't wish to pass it along. Luckily though, there's research being done all the time and hopefully when the time comes I'll be able to have kids who won't have to bear the burden I do.
Looks like ESPN is jerking the Broncos off for the next few minutes on Countdown

Non-US Vendors
Moe content from anime, manga, visual novels, JRPGs, Vocaloids, Touhou, etc, is welcome. Photos of figures, dolls, dakis, etc are also welcome, but please no photos of people - /r/cosplay is better for that.
Messaging the mods

URL shorteners - No link shorteners (or HugeURL) in either post links or comments. They will be deleted regardless of intent.
Original Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doH_YUgwNXw
[Dawnguard Spoiler - (/dg)

CLG is the strongest because they can take off/win games vs any team in the world. The reason CLG has not won any tournaments is because THIS IS THE FUCKING PRE SEASON. WHEN TSM WAS STRONG TOURNAMENTS WERE EVERYWHERE. If there was an only NA team tournament, CLG would wipe the fucking floor with TSM
I stopped watching TV almost completely, over a two years ago, and since then I have really realized how fucking awful it is. I literally cant stand to sit and watch it anymore. And its one thing if you're just by yourself and put it on for background noise or you put it on to see a show and do something during commercials, but I know people where their only pass time is watching tv. Its just depressing as shit when you go to hang out with friends and the only thing they want to do is sit and watch TV.
Avoid duplicate posts by asking Searchbar Trixie to help you! Recent reposts are liable to be removed.

I was up north in Corozal and then in Belmopan for a couple days. I don't know what you are into, exactly... I was looking for an "everyday life in Belize" kinda thing in Corozal, so nothing really touristy. Just shopping at chinese grocers and eating breakfast on an old lady's porch (June's Kitchen). Outside of Belmopan on Hummingbird Highway, there is the Cave's Branch river system. There is a big adventure resort there called Ian Anderson's something or other. It's not really my cup of tea (a lot of bro's and ho's) but the terrain around there is really beautiful. We went to the blue hole national park and walked a good ways down the cave's branch river. Also, there is the Belize zoo between Belmopan proper and Cave's Branch. Again, zoo's aren't really my thing, but they are all native animals which is cool. There is a really quaint little town off Hummingbird Highway called Armenia. If I had an extra day or two, I would have wanted to have been there longer. I have no idea if there is anything to do there or not... but just walk through and talk to people. We were there on the first day of school in September, which was our last day in Belize. It was pretty cool seeing all the kids in their uniforms (different color for each school) walking to school.
Don't be a jerk. Jerks get banned as does anybody else not following the above rules.
I'm hoping for a zombie apocalypse but if it's anything else than I hope it dsnt end

Posts must be directly gaming-related. Thus, "generic" image macros/memes (where the character itself is not related to gaming) like Scumbag Steve, Good Guy Greg, etc. will be removed. Something that "reminds you of a game", or "looks like something from a game" is also not an appropriate submission; similarly, reaction GIFs are also not appropriate as submissions.
Oh and I always get downvoted, don't worry about it.

That would have been a great case.
Please try to avoid the most popular songs of the most popular artists. We probably heard them already too much.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:33)
Finn and Jake, yo.
We are always happy to help. Please attach a link to the comments of your submission and a description of the question/problem you are having.

Exactly! Everybody has seen one, they aren't even mildly interesting. And I'm sure there is a danger with posting the front somebody should inform me about it so I can tell the next person..
Rules hover for details
I'd rather not. Then I'd be at risk of jury duty. And my personal information would be more easily available than it currently is.

they stole the presents im telling ya.
no...he left his w on the other side when he flashed the wall
Posts for the specific point of it being your reddit birthday.

Only major difference is that if we are wrong about the Higgs, there is a very "obvious" problem to solve and otherwise, they'll just have to be a bit more creative.
The best way i have seen is when motorcycle clubs line up their bikes surrounding the WBC protestors and just rev their engines at the same time, drowning out the protestors voices with harley roars.
Post Secret - 12/19

I remember playing with my friends on the new york map and on of them made it his sole objective to nuke the statue of liberty. He managed to do it in the last minute of the game before his points were completely gone.
Sort order is important.
AND IT MADE SENSE! 200 pound dog would eat the most of meat, cat wouldn't eat nearly as much, and MICE DON'T EVEN EAT STEAKS.

Please keep the 'advice' relevant to the character. If you're not sure, go to knowyourmeme.com.
The story must not be centered around it. No pure smut fics will be allowed here, fics with clop in them will be allowed. Full on clopfics will not.
I feel that way about a lot of indie games this year because there was a lot of good ones. I definitely think Lone Survivor is worth a download, it just didn't make cut here.

Need more info on that item you just restocked?
Posts for the specific point of it being your reddit birthday.
NBC News said it was Ryan too, but they corrected themselves before the other major networks. Either way, sue the shit out of them.

So you want an APBT?
Memes - Go to /r/AdviceAnimals or /r/Memes instead.
Dear Diary, Someone keeps erasing my diary pages.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:34)
Fantastic! I'm exploring it now! Love it!
Never EVER make a sudden merge to avoid missing your turn or offramp. Calmly ride past and safely find your way back; being 5 minutes late to your destination is totally OK.
I was also going to make that correction. Up vote.

Are there gonna be TF2 hats? I would so wear a Love+ hat.
Similar subreddits:
No kiss, I notice that he's a lot more kissy in his recent episodes.

people don't understand what I am trying to do. You are dumb if you think that adding the over 18 question will stop anyone from coming here. I want it or 2 reasons; first so this place does not get shut down using the argument that it promotes drugs to minors, second, although I am sure most will disagree, it will take away from the glamor slightly and hopefully make kids (yes anyone under 18, and really 25, is a kid) realize drugs are for adults and this is not the time to experiment with them. again I site the current top post showing drug art. that is not in anyways educational. what it says to kids is "take this drug and become an amazing artist" trust me I suck worst at art after lucy then I do before and that is saying a lot.
I work with some Windows developers and they use Macs. I don't know if they are using VMs or dual-boot but apparently they prefer the hardware.

You say that like they're two different things.
Did Manning just do jazz hands when signaling in the shotgun.
Not spamming **/u/EatsYourBaby with hate mail/CP for the awful CSS/ being violentacrez hitler

Reposts within a day a two may be removed. Reposts of very common questions are also on shaky ground.
No slurs in the jerk.

These are my loves.
Post to /r/photoshopbattles.
Conservatism (conservare, "to preserve") is a political and social philosophy that promotes the maintenance of traditional institutions and supports minimal and gradual change in society.

Title: Consoling Canine is the best listener
Flair has invaded WATMM! Get yours today! click here!

Don't make memes about your friends in real life. Ever.
Boise, ID


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:35)
Style Guides
I think so, yes. It may be one of the hardest lessons to learn in life, but relationships are one of those paradoxical things that can only happen when you aren't really trying to do it. It's like trying to catch yourself blinking when you are looking into a mirror. Stop trying and just live life, and promise, you'll blink plenty.
I've never seen this amount of effort put into something, crazy well done

Ron Paul
May the odds be ever in your favor.
Read about it here

If I remember correctly he did.
I'm so sorry.
Reagan corrupted GOP beyond recognition. That's the sad reality of our political history. The culture of intense deregulation he created led to about three decades of systematic removal of all the laws that protect the average Joe from the gambling habits of Wall St. It culminated in repealing Glass-Steagal Act in '99 - the incredibly wise firewall between investment and commercial banking that prevented a catastrophic Wall St induced depression for half a goddamn century.

Does that person has a name?
Probably, I don't know the details, just the end result, which doesn't make a lot of sense.
Mister Peabody?

Here's some footage of the game.
Awesome show/Check It Out on Youtube
'Degene die hem dood willen hebben gewonnen!" -Leonie 't Hart Zucht. Hele diepe zucht.

What a bunch of assholes. Here's my upvote.
Nobot has been programmed for murder

He wont be worried about the power shots that he was dealing with against maynard.
I <3 bobfrommarketing

Pre-Season: 2-2
You're cute, your dog is awesome, and I love your couch.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:36)
Brandon Marshall Stiff Arm TD
Airlines (Taca, Emirates, Copa, etc) that rely more on actual travel agents for their bookings tend to provide more freebies than airlines that rely purely on the internet (American, United, and many of the low costs).
Today I F*cked Up

All I'm saying is thats how I've always heard it, so hearing it for the first time like that in the movie was weird.
/r/R3VOLUTION: Liberty Candidates
Cute Kids

Jennifer Lawrence
Whatever man, front of the train is the worst and that dude is at least being stoic about it.
British spin on r/firstworldproblems.

Still need more? See Reddit's best / worst and offensive joke collections (warning: some of those jokes are offensive / nsfw!).
Additional info If your post does not appear in the new queue and you think it meets the above rules, please contact the moderators (include a link to your reddit.com post, not your story).

Funny Commercials
Prefix your submissions with LPT:. If you don't we'll presume you never read the rules, and your post will be subject to removal.
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself."

Any ideas?
? is often pronounced as [e? - or in modern English and is not 'exactly like' the OE pronunciation. The reiteration of the futhark thing is beginning to annoy me.

This conspiracy's context: I had quite the view last night
But did you finish the bag of munchies?

There is data on this. Specifically, comparison with alcohol does well. Calls to regulate like alcohol evoke the familiar and cover everything from driving to advertising. The most effective reasoning for changing the law is to note the difference in risk and harm associated with alcohol relative to cannabis.
so you have to be old enough to go in there? Of course, the Butterfly's are naked wink


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:37)
If you come across any rule violations, please report the submission or message the mods and one of us will remove it!
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Legasia's Christmas Celebration - 12/24
[Player 1 wins - (/spoiler "Pong")

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For a long time redlightrunner.com had them for $500 a pair.
Making Memes Visit:

Figure out to use Gorilla glass not normal glass
The correct form would be:
if you do go with this you might want to go with a breton they have a conjuration bonus

eCards - the poll result was 55.02% in favor of removal. Please submit eCards to /r/ecards
I don't like this idea.
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Why is the rum gone?
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Christ man, what are you doing?!?!
But this thread seems to be exactly about that. OP is saying we should be talking about mental health, not gun control. Personally I suspect it's really an attempt to stop people talking about guns more than anything. Mental health is an important issue but it's not a reason to drop discussion about gun control. Seems more like a bit of social engineering going on IMO, people trying to get the gun control issue pushed back into the closet.
All of the game mechanics in EVE are deliberately set up to actively encourage sabotage, betrayal, and general griefing. That's not the case in PS2; griefing WILL lose you access to your account(s) in this game.

Frostbrood Vanquisher - Because my Guildies and I worked hard to get this one.

http://rossovet.ru/addansw....%2F%2Fm irfraz.ru%2Fuser%2Fbhzscvqaqg%2F+%0D%0Ai+don%27t+think+we+know+what+Rhaegar+was+planning+on+doing%2C+and+i+don%27t+remember+anything+that+sa id+Lyanna+loved+Rhaegar%0D%0AI+guess+people+are+just+crazy.%0D%0A7%29+Soliciting+money%2C+goods%2C+services%2C+or+favors+are+not+allowed.+Th ey+will+be+removed%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.streetmt2.com%2Fboard%2Fmember.php%3Faction%3Dprofile%26uid%3D2600+%0D%0AThanks%21+Can%27t+s ay+my+foundation+doesn%27t+help.+%3A%29%0D%0AYet+you+offer+no+sources%3F%0D%0AYou+should+hurry+up+and+re+enroll.+Now%27s+a+good+time.%0D%0A+ %0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fedik.webuda.com%2Findex.php%3Fsubaction%3Duserinfo%26user%3Dzgfojwqduh+%0D%0Ajokes%0D%0AWhere+I+work%2C+one+of+them+actua lly+fell+through+the+ceiling+onto+someone%27s+cube+while+they+were+working.%0D%0A2+rushing+td%27s+in+the+first+quarter%2C+i%27m+impressed.%0 D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fstankey.in%2Fuser%2Fgrhctkrzox%2F+%0D%0AIt+was+cooler+the+1st+and+2nd+time+I+saw+it+in+the+last+month.%0D%0ANo%2C+Fa cebook+is+absolutely+not+necessary.%0D%0AIt%27s+also+about+seeing+the+face.+When+you%27re+watching+porn%2C+you+don%27t+see+the+guy%27s+face+ that+much%2C+so+you+can+identify+yourself+as+him.+But+when+it%27s+kissing%2C+you+can%27t.+You+just+see+another+guy+kissing+the+girl+you+desi re%2C+not+really+a+turn-on.%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fdesign-home.net%2Fboard%2Ftools.php%3Fevent%3Dprofile%26pname%3Deddicyefyo+%0D%0AIts+pr obably+what+he+wants%2C+but+gaming+with+someone+when+you+both+are+enjoying+the+game+is+pretty+great.+Its+good+for+relationships--+so+if+he+c an+find+another+game+for+them+to+share%2C+then+that+is+awesome.+++I+know+though+that+a+lot+a+guys+are+into+games+because+they+think+it+is+so mething+they+can+do+with+a+family+or+sig+other.%0D%0ASomething+previously+posted+multiple+times%2C+or+common+topics.%0D%0ARules++DO%0D%0A+%0 D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Ftono4.kanet.ru%2Findex.php%3Fsubaction%3Duserinfo%26user%3Dfpcifbhozj+%0D%0ABut+you%27re+not+that+person.+You+proved+that+b y+meeting+this+girl+and+continuing+to+meet+her.+You+proved+that+you+are+not+the+type+of+person+to+suck+it+up+and+roll+with+the+changes+in+yo ur+relationship+down+the+years.%0D%0AComment+Faces+on+All+of+Reddit%3A+%3CChrome%3E+%3COpera%3E%0D%0A1%29+Downvote%0D%0A+%0D%0A+%0D%0A%2Fr%2 FInternationalPolitics.%0D%0AIf+that+is+so%2C+you+haven%27t+lived.%0D%0AButter+life+held+so+much+promise%21%21%21%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fc entralyp.info%2Fviewthread.php%3Ftid%3D234923%26extra%3D%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.inter-tur.dp.ua%2Finter-forum%2Fviewtopic.php%3Ff%3D3%26t%3D4 01104%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.malaysiaarab.com%2Fforums%2Fmemberlist.php%3Fmode%3Dviewprofile%26u%3D80094%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.queenonline.co m%2Fen%2Fnews-archive%2Fnew-qol-forum-details%2F%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fcyberpeople.info%2FThread-none-nude-toddlers-gallery-pics-imageboard-img- cgi-preeteen-fashion-art-photos%3Fpid%3D519%23pid519%0D%0A&tags=&email=kgdsfkries1%40hotmail.com&ref=http%3A%2F%2Frossovet.ru%2Faddanswer%2F

Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:39)
/r/Halo's Community Montage
As a disabled person who is living off my parents insurance I understand very well.
We need a Big Ban! Drop the g!

I don't agree though.

f g h i f 0 1 2 0 #finnbl #finnfour #finntold 1 #Finnst #finngulp #finntys 2 #finnaah #finnjina #finnwaa 3 #finnangcon #finnmad 4 #finnangry #finnmmm 5 #finnarg #finnno 6 #finnbleh #finnoo 7 #finneeh #finnouch 8 #finnexplain #finnregret 9 #finnfff #finnshock g 0 1 0 #jakeaww #jakewuu 1 #jakeeww 2 #jakemhm 3 #jakejelly 4 #jakelaugh 5 #jakenoo 6 #jakeomg 7 #jakeomg2 8 #jakeomg3 9 #jakeroll h 0 1 2 0 #lsplump #marcyscare 1 #lspmad #marcyst 2 #lsprar #marcyugh 3 #lspwhatev #marcywhaa 4 #marcyangry #pbangry 5 #marcyboo #pbbleh 6 #marcyemb #pbgreen 7 #marcyhappy #pbreally 8 #marcylaugh #pbshock 9 #marcyno i 0 1 2 0 #bmocute #pggross 1 #flambono #pglaugh 2 #fpreally #squirlno 3 #kingwoah #wormhey 4 #ladysad #wormwo 5 #lemonow 6 #lemonrrg 7 #lich1 8 #pepevil 9 #pgboh To use an emoticon, enter [ - (#xyz) or
Rage comics - Go to /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu instead.

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Please Note /r/Worldnews is for major news from around the world except US-internal news (especially US politics).

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Modern Family

source: read about sugar gliders on the internet
Yep! Reindeer are just domesticated caribou
Meshnet: A decentralized peer-to-peer network, with user-controlled physical links. Usually wireless. Examples: Seattle Wireless, Wireless.org.au.

The German line screws itself, the leopard has paper thin armor and an ammo rack in front :s
Edit: And no barca game is complete without a messi goal.

This, I believe, is where people split. People who live in major cities and rely on accurate transportation and location data have absolutely shit on Apple's maps, but there are definitely people for whom such data isn't critical and they are just fine dealing with garbage.
Tang Ya Hoong


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:40)
Actually my original question is the question I'm asking. I live with very neat people, I'm just honestly curious!
But, in the present age when you don’t even get a single meal in Rs 600 Hahaha. I'm LMAO:D. How quickly have you deserted your point. Having to be corrected by a 'troll.' Ouch!

A subreddit for fans of ambient music, and all its sub-genres. Feel free to post links to your favorite tracks or start discussions.
Define scope in your title like this:
Yeah! Amazing offer - your rock smile

Cat Videos
I just enjoy watching her age

It's like hugging a puppy to death.
Edit: the beta is available for download now
Photoshop Battles

not a joke, meme, or off-topic, these will be removed.

More VODs
or use

tl;dr: is not allowed. Writers, do not include them. Readers, do not ask for them.
/r/truegaming - Discussions only
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Well HSBC are just continuing a tradition they started years ago when they laundered money from the opium trade in China
Another thing!! She was very judgmental about my dating life. I went on two dates with this guy and on the second date, things went very sour. I told her I was done dating him and she questioned me for probably an hour, practically argued with me about why I should date an alcoholic who was genuinely in no position to date anyone. After I hung up with her from her interrogation, she hacked into my Facebook and read private conversations I had with other people to "find out why I didn't want to date that guy." It was just really messed up. I was like "you know everything, more than anyone else, I went on TWO dates with him, why would you think I'd be hiding anything from you and why would you think that I, a mental health professional, would want to date an alcoholic????" Ugh.
Please keep the 'advice' relevant to the character. If you're not sure, go to knowyourmeme.com.


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 00:48 | Сообщение # 5409
Группа: Гости


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Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 01:14 | Сообщение # 5410
Группа: Гости

Fan Theories
I just released that Ted is a lot like Alf

It worked other times I couldn't cope, as well. You could have a truly rough year 10 class, full of trouble-makers who were routinely discussed in the staff-room, and often in trouble with the law. But a really honest response went a long way, if it happened occasionally.
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Suddenly, a wild Uni student appears. What do you do?

You guys realize the score is 31- FUCKING ZERO right?????
Still need more? See Reddit's best / worst and offensive joke collections (warning: some of those jokes are offensive / nsfw!).
EDIT 2- well that escalated quickly. I'll do my best to reply to everyone~

here: http://armorgames.com/play/12141/kingdom-rush
We are always happy to help. Please attach a link to the comments of your submission and a description of the question/problem you are having.
The Reddit Empire

Perhaps it is.... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119630/
do you have a picture of the inside?
Look at it this way - Rather than having one person spend $100, have 15 people spend $10. The problem is that the useless drops are alienating the people who WOULD buy stuff, let alone the people who wouldn't normally consider it.

I did read somewhere that it actually maxes out to 6GB. 4GB RAM is Apples official line.

Literary analysis of One Piece!
posts with their sole purpose being to communicate with another redditor. Click for an Example.
Licensed insurance agent here. Three things go into creating the premium you pay for: your car, you, and the state and area you live in. The state minimum is different state to state. Florida only requires property damage and personal injury protection (PIP) but has some of the highest premiums due to fraud i.e people staging accidents to collect PIP and going to a fake doctor. $80 billion dollars lost to fraud and paid for the prosecution of these criminals. That cost on average every family in America $900 a year. PA and NJ has an option to give up your right to sure for pain and suffering to lower premium. Every insurance company is different when in comes to underwriting (or how long companies charge for an accident). General rule of thumb is about 3 years that youll see a direct increase on the policy. Time with an active license helps; the longer you're licensed without a suspension ect. 3 years of continous

Oh hey! More viral marketing for Vans!
Blade Armor is like 10


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:50)
I think one of the commentators mentioned that last season during Kobe's stretch of "masked mamba" games and mentioned how sweaty it could get. If you pay attention during breaks in the game Kyrie would always immediately take the mask off and wipe his face.
I feel pretty good about myself today. I saw two people at rock-bottom, and realized I'm never going to be that low.

r/Martial Artsr/Wrestling
Posts that are not on topic (see above) will be removed. We'll try to point posts to a better fitting subreddit when we remove threads.
Personally, I don't see it as very fun to go out to dinners, where it is louder, where it is more expensive, and where you feel like you have to leave, at some point.

Not even close baby!
Of the Boba variety.

Not as much as I love 24 to 0 at the half. I'm glad San Diego fans are pretty chill.
And a hidden cave underneath with cool technology!?

i actually did solo suicide with him and it worked quite well
Inspiration Nails 1/1
how is it troll?

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Reddit Cinema Arts Feed
Good Job.

Why would anyone buy someone a gift box of tea?!!!
Time to jump in, purely on faith i won't get nabbed or killed... next thing i know, we're 3 km away and crash landing on fumes, i'm giving first aid and blood bags to Oak, patching him up as more Zeds take an interest. He lands a few shots, and we start the fuel runs again... getting a quarter tank in only to find that the heli won't take off due to engine damage sustained in the ditching. Time for a run to the nearest town, where Oak finds engine parts whilst i cover for Zeds.

Eye See You (2002):I was flipping through movies and saw Sylvester Stalone thriller with a pun for a title. How could I not watch it? I didn’t expect a good movie, I’m not sure it has enough comedy to call it a good bad movie though. I give it 2 points for not leaving me hanging on the obvious one liner at the end. 2/10
Still need more? See Reddit's best / worst and offensive joke collections (warning: some of those jokes are offensive / nsfw!).
Try to submit the source of the story/image


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:51)
Don't make memes about your friends in real life. Ever.
You realize that reinforcing the cockpit doors after 9/11 instantly prevented any recurrence of an attack of this type?

My family has a Menorah that looks exactly like that. It's the only possession of my great grandparents that survived the Holocaust (they didn't survive, but they gave it to my grandmother when she escaped). It's certainly not this one because my grandmother was from Austria, but still I guess it's a bit emotional for me to look at it.
i am as you. frustrated with some of the changes, but w/e
At least they know how to perform once they've made it.

They said Thorzains spoon tendencies would aid him but i think it became the opposite. First of all Thorzains game plan was exactly that of a normal map, Marine tank. Also as he moved out the rocks was about to collabse to the timer.
Then, "From the makers of Oblivion". Seems like the obvious choice to me, really.
Self posts must have sufficient proof or they may be removed.

Making Memes Visit:
it is inane or of overly limited interest.
This is the crux of my problem, how would the decision between a just claim be arbitrated? If I claim i own the land, I would feel as though my property rights are being infringed by it being seized from my ownership and redistributed. Also, to whom and at what price will it be distributed once the claim is invalidated.

I keep staring at this and daydreaming about posting it on my FB wall. I wish I had the guts - but I'll offend so many people. (yes, they DO offend ME with their religious insanity!). Maybe it's just too 'light' in nature to post after the tragedy. Still - it's refreshing to just read it. (back to daydreaming about how much I'd LOVE to post it)

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How Clothes Should Fit
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humor for more in-depth stuff
Looks exactly like mine I had to do a double take for a min haha

Kidney stone by a considerable margin. So painful I don't even want to think back enough to give a vivid description.
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Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:52)
I'll admit, I got a little heated when I saw #92.
If your submission does not appear in the new queue, it might have got caught by the automated spam filter. Please message the moderators with a link to your post's comment page, to have it approved.
I want to explore the shit out of this place

Things that make you go AWW! -- like puppies, and bunnies, and so on...
Was he in 'King of Kong'?

Thanks to Newdles for the header image.
Ps sorry for being so vague. I don't want to give away my place of work, not with my reddit history.

Your Best Shot 2012
i'm only supporting the fact that yes, people were dissatisfied. by saying "republicans won because people didnt' like obama's first two years" implies obama was at fault. he wasn't.

The manliest man of this thread

Please just stop, dude.

then...then what?

"Don't eat like a pig or drink like a fish." - my father giving me advice on my 25th birthday.
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Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:53)

I just started getting into long exposure photography, this is really awesome
congratulations Darqon, you need to subscribe
Which child? The child in the blog doesn't need empathy, understanding, and a hug without being analyzed. That won't fix a mental disorder.

No game or product giveaway of any kind
If they don't want to bee seen as homophobic, they should donate the money to the poor & not to lobbying politicians!!!
Bobby Brown

easy-and-fun-to-read-book with illustrations by the author
If you want a stream to be considered for addition to this list, make sure the player is a top 25 masters Terran or better, and message the mods.
Ha. Seems like the sort of thing I would do.

Re-host other artists work to imgur instead of linking to their original site/deviantart/etc. Track down the source Google's image search by clicking on the camera icon. If you're submitting your own work, mark it as Original Content in the title so we don't remove it!
Real life
these are good ideas. I think she would enjoy these because they are something to do with her. Not just you running to Dollar Tree and throwing shit into a basket

The fuck was that.
Carmen Sandiago looks the best!
Use of the words "[le - terally" and "Mittler" are strictly prohibited.

Gentle Animals
[text here - (/spoiler)

An equally good analogy for the other side is that it's much easier to keep a can of tuna closed than to ward off a million starving kittens.
They're just appealing to their base. People read Vanity Fair partly to read about celebrities and fancy parties.
Omg you must be drowning in lab hair

http://www.marlenus.com/forum.p....xt=http +Wiggers+Acting+Ganagster%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp://toplace.com/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=247432+%0D%0Afake%0D%0ADude,+that+girl+is+of+average+size.+In+America,+she%27d+be+considered+thinner+than+average.+You+sound+like+either +somebody+who+works+out+all+the+time,+watches+their+diet+and+health+and+tries+to+look+their+best,+or+some+entitled+neckbeard+who+looks+like+ this+and+has+higher+standards+for+women+than+he+ever+would+have+for+anything+else+in+his+life.+And+that%27s+why+he%27s+lonely,+single,+and+p athetic.%0D%0ACost:+6200+Discription:+Drops+on+death.%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp://www.eata-egypt.com/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=233094+%0D%0Ahttp://i.imgur.com/paHe2.jpg%0D%0ACorrect.+He%27s+the+mouthpiece+and+advisor.+But+in+a+room+full+of+%28mostly%29+very+successful+businessmen+i+doubt+he%27s+doi ng+much+advising.+Fehr+on+the+other+hand.....%0D%0A/r/UKPolitics%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp://atlanticbiz.ru/user/czadgupfdp/+%0D%0A%0D%0D%0AFarting+is+a+part+of+growing+up.%0D%0ABest+ELI5,+perfect+style.+You+win.+;%29%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp://www.futuresens.ru/user/mzxmngvztm/+%0D%0AVillager+should+drop+exp,+maybe+emerald+as+rare+drop%21%0D%0Athe+only+problem+with+that+is+what+if+the+person+who+receives+the+gift+j ust+never+posts+it?+My+SO%27s+didn%27t+and+he+was+almost+unable+to+participate+this+year+even+though+he+went+all+out+for+it.%0D%0AFacebook+% 22Like/Share%22+posts+are+not+allowed.%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp://myspot.org.ua/user/qosqnmybjo/+%0D%0A-.-+why%0D%0AAuto-play+videos+with+reddit.tv%0D%0ARelated+Subreddits:%0D%0A+%0D%0A+%0D%0ABitcoin+Magazine%0D%0AAfter+all+that+hard+wo rk,+you+deserve+a+little+reward%21%0D%0ASandy+Hook+is+a+very+small+section+of+the+NYC+outer+boroughs.%0D%0A+%0D%0Ahttp://mpaantiterror.ru/forum/index.php?id=1031911%0D%0Ahttp://soba4-odesda.do.am/forum/11-61-23#4850%0D%0Ahttp://wowg.phorum.cz/viewtopic.php?p=12881#12881%0D%0Ahttp://bmwclubizhevsk.ru/forum/posting.php?mode=post&f=2%0D%0Ahttp://aniblade.net/index/8-4765%0D%0A%21ENDVALUE%21&logo=%21ENDVALUE%21&submit=%D0%9F%D1%83%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C%21ENDVALUE%21

Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:54)
Basically - getting brigaded sucks. Nobody likes it. We are trying to keep from doing it.
hahaha you obviously have not read the books
in reality they sleep on the couch all day. my baby has rippling muscles and spends 20 hours a day sedentary.

I agree with point one.
Commissioners, post any league problems or settings questions.
Meme: Aristocat

03:39:07 Damsels in Distress
also, it doesnt seem like youre confusing your muscles very much which imo is the most important part of muscle growth.
posts with their sole purpose being to communicate with another redditor. Click for an Example.

Waking Mars. Absolutely terrific puzzle/exploration game, and amazing support from the developers.
Why? ? More Info ? AMA: Bot, Human
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Follow the general Advice Animal format. Two line setup or a pinwheel background

Today I F*cked Up
It's like you shouted your entire comment

If its possible but difficult to find in game I would much prefer to let trade resolve the issue unless their are other factors at play.
Ent Reddits
Cameron Gray

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"No wonder I never heard about Bart being named the 'World's Greatest Sex Machine'."


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:55)
The SFW Porn Network
Well thanks dude! That's awesome. Will try later! Thanks!
[/r/communism101 - is a place to learn and teach Marxism. No question is too simple, nor can it be too advanced; just make sure you follow the rules.

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"So many leaves, so little time"
My name is Gabriel... sad Sad thing is that I really am the odd one out.

???OCCUPY SANDY RELIEF INFORMATION!!! Occupy Wall Street is a leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%. We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends and encourage the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants.
Season Pass Info

Congrats on your new addition to the family. smile
Ask and you shall receive
In order to do this, we would have to find some document we can confirm was written by them, that contains a phrase such as either "for the security of a free state" or "for personal home defense" or "for recreation" as an explanation for why the right to keep and bear arms is so important.

Just because your play of the sniper has been limited to simple shooting (if you have even played at all) doesn't mean that everyone is so uncreative. Many snipers play a critical support role to their team and are always a valued asset in my squads.
Read The FAQ
Here is the best example of backhanded compliments I can think of! Hope this helps everyone on here understand the difference between a poorly worded compliment and a real backhanded compliment. Notice the deliberate use of certain words, such as "muscular" to describe a woman's legs. Word choice makes all the difference.

A civilized society is more nuanced and less reactionary than "an eye for an eye."
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And actually, I DO have evidence to support that theory. Take a look at Flacco's stats for his career. When he threw just 489 times in 2010 (2nd year QB, let's not lean on him too much), he had a career high in TDs, yards, completion percentage, average yards per pass attempt, and a LOW in interceptions.
Lovely! Congrats to both of you!
Not a very good writeup. It's based entirely around the idea that a turnover is worth -45 points, which seems to be something the author made up on the spot.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:56)
Lets screen cap every scene from every show out there for karma. -said every karma whore
Anarchism is a social movement that seeks to abolish oppressive systems. Anarchists advocate a self-managed, classless, stateless society where everyone takes collective responsibility for the health and prosperity of their community.
Another TV show one was Heroes and the repeated mentions of the Nissan Versa.

Story telling. When I get a few puffs in me I can wax nostalgia about my childhood in such great detail for hours on end.
"Poke drag" is my new all time favorite pokename.
we still bring it up to her, she just laughs about it now.

Please begin your titles with "LI5" or "ELI5" if you are looking for an explanation.
Indian & Pakistani Music
Tagged as 'other' isn't 'fluff' more appropriate?

Legendary No. 37 (Z279), 20:32, Maniacal laugh
Also not being able to read the word "advertisement" doesn't have anything to do with being tech savvy. It has to do with paying attention to what you're doing on the internet.

Links If your post doesn't meet the above rules, consider submitting it on one of these other subreddits:
Oh that's right....Taiwanese people use traditional characters....you poor souls.
I'm not concerned yet. I still have my eye on Diaco at ND.

Rule 2: Demonstrate a willingness to learn. This is a safe space. Anyone can make a mistake and accidentally say something hurtful or triggering. If you find yourself corrected for making this error, please try to learn from it. This is not a place to tell people that they need to reclaim a pejorative so you can use it, that they should laugh at jokes about them, or that they otherwise just "shouldn't be so sensitive." For lightly moderated LGBT-related discussion, we recommend /r/ainbow. /r/ainbow does not moderate discussion, but the community will expect that you treat them with respect. For more information, see /r/ainbow's FAQ.
I picked up 1... 6 months ago.

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I can't stop giggling at this!
Leagues (1-8)

KritzKast - Weekly TF2 News
The Panel also had the right to amend the criteria for the main award (as well as the Overseas Sports Personality of the Year, Team of the Year and/or Coach of the Year - see below) should there be unanimous agreement amongst panel members to do so.
Reminds me of the flat lady from Dr Who.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:57)
Yeah, we made these little paper frogs that would jump if you pressed their backs. We also had paper footballs, cootie catchers and paper boxes.
I was able to send CannibalAnn some stockings and a few small toys to help stuff them. I hope another Santa can help her stuff them more with some candy! smile
Yeah it's legal to possess but they still have to set up the market.

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It's always fun when running Knife Only to fight someone doing the same. biggrin
No screenshots of Reddit.

did you ever stop to think that i might not have been serious?
Voted for Sarah Storey myself but Wiggo did deserve it. Surprised he didn't do something weird to Kate Middleton
Pg 247

yikes. I would have no idea how to do that kindly.
I don't know, but sometimes I hallucinate blindness. It's fucked up.

And btw, for the last two months I'm playing 2-3 games a week only.
Because bitches love Pad Thai.

Kerbal Olympics Submit your records for a chance to win gold, silver, or bronze Kerbal glory!
If Nancy Lanza had her guns in a safe, or if the guns had fingerprint recognition systems this tragedy wouldn't have happened in the first place.
Very Punny

always gives me a heart attack when he does that.
Finally, someone that understands the sexiness of that recticle.
fun for TLO

These are genuine concerns, and you can hopefully use that to encourage her to not demand your immediate presence unless she's really concerned for her wellbeing after a fight. As for complaining about another bf fight well after the fact, that's less dire, and a different situation.
No post titles asking for upvotes or approval, such as "any love for...", "what does /r/aww think of...", or "this didn't get much love on...", or "karma machine".
still trying to find out what gamecube game they could be playing... doesn't look like double dash or smash bros.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:58)
White kids love sexting.
Rage Novels
Though something tells me Eeyore would get some kind of sick enjoyment from this sort of thing.

For starters, i always look up to www.tofugu.com because they actually write good articles instead of sensationalist crap.
Highlights thread
So thanks for ruining that part of my childhood I guess.

What is your point? The doctor doesn't need to speak English in this case. Sees bloke with head cut open. Stitches bloke's head. Pretty bloody obvious what needs to be done without communicating it.
This is a SFW subreddit, there are plenty of forums for NSFW content

Dog Pictures
I actually like this way more.
That being the case, I cannot discount entirely the value of citizenship. Had you or I instead found ourselves born into the Congo, would we have the luxury of sitting here and musing about the value of citizenship?

edit: and by coke I mean crack
History Book Club
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So is goatse

What a dick!
Official Tutorials
I invite you to look at yourself. Who are you? Does your sex define who you are? Do you do things just because of what you're "supposed to do" based on your sex? I'm trying to move past this in my life - I'm learning to be who I am and not what others want me to be, or what I've learned I should/shouldn't do. Why would anyone know what is best for me? I mean, really - think about it. Social stereotypes have categorized people for ages. Well, why? Are they correct? I don't think so. I sure don't fit very well. I am not going to change who I am for anyone or any reason. If I change, I will change because I want to. I will be who I want to be. The end.

oh, as an unrelated addendum still haven't heard back about the scouting thing.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 00:59)
IUDs are pretty badass, if you can handle the extra cramping.
No gore or porn (including sexually graphic images). Other NSFW content must be tagged as such

You still had to pay shipping...

jammin' the reverse slam!
Actually a few people did
He would have done this because the Salvation Army thinks some bad things, and that's not ok. However, doing what he did, OP was content to have a net negative effect on an already shitty world.

/r/D3free – give loot to other redditors
Post Secret - 12/19
If a business is scraping my credit card info to get that information and sell it, aren't they breaking a host of laws regarding consumer privacy? I would assume so, which is why, yeah, I have no problem paying with a credit card, but when they ask me for my phone number when I'm checking out, I tell them it's (999)999-9999. They simply have no justifiable reason why they need my phone number, nor any other information from me, to sell me something in a retail establishment.

Fucking Gary, makes sense out of everything.
Posts that don't correspond with these rules will be deleted
I don't always ask political questions, but when I do, I do it in /r/Ask_Politics Welcome to r/AdviceAnimals Sound advice from animals anything! Rules

Edit: Relevant article. http://www.salon.com/2012/07/01/meet_pedophiles_who_mean_well/
Predators that chase need binocular vision for depth perception. Alligators and Crocs hunt by ambush, not pursuit, so side-facing eyes are just fine. Probably better, in fact.
The minimal amount of collision insurance

Someone is going to be upset when a lawn mower comes crashing through their window.
I don't get these threads. CONGRATS TO THIS CASTER FOR CASTING biggrin :D biggrin
Cute Kids

Official Game Guide
In all fairness, in Mark Twain's time, plate tectonics were not yet realized, and continental drift was just starting to be theorized. Geosynclinal theory was the accepted norm throughout the late 19th century.
dismissive, tangentially-related reaction gif


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 01:00)
I have no idea what I was expecting when I clicked on this link.
There's even one with the same lazy title!
Useful Reading from WabbitWiki:

Call of Duty

Reposts are only allowed if you can't find anything using the search filter.
I don't usually nickname my Pokemon, because I found that I didn't remember who they were after a while, and it's hard to talk about what Pokemon you have with friends if you don't know who your Pokemon are. Although there is one nickname that I used fairly consistently in my younger days as a Pokemon Trainer. I would name my Magikarp "Gyarados." So that when I evolved him, the game would say, "Your GYARADOS evolved into GYARADOS!" That always cracked me up a little.

I wouldn't mess with that weapons-grade stuff. Even the Facebook-grade humanity is pretty dangerous.
So Real fans, is it true that Mourinho hates Ozil or something and dissed him during the half time break of some game a few weeks ago in front of the whole team? To the point where Ozil had tears in his eyes?
I've had Vyvanse for several years now, gotta say that shit works wonders.

It makes a difference with certain balls (Level Ball? If there is such a thing, I forget.)
No gore or porn. NSFW content must be tagged.

Previous weeks are archived in the Movies/documentaries link, above.
Token to Tolkien bro
This is actually a swing dance move called the belt flip. I took swing dancing lessons for a while, and did some pretty cool aerial moves, but this is definitely the craziest one I've ever seen. I was too scared to attempt it.

A great place for video content of all kinds. Direct links to major video sites are preferred (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo, etc.)
I'm not suggesting that they do their job for free, all the time. Just that they don't have the luxury of picking and choosing; if you're a doctor, you help ALL patients, not just the ones you like. If you are a firefighter, you fight ALL the fires, not just the ones in the rich neighborhood.
That was actually really awesome

Divorce links
It will probably result in a wave of shitty Twitter books
It wasn't when I was looking, and it took me a while to host this image on imgur (bandwidth issues)


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 01:02)
This is a place for constructive criticism, if you have a question about the person or the post please be civil, this is not a place to put people down.
A person commits the crime of criminal trespass while in possession of a firearm who, while in possession of a firearm, enters or remains unlawfully in or upon premises.
New: /r/cringe

I would never been classified as beautiful but I have been called stylish or cute (depending on if I'm on classy&serious or cute&girly mode). I guess to some extent my clothing and somewhat unusual hair-cut distract others attention from my slightly weird nose, deep-sitting eyes and roundish head. And of course, since I feel more me I'm also more self-confident which probably helps. My experience is that people don't think I'm trying to look pretty as such but rather that I have interest in fashion and give me a free pass regarding my actual looks.
2) The horizontal line is an airplane that just wanted to say hi.
Yet you have 2 posts in your history that talk about your girlfriend, Okay.

Beowulf: The Monster and the Critics
humor for more in-depth stuff

At this point I really began to regret that I had said anything. She was in pain. I was in pain. And I could have stayed silent on this subject. No, actually, I couldn't have, not forever. But part of me was wishing I'd kept my mouth shut. I said "Well, I could have taken this to the grave with me, would that have been better?
That game is fucking haunting. I doubt I'll play anything that gets to me as much as SO:TL.
At least you had a prebooked train seat. When I was younger, my family (mum, dad, sister and me) went to London on the train and on the way back were told that not only did our seats not exist, but neither did the carriage they were in. I had to sit for hours in the area they put bikes in like a peasant.

Good Cop, Free Donut
Captain Obvious out.

Listen to /r/Metalcore on Reddit Playlister
Haha for a minute there I thinking it was going to say "to the grinch who stole our christmas decorations may your heart grow three sizes and suffer from cardiac arrest you fucking bastard"

Upon request, you can now freely post patriotic NSFW things to their own subreddit:
Please also try to come up with original post titles. Submissions that use certain cliches/memes will be automatically tagged with a warning.

Oh my god this reminds me of an american horror stories episode o.o
This reddit is for news and civil discussion about all things Energy related, How we use energy now and how we will use it in the future.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 01:03)
Let me repeat: the astronomical amounts being paid for art nowadays has nothing to do with what is being bid on, and everything to do with who is bidding.
History of Rage Face Origins

Kidd is a bad defender? He is number 2 all time in steals.
What.CD (Music)
They are, The NHL just doesn't have the perception problem that The NFL and MLB have. In The NFL we all see juiced up superhumans destroy everyone on Sundays, in Baseball we had super juiced bovine enhanced humans breaking every offensive record ever. Hockey involves a lot more skill and people doing HGH/steroids are more for stamina, endurance, and diminish the risk of injuries.


kewcooricicДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 01:14 | Сообщение # 5411
Группа: Гости

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MarlFleriepakДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 01:15 | Сообщение # 5412
Группа: Гости

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leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 01:16 | Сообщение # 5413
Группа: Гости


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Hello World
allereifinoДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 01:18 | Сообщение # 5414
Группа: Гости

No, these people are selfish. I am a male, I love boobs, I don't stare at them in public, WOW THAT WAS SO HARD. WHAT THE FUCK.

That's what happens when something without right or wrong answers comes up for debate on a site mostly populated with STEM majors.
Template for Game Threads

Did you see Corinthians playing today? Did you see how they were well organized, how their defense was well trained, how they kept ball possession? Well, Corinthians finished only in the 7th place in the brazilian league, Fluminense was the champion. Might want you to put things on perspective, the 7th in the brazilian league did beat, today, the Champions League winner.
Unable to trade even though Steam Guard is enabled: wait until it's been enabled for 15 days. If it's been enabled for longer, contact Steam Support
Hot amy**

Hybrid01_Angel I would like one so i can play with my brother
on my fifth right now with 2 cocaines added
I think the first 30 commenters have been downvoted out of spite...

I like a challenge.
You know what is really sad and brings me to tears? These children probably can relate to what happened in Connecticut. Children do not deserve to die.. If you feel as though taking your life is the only way out, get yourself help. But if nothing can change your mind from taking your life please do not take others lives too.
Please accredit the artist by their real name and link to source. Please take 5 minutes to use Google Image Search or TinEye.

Other art related subreddits:
No gore or porn (including sexually graphic images). Other NSFW content must be tagged as such
The reason I've been able to solo moderate for so long is because I dedicate almost all of my time to the subreddit.

Vai Corinthians! "E nois na fita, mano!"
Who called the ambulance?

He went q first so this could be much faster with w start and w max instead of q.
Lol hell yeah enable on the front page of reddit.


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 01:16)
Adding in a bunch of Tolkein's writing from other sources makes sense. This is the last time you'll be able to do it with the cast we have. It's now or never.
This is how you create Spoilers:
That happens in an episode of Saved by the Bell.

Posts must be directly related to League of Legends.
at least he had a sense of humor
Do consider upvoting submissions even if they aren't particularly interesting to you. Upvoting encourages submitters to keep trying and we may eventually get a juicy nugget.

I've been there! It was really amazing. But FREEZING. IIRC it was -25C when I visited.
I was expecting more pressure.
Pictures of just text - Make a self post instead.

I don't know, I thought Organ Trail was a little too gory. I don't remember it being like that when I was a kid.
New to Dota 2? Read these:
This is from the wikipedia page on Great White Sharks.

Today I F*cked Up
He can't see you winking through the phone.

List of planned additions to Minecraft

You'll shoot your eye out, kid.
Edit: this ones seems a little controversial for my taste. For clarity I firmly believe both sides are at fault. But it all STARTS with a terrible decision made by the girl. She knows there is a crowd of 30 or so guys with Video cameras drooling over her, she knows they are all drunk/on drugs, but all she wants is attention and she certainly got it although not the way she expected.

Who gives a fuck at this point
Message the moderators if your submission gets caught in the spam filter.
DC Event Trackers


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 01:17)
Hal is outerworldly
If you think your post is stuck in the spam filter, send the mods a message with a link to the comment page of your submission. We try hard to keep the spam filter clean of legitimate content, but it catches a lot of posts.
Are we trashing the similarity and lack of originality or highlighting how much of a good job the director did with the remake?

That's big! Respect!

If he could only write.
Pacman: paca paca paca paca paca FTFY
Those razors are pretty sweet.

As a T that hates versing P I love love LOVE this!!
At least they're consistent about the no sex thing.

how does that make him a good guy
/r/progrockmusic, still thick as a brick
Just get a support and stop changing rosters!

The Good Posting Guide.
Dragon was special before Gen IV. A Dragon-type Eevee would be the tits.

Here's a pic of my dad sitting in his Huey in Vietnam, 1969
Dude, this STILL isn't porn or nsfw!
• Sex Positive

Why does it seem like sandro is always further up the pitch than dembele? Shouldn't it be the reverse?
Is there a subreddit of people telling other people the truth? I would love to see more videos like this, dat fattitude


Добавлено (09.04.2013, 01:18)
Seems like he is going new skool. Nice choice.
Adorable Art
Or upgrade your broadband deal!

Do not post/ask personal information.
holy shit

That's a bit of an exaggeration. There were still numerous Greeks in Istanbul until the anti-Greek riots hounded most of them out in the postwar era. As for Jews, many of them emigrated as well. It simply doesn't compare to the Ottoman era population levels, it's a tiny percentage of what it was by now.
Feel free to post pictures, videos and stories of cute things.
sarcasm is really hard to voice in text

Welcome to r/Funny:
In an "OMG ABE LINKIN VAMPIRE HUNTER RIDING A HORSE WIELDING AN AXE DOING KUNG FU IS AWESOME!" sort of way, or "Holy shit, that was cool... do it again!" awesome?
We could stop using facebook.

So what exactly do you mean?
SO wow. So that's so casual. So I can't believe you had to begin your title with "So" like fucking everyone else.
In the case of my own mother, she was never suicidal with her thoughts when she was unmedicated and severely sick....she was homicidal. She was looking for ways to hurt people that she perceived that were trying to hurt her. She is definately someone I wouldn't ever consider owning a gun around of the off chance she were to decide that she was "cured" and didn't need her medication. (It's happened before)

MultiMC is probably the best, as it allows you to have multiple instances of minecraft as well as use older versions of minecraft.

Everybody says there is this BRIGADE problem. Everybody says this BRIGADE problem will be solved when the CSS pours into EVERY meta subreddit and ONLY into meta subreddits.
Can light pollution from cities on Earth affect devices in space?
Please try and keep up.

"You're pro guns!"
I have the same problem on my face and also on my arms, I get really self-conscious about it too sad I've always had trouble finding a foundation that covers the redness on my cheeks, sometimes I end up looking like I've put too much blusher on! But after reading your comments and seeing your after pictures, I know what foundation I'm going to be investing in! It looks fantastic! xx


leonjerДата: Вторник, 09.04.2013, 01:19 | Сообщение # 5415
Группа: Гости


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http://npa-454.twin.pp.ua/epjy.html - Ведомость на зарплату
http://ehvmh.twin.pp.ua/wevfz.html - Скачать книга учета доходов расходов
http://832-kcjktm.twin.pp.ua/gp.html - Ноты песни опера
http://government-768.twin.pp.ua/sp.html - Руководство пользователя dre 7300
http://israel-210.twin.pp.ua/oljay.html - Sis keygen


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Форум » ОБЩАЯ » Приём в Клан Спарта » Вступ в клан Sparta (Здесь принимаються заявки на вступ в великий клан Sparta)

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